Assassin's Creed: Origins (刺客信条:起源) [补丁 1.5 + Animus Control Panel]
发表于 22-11-2017 12:53 AM
https://assassinscreed.ubisoft.com/game/en-us/news/152-306979-16/trial-of-the-gods-sobek |
楼主 |
发表于 22-11-2017 06:39 AM
老鹰套装(Horus Pack)解锁了...
Horus Pack
发表于 22-11-2017 09:57 AM
模式差不多, 不过觉得Nubia比更容易打..... |
楼主 |
发表于 22-11-2017 10:06 PM
其实我不喜欢Trails of Gods的挑战方式。。
发表于 22-11-2017 10:52 PM
Assassin's Creed Origins v1.05 Patch Note
Patch Highlights
- Ambush at Sea – The issue that caused for some save games to be corrupted was fixed and the mission is now available to players again
- Note: The mission should reappear on the map after a reboot of your system. Be sure to be connected to the online services while starting the game.
- Difficulty – Enemies of a lower level than the playable character are now more challenging in Hard Mode.
- Beard/Hair Toggle
- Selected preference of beard/hair will remain saved now
- Added support for Keyboard and mouse controls
- [Shift]+[Z] – Hair
- [Ctrl] + [Z] - Beard
- Performance and Stability improvements on all platforms
- Improved performance and stability
- Fixed some infinite loading and black screen hang
- [PC] Fixed hardware performance metrics for Radeon R9 2xx series
- [PC] Fixed several Ultra HD monitor, multi-monitor mode, and multi GPU mode issues
- [PC] Fixed infinite saving occurring in Photo Mode when anti-aliasing option is Off
Graphics & Audio
- Improved Sandstorm ending visual
- Fixed some level of detail issues in the world and for some NPCs
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the call mount whistle from playing
- Fixed an issue that could cause music tracks to overlap
- [Xbox One X][PS4] Revised the default Luminance value in the HDR settings
- [PC] Temporarily deactivated spatial sound support to resolve issues with some USB headsets
- [PC] Fixed the functionality of the Field Of View option during the Benchmark session
- Improved appearance of the water in caves
- Removed some invisible collision in Siwa
- Fixed various issues with the spawning of boats
- Fixed a lighting issue in the Sunken Temple of Sarapeion
- Fixed some floating NPCs, floating rocks, and other floating objects
- Fixed various texturing issues
- The selected cheat option for Bayek’s hair and beard will now remain saved
- Improved various animations on the playable character
- Improved the navigation of the playable character
- Improved shield stance behavior while on vehicles or mounts
- Improved NPCs and animals reactions and navigation
- Improved Raging Axe’s boss fight behavior in Arena
- Improved spawning delay on loot bags when killing NPCs
- Improved shield charge behavior
- Improved Follow Road mode
- Revised fire damage taken by the playable character
- Revised poison propagation
- Made enemies of lower level than the player more challenging in Hard Mode
- Fixed some loading issues while using Senu
- Fixed some issues preventing the playable character from interacting with loot bags
- Fixed an issue that allowed thrown torches to inflict poison or bleed effect
- Fixed spear fight animation against some enemies
- Fixed an issue with loot bag spawning in shallow water
- Fixed an issue preventing crocodiles from being damaged while in water
- Fixed an issue with the activation of slow-motion
- Fixed various issues causing the playable character to be stuck
- Fixed some camera clipping issues
- Fixed some issues preventing bows to automatically sheathe
- Fixed an issue where counterweights could remain stuck on the ceiling in the Tomb of Sneferu
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Overpower Chain Throw from being used
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Chain Attack from dealing damage when a spear is equipped
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from interacting with the entrance of “Eesfet Oon-m’Aa Poo”
- Fixed issue preventing Senu’s perception range from being taken into account when loading a save game
- [PC] Fixed movement issues in Walk mode
- Improved various cinematic transitions
- Fixed an issue that could corrupt the playable character’s inventory after completing “Ambush at Sea” quest
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from completing quests after returning to the title screen
- Fixed various issues causing Quest objectives to disappear after desynchronization
- Fixed various issues with Flavius during ‘’The Final Weighing’’ quest
- Fixed an issue where the objective would not update during ‘’The Hungry River’’ quest
- Fixed an issue with Theodoros who could stay in midair during ‘’A Rebel Alliance’’ quest
- Fixed an issue where leader’s health could be restored during ‘’Plight of the Rebels’’ quest
- Fixed various issues with Pothinus’ elephant during ‘’Battle of the Nile’’ quest
- Fixed an issue with Hotephres’ ship being sunk in gameplay and cinematic during ‘’The Crocodile’s Scales’’ quest
- Fixed an issue where the Planetarium Tunnel could remain closed after performing a save/load action
- Fixed an issue where the “Wild Ride” quest would fail when getting on a chariot or a cart
- Fixed an issue where objectives in the ‘’The Flea of Cyrene’’ quest would not properly update after performing a leap of faith from the Apollo Temple
- Fixed various issues with the fight against the war elephant Herwennefer
- Fixed issues preventing the ancient tablets to be interacted with
- Fixed an issue which allowed the playable character to keep the “The Battle of the Nile” quest spear
- Fixed issue where Apollodorus could remain stuck in a wall during ‘’Egypt’s Medjay’’ quest
- Fixed dialogues that would sometime be missing from the cinematics of “Playing with Fire” quest
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Hypatos from attacking the playable character in the quest “Homecoming”
- Fixed an issue that could make Septimus invisible during “The Final Weighing” quest
- Fixed various issues with Thutmose during “Blood in the Water” quest
- Fixed an issue preventing the player from completing the quest “Fall of an Empire, Rise of Another” because he spawned as Bayek
- Improved the spawning of enemies in the Cyrene Arena
- Fixed an issue preventing the unlockables completed as Aya from carrying over to Bayek
- Fixed various issues causing the playable character to be pushed out of the chariot while in Hippodrome races
- Fixed an issue where the playable character could remain stuck in the Arena ‘’lobby’’
User Interface
- The selected Map filter will now remain saved
- Added sound feedback when switching the editing modes during Photo Mode
- Added button mapping for petting Senu in the alternate control scheme
- mapped to specific keys
- Improved image resolution of crafting items
- Improved fire visual effects on animals
- Changed health gain visual feedback to display in green when hitting enemies
- Fixed Senu’s marked location for the Tomb of Khufu
- Fixed various issues with icons in the Map
- Fixed an issue where the Photo Mode HUD could not appear
- Fixed HUD modules that stayed hidden changing HUD Preset to ‘Show All’
- Fixed the suggested level of some quests
- for some their owners
- Fixed multiple typos in the menus
- [PS4] Fixed the Season Pass and Deluxe Pack showing up as “Coming Soon” in the Store
- [PC] Added mouse support for rotating the character in the Gear menu
- [PC] Added mouse and keyboard support to toggle Bayek’s hair and beard in Gear menu
- Hide Arena HUD while in Photo Mode
- [PC] Allowed triggering Call Mount and Animus Pulse on button Press when they are
https://forums.ubi.com/showthrea ... -Patch-Notes-Forums
发表于 27-11-2017 10:28 PM
楼主 |
发表于 27-11-2017 10:36 PM
下一步,是现代故事的Layla和William Mills一起去Alenxandria继续旅程。。。Bayek的故事,有可能是三部曲,也有可能Aya @ Amunet是下一集的主角。。
发表于 27-11-2017 10:42 PM
发表于 28-11-2017 08:13 AM
楼主 |
发表于 28-11-2017 08:21 AM
本帖最后由 ocm1984 于 28-11-2017 08:22 AM 编辑
silversaint 发表于 28-11-2017 08:13 AM
我更希望,由Ashraf Ismail带领的团队可以继续开发古埃及/Bayek的故事。
不懂以前的AC 2三部曲是否也是由同样的团队负责。
以前的Desmond Mills AC 1 - 3,Kenways家族的四部曲,到现在Layla + William Mills的三部曲。。我很期待。 |
发表于 28-11-2017 08:22 AM
楼主 |
发表于 29-11-2017 07:03 AM
发表于 29-11-2017 09:31 AM
ocm1984 发表于 29-11-2017 07:03 AM
坑钱的新套装来了。。。可以变成完整的Iron Assassin了。。
Assassin's Creed Origins: First Civilization Pack DLC
Seriously Ubisoft? Stop with the overp ...
给你一件免费的衣服, 然后其他的要你拿真钱出来买, 要不知道买来做什么.....
楼主 |
发表于 29-11-2017 09:52 AM
发表于 29-11-2017 09:58 AM
Multi Player就可能有点效果.....
Single Player的就不知道穿给谁看, 虽说有拍照功能, 除非NPC会自动称赞穿套装的玩家.....
楼主 |
发表于 29-11-2017 10:02 AM
Open World,我还是很喜欢巫师3,ACO还是追不上那种层次。。。
楼主 |
发表于 2-12-2017 08:01 AM
本帖最后由 ocm1984 于 2-12-2017 09:22 AM 编辑
重复发文。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 2-12-2017 08:02 AM
楼主 |
发表于 4-12-2017 06:56 AM
Characters and Voice Actors - Assassin's Creed: Origins[youtube]IT3uKz9HCyg[/youtube]
楼主 |
发表于 5-12-2017 08:41 AM
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