EunHae at 11023 SJM CCTV Happy Fan Meeting recording:
- When Siwon touched Hae's nose, Eunhyuk immediately put his hand around Siwon's shoulder [崔崔_Cui]
- when it was time to play games, Donghae and Eunhyuk are partners, Hyuk say 很好 (very good) [百度李赫宰吧北京分会]
- Donghae said Eunhyuk and him can read each others' hearts ♥ [崔崔_Cui]
- The game they are playing is to test understanding to each other, when you get the same answers mean you can understand the other's heart. Hyuk and Hae wrote different answers when playing, but then Hae changed his answer similar as Hyuk's ^^ [比你更爱李赫宰]
- When asked what does red color remind you of China? Hae answered China's flag; while Hyuk answered hearts of China ELF [袁恋momo_queen]