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press release
July 28, 2011, 7:45 p.m. EDT
Samson Oil & Gas Lodges Quarterly Report
- Samson’s oil production increased by63% over the prior quarter following the successful completion to two wells inthe North Stockyard field.
- Revenue increased by 57% and becauseof the timing of the actual receipt of cash, receipts of US$1.5million(A$1.4million) from the sale of oil and gas for the current quarter, was up11.2% from March quarter.
- Samson’s realized prices for bothnatural gas and oil increased by 5.7% and 8.0% respectively.
- Samson has recorded a closing cashbalance for the quarter of US$58.4 million (A$54.4 million).
- During the quarter the debt facilitywas repaid. The company is now debt free with significant cash resources.
- North Stockyard Field (WilliamsCounty, North Dakota) saw significant activity with the drilling of the sixthBakken well, the Everett #2-15H, and the initial production from the Rodney#1-14H and Earl #1-13H wells. The Everett #2-15H well will be completed inSeptember. The Rodney 1-14H well recorded an IP rate of 1,439 BOPD during thedrill-out of the fracture isolation plugs. The Earl #1-13H well flowed at aninitial average rate of 1,033 BOPD and 1.9 MMcf/D over a 6 day period whilepressure control equipment was being used to allow tubing to be run in and outof the borehole.
- Samson’s average net production fromthe North Stockyard Field for the quarter was 417 BOEPD. This includesproduction from both the Bakken and Bluell Formations and was higher than theprevious quarter due to the Rodney #1-14H and Earl #1-13H wells being put onproduction.
- Hawk Springs Project (Goshen County,Wyoming). The first horizontal Niobrara appraisal well, the Defender US33#2-29H well, is set to spud in early August with the Evergreen 22 rig. Thiswell will be followed by the Spirit of America US34 #1-29 vertical well to testthe deep Permo-Pennsylvanian formation.
- Roosevelt Project (Roosevelt County,Montana). Samson acquired a substantial addition to its Bakken exposure withthe acquisition of 20,000 net acres and an option on an additional 20,000 acresin the Fort Peck Indian Reservation in Roosevelt, Montana. The Rooseveltproject is located in a highly prospective area of the Bakken continuous oilaccumulation. The agreement with the Fort Energy Company also contemplates apossible further 50,000 acre joint leasing effort.
- The Roosevelt acquisition will beevaluated with an initial two well drilling program and accordingly threeBakken well locations have been staked and surveyed and two will be drilledthis northern hemisphere fall. These wells are Australia II 12 KA 6, and GretelII 12 KA 3.
Roosevelt Project,Roosevelt County, Montana
Mississippian BakkenFormation, Williston Basin
Australia II 12 KA 6 andGretel II 12 KA
Samson 100% WorkingInterest (subject to a 33.34% back in)
Hawk Springs Project,Goshen County, Wyoming
Cretaceous NiobraraFormation, Northern D-J Basin
Defender US33 #2-29H
Samson 37.5% WorkingInterest
Hawk Springs Project,Goshen County, Wyoming
Permo-PennsylvanianLeonard and Admire Formations, Northern D-J Basin
Sprit of America US34#1-29H
Samson 100% WorkingInterest
Hawk Springs Project,Goshen County, Wyoming
Cretaceous NiobraraFormation, Northern D-J Basin
Constellation US20 State31-36H
Samson 100% WorkingInterest
Hawk Springs Project,Goshen County, Wyoming
Cretaceous NiobraraFormation, Northern D-J Basin
State 24-63 #10-1H
Samson 25% WorkingInterest
State 24-63 314-1H
Samson 12.5% WorkingInterest
State GC Oil and GasField, Lea County, New Mexico
Permian Bone SpringFormation, Western Permian Basin
State GC #2
Samson 27% WorkingInterest