发表于 13-4-2016 02:50 AM
證監會:考慮股東權益 堅持CLIQ能源需清盤退款
(吉隆坡12日訊)證券監督委員會(SC)表示,該會在處理所有企業建議時,都會考量股東權益,儘管CLIQ能源(CLIQ,5234,主要板特殊併購)今次入稟法庭提出司法審查(judicial review),證監會也堅持捍衛決定。
據《星報》報導,CLIQ能源通過Best Oracle私人有限公司史無前例向證監會採取法律行動,入稟法庭要求司法審查,挑戰證監會在1月7日針對該公司提議收購Phystech II公司51%股權提出提交更多資料的要求。
Best Oracle私人有限公司是CLIQ能源的合格保薦人(promoters)及持有后者20%股權。
CLIQ能源早在2013年4月以特殊併購公司上市馬股,建議以1億1730萬美元(約5億1850萬令吉)價碼收購特殊併購公司Phystech II公司的51%股權 ,后者在哈薩克斯坦(Kazakhstan)持有油田。
CLIQ能源因此被迫除牌下市,並將所有信托戶頭內的款項退回給股東,屆時CLIQ能源股東料可獲每股回退73仙。【中国报财经】 |
发表于 13-4-2016 04:04 PM
财经 评论 玉楼金阙 2016-04-13 11:55
所谓“新鲜事”,是公司持股20%的大股东BEST ORACLE,决定起诉证监委员会(SC),要求高庭对证监会拒绝CLIQ能源延长公司收购合格资产的期限进行司法审核。
陈金阙 专业财务规划师
【南洋网财经】 |
发表于 15-4-2016 01:36 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 15-4-2016 06:50 PM 编辑
2016-04-15 11:07
Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A)Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | MR SIVA KUMAR A/L M.JEYAPALAN | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.01 each | Name & address of registered holder | Siva Kumar a/l M.JeyapalanNo. 2, Jalan Desa BahagiaTaman Desa58100 Kuala Lumpur |
Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Date interest acquired | 31 Mar 2016 | No of securities | 34,600,100 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Acquisition of shares | Nature of interest | Direct interest | Price Transacted ($$) |
| Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 34,600,100 | Direct (%) | 5.484 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) | 0 | Indirect/deemed interest (%) | 0 | Date of notice | 14 Apr 2016 |
发表于 16-4-2016 02:54 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | Update to Shareholders | The Board of Directors of CLIQ Energy Berhad (“Board”) (“CLIQ/the Company”) (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) wishes to update the shareholders that the Board is fully aware of the expectation of the entitled shareholders to receive monies from the trust account arising from the inability of the Company to secure the qualifying acquisition asset.
The Board wishes to update that the Company has been actively engaging with the regulators since middle of February 2016 to discuss, amongst others, the various processes and procedures in relation to this unprecedented liquidation of a special purpose acquisition company. The Company has considered the three methods of liquidation, i.e. members voluntary liquidation, creditors voluntary liquidation and winding up by court order, and at present, the documentation for all 3 winding up methods are being considered and/or prepared.
The Company is aware that it has been named as one of the respondents in the judicial review application (“Judicial Review”) filed by Best Oracle Sdn Bhd and takes the view that it is not cost effective for the Company to intervene in the Judicial Review. Best Oracle Sdn Bhd is the 20% shareholder of the Company and the shareholders of Best Oracle Sdn Bhd are the 5 members of the Management Team of CLIQ. As far as the Company is concerned, as announced on 10 April 2016, given that the High Court has not granted an injunction order against the Company from proceeding with the liquidation and dissolution process, in accordance with the laws and requirements, the Company is working very hard towards being able to officially appoint the liquidators via one of the three liquidation methods, and thereafter commence the liquidation process. Another announcement will be made on the progress of the liquidation process once the liquidation documents are filed.
This announcement is dated 15 April 2016. |
发表于 22-4-2016 03:44 PM
安德鲁亚历山辞职 CLIQ 能源仅剩4董事
财经新闻 财经 2016-04-22 10:42
阿末吉雅依里阿斯和卡马鲁巴哈林,也是大股东Best Oracle私人有限公司的代表。
本月10日,持有CLIQ能源20%股权的Best Oracle,向高等法院申请司法审核,寻求高庭裁决证券监督委员会准许公司延长收购合格资产(QA)的期限,避免公司遭解散。
12日,证监会表示,将针对司法审核展开抗辩。【南洋网财经】 |
发表于 25-4-2016 12:14 AM
大限前没重交收购申请 传CLIQ能源要诉马银行投行
财经新闻 财经 2016-04-24 12:04
《The Edge》引述消息人士透露:“CLIQ能源表示,马银行投行没有在最后期限为公司提交重新调整收购建议的申请。”
此外,该文件也提到证监会并无反对公司独立估价师德勤(Deloitte)使用Tracs-Consult LLC使用的技术报告,直至截止日期前两周才表示,达不到其要求,并要求德勤进行独立评估。
由于公司申请延迟收购油田资产被拒,因此,即将进入解散及退款给股东的程序。【南洋网财经】 |
发表于 2-5-2016 07:12 PM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 3-5-2016 11:44 PM 编辑
司法审核与清盘令聆审撞期 CLIQ能源吁股东谨慎交易
财经新闻 财经 2016-05-03 10:05
该公司在文告中澄清,公司未和证监会就清盘令展开诉讼,反之是以董事经理兼总执行长、财务总监兼执行董事人以及另外前3名前管理层,通过Best Oracle私人有限公司,向高庭申请司法审核,以对证监会拒绝公司延长收购合格资产(QA)期限等决定和要求,展开司法审核。
Best Oracle向高庭寻求取消或撤回证监会早前的决定或要求、暂停公司目前正进行的解散和清盘程序,以及裁决证监会准许公司延长收购合格资产(QA)的期限,避免公司遭解散。
Best Oracle为CLIQ能源大股东,持有20%的股权。
如今,高庭定于5月11日为Best Oracle司法审查申请过堂,5月31日聆审。
该公司委任国富浩华(Crowe Horwath)顾问私人有限公司的翁建和和莫源乐(人名皆译音)为清盘师,资本回退时间将在取得庭令后,做出适时的公布。
Type | Announcement | Subject | WINDING UP / RECEIVER & MANAGER / RESTRAINING ORDER / SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR | Description | Clarification & Update on Litigation | We refer to our announcement dated 10 April 2016. We have been notified by Best Oracle Sdn. Bhd. that the Kuala Lumpur High Court (“High Court”) has fixed 6 May 2016 for the hearing of the leave application by Best Oracle Sdn. Bhd. (“Best Oracle”). Best Oracle is a 20% shareholder of the CLIQ Energy Berhad (“CLIQ/the Company”) and the 5 shareholders of Best Oracle are the Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director and the Chief Financial Officer/Executive Director of CLIQ whilst the other three (3) were the former Management Team of CLIQ.
We refer to the news article titled “Legal tussle between CLIQ and SC to start soon” which was featured in The Edge Financial Daily on 29 April 2016. We wish to clarify that there is no tussle between CLIQ and the Securities Commission (“SC”), as CLIQ did not initiate any legal action against the SC or vice versa. As announced on 10 April 2016, Best Oracle has filed a Judicial Review Application to the High Court in respect of the request/decision by the SC via a letter from Maybank Investment Bank Berhad on 7 January 2016 to CLIQ and CLIQ was named as a second respondent.
This announcement is dated 29 April 2016. |
Type | Announcement | Subject | WINDING UP / RECEIVER & MANAGER / RESTRAINING ORDER / SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR | Description | Update of Liquidation | We refer to the announcement dated 25 April 2016 in relation to the filing of a petition (“Petition”) to the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur (“High Court”) to wind up CLIQ Energy Berhad (“CLIQ” or “Company”) under Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Act”).
The Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) (“Board”) wishes to update that: - The rationale for the Company to proceed with winding up by court pursuant to Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act 1965 (“the Act”) is mainly due to the fact that that Section 218(1)(h) provides that where there is a fixed duration provided in a company’s Articles of Association and such duration expires, the court may order for the company to be wound up.
As stated in the Company’s Prospectus dated 22 March 2013, the Company’s Articles of Association dated 2 February 2012 (“Company’s Articles”) and the Securities Commission Equity Guidelines, CLIQ's life is finite, if it is unable to acquire a qualifying asset. On this basis and pursuant to our discussion with CLIQ’s advisors, the Board is of the view that the Company should proceed with the winding up by court; - Pursuant to Section 219(2) of the Act, “the winding up shall be deemed to have commenced at the time of the presentation of the petition for the winding up”. This means that the winding up proceedings of the Company has commenced on 25 April 2016, which is the date the Petition was filed in court;
- The High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur has fixed 11 May 2016 for case management and 31 May 2016 for hearing of the Petition;
- Barring any unforeseen circumstances and subject to the Company having complied with all applicable rules, namely, the Act and Companies (Winding Up) Rules 1972, the Company expects to obtain an order of Court for the winding up of the Company and appointment of liquidator (“Court Order”) on 31 May 2016, being the date of the hearing. However, in the event there is any unforeseen intervention and/or if the Petition is contested by any party, the Court Order may not be obtained on this date and the proceedings may be delayed;
- Upon obtaining the Court Order among others:
(i) Mr Onn Kien Hoe and/or Mr Mok Yuen Lok from Crowe Horwath Advisory Sdn. Bhd. will be appointed as the liquidators for the Company (“the Proposed Liquidators”); and
(ii) The Liquidators will be permitted to make payment to and/or to take such necessary steps to meet the requirements as are provided for under Article 61C(7) of the Company’s Articles and to make a substantial interim payment to entitled shareholders. - The detailed timeline on the proposed distribution of monies in the trust account to the entitled shareholders will be announced upon obtaining the Court Order.
Shareholders are advised to trade in CLIQ shares with caution in view of the upcoming hearing of the Petition on 31 May 2016.
This announcement is dated 29 April 2016. |
发表于 7-5-2016 03:20 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 10-5-2016 01:26 AM 编辑
By Chen Shaua Fui / theedgemarkets.com | May 6, 2016 : 5:04 PM MYT
(吉隆坡6日讯)以董事经理兼总执行长 Ahmad Ziyad Elias为首的CLIQ能源(CLIQ Energy Bhd)管理层,为阻止公司被清盘而提出的司法审核申请,今日遭高庭驳回。
CLIQ管理层通过 Best Oracle私人有限公司于上个月提出司法审核申请。Best Oracle持有CLIQ的20%股权。
高庭法官 Datuk Hanipah Farikullah审理此案。Kamural Hisham代表CLIQ管理层,而 Lambart Rasaratnam代表证监会。
CLIQ管理层包括Ahmad Ziyad、执行董事 Kamarul Baharin Albakri、勘探副总裁 Dr Chang Kok Lip、开发与生产副总裁 Kamaroll Zaman Abdul Aziz,以及业务发展副总裁 Tengku Daud Shaifuddin Tengku Zainudin。
Ahmad Ziyad和Kamarul Baharin也是CLIQ董事部成员。
代表出庭的Kamarul Baharin告诉theedgemarkets.com表示,与律师会面后,他们在讨论考虑选项。
Type | Announcement | Subject | MATERIAL LITIGATION | Description | UPDATE ON LEAVE APPLICATION BY BEST ORACLE SDN BHD FOR A JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THE DECISION MADE BY THE SECURITIES COMMISSION | Further to our announcement dated 29 April 2016, the Company represented by Non Executive Directors who are not conflicted to represent the Company, and upon due enquiries made, wishes to inform that at the hearing by the High Court today, in Kuala Lumpur, the leave application filed by Best Oracle Sdn. Bhd.(Best Oracle) for a judicial review of the decision made by the SC via a letter from Maybank Investment Bank Berhad dated 7th January 2016 and for which the Company was named as the second respondent, has been declined and or rejected by the High Court, with no order as to cost.
The Company is not aware if Best Oracle intends to appeal against the said decision, and the Company will make further announcement if there is any further development on this case.
This announcement is dated 6 May 2016. |
发表于 13-5-2016 05:37 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | WINDING UP / RECEIVER & MANAGER / RESTRAINING ORDER / SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR | Description | Update of Liquidation | Further to our announcements dated 25 April 2016 and 29 April 2016 in relation to the filing of a petition (“Petition”) to the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur (“High Court”) to wind up CLIQ Energy Berhad (“CLIQ” or “Company”) under Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Act”), the Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) (“Board”) wishes to update that the High Court of Kuala Lumpur, on 11 May 2016, has given direction for the Petition to be gazetted and advertised in national circulating newspapers. The High Court has fixed for the next case management on 27 May 2016 to obtain the Registrar’s certificate of procedural compliance, for the hearing on 31 May 2016. From now until the hearing date, the public and shareholders are to trade and deal with CLIQ's shares with caution.
The Company had also on 11 May 2016 received, through its lawyers, a Notice of Intention to Appear (“Notice”) dated 9 May 2016 filed by Messrs. Yashar & Associates representing Best Oracle Sdn. Bhd. The Notice is filed for Best Oracle Sdn. Bhd. to appear at /attend the High Court hearing on 31 May 2016 with the intention to resist the Petition to wind up CLIQ.
This announcement is dated 12 May 2016. |
发表于 25-5-2016 08:18 PM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 26-5-2016 12:53 AM 编辑
| Description | Update of Liquidation | Further to our announcements dated 25 April 2016, 29 April 2016, 12 May 2016, 17 May 2016 and 20 May 2016 in relation to the filing of a petition (“Petition”) to the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur (“High Court”) to wind up CLIQ Energy Berhad (“CLIQ” or “Company”) under Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act, 1965 (“Act”), the Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) (“Board”) wishes to inform that the Company was on 24 May 2016 served with an unsealed copy of the notice of application for Stay of Proceedings (“Stay Application”) from Messrs. Yashar & Associates (representing Best Oracle Sdn. Bhd.) to seek for (i) a stay of proceedings of the Petition pending hearing and disposal of Best Oracle Sdn. Bhd.’s shareholders’ appeal to the Court of Appeal against the decision of the High Court in the application for Judicial Review (“Appeal”); (ii) if the Appeal is granted by the Court of Appeal, all proceedings in the Petition to be stayed/ delayed pending the hearing and disposal of the Judicial Review Application in Kuala Lumpur High Court and (iii) costs of the Stay Application to be paid by the Company.
The hearing date for the Stay Application has not yet been fixed as at the date of this announcement.
This announcement is dated 25 May 2016. |
发表于 4-6-2016 01:55 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 6-6-2016 12:57 AM 编辑
2016-06-02 09:11
31 Mar 2016 |
PERIOD | 31 Mar 2016 | 31 Mar 2015 | 31 Mar 2016 | 31 Mar 2015 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | -4,012 | -6,183 | -12,230 | -12,247 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | -5,114 | -6,787 | -13,954 | -13,418 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | -5,114 | -6,787 | -13,954 | -13,418 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.0000 | 0.0200
发表于 9-6-2016 11:30 PM
By Chen Shaua Fui / theedgemarkets.com | June 8, 2016 : 7:57 PM MYT
(吉隆坡8日讯)CLIQ能源(CLIQ Energy Bhd)大股东Best Oracle私人有限公司向高等法院提出司法审核申请,以延长CLIQ能源合格收购(QA)的期限,并制止该公司进行清盘程序,司法审核的j结果将于本周五出炉。
司法专员Noorin Badaruddin今日在高庭聆听CLIQ能源及Best Oracle的辩词后,已定下司法审核结果出炉的日期。
持有CLIQ能源20%股权的Best Oracle,正寻求制止CLIQ能源向高庭提出的清盘申请,以阻止后者展开清盘程序。
Best Oracle法律顾问Shamsul Bahrin Manaf今日在高庭辩称,指CLIQ能源向高庭提呈清盘申请前,应该就清盘一事让股东投票决定。
不过,CLIQ能源法律顾问Wong Kah Hui则争辩指,并没必要让股东投票决定,因为这是非自愿清盘。
Best Oracle 5月因未能获得高庭批准其司法审核的申请,以制止CLIQ能源清盘的程序。Best Oracle随即提呈上诉,今早接获上诉庭发出的信函,将在明日就此事进行个案管理。
CLIQ能源管理团队包括总执行长Ahmad Ziyad Elias、执行董事Kamarul Baharin Albakri、勘探部副总裁Dr Chang Kok Lip、开发和生产部副总裁Kamaroll Zaman Abdul Aziz,以及业务发展部副总裁Tengku Daud Shaifuddin Tengku Zainudin。
CLIQ能源因大马证券监督委员会(SC)早前拒绝其收购拥有Phystech Firm LLP在哈萨克斯坦两个陆地油田的特殊用途公司(SPV)51%股权的合格收购延长期限申请,因而提出司法审核申请。
(编译:倪嫣鴽) |
发表于 11-6-2016 03:55 AM
CLIQ能源大的大股东Best Oracle私人有限公司法律顾问三苏巴林,向《The Edge》表示,高庭已定在6月24日,下午3时公布判决。
包含了CLIQ能源管理层的Best Oracle,目前在上诉法庭,针对该项决定作出上诉。
Type | Announcement | Subject | WINDING UP / RECEIVER & MANAGER / RESTRAINING ORDER / SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR | Description | Update of Liquidation | Further to our announcements dated 25 April 2016, 29 April 2016, 12 May 2016, 17 May 2016, 20 May 2016, 25 May 2016, 26 May 2016, 27 May 2016 and 8 June 2016, the Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) (“Board”) wishes to inform that the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur (“High Court”) had fixed the decision date for the application to strike out the petition to wind-up CLIQ (“Petition”) filed by Best Oracle Sdn Bhd (“Striking Out Application”) on 24 June 2016. The hearing of the application for stay of proceedings of the Petition (“Stay Application") and the Petition will be fixed once the striking out has been disposed off, and if the same is in the favour of the Company.
This announcement is dated 10 June 2016. |
发表于 11-6-2016 12:49 PM
发表于 25-6-2016 04:43 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 26-6-2016 02:16 AM 编辑
Best Oracle挑战CLIQ能源清盘申请宣告失败
By Chen Shaua Fui / theedgemarkets.com | June 24, 2016 : 7:44 PM MYT
(吉隆坡24日讯)持有CLIQ能源(CLIQ Energy Bhd)20%股权的Best Oracle私人有限公司欲制止这家特殊用途收购公司(SPAC)清盘却宣告失败,高等法庭已驳回其制止CLIQ能源执行清盘程序的申请。
司法专员Noorin Badaruddin表示:“法庭认为呈请人(CLIQ能源)不应被阻止进行清盘程序,因此,高庭将能够参考所有的证据,并确定是否该颁布一项指令或是作出其他决定。”
Best Oracle的法律顾问Shamsul Bahrin Manaf表示,该公司将在下周就高庭的决定提出上诉。
Best Oracle今年1月入禀法院,要求司法审核,阻止CLIQ能源面临清盘的危机。
该公司是因大马证券监督委员会(SC)早前拒绝其延长收购合格资产(QA)计划期限的申请, 因而提出这项司法审核申请。
Type | Announcement | Subject | WINDING UP / RECEIVER & MANAGER / RESTRAINING ORDER / SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR | Description | Update of Liquidation | Further to our announcements dated 25 April 2016, 29 April 2016, 12 May 2016, 17 May 2016, 20 May 2016, 25 May 2016, 26 May 2016, 27 May 2016, 8 June 2016, 10 June 2016 and 15 June 2016, the Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) (“Board”) wishes to inform that the application to strike out the petition to wind-up CLIQ (“Petition”) filed by Best Oracle Sdn Bhd (“Striking Out Application”) had been dismissed by the High Court of Malaya at Kuala Lumpur (“Court”) with costs of RM3,000.00 to be paid to CLIQ.
The Court has fixed the hearing of the application for stay of proceeding of the Petition (“Stay Application”) and the case management date for the Petition on 29 June 2016.
This announcement is dated 24 June 2016. |
发表于 20-7-2016 04:01 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 21-7-2016 02:26 AM 编辑
(吉隆坡19日讯)CLIQ能源(CLIQ,5234,主板特别并购)大股东Best Oracle力阻公司清盘的努力再以失败收场,高等法庭今日正式驳回其阻止清盘活动的申请。
这是持有CLIQ能源约20%股权的Best Oracle,在力阻公司清盘过程中的第三次败北。Best Oracle是由CLIQ能源董事部成员控制的公司。
资料显示,Best Oracle之前是因证券监督委员会拒绝延长其收购资产的限期,而提出司法审查申请,将证券监督委员会和CLIQ能源列为辩方,但未获放行,此案目前仍在上诉中。
Type | Announcement | Subject | WINDING UP / RECEIVER & MANAGER / RESTRAINING ORDER / SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR | Description | Update of Liquidation | Further to our announcements dated 25 April 2016, 29 April 2016, 12 May 2016, 17 May 2016, 20 May 2016, 25 May 2016, 26 May 2016, 27 May 2016, 8 June 2016, 10 June 2016, 15 June 2016, 24 June 2016 and 29 June 2016, the Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) (“Board”) wishes to inform that during the hearing today, Best Oracle Sdn Bhd (“Best Oracle”) had decided to withdraw its Stay Application for Judicial Review and consequently, costs of RM3,000.00 was awarded to CLIQ.
Further, as to Best Oracle’s Stay Application for Striking out Appeal (consequent of the High Court of Kuala Lumpur’s dismissal of the striking out application filed by Best Oracle) after having heard submissions from counsels, the Learned Judge dismissed the Stay Application for Striking Out Appeal with costs of RM4,000.00 to be paid by Best Oracle to CLIQ.
The Petition to wind up CLIQ under Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act, 1965 is fixed for hearing on 20 September 2016.
This announcement is dated 19 July 2016. |
发表于 3-8-2016 01:17 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 3-8-2016 06:02 AM 编辑
不过,不愿意公司就此遭到清盘的大股东Best Oracle,转向高庭提出申请,对证监会拒绝公司延长收购合格资产期限等决定和要求,展开司法审核。
然而,Best Oracle的努力同样无功而返,在上个月遭到高庭拒绝。【e南洋】
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | CLIQ Energy Berhad ("CLIQ") - Statement by the Management and Promoters of CLIQ | We refer to our Annual Report dated 29 July 2016 (“AR”) issued pursuant to Paragraph 9.23 of Listing Requirements. It has been brought to our attention that the physical copy of the AR that was sent out to the shareholders contained an additional page entitled “Statement by the Management and Promoters of CLIQ Energy Berhad” on page 6 of the physical copy of the AR (please refer to the attachment).
The Independent Directors of CLIQ wish to clarify that the abovementioned “Statement by the Management and Promoters of CLIQ Energy Berhad” was issued without the knowledge nor approved by the Board of Directors of CLIQ.
This announcement is dated 2 August 2016. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/5165613
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | CLIQ Energy Berhad ("CLIQ") - Statement by the Management and Promoters of CLIQ | Further to our announcement dated 2 August 2016 in relation to “Statement by the Management and Promoters of CLIQ Energy Berhad”, the Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) wishes to clarify that the Letter of Appeal for the extension of time (“EOT”) mentioned in the statement is not a new appeal, as the EOT has not been considered by the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”) as announced on 24 February 2016. Currently, there is no outstanding appeal to the SC.
CLIQ is currently in the process of winding-up, which will facilitate the return the trust money to its shareholders. As announced previously, the hearing date for the Judicial Review Appeal filed by the shareholders of Best Oracle Sdn Bhd is fixed on 14 September 2016 and the hearing for the Petition to wind up CLIQ under Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act, 1965 is fixed on 20 September 2016.
This announcement is dated 2 August 2016. |
发表于 2-9-2016 05:22 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 4-9-2016 06:39 PM 编辑
但过后包括大股东Best Oracle私人有限公司在内的CLIQ能源管理层,又向高庭申请司法审核,要求法庭暂停清盘令。
2016-09-02 18:49
发表于 3-9-2016 01:35 AM
Date of change | 01 Sep 2016 | Name | ENCIK KAMARUL BAHARIN BIN ALBAKRI | Age | 54 | Gender | Male | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Others | Description | Had offered himself not to seek re-election at the Fifth Annual General Meeting | Qualifications | He graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) degree from the University of Birmingham, England in 1985. He is a Chartered Accountant and a member of the MIA as well as a Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, UK. | Working experience and occupation | He began his career as an auditor with Arthur Anderson & Co in 1988 where he was involved in the audit of companies in wide-ranging industries, including PETRONAS Carigali, as well as business advisory. In 1993, after 5 years as an auditor, he joined the Corporate Finance department of the then Arab-Malaysian Merchant Bank Berhad (now known as AmInvestment Bank Berhad) where he was involved in corporate finance and privatisation advisory until 1994.Kamarul was the CEO of various companies for 15 years. Kamarul was the CEO of TH Technologies Sdn Bhd ("THT"), a subsidiary of Lembaga Tabung Haji (which has now merged with TH Properties), from December 1997 to December 2009. He joined THT in 1994 as a senior finance manager and was subsequently promoted to various positions before being appointed as the CEO of THT in December 1997. During his tenure as CEO, THT's capitalisation increased significantly from RM500,000 in 1994 to RM20 million in 2009. He was involved in design and build contracts for several projects undertaken by THT including the construction of Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital in Sungai Petani and Pusrawi Hospital at Jalan Tun Razak in Kuala Lumpur as well as road construction projects across Malaysia, namely from Kuala Selangor to Sabak Bernam, Melaka to Muar and Gua Musang to Chiku Aring. One of his key achievements as the CEO of THT was the successful completion of the design and build contract for a military camp in Gemas, Johor with a contract value of RM420 million for the Ministry of Defence, Malaysia. He also successfully formulated the idea for the commercial development of wakaf land to the Malaysian Government and negotiated for THT to be appointed as the design and build main contractor for Menara Bank Islam in Jalan Perak, Kuala Lumpur with a contract value of RM151 million.Under his helm, THT also ventured into the provision of oil & gas offshore support vessels with investment in 2 deep water anchor handling tug services. | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | Nil | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | Nil | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | In CLIQ Energy BerhadDirect - NilIndirect - 126,188,080 (20%) |
Remarks : | He has indicated that he will remain as Chief Financial Officer of CLIQ Energy Berhad |
发表于 21-9-2016 03:15 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 21-9-2016 03:44 AM 编辑
Best Oracle撤销对CLIQ能源清盘的上诉
By Sangeetha Amarthalingam / theedgemarkets.com | September 20, 2016 : 5:32 PM MYT
(吉隆坡20日讯)CLIQ能源(CLIQ Energy Bhd)大股东Best Oracle私人有限公司,已同意不再继续针对高庭驳回其制止CLIQ能源执行清盘程序申请而提出的上诉行动。
另外,在聆听CLIQ和Best Oracle代表律师的论点后,高庭择定9月26日对CLIQ清盘诉求作出裁决。
Best Oracle在4月提出司法审核,以阻止这家特别用途收购公司(SPAC)被清算。该公司将证券监督委员会(SC)和CLIQ列为被告。
在7月19日,高庭驳回Best Oracle暂缓CLIQ清盘呈请的申请。
Best Oracle持有CLIQ的20%股权,且股东是CLIQ管理层的5名成员。
Type | Announcement | Subject | WINDING UP / RECEIVER & MANAGER / RESTRAINING ORDER / SPECIAL ADMINISTRATOR | Description | Update of Liquidation | Further to the various announcements made by the Company prior to this, the Board of Directors of CLIQ (represented by the directors who are not conflicted to decide on behalf of the Company) wishes to inform that Best Oracle Sdn Bhd (“BOSB”) has agreed to discontinue its’ appeal for the striking out application by the Company to liquidate itself pursuant to Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act, 1965 by filing the Notice of Discontinuance and the Company has agreed to this discontinuance. After hearing both parties, the Learned Deputy Registrar ordered the Appeal be discontinued with no order as to cost.
Separately, the High Court today, has fixed the decision for the Petition to wind up CLIQ under Section 218(1)(h) of the Companies Act, 1965 on 26 September 2016, after hearing the arguments from the counsels for CLIQ and the counsels for BOSB.
This announcement is dated 20 September 2016. |
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