


楼主: StockSniper


发表于 23-10-2008 05:09 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-10-2008 05:10 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 60# 过路客 的帖子


October 22, 2008, 12:01AM EST text size: TT
Billionaires Forced to Bail Out
Kerkorian's huge sell-down of Ford is just the latest example of moguls and executives unloading shares under pressure
By Ben Steverman

The same kind of "deleveraging" that crippled credit markets also is slamming billionaires, chief executives, and other well-heeled investors where it hurts. After borrowing to buy stock, an unprecedented number of executives are being forced to sell off their holdings at steep discounts.

So far in October, almost $1.24 billion in stock has been sold by CEOs and other executives to cover debts, according to Ben Silverman, director of research at InsiderScore.com, which monitors SEC filings. Another $250 million in stock sales may also be related to so-called margin calls—when lenders force the sale of stock to cover debts.

Adding insult to injury, these stocks are being unloaded at what may be the worst possible time—when a typical equity has lost more than a third of its value this year.

The point was driven home on Tuesday, Oct. 21, when billionaire Kirk Kerkorian's Tracinda Corp. disclosed it sold off 7.3 million shares in Ford Motor (F) and may sell the rest of its stake in the automaker. Originally valued at almost $1 billion, Kerkorian's stake has lost more than two-thirds of its value as Ford's stock price has plummeted. It closed Tuesday at 2.17 a share, down 7% for the day. Though the exact reasons for Kerkorian's sale aren't clear, he had borrowed $600 million to buy the Ford stake and recently needed to use casino holdings to back that debt.
Kerkorian Has Plenty of Company

All in all, it's been a bad month for billionaires.

First Sumner Redstone, chairman of Viacom (VIAB) and CBS (CBS), sold $233 million in stock to help cover a loan. Then John Malone, chairman of Liberty Media (LCAPA), sold $49.5 million in stock to pay back a loan to Bank of America (BAC).

Chesapeake Energy (CHK) Chief Executive Aubrey McClendon may be the worst hit by this sort of stock squeeze. As Chesapeake's stock surged higher, the firm's enthusiastic founder borrowed to buy more and more shares. That worked until the middle of 2008: Since the beginning of July, Chesapeake shares have slid almost 65%. From Oct. 8-10, McClendon was forced to unload $569 million in his company's stock, or 94% of his stake in the firm, to cover those debts.

"The CEOs have been dreadfully surprised—just like the rest of the world," says Rawley Thomas of the Financial Management Association, an organization of financial professionals and academics.

Selling During a Free Fall

Indeed, several top corporate executives have dumped big portions of their company holdings, as identified by InsiderScore.com's Silverman, based on SEC filings that indicate these shares were sold to meet margin calls. Many of these sales occurred the week of Oct. 10, the worst week ever for the Dow Jones industrial average, which dropped 18.15%. Those include:

• Marvin Herb, a director at large bottling firm Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), who sold $17.7 million worth of shares Oct. 8-9.

• The co-founders of Boston Scientific (BSX), Peter Nicholas and John Abele, who sold off a combined $292 million in shares Oct. 8-17.

• Mark Grier, vice chairman of Prudential Financial (PRU), who sold off $1.75 million in shares on Oct. 10.

• Scholastic (SCHL) Chairman and CEO Richard Robinson, who sold shares valued at $3.1 million on Oct. 10.

• Tesoro (TSO) Chairman and Chief Executive Bruce Smith, who sold $2.2 million in shares on Oct. 10.

• Williams-Sonoma (WSM) Chairman and Chief Executive Howard Lester, who dropped $12.98 million in shares of his firm Oct. 13-14.

• XTO Energy (XTO) co-founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Bob Simpson, who sold off $101.3 million in his company's stock from Oct. 6-7.
Sales Were Almost All Involuntary

When executives sell off such big stakes, they often try to reassure investors that they haven't lost faith in the company. On Oct. 16, after Micki Hidayatallah, chairman and chief executive of Allis-Chalmers Energy (ALY), had to sell off 400,000 shares to cover a margin loan, he issued a statement: "My sale of shares in no way reflects my views of Allis-Chalmers' current financial position or future performance." Allis-Chalmers shares had lost half of their value in a month, forcing his sale.

These sales were almost entirely involuntary, says Silverman, caused by the steep drop in stock prices over the past month as well as the tightening of credit. The credit crunch has made lenders less willing to take risks on loans to even well-heeled executives. However, investors may wonder whether executives could have found other ways to come up with cash other than by selling stock.

"You would think one of the last things they would want to do is sell shares into [this] market," says Kurt Schacht, managing director of the CFA Institute Centre, which studies markets ethics and policy. "It shows you that CEOs are not immune from the pressures everyone else is feeling."

But Thomas, of the Financial Management Association, isn't surprised that CEOs ended up so heavily leveraged on the stock of their own company. It's a classic investor mistake of not diversifying enough. Also, as an executive, often "you're overconfident about the prospects of your own firm."
A Very Risky Spot

The use of debt to buy stock only adds to the risk that any investor takes on by not diversifying enough. When something goes wrong and a stock plummets, your losses can be magnified. "There is an extraordinary amount of risk in putting yourself in this situation," Thomas says.

There are basically two reasons why executives might get themselves in this situation. First, execs may borrow first, and then buy stock to boost their holdings in the company. In other cases, longtime executives—often the firm's founders—find much of their wealth tied up in the company's stock, so they raise cash by using the shares as collateral.

Investors often take it as a positive sign when SEC filings show executives buying their own company's shares, and penalize firms when insiders disclose they are selling. That's another reason—despite the dirt-cheap valuations—that few executives should want to sell at a time like this, when the stock market is extremely sensitive and investors are fearful.
Revisiting CEO Stock Holdings

Company boards also encourage executives to buy stock in the companies they run. Often boards require CEOs to have holdings totaling five times their annual salary, says Don Delves, an executive compensation expert and president of the Delves Group.

But the forced stock sales of the past month may cause some firms to reconsider these policies. "This is going to cause a rethinking of how much stock risk we want our CEOs to have," Delves says. In some cases, too much stock exposure may lead executives to make too many risky bets while leading the company. "What really is too much risk?" Delves asks.

Maybe more important for investors, there may be more forced stock sales to come—sales that can drive down share prices and further shake confidence in those companies.

Steverman is a reporter for BusinessWeek's Investing channel.

http://www.businessweek.com/inve ... 1_096277_page_2.htm

[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 23-10-2008 05:14 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2008 06:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
再阿Q 一下,

8k 前辈说的:股市不怕看得到的危机,只怕突如奇来的事件。能够预测到的, 计算到的,猜测到的,股市都能消化得了。

所以小弟阿Q 了一下, 人人都能看到的危机,人人都觉得要經濟大蕭條的时候,到底是真的会这样吗???、

小弟没有经济系的背景,所以想大大门解释下。报章常说的。。。。股市“蒸发“几千亿,那么多的价值, 其实是到了谁的手里。假设钱的数量是这么多,人人都少了钱, 到底是谁赚了呢?? 1997/98年经济风暴人人亏,但是就有SOROS 赚。到底是谁赚???还是我的想法错了。  

阴谋论一下。。。。那现在会不会是有哪个沉寂了多年的集团用铺天盖地的坏消息,坏数据,崩解全球股民的信心,来把整个世界的股市做下去呢??如果是我看到了美国的次贷和金融危机,我觉得我也不会出声, 默默的捞个有史以来最大的一笔吧。

还是吹水的, 多多指教

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发表于 23-10-2008 08:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
2008.10.23 03:09 pm
匈牙利已提前進入嚴冬,捲入全球信用風暴的核心。匈牙利22日激劇提高利率三個百分點,不惜犧牲經濟捍衛貨幣穩定,但也讓人憂心東歐情勢會失控,造成更多國家崩垮。 債台高築!下猛藥能救市? 匈牙利央行22日緊急將兩周期存款利率從8.5%激劇提高到11.5%,是整個歐盟地區的最高水準。匈牙利貨幣弗林特本月來已對歐元暴跌16%,22日最低跌到283.35弗林兌1歐元的空前低谷,央行大幅升息後,匯價回升2.5%。布達佩斯股市的BUX指數,22日下跌3.4%。 不過,這帖猛藥的藥效能持續多久,仍值得懷疑。紐約美隆銀行的分析師戴瑞克說:「升息措施注定會失敗,當經濟支撐不下去時,這類激進的手段是不可能持久的。」 倫巴底街研究公司的巴底里說,匈牙利的對外債台高築,外債淨值高達國內生產毛額(GDP)的90%,陷入危機不難理解。匈牙利約60%的抵押房貸與汽車貸款都是以歐元或瑞士法郎等外幣融資,政府如今允許情況最慘的債務人把瑞郎債務轉成弗林特,但外商銀行警告,此舉可能導致市場轉而質疑匈牙利的國家債信。匈牙利已獲得歐洲央行的50 億美元貸款,並與IMF商議更多的借貸。 骨牌效應!東歐諸國告急 波羅的海諸小國、波蘭、克羅埃西亞與羅馬尼亞,都有龐大的外國抵押房貸,分析師說,東歐諸國的外債情況,比起1998年亞洲金融風暴最嚴重時的東亞諸國,只有過之而無不及。Danske銀行的策略師克利斯汀森說:「這樣的赤字已到達無法承受的程度,情勢失控的風險非常明顯,對西歐將有嚴重的影響。」 如今最令人擔憂的是,擁有巨額經常帳赤字、必須仰賴外國融通的許多東歐國家,會一個接一個倒塌,他們緊釘歐元的聯繫匯率也會陸續斷裂。保加利亞的經常帳赤字已經高達GDP的23%,愛沙尼亞與羅馬尼亞也各達16%。 投資人一窩蜂逃離東歐的股票、債券與貨幣市場,最近幾天也持續在土耳其、南非等地上演,俄羅斯的信用交換違約 (CDS)更躍升817個基點,反映投資人的極端恐懼。 歐洲股市22日普遍大跌,西歐18個股市悉數重挫,唯一例外是冰島。英國的FTSE 100指數收盤時下挫4.5%,德國的DAX指數也跌4.5%,法國CAC指數跌5.1%。


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发表于 23-10-2008 08:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 liyen1708 于 23-10-2008 08:00 PM 发表

印尼在 1997年的金融風暴,也是如此用法,也是大量提高存款利率,但是印尼人民切甘願把錢提出來存放在家中,是何故呢?



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发表于 23-10-2008 08:22 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 66# khokhokho 的帖子


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Follow Us
发表于 23-10-2008 08:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 弹煮 于 23-10-2008 08:22 PM 发表

還要它來 做什么   
它最高才 60%
政府是 100% 

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2008 08:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tn728202 于 23-10-2008 08:35 PM 发表

還要它來 做什么
它最高才 60%
政府是 100%  


使用道具 举报


发表于 23-10-2008 08:45 PM | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 23-10-2008 08:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tn728202 于 23-10-2008 08:35 PM 发表

還要它來 做什么
它最高才 60%
政府是 100%  

政府担保100%,可是capped 在几十千令吉罢了是吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2008 08:53 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 23-10-2008 08:57 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 72# khokhokho 的帖子


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发表于 23-10-2008 09:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 弹煮 于 23-10-2008 08:57 PM 发表

如果他不講,我想你我他可能會把資金轉去新加坡了,所以他才改口,從6萬到 100% 因為外資比誰都利害。

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2008 09:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 74# khokhokho 的帖子


使用道具 举报

发表于 23-10-2008 09:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 弹煮 于 23-10-2008 09:17 PM 发表


使用道具 举报

发表于 24-10-2008 01:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 khokhokho 于 23-10-2008 08:16 PM 发表

印尼在 1997年的金融風暴,也是如此用法,也是大量提高存款利率,但是印尼人民切甘願把錢提出來存放在家中,是何故呢?

因為這些銀行已經被政府控制了,人民把錢存進銀行,就是有進沒的提出來,而這些人民的存款 ...



使用道具 举报


发表于 24-10-2008 02:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 23-10-2008 05:10 PM 发表

October 22, 2008, 12:01AM EST text size: TT
Billionaires Forced to Bail O ...




使用道具 举报

发表于 24-10-2008 02:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 picasoho 于 23-10-2008 06:23 PM 发表
所以小弟阿Q 了一下, 人人都能看到的危机,人人都觉得要經濟大蕭條的时候,到底是真的会这样吗???、

若你看 bloomberg,至少有一半以上的分析员,觉得乐观。



认真一点区分,现在只是步入衰退期,并非经济大萧条。(recession,还不是 depression。)

如果我自己的统计,综合电视新闻、报纸财经新闻、杂志、专家 blog等,大概只有不到三、四成的人,觉得这个危机很难解决。





使用道具 举报

发表于 24-10-2008 02:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 khokhokho 于 23-10-2008 09:11 PM 发表

如果他不講,我想你我他可能會把資金轉去新加坡了,所以他才改口,從6萬到 100% 因為外資比誰都利害。

政府用什么来 guarantee?

连 50亿的资金,都没办法从预算里拨出。

使用道具 举报

发表于 24-10-2008 03:39 AM | 显示全部楼层

但已经没有人会怀疑世界正在进入经济衰退期,综合各种接受“经济将衰退”的专家们意见,最乐观的,明年 6月经济衰退将结束,一般的说法是,2010 年之间,才会结束这场经济衰退。


失业率会上升。不要随便换工作。年轻的朋友,即使公司给 VSS,也不要懵懂地抢着拿。

使用道具 举报

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