【20,25,43,48,73完】遭受到银行服务员的恶劣对待还有语言恐吓~ 该如何举报?
发表于 24-4-2010 08:53 AM
是专业人士还是黑社会哦。。 酱够力。。。 |
发表于 24-4-2010 10:57 AM
发表于 24-4-2010 03:11 PM
发表于 24-4-2010 07:40 PM
发表于 25-4-2010 12:15 AM
下次再遇到類似事件,用手機把對方的廬山真面目給拍下 |
发表于 25-4-2010 12:23 AM
if u are smart, u wont be here....u are no body for me....
u think u owned the bank??? u just working for the bank.....u are just servant....
真的有时那些经理lcly需要一些江湖豪杰修理修理一下。。。 | chinjing09 发表于 23-4-2010 05:06 AM
Sir,so do you think you are smart? if you are smart , u wont talk to me now because i'm not smart as you
i'm not owned the bank , so do you?
if you want people respect you , do respect your self first
顾客不是大完的 ,可能你亲戚还没有遇过会屌回他的人 |
发表于 25-4-2010 10:06 AM
其实我觉得是搂主本身有欺诈成分在先,而那位服务人员违背不了良心做出这样的事情才会发生上述事情,区区RM ...
parghost 发表于 21-4-2010 09:49 PM
他最多是跟公司反映换票的活动有漏洞....不是当场DIAO LZ.... |
发表于 25-4-2010 10:22 AM
那个客服如果这样回答, 等下也会被上层教训教训了。。
Sir,so do you think you are smart? if you are smart , u wont talk to me now because i'm not smar ...
小蚊子 发表于 25-4-2010 12:23 AM |
发表于 25-4-2010 10:24 AM
找10 几个人去
張君寶 发表于 23-4-2010 03:16 PM |
发表于 25-4-2010 02:22 PM
回复 66# 小蚊子
要人"respect" 你??你的服务态度简直是九流。。。
是什么态度啊??? 我想你也是这种态度的话,叫你老爸开个店,你就owned 那间店。。。 |
发表于 25-4-2010 02:29 PM
回复 66# 小蚊子
再来是你们的态度,没礼貌。 好像“吃饱卖包”。(爱做不做)
就像这位大哥那样。。。好自为之。。。 |
发表于 25-4-2010 04:20 PM
投诉去bank negara给他们死。。。然后等报纸唱衰他们 |
楼主 |
发表于 25-4-2010 09:51 PM
感谢各位给的咨询 与 勇气~
我还没闹到bank negara那边去~
因为该银行已经post回戏票给我了, 也向我说声sorry ..
也希望我不要告到去bnm 因为会受到什么纪律扣分的~
我自己也有不对之处~ 但不能为了一个 小人 而让无相关的人受罪吧~
那个小人什么后果我不知道~ 但是事情以告一段落了
再次谢谢各位大大的鼎力相助~ |
发表于 25-4-2010 10:05 PM
那个客服如果这样回答, 等下也会被上层教训教训了。。
scorpion2005 发表于 25-4-2010 10:22 AM
我所指的不是Customer Service
Customer Service中也有不好惹的
不要以为人家父母把孩子生下来就是给你骂的 |
发表于 26-4-2010 07:52 AM
只要面对客人的, 不过是在 counter 或通过电话, 一般都可称为客服。
那时经理 告述我们全部, 不管这客人是对或错, 都不能顶客人,
除非客人骂3次粗话 如 fxxk , 那就可把电话放下。
所以一般客服都不会作超过半年, 除非在外找不到工。
我所指的不是Customer Service
Customer Service中也有不好惹的
不要以为人家父母把孩子生下来就是 ...
小蚊子 发表于 25-4-2010 10:05 PM |
发表于 26-4-2010 10:17 AM
回复 73# hou_c12
既然他讲不怕 |
发表于 26-4-2010 12:03 PM
本帖最后由 vostro1320 于 26-4-2010 12:05 PM 编辑
Top 5 reasons why “The Customer Is Always Right” is wrong
When the customer isn’t right – for your business
One woman who frequently flew on Southwest, was constantly disappointed with every aspect of the company’s operation. In fact, she became known as the “Pen Pal” because after every flight she wrote in with a complaint.
She didn’t like the fact that the company didn’t assign seats; she didn’t like the absence of a first-class section; she didn’t like not having a meal in flight; she didn’t like Southwest’s boarding procedure; she didn’t like the flight attendants’ sporty uniforms and the casual atmosphere.
Her last letter, reciting a litany of complaints, momentarily stumped Southwest’s customer relations people. They bumped it up to Herb’s [Kelleher, CEO of Southwest] desk, with a note: ‘This one’s yours.’
In sixty seconds, Kelleher wrote back and said, ‘Dear Mrs. Crabapple, We will miss you. Love, Herb.’”
The phrase “The customer is always right” was originally coined by Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of Selfridge’s department store in London in 1909, and is typically used by businesses to:
1. Convince customers that they will get good service at this company
2. Convince employees to give customers good service
Fortunately more and more businesses are abandoning this maxim – ironically because it leads to bad customer service.
Here are the top five reasons why “The customer is always right” is wrong.
1: It makes employees unhappy
Gordon Bethune is a brash Texan (as is Herb Kelleher, coincidentally) who is best known for turning Continental Airlines around “From Worst to First,” a story told in his book of the same title from 1998. He wanted to make sure that both customers and employees liked the way Continental treated them, so he made it very clear that the maxim “the customer is always right” didn’t hold sway at Continental.
In conflicts between employees and unruly customers he would consistently side with his people. Here’s how he puts it:
When we run into customers that we can’t reel back in, our loyalty is with our employees. They have to put up with this stuff every day. Just because you buy a ticket does not give you the right to abuse our employees . . .
We run more than 3 million people through our books every month. One or two of those people are going to be unreasonable, demanding jerks. When it’s a choice between supporting your employees, who work with you every day and make your product what it is, or some irate jerk who demands a free ticket to Paris because you ran out of peanuts, whose side are you going to be on?
You can’t treat your employees like serfs. You have to value them . . . If they think that you won’t support them when a customer is out of line, even the smallest problem can cause resentment.
So Bethune trusts his people over unreasonable customers. What I like about this attitude is that it balances employees and customers, where the “always right” maxim squarely favors the customer – which is not a good idea, because, as Bethune says, it causes resentment among employees.
Of course there are plenty of examples of bad employees giving lousy customer service. But trying to solve this by declaring the customer “always right” is counter-productive.
2: It gives abrasive customers an unfair advantage
Using the slogan “The customer is always right” abusive customers can demand just about anything – they’re right by definition, aren’t they? This makes the employees’ job that much harder, when trying to rein them in.
Also, it means that abusive people get better treatment and conditions than nice people. That always seemed wrong to me, and it makes much more sense to be nice to the nice customers to keep them coming back.
3: Some customers are bad for business
Most businesses think that “the more customers the better”. But some customers are quite simply bad for business.
Danish IT service provider ServiceGruppen proudly tell this story:
One of our service technicians arrived at a customer’s site for a maintenance task, and to his great shock was treated very rudely by the customer.
When he’d finished the task and returned to the office, he told management about his experience. They promptly cancelled the customer’s contract.
Just like Kelleher dismissed the irate lady who kept complaining (but somehow also kept flying on Southwest), ServiceGruppen fired a bad customer. Note that it was not even a matter of a financial calculation – not a question of whether either company would make or lose money on that customer in the long run. It was a simple matter of respect and dignity and of treating their employees right.
4: It results in worse customer service
Rosenbluth International, a corporate travel agency, took it even further. CEO Hal Rosenbluth wrote an excellent book about their approach called Put The Customer Second – Put your people first and watch’em kick butt.
Rosenbluth argues that when you put the employees first, they put the customers first. Put employees first, and they will be happy at work. Employees who are happy at work give better customer service because:
* They care more about other people, including customers
* They have more energy
* They are happy, meaning they are more fun to talk to and interact with
* They are more motivated
On the other hand, when the company and management consistently side with customers instead of with employees, it sends a clear message that:
* Employees are not valued
* That treating employees fairly is not important
* That employees have no right to respect from customers
* That employees have to put up with everything from customers
When this attitude prevails, employees stop caring about service. At that point, real good service is almost impossible – the best customers can hope for is fake good service. You know the kind I mean: corteous on the surface only.
5: Some customers are just plain wrong
Herb Kelleher agrees, as this passage From Nuts! the excellent book about Southwest Airlines shows:
Herb Kelleher [...] makes it clear that his employees come first — even if it means dismissing customers. But aren’t customers always right? “No, they are not,” Kelleher snaps. “And I think that’s one of the biggest betrayals of employees a boss can possibly commit. The customer is sometimes wrong. We don’t carry those sorts of customers. We write to them and say, ‘Fly somebody else. Don’t abuse our people.’”
If you still think that the customer is always right, read this story from Bethune’s book “From Worst to First”:
A Continental flight attendant once was offended by a passenger’s child wearing a hat with Nazi and KKK emblems on it. It was pretty offensive stuff, so the attendant went to the kid’s father and asked him to put away the hat. “No,” the guy said. “My kid can wear what he wants, and I don’t care who likes it.”
The flight attendant went into the cockpit and got the first officer, who explained to the passenger the FAA regulation that makes it a crime to interfere with the duties of a crew member. The hat was causing other passengers and the crew discomfort, and that interfered with the flight attendant’s duties. The guy better put away the hat.
He did, but he didn’t like it. He wrote many nasty letters. We made every effort to explain our policy and the federal air regulations, but he wasn’t hearing it. He even showed up in our executive suite to discuss the matter with me. I let him sit out there. I didn’t want to see him and I didn’t want to listen to him. He bought a ticket on our airplane, and that means we’ll take him where he wants to go. But if he’s going to be rude and offensive, he’s welcome to fly another airline.
The fact is that some customers are just plain wrong, that businesses are better of without them, and that managers siding with unreasonable customers over employees is a very bad idea, that results in worse customer service.
So put your people first. And watch them put the customers first. |
楼主 |
发表于 26-4-2010 06:15 PM
我所指的不是Customer Service
Customer Service中也有不好惹的
不要以为人家父母把孩子生下来就是 ...
小蚊子 发表于 25-4-2010 10:05 PM
对啊, 但是在我这案件来说 我完全没有骂他 顶他, 他凭什么惹起我呢?
如果觉得案件不同, 可以重新开个新帖话题。 慢慢讨论~
我这受害者还要联想到 不可能为了一口气 而搞大整件事情, 所以选择大事化小~
如果因为小小事 ,就顶撞客人, 吃亏的永远是自己, 何必呢?
又不是对着那客人一辈子, 而且自己也是打一份工罢了。 人家投诉的是公司, 为何要帮公司出头?
我明显是走漏洞去换取东西, 但是在他的立场 是给予通知~ 而不是恐吓,更不是这样的态度~ |
发表于 27-4-2010 12:38 PM
"今时今日的服务态度是不能了..." |
发表于 27-4-2010 05:42 PM
如果放错版了 请帮我纠正~
事情是这样的~ 某间银行推出优惠~ 在指定日期消费指定数额 可免费换取礼品
hou_c12 发表于 19-4-2010 03:52 AM
应该要给他一个教训,然后叫他回家耕田 |
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