【IFCAMSC 0023 交流专区】 IFCA多媒体
发表于 27-8-2014 01:38 AM
财经 2014年8月26日
Type | Reply to query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | YL-140825-61297 | Subject | Unusual Market Activity | Description | IFCA MSC BERHAD (“IFCA” or “THE COMPANY”)
- Reply to Query |
| Reference is made to the letter from Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) dated 25 August 2014 querying the Company on the recent rise in the price and volume of the Company’s shares (“Trading Activity”)
The Board of Directors (“Board”) of IFCA wishes to inform that to the best of their knowledge and after making due enquiry with the directors and major shareholders of the Company, IFCA is:
This announcement is dated 26 August 2014 | 本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-8-2014 03:59 AM 编辑
发表于 29-8-2014 05:44 AM
Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A)
Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | BRAHMAL VASUDEVAN | Address | Lot 8.02B, 8th Floor, Menara BRDB,
No. 285, Jalan Ma'arof, Bukit Bandar Raya,
59000 Kuala Lumpur. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 681016-10-5461 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysian | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary Shares of RM0.10 each in IFCA MSC Berhad ("IFCA Shares") | Name & address of registered holder | 1. BRAHMAL VASUDEVAN - 1,000,000 IFCA Shares
Lot 8.02B, 8th Floor, Menara BRDB,
No. 285, Jalan Ma'arof, Bukit Bandar Raya,
59000 Kuala Lumpur.
CIMB Bank for BRAHMAL VASUDEVAN - 9,000,000 IFCA Shares
Level 13, Menara CIMB,
Jalan Stesen Sentral 2,
Kuala Lumpur Sentral,
50470 Kuala Lumpur.
Vanterpol Plaza, 2nd Floor Wickhams Cay 1,
Road Town, Tortola,
British Virgin Islands
(Indirect interest by virtue of his interest in Pacific Straits Holdings Ltd. pursuant to section 6A of the Companies Act, 1965) |
Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Date interest acquired | 26/08/2014 | No of securities | 25,000,000 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Acquisition of shares | Nature of interest | Direct/ Indirect | Price Transacted ($$) |
| | Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 10,000,000 | Direct (%) | 2.22 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) | 15,000,000 | Indirect/deemed interest (%) | 3.33 | Date of notice | 27/08/2014 |
发表于 30-8-2014 03:15 AM
布拉马晋竞优国际大股东 激励股价创8年高点
财经新闻 财经 2014-08-29 09:35
(吉隆坡28日讯)著名私募基金经理布拉马瓦苏德万(Brahmal Vasudevan),购入竞优国际(IFCAMSC,0023,自动报价股)5.55%股权,激励股价再度走高。
受惠消費稅.中國業務強 競優國際續交投熾熱
企業財經28 Aug 2014 21:29
“我們相信競優國際能在今年取得介于800萬至900萬令吉淨利,料在2015年取得1500萬令吉淨利。如果能達標,就有機會在2016年轉到馬股主要板交易。”【中国报财经】 本帖最后由 icy97 于 30-8-2014 05:15 AM 编辑
发表于 30-8-2014 09:02 AM
IFCA gets noticed
Published: Saturday August 30, 2014
Software vendor IFCA MSC Bhd’s founder Ken Yong Keang Cheun has never been this busy nor has his stock been this hot.
Yong’s been having meeting after meeting with institutional funds, analysts, investors and the media in recent weeks.
IFCA’s shares, meanwhile, are up a whopping 77% to 49.5 sen from a month ago compared with the benchmark index which is down as investors load up in anticipation of possible better days ahead for the company.
The smallish firm has even caught the attention of savvy investor Brahmal Vasudevan, who had in the past generated a handsome return for his bet on another IT stock, MYEG Services Bhd.
On Tuesday, Brahmal surfaced as a substantial shareholder in IFCA with a 5.55% stake.
Yong, who together with his brother controls over 40% of the company, is optimistic that Brahmal will increase further his stake in the firm.
“I think you will also see some institutional funds on our shareholder list soon,” he says.
Up until now, IFCA, established in the late 1980s has never really been a firm favourite with any investor probably because of a number of reasons.
For some time, the company was bleeding losses on several major write-offs after making some heavy investments and only just returned to the black two years ago, albeit making small profits.
Additionally, the perception of being just another IT firm to jump into the hot IT scene more than a decade ago has seen its share price depressed for most parts of its listed life.
“But what we have now is a stronger IFCA which is a good position for growth, ” Yong says.
It appears IFCA, which makes comprehensive software for property companies does have a couple of fundamental factors going for it at the moment, providing some justification of sorts for the optimism that is surrounding it.
It recently announced that net profit for its latest quarter came in at RM3mil, higher than the RM578,000 for the same period a year earlier.
IFCA has also grown its market share to 70% here in Malaysia and has a growing Chinese business, which currently makes up about 30% of the group’s sales and envisaged to grow further.
Its breakthrough in the Chinese market came about 4 years ago when IFCA managed to strike up a deal with China’s Wanda Group, Asia’s largest commercial real estate developer, Yong says.
“China wasn’t easy for us, we were there for years and years before coming into anything at all.”
Its efforts seem to have paid off with China sales for the first half of this year reaching RM21mil, which is higher than the RM16mil recorded in the whole of the last financial year. “We remain very small in China but hope to grow big, there are over 40,000 property firms in China as opposed to about 1,000 here.”
The impending implementation of the goods and services tax (GST) next April which will require IFCA’s huge local client-base to upgrade their software to meet with new requirements is another major catalyst for growth.
Notably, it counts most of the big boys in the property industry as its clients including SP Setia Bhd, Mah Sing Group Bhd, Berjaya Land Bhd and Sunway City group.
Two analysts who earlier this week released reports on the company have seemingly bought into the prospects of IFCA, believing that it is poised to deliver, at least for the next couple of years.
Maybank Research analyst Wong Wei Sum, whose note to clients came out two days before CIMB Research analyst Nigel Foo’s note, is expecting IFCA’s earnings to leap by over 400% in the current financial year ending Dec 31 (FY14) to RM8.8mil from RM1.7mil in FY 13 and further grow by 50% to RM13.1mil in FY15 on strong contract sales and improving margins.
Meanwhile, Foo is also predicting that IFCA will record RM8mil-RM9mil in FY14 and RM15mil in the following year, boosted by the China and GST factors.
Yong says IFCA has managed to grow its net profit margin to about 17%.
“We hope to increase this as revenue grows and costs are controlled.”
He has other goals, including to grow the company’s market capitalisation to “a few hundred million ringgit” from the current RM222.8mil and get the ACE market company onto the Main Market, as more investors get acquainted with the firm.
With a net cash position of RM30mil and minimal borrowings, Yong says the company is also in a good position to swallow up any of the smaller boys in the industry as well as to reward shareholders.
“But our focus remains to build a solid base from here.
“When we are on the radar, we must make sure we deliver and do not disappoint.”
Yong sold off some 17 million IFCA warrants this week in tandem with the uptrend in the price of the mother share.
He says that he did so to “settle his personal loans and “buy more mother shares.”
IFCA has three research and development centres where its IT software is formulated, two of which are in China and one in Malaysia. It also operates more than 20 sales and service centres locally and in China, with plans to increase the number of these in the near-term as more business flows in.
本帖最后由 icy97 于 30-8-2014 02:23 PM 编辑
发表于 30-8-2014 12:18 PM
50 cent |
发表于 10-9-2014 03:16 AM
Notice of Person Ceasing (29C)
Particulars of substantial Securities HolderName | BRAHMAL VASUDEVAN | Address | Lot 8.02B, 8th Floor, Menara BRDB,
No. 285, Jalan Ma'arof, Bukit Bandar Raya,
59000 Kuala Lumpur | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 681016-10-5461 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysian | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary Shares of RM0.10 each in IFCA MSC Berhad | Date of cessation | 02/09/2014 | Name & address of registered holder | 1. PACIFIC STRAITS HOLDINGS LTD
Vanterpol Plaza, 2nd Floor Wickhams Cay 1,
Road town, Tortola,
British Virgin Islands,
(Indirect interest by virtue of his interest in Pacific Straits Holdings Ltd. pursuant to section 6A of the Companies Act, 1965) | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Number of securities disposed | 11,250,000 | Price Transacted ($$) |
| Circumstances by reason of which a person ceases to be a substantial securities Holder | Disposal of shares | Nature of interest | Direct/Indirect | Date of notice | 08/09/2014 |
发表于 13-9-2014 02:56 AM
股价最近飙升77% IFCA成市场焦点
二零一四年九月十二日 晚上七时三十七分
它的努力似乎得到了回报,而今年在中国销售达到2100万令吉,较上个财政年度的销售额更高。“我们在中国仍然非常小,但希望我们能日益壮大,在中国有超过4万个房地产公司,而不是1000间。”【光华日报财经】 |
发表于 20-9-2014 02:18 PM
发表于 20-9-2014 02:39 PM
CEO : 46.355 % = 208,604,688 shares
BRAHMAL : 3 % = 13,750,000 shares
OOI BEE BEE : 1.11 % = 4,998,648 shares
DP CAPITAL LIMITED : 5.53% = 24,881,200 shares
Total holding for above shareholders are 252,234,536 shares = 56.0455% of total shares issued
In market only left 200 mil shares only |
发表于 20-9-2014 11:04 PM
我住它的套房很久了。 |
发表于 5-10-2014 08:37 PM
2014-10-05 19:23
至於該公司股價會不會再一次揚升,這裡難以說得准,而上述一點資料供參考。(星洲日報/投資致富‧投資問診‧文:李文龍) |
发表于 14-10-2014 03:13 AM
券商買進心頭好.競優國際 盈利成長料翻2倍
財經股市13 Oct 2014 22:26
券商 :聯昌證券研究
競優國際週一(13日)閉市平盤報48.5仙,成交量1879萬600股。【中国报财经】 |
发表于 15-10-2014 04:41 AM
Date of change | 14/10/2014 | Name | YONG KOK LEONG | Age | 57 | Nationality | Malaysian | Designation | Chairman & Director | Directorate | Independent & Non Executive | Type of change | Resignation | Reason | To pursue an active role in the Company. | Details of any disagreement that he/she has with the Board of Directors | No | Whether there are any matters that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders | No | Qualifications | Honours Degree in Management Science from the University of Warwick, UK. | Working experience and occupation | Mr. Yong Kok Leong has over 30 years’ experience in the Information, Communications, Technology (ICT) industry in senior management positions with Hewlett Packard Sales Malaysia Sdn Bhd, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd and Redtone International Berhad until 2007.
Over the years, he has developed broad skills in leading and managing multi-cultural, multi-national teams in the sales & marketing, technical support and product development areas. He has experience selling business commercial and technical application solutions to a broad range of industries. He was a member of the pioneering entrepreneurial team that built Redtone from start-up, winning multi-year industry awards and successfully listed in 2004 on the Mesdaq market (now known as Ace Market) |
发表于 25-10-2014 10:18 AM
IFCA MSC - Huge Growth AwaitsAuthor: Alpha Trader | Publish date: Tue, 21 Oct 15:47
The FBMSCAP has taken a badly hit, down 18.5% from its peak on Thursday. Is this the time for bottom fishing? Certainly yes, if you have a lot of cash, as I see this as a correction, not a crash, and the worst is that KLCI might fall to 1700 points for the next 1-2weeks. If that did not happen, we will be seeing another rally and KLCI might be possibly hitting 1900 on December 2014.
All the counters I recommended has been underwater except Sentoria. Why? My thoughts are because Sentoria is more a institutional stock rather than a retailer ones. You can see that Seacera, SMRT, Taliworks are badly hit because most of them have not been under the institutional radar yet. Thus, I prefer to be more conservative now and would start to look into some possible institutional darlings for the next 3-6 months. Remember, like the rest, this stock could only outperform if the market sentiment turns better.
I know Maybank and CIMB has a report on IFCA already, but I have to assure you, this is not another Perisai/ Cuscapi, but it is a hidden gem in the making and I have highlighted a lot of times my intention to write a report to it. By looking at all GST counters, only IFCA and YGL manage to hold above 50MA, but to choose between them, IFCA is the solid fundamental-based company, not just based on GST play. Therefore, I am sorry to say that IFCA is a better way than Goodway.
TP: RM0.80 Current price: RM0.44 Market cap: RM201m Upside: 82% (A) Company Background
-IFCA was founded by the Yong brothers. They have 21 offices in 7 countries, namely;
(i) Malaysia; (ii) China; (iii) Indonesia; (iv) Singapore; (v) Philippines; (vi) Vietnam; and (vii) South Africa.Recently, they also announced they will be moving in Japan market and soon, the Thailand market.
-IFCA is an enterprise software solutions provider that targets mostly property developers/hotels/clubs. They used to offer window-based software to their clients where each software would roughly cost RM150k per client, and it of course depends on the client size as well, if the client is SPSETIA, probably that would cost them up to million of RM.
-2 years ago, IFCA has started to provide upgrades for their clients from Windows-based to cloud-based software, where each upgrade could cost more than RM500k. Currently, less than a hundred or not more than 5% are cloud-based users.
-IFCA has 1500 clients where 1050 of them are Malaysia-based. Any listed property developer, you name it, 90% chances of them are IFCA’s client, eg. SPSETIA, ECOWORLD, IJM, SIME DARBY, MAH SING, TROPICANA, IOI, etc.Some other major clients that IFCA has are as follows:
(i) Cloud-based software upgrade
-What is a cloud-based software? Most of the larger developers have moved to cloud-based software, eg. ECOWORLD. If you have attended their showroom before, their sales representative will have an ipad showing you all the latest projects/designs/prices/layouts all those stuff that windows-based software could not offer.
-What is so great about this software then? As the world is evolving into faster and more efficient way of working environment, those senior managers are able to track their sales through their mobile apps or other stuff like event management/budgeting etc through the software. Although not more than 5% of IFCA’s clients have adopted this software, we could be assure that more and more companies will eventually subscribe to this in the future, and the growth will be fantastic as technology advances. According to CIMB, per upgrade would generate more than RM500k to IFCA. Just 50 additional clients that opt for this software will alone contribute more than RM25m worthof revenue to IFCA, and this number is going to grow by leaps and bounds in the future.
(ii) GST financial accounting solution provider
-They own the products’ Intelligent Property (IP) for all of their software. Of course, they provide GST upgrades for all their clients that has already been using their software, and these clients are sticky.
-The clients have no choice, but to upgrade their financial accounting software into a GST compliant one. Each upgrade will cost more than RM20k to RM300k (dependant on the size of the company). Unlike MYOB accounting software, which Censof has partnered with, only requires RM1000 per software because they only targets micro enterprise (ie, companies that only contributes less than RM500k revenue). The good thing about IFCA is their clients will have to opt for annual maintenance as well, generating 18-20% recurring income of their initial cost of the software, while for Censof/MYOB, due to their customers being the smaller retailers and micro enterprise, will you pay maintenance of 18-20% a year to them for this service? Probably not.
- How many more clients then IFCA has in Malaysia that has not upgraded to GST compliant? According to report by the edge, 90% have not upgraded. That will be close to 900 clients.
- How much revenue that IFCA could generate from here? From the range provided above, we take a median of RM100k per software x 900 clients = RM90million worth of untapped revenues!
(iii) China/Japan markets
-IFCA had ventured into China 9 years ago, and last 2 years, they have been expanding aggressively by opening more offices in China, and client base has increased to more than 100 out of the market size of 45,000 property developers in China. While Japan market, I expect IFCA to expand faster by using the dealership model, and they will get a certain fee based on the sales that its dealers sell, therefore, any revenue from here is consider pure profit to IFCA.
-They would open up more offices and might double their offices to 18 offices in FY2015. You will see at least 40-50% growth in revenue in China for the next 2 years. The big breakthrough actually happened on FY2012 when they successfully secured Wanda as their client. Therefore, securing other smaller property developers will have lower barrier for IFCA!
-Of course, if revenue doubles, PAT would more than double, as software business do practice economies of scale, therefore increasing margins will improve their PAT by leaps and bounds.
(B) Shareholders
Yong brothers (Ken Yong and Yong Kian Keong) – 46.5%
DP Capital – 5.58%
Brahmal Vasudevan ~3% (sold down 2%)
Minority shareholders – 45%
Recently, IFCA’s chairman, Yong Kok Leong (do not be mistaken as one of the Yong brothers as it is highlighted in the annual report, he is not related to the Yong brothers) has resigned from his chairman post and has become the Head of Operation in Malaysia. What does this tells you?
IFCA might have too much business, even Mr Yong have to personally resigned from his Independent Director post to go into the ground to manage the Malaysia’s operation, and maybe his partners are too busy expanding their business in oversea!
(C) Financial analysis
Actually CIMB has covered up most of the important points about IFCA, but it did not really explains how they arrived with the numbers in FY2015.
The GST implementation will increase IFCA’s revenue by potentially RM80m for the next 1 year (~RM100k x 900 clients), boosted by China’s forecasted revenue at RM40m (1H 2014 already generated RM21m), with other markets and cloud based upgrades contributing another RM20m, a 18% of recurring income of these revenue will be RM24m, therefore, IFCA’s total revenue for the next 1 year could be easily RM164m.
Remember IFCA is a MSC status company, which will be expiring in FY2016, if I am not mistaken. Therefore, they will be entitled to full exemption for tax incurred for Malaysia operation, and while in China, they are still enjoying the 50% discount on tax imposed by the government for the next 3 years. IFCA's largest expense is its staff cost and employee benefits. In order to be profitable, they have to hit a certain mark to increase their margins.
If we take a revenue of RM164m multiply by 15% PAT margin, you will easily get RM24.6m for the next 1 year’s profit, and I am only talking about 15% margin, by right, with more offices and economies of scale, the margin should expand beyond Q2 2014’s PAT margin at 16.6%. A merely 20% PAT margin will generate a whopping ofRM33m worth of PAT!
Cash levels
IFCA has no debt totally, only increasing cash levels, and I expect cash to surge to RM45m by next year due to high cash flow from operation and lower capex, as most of the capex has been spent to develop the GST software previously. A potential dividend will be announced soon.
(D) Valuation
Based on CIMB’s forecast, they are using P/E of 21x for FY2016 to derive a price target of RM0.78. I would not be so aggressive to target FY2016 as FY2015 will be sufficient for now. CIMB has forecasted an earnings of RM15m for FY2015, and for me, IFCA might be able to hit number even this year!
Therefore, with an earnings of RM25m for next 1 year, it is unfair to use a P/E to multiply by its earnings because the earnings include GST implementation which is one-off and beyond the one-off, you have 18% maintenance income which might be bundled with the original software.
My valuation will be based on only 18x forward P/E of earnings ex-GST income and plus the net income to be received from GST and a cash of RM45m.
(E) Technical analysis
IFCA has attempted to break the RM0.52 resistance for 3 days consecutively, but the market sentiment for small cap is too bearish, causing the stock to collapse back to previous support at RM0.375, however, it quickly rebounded to RM0.44 and it might test the RM0.52 again soon (only if market sentiment reverse), which I do not see this happening soon.
If market is bullish again. IFCA will break RM0.52 and next stop could possibly be RM0.60 and beyond.
S1: RM0.375, S2: RM0.33
R1: RM0.52, R2: RM0.57, R3: RM0.61
(F) Risk reward ratio
(i) Upside return of 82% - Using its Sum-of-Parts valuation, IFCA should be valued at RM0.80.
(ii) Downside risk of 18% - Watchout for support at RM0.375, if market drops again, it will fall to RM0.33, at this trading environment, be cautious
R/R ratio: 4.5 times. Try to buy as close to RM0.375 if there is opportunity.
(G) Rerating factors/ Catalysts
(i) The greatest GST implementation beneficiary with superb growth story
(ii) More ventures into other markets, Thailand/ Korea etc
(iii) Higher earnings forecast than the streets (and I am fairly certain it will and CIMB might increase their TP again?)
(iv) Main market listing by 2016
(v) Bonus issue/ potential dividends
(vi) Potential venturing into e-commerce/ other scalable business based on its property/ clubs clients’ base
(vii) Even the chairman resigned and become head of operation in Malaysia, and you should know how busy they are!
Cheers. If you name my top picks and play, I would rank as follows: (i) IFCA; (ii) SMRT and (iii) EPMB/Taliworks, and I strongly believe IFCA could hit my TP if the market did not crash. Watch out, and do not buy when the price is close to resistance, practice buy on weakness, etc. I am hoping the market sentiment reverse asap.
本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-10-2014 03:54 PM 编辑
发表于 25-10-2014 08:55 PM
发表于 26-10-2014 10:58 PM
今年已漲15倍 競優國際憑單誰與爭鋒
財經幸運輪專欄26 Oct 2014 15:47
本帖最后由 icy97 于 27-10-2014 04:05 PM 编辑
发表于 27-10-2014 09:59 PM
赚20仙,够了,我放了, |
发表于 27-10-2014 10:09 PM
yilingchai 发表于 27-10-2014 09:59 PM
发表于 6-11-2014 07:46 PM
30/09/2014 |
PERIOD | 30/09/2014 | 30/09/2013 | 30/09/2014 | 30/09/2013 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 25,747 | 15,262 | 58,053 | 37,973 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 9,358 | 1,950 | 13,722 | 1,964 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 8,583 | 1,699 | 12,470 | 1,677 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 8,530 | 1,565 | 11,953 | 1,636 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 1.90 | 0.35 | 2.66 | 0.36 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.1300 | 0.1100 |
業績表現亮眼 競優國際創1年新高
財經股市6 Nov 2014 17:45
净盈利暴增4倍 IFCA股价挺高
二零一四年十一月六日 晚上七时三十五分
本帖最后由 icy97 于 7-11-2014 01:34 AM 编辑
发表于 6-11-2014 08:57 PM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | IFCA MSC Berhad
- Acquisition of 2 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in a Shelf Company, SMARTHR Sdn. Bhd. representing its entire issued and paid-up capital of RM2.00 | The Board of Directors of IFCA MSC Berhad (“IFCA” or “the Company”) wishes to announce that the Company has on 5 November 2014 acquired 2 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in SMARTHR Sdn. Bhd. (“SmartHR”) representing its entire issued and paid-up capital ("the Acquisition"). Pursuant to the Acquisition, SmartHR has become a wholly owned subsidiary of IFCA.
SmartHR was incorporated as a private limited company in Malaysia on 29 October 2014 with an authorized share capital of RM400,000 comprising 400,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each and is presently dormant. The intended principal activity of SmartHR is provision of human resource software solution system.
The Acquisition will not have any effect on the share capital, substantial shareholders’ shareholdings and net assets per share of IFCA as the purchase consideration was fully satisfied in cash.
The Acquisition will not have any material effect on the earnings per share of IFCA for the financial year ending 31 December 2014.
None of the directors, major shareholders and/or persons connected to the directors and/or major shareholders of IFCA have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Acquisition.
This announcement is dated 5 November 2014.
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