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【保险讨论区】大东方 (GreatEastern) 咨询站

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发表于 15-2-2011 09:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  asp3

因为现金价值就会越来越多 ...
我是zhizhen 发表于 15-2-2011 12:58 AM




使用道具 举报


发表于 15-2-2011 09:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 61# asp3


使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 10:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
說到底, 代理員當時沒有把話說清楚.
不過有時候, 代理員本身也可能是受害者. 當初是否他上司或公司的 ...
win20282002 发表于 15-2-2011 08:04 AM


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发表于 15-2-2011 10:17 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  asp3
有些人则会等到满期的时候 ...
我是zhizhen 发表于 15-2-2011 09:59 AM

不好意思,请问满期是指什么呢 ?

以我的个案,几时满期呢 ??

使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 10:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 64# asp3


使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 12:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
不好意思,请问满期是指什么呢 ?

以我的个案,几时满期呢 ??
asp3 发表于 15-2-2011 10:17 AM


使用道具 举报

Follow Us
发表于 15-2-2011 12:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
asp3 发表于 15-2-2011 10:14 AM

是否欺騙尚言之過早, 但他說至少20年也可能會令大大在多8年後再次被騙.
這是言語上的犯錯, 我們聽到 "至少20年" 會自覺認為供多8年就好了.

使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 02:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  asp3

有些人则会等到满期的时候 ...
我是zhizhen 发表于 15-2-2011 09:59 AM


是否欺騙尚言之過早, 但他說至少20年也可能會令大大在多8年後再次被騙.
這是言語上的犯錯, 我們聽到 ...
win20282002 发表于 15-2-2011 12:31 PM


使用道具 举报


发表于 15-2-2011 02:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 68# asp3


使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 03:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
asp3 发表于 15-2-2011 02:12 PM

但是對代理而言, 你一人的接受, 他可能因坦白而失去更多的保單生意.
這是灰色地帶的事情, 很難判對錯. 最重要的, 保險公司大多數時候都能置身事外, 留下你和代理兩人對著幹.

使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 03:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  asp3
我是zhizhen 发表于 15-2-2011 02:54 PM

但是對代理而言, 你一人的接受, 他可能因坦白而失去更多的保單生意.
這是灰色地帶的事情, 很難判對錯 ...
win20282002 发表于 15-2-2011 03:09 PM


使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 06:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AhPekMabok 于 17-2-2011 05:38 AM 编辑
回复  rahula

我是zhizhen 发表于 26-1-2011 10:55 AM

    zhizhen 我也想要这两份product的资料,放不上来分享吗?有没有link?


使用道具 举报

发表于 15-2-2011 07:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 72# AhPekMabok


使用道具 举报

发表于 16-2-2011 11:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 AhPekMabok 于 17-2-2011 05:35 AM 编辑


原来是yearly renew 的 rider,应该会比较便宜吧:-P

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-2-2011 09:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 74# AhPekMabok


使用道具 举报

发表于 17-2-2011 09:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
Plan Code: U58
This is an optional benefit which can be attached to Regular Premium Investment-Linked policies such as Great ProtectLink / GreatLife Portfolio Insurance and GreatLife International Portfolio Insurance. Insurance charge will be deducted from the unit fund. This benefit is yearly renewable and can be attached at anytime effective from next monthly due.
1. Lifetime Female Benefits
Table 1
Event         Percentage of Sum Assured Waiting period                 Survival Period
(Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Fallopian tubes, Ovary, Vulva and Vagina)         30%         120 days         30 days
Female Cancers
(Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Fallopian tubes, Ovary, Vulva and Vagina)         100%         60 days         30 days
SLE with Lupus Nephritis         100%         30 days         30 days
Facial Reconstructive Surgery due to Accidents
(Above neck)         30%         0 day         0 day
Skin Grafting
(Malignant Skin cancer or Burns)         30%         60 days (for malignant Skin Cancer)         0 day

Upon diagnosis of any of the specified conditions, percentage of the sum assured (Table 1) will be payable in one lump sum. Respective waiting period and survival period as stated in table above are applicable under these benefit. No payment will be made for re-constructive surgery / skin grafting which is not deemed as Medically Necessary. The company will only pay for each diagnosis as stated in the table above once per policy. The maximum aggregate benefit payable under this Table is 100%.
2. Female Surgical Procedures
Table 2
Event         Procedures         Percentage of SA Waiting Period                 Survival
Breast Related         Breast Lumpectomy - Unilateral         10%         60 days         N/A
Breast Lumpectomy - Bilateral         15%
Mastectomy         25%
Breast Reconstructive Surgery         30%
Female Internal Organ         Total Hysterectomy         30%
Radical Hysterectomy         30%
Radical Vulvectomy         30%
Total Pelvic Extenteration         30%

CFE/09/2006 Page 1 of 6 IL LadyCare Rider
Percentage of the sum assured will be payable in one lump sum for any of the procedures stated in Table 2. All female surgical procedures above must be performed to treat Female Malignant Cancer in order to qualify for a claim. (Note: Female Maglinant Cancer is referred to Female Cancer at the following organs: Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Fallopian tube, Ovary, Vulva and Vagina) Under the event of Breast Related surgical procedures, if there is any earlier claim made, the company will pay the difference of each surgery up to the maximum allowed within any Breast Related category. No payment will be made for Female Surgical Procedure which is not deemed as Medically Necessary. The company will only pay for each diagnosis as stated in the table above once per policy.
i. The rider will be terminated once the Total Claim payout reaches 100% in Table 1 AND 30% in Table 2.
ii. If the claim in Table 1 or 2 does not reach the maximum amount, the rider will still be in force and full deduction of insurance charges will continue.
iii. The benefits offer in this rider will only be paid for the first ever occurrence of any covered event happen to the Life Assured.
1 Lifetime Female Benefits
I. Carcinoma-in-situ
For the purpose of this policy, Carcinoma-in-situ covers only the following sites: Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, Vagina and Vulva. Carcinoma-in-situ is defined as a focal autonomous new growth of carcinomatous cells which has not yet resulted in the invasion of normal tissues. Invasion means an infiltration and/or active destruction of tissue or surrounding tissue beyond the basement membrane. The diagnosis of carcinoma-in-situ must always be positively diagnosed upon the basis of a microscopic examination of fixed tissue additionally supported by a biopsy result. Clinical diagnosis does not meet this standard. No benefit will be payable:-
- for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) classification CIN I, CIN II and CIN III (severe dysplasia without Carcinoma-in-situ);
- if the life assured is diagnosed to be HIV-positive.
II. Female Cancers
Focal autonomous uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells, which has resulted in the invasion and destruction of normal tissues. This benefit cover primary “Cancer” as follow: Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, Vagina and Vulva. The following are excluded:
- Cancers which have metastasized to and do not originate from the above sites;
- Tumours showing the malignant changes of carcinoma-in-situ and tumours which are histologically described as pre-malignant or non-invasive, including but not limited to: Carcinoma-in-situ of the Breasts, Cervical Dysplasia CIN I, CIN II and CIN III;
- All tumours in the presence of HIV infection;
III. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis
A multi-system multifactorial, autoimmune disorder which affects mostly females in their childbearing years and is characterized by the development of auto-antibodies directed against various self-antigens. For this purpose of this policy, SLE will be
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restricted to those forms of systemic lupus erythematosus which involve the kidneys (Type III to Type IV Lupus Nephritis, established by renal biopsy and in accordance with the WHO classification). Other forms, discoid lupus, and those forms with only haematological and joint involvement will be specifically excluded.
World Health Organization (“WHO”) Lupus Classification:
Class I (minimal change) – Negative, normal urine
Class II (Mesangial) – Moderate proteinuria, active sediment
Class III (Focal Segmental) – Proteinuria, active sediment
Class IV (Diffuse) – Acute nephritis with active sediment and/or nephritic syndrome
Class V (Membranous) – Nephrotic Sydrome or severe proteinuria.
IV. Facial Reconstructive Surgery due to Accidents
The actual undergoing of re-constructive surgery above the neck (restoration or re-constructive of the shape of and appearance of facial structures which are defective, missing or damaged or misshapen) performed under general aneasthesia by a registered surgeon to correct disfigurement as a direct result of Accident or assault. The surgery must be Medically Necessary and the Accident causing disfigurement must have resulted in the in-patient hospitalization and treatment of the life assured. The accident must be caused solely and directly by violent, external and visible means; and the sole, primary and independent cause of the injury (or injuries) requiring reconstructive surgery.
V. Skin Grafting necessitated by Accidental Burns or Skin Cancer
The actual undergoing of:
- skin transplantation due to accidental full-thickness (3rd degree) burns to the face; or
- skin transplantation due to the removal of Malignant Skin Cancer first diagnosed after the waiting period of 60 days.
Malignant Skin Cancer means the uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells in the skin and the invasion and destruction of normal tissue. The cancer must be confirmed by histological evidence of malignancy by Consultant Pathologist. Metastatic skin cancer is included. The following are excluded:
- Carcinoma-in-situ
- Skin cancers less than 1.5 mm Breslow thickness or less than Clark level 3 depth of invasion
- Cancers manifesting themselves as complications of AIDS.
2 Female Surgical Procedures
Specified female surgical procedures are defined below:
I. Breast Lumpectomy – Unilateral
The removal of a malignant breast tumour and surrounding breast tissue in one breast without removal of muscles, skin or lymph nodes.
II. Breast Lumpectomy – Bilateral
The removal of a malignant breast tumour and surrounding breast tissue in both breasts without removal of muscles, skin or lymph nodes.
III. Mastectomy
The surgical removal of at least one quadrant of the tissue of a breast due to female cancer.
IV. Breast Reconstructive Surgery
The actual undergoing of plastic or reconstructive surgery of the breast following surgical removal of at least one quadrant of the tissue of the breast (Mastectomy) due to female cancer. The surgical removal of breast tissue must be deemed medically necessary by medical adviser. Breast reconstructive surgery must be performed within 2 years after Mastectomy to fulfill the claim under this section.
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V. Total Hysterectomy
The removal of the entire uterus due to female cancer.
VI. Radical Hysterectomy (Wertheim’s Hysterectomy)
The surgical removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, upper third of the vagina and pelvic lymph due to female cancer.
VII. Radical Vulvectomy
The surgical removal of the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris and regional lymph nodes due to female cancer.
VIII. Total Pelvic Exenteration
The surgical removal of the bladder, lower ureters, pelvic and lower sigmoid colon, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina and pelvic lymph nodes due to female cancer.

使用道具 举报


发表于 17-2-2011 09:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
This is yearly renewable monthly deduction rider, insurance charge will be deducted from unit fund throughout the coverage period based on attained age. Insurance charge is not guaranteed.
1. Sum Assured
Minimum : RM 20,000
Maximum : Lower of 1 times Basic Sum Assured or RM 150,000
Increase sum assured : Not allowed
Decrease sun assured : Allowed, but subject to
1) No claim has been made earlier under this rider, and
2) The rider sum assured is within the sum assured allowable
a) This rider can not be attached to Basic plan with Sum Assured less than RM20,000.
b) Maximum Sum Assured of this rider can not exceed the Basic Sum Assured, and subject to the sum assured allowable.
c) Any subsequent policy alteration shall be subject to (a) and (b)
d) If IL LadyCare Rider and IL LadyCare Advantage rider are attached to the same basic ILP, the total sum assured of these two rider sum assured can not more than 1 x BSA.
2. Age at entry
Minimum : 17 next birthday
Maximum : 60 next birthday
However, this rider may be renewed up to the Life Assured’s age 75 years next birthday.
3. Policy Term
Minimum coverage : 1 Year
Maximum coverage : Yearly renewable up to age 75 years next birthday (subject to portfolio withdrawal)
4. Underwriting
a) Calculation for maximum Sum Assured per life (RM150,000) for this rider shall include IL LadyCare Rider, IL LadyCare Advantage Rider and GreatLady Rider Plan A, B and C.
CFE/09/2006 Page 4 of 6 IL LadyCare Rider
b) Maximum Dread Disease Sum Assured covered per life will exclude this rider.
c) “Supplementary Questionnaire for Lady Riders Applicable to Ladies Only” is required for every application.
d) “Breast Examination Questionnaire To Be Completed By The Attending Doctor” will be required if the life to be assured is required to go for medical examinations.
e) Sum Assured for this rider will be added to the Basic Sum Assured to determine the medical requirement.
f) Current New Business Medical Requirement table will be adopted.
Note : If the life to be assured has pre-existing cancer, upon underwriting the coverage of Female Cancer, Carcinoma-in-situ and Female Surgical Procedures should be excluded. Thus, it is not recommended to accept this application.
5. Backdating
Not Applicable
Waiting period is determined from:
i. The date of issue of the Policy and/or this Rider; or
ii. The date of inclusion of this Rider if it has been subsequently included to the Policy; or
iii. The date of any reinstatement of lapse on the Policy and/or this Rider.
Whichever is the later.
1) The Company will not pay any benefit under this rider if the relevant condition has existed at any time before or at the date of issue of this Policy and/or this rider or at the date of inclusion of this rider or at the date of any reinstatement.
2) This rider will not cover any condition which is caused directly or indirectly by self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane.
3) No claim for facial reconstructive surgery and/or skin grafting shall be valid for facial disfigurement resulting from any physical or health impairment or disease or resulting directly from an accident which has existed at the date of issue of this rider.
4) The Company will not pay any benefit under this rider if the relevant condition is caused by
a. Any violation or attempted violation of the law, or resistance to arrest.
b. The existence of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or in the presence of any Human Immuno-deficiency Virus infection.
c. Alcohol or substance abuse/addiction.
d. Failure to seek or follow reasonable medical advice.
Note: The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. For full details of exclusions, please refer to the policy contract.
CFE/09/2006 Page 5 of 6 IL LadyCare Rider
Investment Linked LadyCare Rider Benefit Insurance Charge
Age         Insurance Charges per RM 1000 SA
17 - 37         4.50
38         4.61
39         5.08
40         5.51
41         5.91
42         6.41
43         6.96
44         7.56
45         8.06
46         8.51
47         8.96
48         9.11
49         9.13
50         9.24
51         9.32
52         9.43
53         9.56
54         9.62
55         9.62
56         9.58
57         9.56
58         9.45
59         9.34
60         9.30
61         9.26
62         9.24
63         9.19
64         9.17
65         9.11
66         9.04
67         8.98
68         8.94
69         8.85
70         8.85
71         8.81
72         8.76
73         8.76
74         8.74

CFE/09/2006 Page 6 of 6 IL LadyCare Rider

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-2-2011 09:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
This is an optional benefit which can be attached to Regular Premium Investment-Linked policies
such as Great ProtectLink / GreatLife Portfolio Insurance and GreatLife International Portfolio Insurance. Insurance charge will be deducted from the unit fund. This benefit is yearly renewable and can be attached at anytime effective from next monthly due
1. Lifetime Female Benefits
Table 1
Event         Percentage of Sum Assured Waiting period                 Survival Period
(Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Fallopian tubes, Ovary, Vulva and Vagina)         30%         120 days         30 days
Female Cancers
(Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Fallopian tubes, Ovary, Vulva and Vagina)         100%         60 days         30 days
SLE with Lupus Nephritis         100%         30 days         30 days
Facial Reconstructive Surgery due to Accidents
(Above neck)         30%         0 day         0 day
Skin Grafting
(Malignant Skin cancer or Burns)         30%         60 days
(for malignant Skin Cancer)         0 day

Upon diagnosis of any of the specified conditions, percentage of the sum assured (Table 1) will be payable in one lump sum. Respective waiting period and survival period as stated in table above are applicable under these benefit. No payment will be made for re-constructive surgery / skin grafting which is not deemed as Medically Necessary. The company will only pay for each diagnosis as stated in the table above once per policy. The maximum aggregate benefit payable under this Table is 100%.
2. Female Surgical Procedures
Table 2
Event         Procedures         Percentage of SA Waiting Period                 Survival
Breast Related         Breast Lumpectomy - Unilateral         10%         60 days         N/A
Breast Lumpectomy - Bilateral         15%
Mastectomy         25%
Breast Reconstructive Surgery         30%
Female Internal Organ         Total Hysterectomy         30%
Radical Hysterectomy         30%
Radical Vulvectomy         30%
Total Pelvic Extenteration         30%

CFE/09/2006 Page 1 of 9 IL LadyCare Advantage
Percentage of the sum assured will be payable in one lump sum for any of the procedures stated in Table 2. All female surgical procedures above must be performed to treat Female Malignant Cancer in order to qualify for a claim. (Note: Female Maglinant Cancer is referred to Female Cancer at the following organs: Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Fallopian tube, Ovary, Vulva and Vagina) Under the event of Breast Related surgical procedures, if there is any earlier claim made, the company will pay the difference of each surgery up to the maximum allowed within any Breast Related category. No payment will be made for Female Surgical Procedure which is not deemed as Medically Necessary. The company will only pay for each diagnosis as stated in the table above once per policy.
3. Pregnancy & Neonatal Coverage
A lump sum payment of RM 20,000 will be payable upon diagnosis of any of the specified conditions:

Event         Waiting Period Survival Period        
Eclampsia         12 months         30 days
(Except stillbirth and neonatal death after childbirth)
Ectopic Pregnancy
Molar Pregnancy
Miscarriage (20-28 weeks pregnancy, due to accident; exclude abortion)
Intrauterine Death of Fetus
(Stillbirth – 29 weeks pregnancy onwards)
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation after 7 months of Pregnancy
Neonatal Death after Childbirth
(within 28 days of delivery)

No payment shall be made for any diagnosis of any specified conditions stated in the table above within the waiting period of 12 months. This benefit will be terminated once a claim is under this section. This coverage shall be automatically cease upon Life Assured attained age 45.
4. Infant Coverage
A lump sum payment of RM 20,000 will be payable if the Life Assured’s child (up to age 4) is diagnosed to be suffering from any of the specified conditions:
Event         Waiting Period Survival Period        
(I) Down’s Syndrome         12 months         N/A
(II) Spina Bifida
(III) Atrial Septal Defect
(IV) Ventricular Septal Defect
(V) Tetralogy of Fallot
(VI) Patent Ductus Arteriosus
(VII) Premature Birth Requiring Neonatal ICU
(subject to condition when it is above 30 days)
(VIII) Cleft Palate

This coverage shall commence from the 29th day after the birth of child (except for Premature Birth Requiring Neonatal ICU). This benefit will be terminated once a claim is made under this section.
CFE/09/2006 Page 2 of 9 IL LadyCare Advantage
No payment under this section shall be made if the Childbirth results from fertility treatment, including in-vitro fertilizations. This coverage shall be automatically cease upon Life Assured attained age 45.
i. The rider will be terminated once the Total Claim payout reaches 100% in Table 1 (for Lifetime Female Benefit) AND 30% in Table 2 (for Female Surgical Procedures) AND one claim under Pregnancy & Neonatal Death AND one claim under Infant Coverage.
ii. Rider will still be in force and insurance charges will be deducted as long as the claims scenario does not meet Note (i) above.
iii. The benefits offer in this rider will only be paid for the first ever occurrence of any covered event happen to the Life Assured.
1 Lifetime Female Benefits
I. Carcinoma-in-situ
For the purpose of this policy, Carcinoma-in-situ covers only the following sites: Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, Vagina and Vulva. Carcinoma-in-situ is defined as a focal autonomous new growth of carcinomatous cells which has not yet resulted in the invasion of normal tissues. Invasion means an infiltration and/or active destruction of tissue or surrounding tissue beyond the basement membrane. The diagnosis of carcinoma-in-situ must always be positively diagnosed upon the basis of a microscopic examination of fixed tissue additionally supported by a biopsy result. Clinical diagnosis does not meet this standard. No benefit will be payable:-
- for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) classification CIN I, CIN II and CIN III (severe dysplasia without Carcinoma-in-situ);
- if the life assured is diagnosed to be HIV-positive.
II. Female Cancers
Focal autonomous uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells, which has resulted in the invasion and destruction of normal tissues. This benefit cover primary “Cancer” as follow: Breast, Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Placenta, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, Vagina and Vulva. The following are excluded:
- Cancers which have metastasized to and do not originate from the above sites;
- Tumours showing the malignant changes of carcinoma-in-situ and tumours which are histologically described as pre-malignant or non-invasive, including but not limited to: Carcinoma-in-situ of the Breasts, Cervical Dysplasia CIN I, CIN II and CIN III;
- All tumours in the presence of HIV infection;
III. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis
A multi-system multifactorial, autoimmune disorder which affects mostly females in their childbearing years and is characterized by the development of auto-antibodies directed against various self-antigens. For this purpose of this policy, SLE will be restricted to those forms of systemic lupus erythematosus which involve the kidneys (Type III to Type IV Lupus Nephritis, established by renal biopsy and in accordance with the WHO classification). Other forms, discoid lupus, and those forms with only haematological and joint involvement will be specifically excluded.
World Health Organization (“WHO”) Lupus Classification:
Class I (minimal change) – Negative, normal urine
Class II (Mesangial) – Moderate proteinuria, active sediment
Class III (Focal Segmental) – Proteinuria, active sediment
CFE/09/2006 Page 3 of 9 IL LadyCare Advantage
Class IV (Diffuse) – Acute nephritis with active sediment and/or nephritic syndrome
Class V (Membranous) – Nephrotic Sydrome or severe proteinuria.
IV. Facial Reconstructive Surgery due to Accidents
The actual undergoing of re-constructive surgery above the neck (restoration or re-constructive of the shape of and appearance of facial structures which are defective, missing or damaged or misshapen) performed under general aneasthesia by a registered surgeon to correct disfigurement as a direct result of Accident or assault. The surgery must be Medically Necessary and the Accident causing disfigurement must have resulted in the in-patient hospitalization and treatment of the life assured. The accident must be caused solely and directly by violent, external and visible means; and the sole, primary and independent cause of the injury (or injuries) requiring reconstructive surgery.
V. Skin Grafting necessitated by Accidental Burns or Skin Cancer
The actual undergoing of:
- skin transplantation due to accidental full-thickness (3rd degree) burns to the face; or
- skin transplantation due to the removal of Malignant Skin Cancer first diagnosed after the waiting period of 60 days.
Malignant Skin Cancer means the uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells in the skin and the invasion and destruction of normal tissue. The cancer must be confirmed by histological evidence of malignancy by Consultant Pathologist. Metastatic skin cancer is included. The following are excluded:
- Carcinoma-in-situ
- Skin cancers less than 1.5 mm Breslow thickness or less than Clark level 3 depth of invasion
- Cancers manifesting themselves as complications of AIDS.

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-2-2011 09:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
2 Female Surgical Procedures
Specified female surgical procedures are defined below:
I. Breast Lumpectomy – Unilateral
The removal of a malignant breast tumour and surrounding breast tissue in one breast without removal of muscles, skin or lymph nodes.
II. Breast Lumpectomy – Bilateral
The removal of a malignant breast tumour and surrounding breast tissue in both breasts without removal of muscles, skin or lymph nodes.
III. Mastectomy
The surgical removal of at least one quadrant of the tissue of a breast due to female cancer.
IV. Breast Reconstructive Surgery
The actual undergoing of plastic or reconstructive surgery of the breast following surgical removal of at least one quadrant of the tissue of the breast (Mastectomy) due to female cancer. The surgical removal of breast tissue must be deemed medically necessary by medical adviser. Breast reconstructive surgery must be performed within 2 years after Mastectomy to fulfill the claim under this section.
V. Total Hysterectomy
The removal of the entire uterus due to female cancer.
VI. Radical Hysterectomy (Wertheim’s Hysterectomy)
The surgical removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes, upper third of the vagina and pelvic lymph due to female cancer.
CFE/09/2006 Page 4 of 9 IL LadyCare Advantage
VII. Radical Vulvectomy
The surgical removal of the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris and regional lymph nodes due to female cancer.
VIII. Total Pelvic Exenteration
The surgical removal of the bladder, lower ureters, pelvic and lower sigmoid colon, uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina and pelvic lymph nodes due to female cancer.
3 Pregnancy & Neonatal Death
I. Eclampsia
Maternal hypertension, proteinuria, excessive weight gain, peripheral oedema and coagulation abnormalities where convulsions have occurred and at least two of the following criteria are met:
- Blood pressure 160/100 mm Hg or greater
- Proteinuria >= 3 gm in 24 hour urine collection
- Creatinine > 1.2 mg%
- Oliguria (<500 cc in 24 hour collection)
- Cerebral or visual disturbances
- Pulmonary oedema
- Jaundice
- Intrauterine death
- Thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy
- HELLP syndrome (haemolytic anaemia/microangiopathic anaemia, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets)
A specialist obstetrician must confirm diagnosis. Pre-eclampsia is specifically excluded.
II. Ectopic Pregnancy
Pregnancy in which implantation of a fertilized ovum occurs outside the uterine cavity (ovary, fallopian tube, abdominal cavity). The Ectopic pregnancy must be terminated by laparotomy or laparoscopic surgery. The diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy must be confirmed by an obstetrician or gynecologist.
III. Molar Pregnancy
The end stage of a degenerating pregnancy in which the chorionic villi have formed vesicles and resemble a bunch of grapes. The defining histological criterion of trophoblastic hyperplasia must be present and proven.
IV. Intrauterine Death of Fetus (Stillbirth)
Fetal Death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of conception of 28 or more completed weeks of gestation. The death is indicated by the fact that after such separation the fetus does not breathe or show any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles. Elective termination of pregnancy and Abortion are specifically excluded, unless deemed medically necessary by an appropriate specialist. Abortion refers to the deliberate termination of pregnancy via medical intervention.
V. Miscarriage due to Accident
The termination of pregnancy after commencement of the 20th weeks and prior to commencement of the 29th week of pregnancy, arising from bodily injury caused by an accident to the life assured. Following expulsion or extraction, to foetus must at no time have breathed or shown any sign of life. Where the pregnancy is terminated by extraction of the foetus, such extraction must be certified by an appropriate medical acceptance to the Company as being medically necessary. Elective termination of pregnancy and Abortion are specifically excluded, unless deemed medically
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necessary by an appropriate specialist. Abortion refers to the deliberate termination of pregnancy via medical intervention.
VI. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (After 7 months of Pregnancy)
A life threatening complication of pregnancy, consisting of a systemic thrombo-hemorrhagic disorder, that is characterized by generalized bleeding and end organ damage. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a gynaecologist or obstetrician as disseminated intravascular coagulation and supported by laboratory tests showing a combination of significant thrombocytopenia, pro-coagulant activation, fibrinolytic activation and inhibitor consumption. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation arising during the first seven (7) months of pregnancy is excluded.
VII. Neonatal Death after Childbirth
The event of death of the Life Assured’s Child, within 28 days of delivery, who has followed complete expulsion or extraction from its mother, breathes or shows any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles.
4 Infant Coverage
iv. Down Syndrome
A specific chromosomal abnormality specifically an autosomal aberration, identified by an extra chromosome 21 and characterized by muscular hypotonicity, microcephaly, brachycephaly, and a flattened occiput. A Consultant Pediatrician shall base such diagnosis on the accepted currently applicable criteria of Down’s Syndrome after full examination. Diagnosis must be supported by retardation of physical and mental development. Down’s Syndrome is also known as Trisomy 21 or Mongolism.
v. Spina Bifida
Defective closure of the spinal column due to a neural tube deficit with a resultant meningomyelocele or meningocele and associated neurological deficit. Spina Bifida Occulta is specifically excluded and the diagnosis must be confirmed by a medical specialist.
vi. Atrial Septal Defect
A hole in the partition (septum) between the left and right atrium (upper chambers) of the heart permitting abnormal circulation between the left and right side of the heart. Claims shall only be admitted if the condition warrants surgical closure for the reversal of haemodynamic abnormalities and the prevention of heart failure, paradoxic embolisation or irreversible pulmonary vascular disease, as recommended by a Paediatric Cardiologist and supported by an echocardiogram.
vii. Ventricular Septal Defect
A hole in the partition (septum) between the left and right ventricle (lower chambers) of the heart permitting abnormal circulation between the left and right side of the heart. Claims shall only be admitted if the condition warrants surgical closure for the reversal of haemodynamic abnormalities and the prevention of heart failure, paradoxic embolisation or irreversible pulmonary vascular disease, as recommended by a Paediatric Cardiologist and supported by an echocardiogram.
viii. Tetralogy of Fallot
An anatomic abnormality with severe or total right ventricular outflow tract obstruction and a ventricular septal defect allowing right ventricular deoxygenated blood to bypass the pulmonary artery and enter the aorta directly. The diagnosis must be confirmed by an appropriate medical specialist and supported by an echocardiogram, and invasive surgery must be performed to correct the condition.
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ix. Patent Ductus Arteriosus
The failure of the channel between the pulmonary artery and aorta to close after birth, where in the opinion of an appropriate medical specialist, the Patent Ductus Arteriosus is unlikely to close spontaneously. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a cardiologist and supported by an echocardiogram, and invasive surgery must be performed to correct the condition.
x. Premature Birth Requiring Neonatal ICU
A live birth with a gestation period shorter than 37 weeks and birth-weight less than 1800 grams requiring medically necessary confinement in a recognized Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of a hospital recognized by the Malaysia Ministry of Health. This benefit is only payable when the number of days confined in Neonatal ICU is above 30 days.
xi. Cleft Palate
A congenital fissure of the palate often associated with the cleft lip. Payment will only be made for those cases with cleft palate or cleft palate and cleft lip. Claims for those with cleft lip alone will not be admitted.
This is yearly renewable monthly deduction rider, insurance charge will be deducted from unit fund throughout the coverage period based on attained age. Insurance charge is not guaranteed.
i. Sum Assured allowable:

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a) This rider can not be attached to Basic plan with Sum Assured less than RM50,000.
b) Maximum Sum Assured of this rider can not exceed the Basic Sum Assured, and subject to the sum assured allowable.
c) Any subsequent policy alteration shall be subject to (a) and (b)
d) If IL LadyCare Rider and IL LadyCare Advantage rider are attached to the same basic ILP, the total sum assured of these two rider sum assured can not more than 1 x BSA.
ii. Age at entry
Minimum : 17 next birthday
Maximum : 40 next birthday
However, this rider may be renewed up to the Life Assured’s age 75 years next birthday.
iii. Policy Term
Minimum coverage : 1 Year
Maximum coverage : Yearly renewable up to age 75 years next birthday (subject to portfolio withdrawal)
iv. Underwriting
1. Calculation for maximum Sum Assured per life (RM150,000) for this rider shall include IL LadyCare Rider, IL LadyCare Advantage Rider and GreatLady Rider Plan B.
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2. This rider will not be granted to Life Assured who has existing policy/rider that is providing similar type of pregnancy & infant coverage, eg. GreatLady Plan A and Plan C.
3. Maximum Dread Disease Sum Assured covered per life will exclude this rider.
4. “Supplementary Questionnaire for Lady Riders Applicable to Ladies Only” is required for every application.
5. “Breast Examination Questionnaire To Be Completed By The Attending Doctor” will be required if the life to be assured is required to go for medical examinations.
6. Sum Assured for this rider will be added to the Basic Sum Assured to determine the medical requirement.
7. Current New Business Medical Requirement table will be adopted.
Note : If the life to be assured has pre-existing cancer, upon underwriting the coverage of Female Cancer, Carcinoma-in-situ and Female Surgical Procedures should be excluded. Thus, it is not recommended to accept this application.
v. Backdating
Not Applicable
Waiting period is determined from:
1. The date of issue of the Policy and/or this Rider; or
2. The date of inclusion of this Rider if it has been subsequently included to the Policy; or
3. The date of any reinstatement of lapse on the Policy and/or this Rider.
Whichever is the later.
1) The Company will not pay any benefit under this rider if the relevant condition has existed at any time before or at the date of issue of this Policy and/or this rider or at the date of inclusion of this rider or at the date of any reinstatement.
2) This rider will not cover any condition which is caused directly or indirectly by self-inflicted injuries, while sane or insane.
3) No claim for facial reconstructive surgery and/or skin grafting shall be valid for facial disfigurement resulting from any physical or health impairment or disease or resulting directly from an accident which has existed at the date of issue of this rider.
4) The Company will not pay any benefit under this rider if the relevant condition is caused by
a. Any violation or attempted violation of the law, or resistance to arrest.
b. The existence of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or in the presence of any Human Immuno-deficiency Virus infection.
c. Alcohol or substance abuse/addiction.
d. Failure to seek or follow reasonable medical advice.
Note: The exclusions highlighted here may not be exhaustive. For full details of exclusions, please refer to the policy contract.
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Investment Linked LadyCare Advantage Rider Benefit Insurance Charge
Age         Insurance Charges for RM 50,000 Sum Assured         Age         Insurance Charges for RM 50,000 Sum Assured
17         310.71         46         425.50
18         310.71         47         448.00
19         315.86         48         455.50
20         342.43         49         456.50
21         380.14         50         462.00
22         428.57         51         466.00
23         485.57         52         471.50
24         550.71         53         478.00
25         626.14         54         481.00
26         703.71         55         481.00
27         771.43         56         479.00
28         825.86         57         478.00
29         867.86         58         472.50
30         895.71         59         467.00
31         900.86         60         465.00
32         883.71         61         463.00
33         855.43         62         462.00
34         814.71         63         459.50
35         762.43         64         458.50
36         698.57         65         455.50
37         631.71         66         452.00
38         573.79         67         449.00
39         537.71         68         447.00
40         505.64         69         442.50
41         480.21         70         442.50
42         470.07         71         440.50
43         485.57         72         438.00
44         510.86         73         438.00
45         403.00         74         437.00

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