


楼主: 暗恋你

口服A酸/ Isotretinoin/ Roaccutane/ Oratane/ 治疗痘痘

 楼主| 发表于 29-5-2011 12:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
我这里是说, 痘痘一直长不会断根,最大可能是身体因素所引起。我说指详细的 ...
love_century07 发表于 29-5-2011 11:45 AM


原来你还没验的. 既然不是那种普通body checkup的验血报告,那你是指什么样的检验?可以specific一点吗?


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 楼主| 发表于 29-5-2011 01:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
欢迎有实际亲身经验的进来分享. 有吃isotretinoin的人也欢迎进来分享.

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发表于 29-5-2011 03:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
中药我没试过. 我试过西药及美容护肤品. 西药是曾经帮助我痊愈最多的,70%吧. 维持五年, 当然不是五年长 ...
暗恋你 发表于 29-5-2011 12:00 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 29-5-2011 04:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
为了我的脸,我看过普通医生,皮肤专科 ,妇科,心理医生,中医,和你一样我对美容院完全失去信心,甚至 ...
12389 发表于 29-5-2011 03:59 PM

    我很好奇,妇科和心理科是怎样治疗痘痘? 可以分享一下吗.

去找皮肤专科的时候,我也大概猜到医生可能会给我吃isotretinoin, 因为以前已有听说过这个药. 医生叫我吃时,我也不妨一试. 因为也不知道还有什么方法,我又不想用美容产品. 我也不知道我会不会根治, 只知道现在看得到渐渐改善.


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发表于 29-5-2011 05:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
我很好奇,妇科和心理科是怎样治疗痘痘? 可以分享一下吗.去找皮肤专科的时候,我也大概猜到医生可能 ...
暗恋你 发表于 29-5-2011 04:58 PM



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 楼主| 发表于 29-5-2011 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
因为我觉得我的痘痘是因为荷尔蒙失调,月经不准,所以去看妇科,可是看了几个都是叫我吃避孕药,吃的时 ...
12389 发表于 29-5-2011 05:16 PM

    我绝对明白你的感受. 与你分享我现在每天都用着一个cream,是前个医生给的day cream. 它是硫黄, 被调成肉色,看起来就像化妆的foundation 一模一样. 但是它有硫黄的味道. 它温和,功能是帮助控油及杀菌. 5-6年来,我就是靠它每天比较有自信的出门. 就当它像粉底这样涂在脸上, 可以掩饰脸上的痘痘,疤痕,痘印. 痘痘冒出来较明显的, 就点一点较厚一点,就好像concealer这样. 至少痘痘不会显得这样明显. 我的脸是容易红的. 痘痘冒出来时更红. 涂了它, 也少了人家奇怪的光. 我外也没有那么自卑. 没有办法,能的话,我也想素颜出门啊. 最重要的是它不是什么伤害皮肤的化妆品哦. 有时还涂上lipstick,感觉还不错.

12389 ,你住哪里?

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发表于 30-5-2011 08:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
我绝对明白你的感受. 与你分享我现在每天都用着一个cream,是前个医生给的day cream. 它是硫黄, 被 ...
暗恋你 发表于 29-5-2011 11:29 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2011 12:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
12389 发表于 30-5-2011 08:16 AM


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发表于 30-5-2011 12:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
我打电话问回clinic,护士小姐说是doctor自制用几种药调成的,没有名字。这间clinic在北海。今晚我 ...
暗恋你 发表于 30-5-2011 12:36 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2011 02:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
12389 发表于 30-5-2011 12:45 PM

说真的,我还蛮感谢这间clinic, Dr.Teh,至少之前用了他的药改善后,我比较少了自卑参与社交活动,认识朋友,去面试工作也比较有信心一点。那个day cream真的很好用,也是我的救星。如果你想去试试看,这间clinic叫Klinik Tan, 在Jalan Chain Ferry,Butterworth. 是两医生夫妻经营的。你要找就找Dr.Teh, 男医生,比较有经验医治痘痘,他年轻时也是长痘的。


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发表于 30-5-2011 05:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
tis medicine i had been eating around half year d,current box is last box of whole treatment. doctor said i no nid to take tis medicine anymore. if pimples come agn after stopping this medicine, he will recommend other medicine but warmer 1 compared to this 1...
seriousli, this medicine helps alot,although brg along side effects but still worth it lor i thk. now my face seldom grow pimples ad, but gt alot of scar and holes, doing microneedle to lighten it.

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发表于 30-5-2011 05:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
btw i thk i eating same brand of med with u,but i buy 1box 30pieces for rm250 oni...
the packing box is pink+white colour de rite?

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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2011 09:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2011 10:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
tis medicine i had been eating around half year d,current box is last box of whole treatment. doctor ...
cari0405 发表于 30-5-2011 05:18 PM

What's ur dosage per day? I read from online articles and forum, if lower dosage, we have to take the pil longer to prevent pimples coming back. Half year consider short or long? I take only 20mg per day. I asked my doctor during my first visit, how long I have to take this medicine. He answered me 2 months.  Probably he just chin chai say a short period first so that I won't be scared to take.

What is microneedle? Is it like somekind of laser?

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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2011 11:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
btw i thk i eating same brand of med with u,but i buy 1box 30pieces for rm250 oni...
the packing bo ...
cari0405 发表于 30-5-2011 05:22 PM

    Are u taking Roaccutane or other brand? I don't think I am taking roaccuatane which is originally from Roche company. Probably oratane or nimegen etc. I check from picture of roaccutane from websites, the pil is red colour egg shape and is printed "Roche 20mg" on the pil. But mine don't have, only the colour and the shape is smilar. I can't define anything as the pils have been taken out from the packing to a small container. I have been told that i am taking isotretinoin and so far, it does improve my face. Not sure i am paying worth it or not as I guess the doctor is giving me non-original roaccutane but charge me at original roaccutane price. This week i'm going to see him again and gotta check it out. Anyway, i am trying to transfer to government hospital.

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发表于 31-5-2011 09:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 cari0405 于 31-5-2011 09:43 AM 编辑

回复 59# 暗恋你

   microneedle is not kind of laser i guess, but it improved my skin alots. doctor will use a roller which is full of needles and roll on ur face,it is quite suffering but if ur skin have oni pimples problem, but not scars,holes, or wrinkles i thk u can skip this,coz it is quite exp....

haha this is the 1st and oni time taking isotretinoin, so i duno which brand are u taking but mine same dosage as urs which is 20mg per day but cheaper than urs alot.

for the taking period, ur doctor recommend u to take 2months mayb is coz urs is not serious as mine i thk.
btw my med's brand is acnotin20. if u wan i can order and post to u,im not earning any $, i juz understand how u feel and dun1 u to spend extra $ like me last time.....haha no hard feeling

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发表于 31-5-2011 09:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 60# 暗恋你

   haha tis 1 i cant answer u d, coz i  taking 1 type of medicine all the time, i oni check the info of this medicine so basically i knw nth about other brands. look like u know better than me,haha.

xfering to government clinic is cool,but i heard it is not tat easy,u have to go for the normal clinic 1st, and the doctor thr will give u medicine/cream but not isotretinion based medicine. coz this type of medicine oni can be given out by skin specialist. after trying the medicine from normal doctor,if thr is no improvement, they will oni write letter and xfering u to skin specialist.

since u say ur skin improved after taking ur medicine,i thk better dun take risks lor,coz those malay doctor in government hospital,i dun rly bliv them(haha im racist).

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 楼主| 发表于 31-5-2011 11:49 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  暗恋你

   microneedle is not kind of laser i guess, but it improved my skin alots. docto ...
cari0405 发表于 31-5-2011 09:40 AM

    Hey thanks for the sharing. Use a full of needles roller roll on face?! Omg it must be pain!! But if it really can help to improve our skin... then 忍忍啊!!What u have mentioned scars,holes, wrinkles all these i have. How much u are taking this microneedle course and how many times to sit for the treatment? with the same doctor? Share more info pls thanks. As long as can get back a smooth and better face, I wish to know. Of coz expenses is also a fact to consider. My son is growing up day by day. I am keen to improve my face compare to last time before married... Haha. I dream of one day my son will say "mummy, I love u and muackkk... kiss on my clean and smooth cheek rather than an oily and creamy pimples face.   As for my hubby, soli la kena tipu liao last time.. hehehe... Since u get good result from this microneedles treatment, hey share some photos of ur pretty/handsome face. Did u take photos? before and after. Btw, are u a boy or a girl? Anyway, I am happy for u and most important get back self-confidence. Ya.. $$$ is important. Most of the private skin clinic charge is pricy, but still many people wiling to pay for it to get back a beautiful look and appearance. Thanks so much for ur offer for helping me to save alot of $$$. I would like to try government clinic as seeing doctor each time only RM5!! Save alot ler. I'm aware of the procedures after getting replies from cari friends. (Check back my earlier post). I have a friend work as a general doctor at government hospital and she promised to settle for me. Hope it goes successfully.

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发表于 31-5-2011 12:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 63# 暗恋你

ya very painful,but wad to do haha...

doctor said my face is quite serious,have to take 6-10times,but it is not 100% recover and going back to last time..
but he guarentee can recover up to 60%. currently taking course of 6times,ytd juz finish my 4th time,now my face still red red de haha. he is my 1st doctor and til now i havent other doctors.

the price is 350 per time and i take 6 once so he gip me offer price @ 300 each time.
for pores, it effectively shows results at the very next day after treatment,u will see ur pores getting smaller.
as for holes, it take times but for sure u will see ur face getting firmer after 1-2 treatment.

this treatment is actualli having almost similar results with laser,but it is cheaper,safer than laser.
i told the doctor i wish to do laser whn i 1st visit him,but he say laser is not rly tat good, mayb it is faster but it also brg alot of side effects, one of it is ur skin will bcome very sensitive, cant expose to sunlight, if not it will grow black spot if over-exposed. he showed me the pictures,OMG the black spot is not 1 dot 1 dot de,is coming in a bunch a bunch de. so far i oni find out 2thgs not rly good about tis microneedle treatment,1st of coz it is painful. 2nd,after doing treatment ur face will become very red,red-er than sun burn.
normally people take 3-5days to recover from redness, but for me, doctor say my skin not good(pi fu bu hao) so i will take longer time to recover from redness,roughly about 1week+ to 2weeks.

overall microneedle still a good choice for u la. haha hopefully ur face and my face can recover soon.

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 楼主| 发表于 31-5-2011 02:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 暗恋你 于 31-5-2011 02:25 PM 编辑
回复  暗恋你

ya very painful,but wad to do haha...

doctor said my face is quite serious,have ...
cari0405 发表于 31-5-2011 12:23 PM

    I see. Thanks for the reply. Where is ur location of doing this microneedle treatment? Ya, ur treatment is much more cheaper than laser. It is impossible to get back our original skin. But if really can improve up to 60% as guaranteed by doctor, it is really really good enough . Better than those who have spent so much money but no result at all, or even got worse. I have a question about laser. After having treatment of laser, our skin will become very sensitive and can't expose to sunlight right, will this be permanent? or just a short period of down time? probably few months? and the skin will recover back to normal not sensitive anymore? Same to ur microneedle, will this treatment make our skin easily become red permanently?

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