发表于 21-8-2018 10:41 PM
Resident Evil 2 details Claire Redfield
《生化危机2 重制版》新图发表 克莱尔和雪莉更多场景放出
今日是科隆游戏展Gamescom开展首日,Capcom放出了《生化危机2 重制版》的多张新图,其中包含一张新的主视觉图,以及更多关于克莱尔的场景。
克莱尔(Claire Redfield)为了寻找她的哥哥克里斯而来到了浣熊市,但在这里她遇到了很多凶险的东西。在今日放出的图中,可以看到克莱尔在探索浣熊市警察局,并在下水道中发现了一位孩子,相信熟悉原版《生化危机2》的玩家都应该知道这个孩子是谁——雪莉。新图中还能看到被G病毒感染的威廉博士。
《生化危机 2 重制版》是以 1998 年在 PS1 推出的经典生存惊悚游戏《生化危机 2》为基础,以现代的技术全面重制的新作。 采用先前为《生化危机 7》开发的「RE 引擎」制作,以高画质 3D 绘图重现当年的经典场景与剧情。 游戏中玩家将扮演菜鸟警官「里昂」与活泼强悍的女大学生「克蕾儿」,在不知名病毒感染而爆发生化危害的拉昆市展开极限求生的惊悚冒险。
《生化危机 2 重制版》预计于 2019 年 1 月 25 日登陆 PS4、Xbox One和PC。中文版将同步发售。
Capcom released new information and screenshots of its upcoming Resident Evil 2 remake at Gamescom 2018 featuring Claire Redfield.
Here are the details, via Capcom:
Recently revealed at gamescom, Claire makes her gameplay debut in Resident Evil 2! Providing a slice of her full campaign, Claire has her own terrifying encounter to deal with in the depths of the Raccoon City police station.
Claire Redfield has been on a mission to find her missing brother Chris – a mission that brings her to Raccoon City. Fans of the original Resident Evil 2 will be intimately familiar with the iconic scene of Claire riding into town on her motorcycle, shortly before meeting up with rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy and working together to escape the zombie hordes plaguing the city.
Surviving the streets of the once-lively city, Claire manages to make her way to the Raccoon City police station, hoping to find information on the whereabouts of her brother, Chris… but she finds something much more sinister instead. In this preview, Claire explores a new portion of the R.P.D. before encountering a small, young abandoned child hiding in the sewers and waterways beneath the iconic station. Long-time fans need no introduction to who this child is, or the reason she’s running scared; Sherry Birkin warns Claire that a horrendous monster is right behind her, and the next chapter in her fight for survival begins.
A mutated figure wielding a pipe is out to crush anything that stand in his way, and sets his eyes on our heroine as nothing more than a roadblock to be destroyed. The resourceful Claire will have her survival skills put to the test, but has a few weapons at her disposal – including a grenade launcher packed with flammable rounds of ammunition.
Carefully navigating the machinery and steam coming from broken pipes, it’s hard to tell where an attack might come from next. Conserving ammunition is key, and knowing when, and where, to get a few shots in may be the only thing between survival and certain death in this tense encounter. Sending the creature over the edge will reunite Claire and Sherry, but for how long…?
Just like with Leon, Claire will have her own, full campaign that takes her through Raccoon City, the police department, and beyond. Familiar faces from the original game have received stunning upgrades in this remake, using the RE Engine to scan real people, right down to their clothing, to bring the heroes, villains, and world of Resident Evil 2 to life. The new Resident Evil 2 wraps everything up in an experience that both veteran fans and Resident Evil newcomers can enjoy.
Resident Evil 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 25, 2019.