


楼主: 机车女孩


发表于 23-5-2008 12:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 23-5-2008 01:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 61# 露丝复 的帖子


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发表于 23-5-2008 01:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 机车女孩 于 3-4-2008 12:06 PM 发表


是 Calcium Carbonate...

海水里面有钙离子... 动物要做贝壳... 或者珊瑚要做珊瑚礁... 就拿水里的 Calcium Ion 来固定就行了...

酸能够侵蚀 Calcium Carbonate... 而 Calcium Carbonate 就是 Coral Reef 跟贝壳的主要成分... 如果海水 pH 降低... 则这些动物们固定 Calcium 的工作会变得更艰难...

[ 本帖最后由 呼摇呼摇 于 23-5-2008 01:34 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 23-5-2008 01:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 63# 呼摇呼摇 的帖子



[ 本帖最后由 机车女孩 于 23-5-2008 01:41 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 23-5-2008 03:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 呼摇呼摇 于 23-5-2008 01:33 PM 发表

是 Calcium Carbonate...

海水里面有钙离子... 动物要做贝壳... 或者珊瑚要做珊瑚礁... 就拿水里的 Calcium Ion 来固定就行了...

酸能够侵蚀 Calcium Carbonate... 而 Ca ...

CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate) 里的 CO3 也是保持海水的硬度(dKH)和海水的 pH 的主要成分。

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发表于 24-6-2008 12:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

Ornate Sleeper Ray - Top Ten New Species of 2007

Ornate Sleeper Ray

With powerful suction capabilities, Electrolux addisoni—a species of electric ray—lives up to its scientific name.

Commonly called the ornate sleeper ray, Electroluxcrowns the inaugural list of the International Institute for SpeciesExploration's (IISE's) top ten new species of 2007, which was releasedin May 2008.

The IISE, at Arizona State University, will release theranking every year to draw attention to the importance of taxonomy andspecies exploration.

The winners—chosen from a pool of thousands—were based on peculiarnames and unique and surprising attributes, among other criteria.

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发表于 24-6-2008 12:30 PM | 显示全部楼层

Lethal Jellyfish

Lethal Jellyfish

This  jellyfish species, Malo kingi,was named after American tourist Robert King, who died after apparentlybeing stung by the species off northern Queensland in Australia.

The new jelly is the second known species of the dangerous Malo box jellyfish genus.

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发表于 24-6-2008 06:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-6-2008 06:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
它认识我 ,我不认识它的 。。。

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发表于 7-8-2008 03:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 7-8-2008 04:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kinbusaw 于 11-3-2008 12:10 PM 发表
咦。。。那六角鱼好像sponge bob 的朋友。。。

oh?? Patrick 吗?哈哈

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发表于 19-1-2009 11:18 PM | 显示全部楼层

Scientists find new creatures of Australian deep


SYDNEY (AFP) – Scientists said Sunday they had uncovered new marine animals in their search of previously unexplored Australian waters, along with a bizarre carnivorous sea squirt and ocean-dwelling spiders.

A joint US-Australian team spent a month in deep waters off the coast of the southern island of Tasmania to "search for life deeper than any previous voyage in Australian waters," lead researcher Ron Thresher said.

What they found were not only species new to science -- including previously undescribed soft corals -- but fresh indications of global warming's threat to the country's unique marine life.

"Our sampling documented the deepest known Australian fauna, including a bizarre carnivorous sea squirt, sea spiders and giant sponges, and previously unknown marine communities dominated by gooseneck barnacles and millions of round, purple-spotted sea anemones," Thresher said.

Using a submersible car-sized robot named Jason, the team explored a rift in the earth's crust known as the Tasman Fracture Zone, a sheer two kilometre (1.24 mile) drop to 4,000 metres (13,200 feet) below the ocean's surface.

Blogging on board the ship, researcher Adam Subhas said the team witnessed some "cool biology" as they descended the fracture, including the sea squirt, which he described as "basically an underwater Venus fly trap, but much bigger."

The sea squirt, also known as an ascidian, stands 50 centimetres tall on the sea floor at a depth of just over 4,000 metres. It traps prey in its funnel-like front section if they touch it when they swim past.

"The geology was fascinating too -- the sediment was incredibly fine and lightly packed; it made me think of powder snow," Subhas wrote.

Fossil coral fields were found, dating back more than 10,000 years. Thresher said samples taken would provide ancient climate data for use in global warming projections.

"Modern-day deep-water coral reefs were also found, however, there is strong evidence that this reef system is dying, with most reef-forming coral deeper than 1,300 metres newly dead," he said.

Though close analysis of samples was still required, Thresher said modelling suggested ocean acidification could be responsible.

"If our analysis identifies this phenomenon as the cause of the reef system's demise, then the impact we are seeing now below 1,300 metres might extend to the shallower portions of the deep-reefs over the next 50 years, threatening this entire community," he said.

Rising sea temperatures are blamed on global warming caused by the build-up in the atmosphere of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide -- which is also blamed for higher acidity in sea water.

A UN report warned in 2007 that Australia's Great Barrier Reef, described as the world's largest living organism, could be killed by climate change within decades.

The World Heritage site and major tourist attraction, stretching over more than 345,000 square kilometres (133,000 square miles) off Australia's east coast, could become "functionally extinct", the report said.

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发表于 20-1-2009 09:24 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 20-1-2009 10:33 AM | 显示全部楼层


机车, 加油哦!让我们认识更多的海洋生物!


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发表于 20-1-2009 12:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
既然已经那么多“昂摩”也潜到那么深啦 , 再介绍一套"昂摩”Waltdisney和Waldenmedia的记录片“Aliens Of Deep"

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 楼主| 发表于 20-1-2009 12:12 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 72# hawk123 的帖子

很奇怪的sea squirt...好像装了一个杯子在他的头。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 20-1-2009 12:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 74# 我想去旅行 的帖子


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 楼主| 发表于 20-1-2009 12:16 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 75# 黑白普 的帖子


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 楼主| 发表于 20-1-2009 01:18 PM | 显示全部楼层

Vampyroteuthis infernails- vampire squid from Hell....

Vampyroteuthis infernalis
Vampire Squid [Edit Species]Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Order: Vampyromorphida
Family: Vampyroteuthidae
Genus: Vampyroteuthis
species: Vampyroteuthis infernalis


Vampyroteuthis infernalis, the vampire squid from hell,is a cephalopod that lives in the oxygen minimum layer (600-800 mdepth) throughout the world's temperate and tropical oceans. V. infernalis is the only cephalopodthat lives its entire life cycle in the core of the oxygen minimumlayer (OML). Oxygen minimum layers are pelagic habitats withcontinously low oxygen levels at midwater depths (400-1000 meters,depending on location) over vast areas. OML's greatly influence speciesdistributions throughout the world. In contrast to other low oxygenhabitats (i.e. tidal pools), OML's are stable over very long periods oftime (1000's of years). Oxygen levels in the OML in some regions areless than 5% of air saturation (0.25ml O2/l). Pickford (1936) coinedthe term "oligoaerobic" (oligo = a few; aerobic = oxygen) to describe V. infernalis'restriction to low oxygen habitats. Most cephalopods are unable towithstand oxygen levels below about 50% of air saturation and only afew, such as Nautilus, can tolerate oxygen as low as 20% (Seibel et al., 1999; Wells and Wells, 1995). V.infernalisaccomplishes its extraordinary tolerance of low oxygen by beingespecially effective at removing oxygen from the water. It has ahemocyanin (respiratory blood pigment) that binds oxygen extremelyeffectively (Seibel et al., 1999). In conjunction with its very lowmetabolic rate and relatively high gill surface areas (Madan and Wells,1995; Seibel and Childress, 1996), V. infernalis' high affinity hemocyanin allows it to carry out its routine functions without the use of anaerobic metabolism.

The vampire squid has much in common with both squids and octopuses butit was placed in its own Order, the Vampyromorpha, based on thepresence of sensory filaments. These filaments are believed to be usedfor finding food in the dark deep sea (Hunt, 1996). The vampire squiddeploys its filaments one at a time, drifting for several moments afterdeployment. If a prey animal makes contact with the filament, thevampire squid swims in a sweeping arc to the point where contact wasmade in hopes of catching the intruder. The filaments were originallybelieved to be modified arms. However, a careful anatomical study hasshown that the filaments are innervated very differently than are thearms, suggesting that they are uniquely derived (Young, 1967).

Another unique aspect of the biology of Vampyroteuthis infernalisis the dramatic metamorphosis that results in changes in the size,shape and position of the fins. At about 15-25 mm mantle length,juvenile V.infernalis begin to grow a second set of finslocated more anteriorly (toward the arms) than the first pair. Once thenew pair reaches a functional size, the original pair is reabsorbed.This transition reflects a change in gait (swimming style), from jetpropulsion as juveniles, to aquatic "flight" using fins as adults(Seibel et al., 1998). The metamorphosis confused early cephalopodresearchers who described several "species" of vampire squid untilGrace Pickford (1936; 1949; 1952) was able to determine that thetwo-finned "species" was actually a juvenile stage of the one-finned"species". Today there is only one recognized species in the orderVampyromorpha.

Vampyroteuthis infernalis is named for its jet-black skin(although their color varies from black to red to purple and seems todepend on the light conditions), the caped appearance of the webbingbetween the arms, and eyes that appear red under some light conditions(the eyes appear blue when viewed from a submersible). William Beebe(1926) described V. infernalis as "a very small but terribleoctopus, black as night with ivory white jaws and blood red eyes".Despite this horrific description, V. infernalis is a ratherdocile animal, and most often hangs motionless in the water column,with only slight movements of the fins for balance. Dr. Richard Young(1964) wrote that V. infernalis "has no more control over its location in the water column than that exercised by the common jellyfish". V. infernalis does, in fact, have the lowest metabolic rate of any cephalopod ever measured (Seibel et al., 1997).

However, recent observations from submersibles (Hunt, 1996) andphysiological measurements (Seibel et al., 1998) have shown that,despite its weak musculature, V. infernalisis capable of fairly rapid swimming using fins for underwater 'flight'.This form of swimming is similar to that used by penguins, sea turtles,sea lions, pteropods (sea butterflies) and many fishes. The statocysts(balance organ, analogous to the human inner ear) of V. infernalissuggest that they are capable of fair agility (Stephens and Young,1976). Although it can move rapidly for short distances, the physiologyof V. infernalis suggests that it is not capable of the longmigrations and the extended fight and flight responses thatshallow-living squids endure (Seibel et al., 1997; 1998). A variety ofbioluminescent displays (Herring et al., 1994; Hunt, 1996) combinedwith unpredictable flips and turns allow V. infernalis to hide safely from pursuing predators in its darkened habitat without swimming more than a few meters.

Studies using remotely operated vehicles at the Monterey Bay AquariumResearch Institute have revealed remarkable predator avoidancedisplays. Light organs on the tip of each arm and at the base of eachfin begin to glow and pulse and the arms begin to writhe. It becomesvery difficult to tell one end of the vampire squid from the other.Then, V. infernalisejects a mucus containing thousands of "glowing spheres of bluebioluminescent light" (Hunt, 1996). When the light show ends, it isdifficult to tell if the black vampire squid has flown away in thedark, and if so, in which direction, or if it has merely faded into thelightless waters around it.

vampire squid from hell 为什么这样称呼他呢?第一因为他指出现在深海大概600-800M, 第二它的颜色是红褐色,第三它的爪布满了许多尖利的齿。。。 另外这只vampaire squid长得又像乌贼又像八爪鱼。。在Vampyromorphida order里面只有它还活到现在,也可以说它是一个活化石。。以前的科幻故事里它时常扮演着海底怪物的角色。。。他的身体长度可达到大约30cm,有两颗又大又圆的蓝眼睛,好像耳朵的fins....它可以生存在氧气很少的深海,因为它的新陈代谢较为缓慢,而且它鲜艳的外层可以帮忙吸收氧气。。。它有一双又长又细的的detecter(现在的乌贼和八爪鱼没有的)是用来辨别猎物。。。当它遇到危险时,它会用它的外层把自己包起来好像一颗有刺球,而且还会喷出荧光物体。。。在它的身体尾端还有一双会发光的器官叫做photophore,当它遇到危险时,会即刻发光然后慢慢的关上, 让它的掠夺者产生错觉,好让它能乘机逃跑。。

[ 本帖最后由 机车女孩 于 20-1-2009 01:20 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 20-1-2009 05:52 PM | 显示全部楼层

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