You would need about a million signatures to get SE's attention anyway, and that wouldn't happen.
As to why it probably will not be released in NA:
Japanis a different market with different buying habits than the US. Sellinglots of copies in the US is NO GUARANTEE that people will buy it asecond time, especially at full price, which is what FM+ is priced at.SE doesn't care if "some" would buy it, it's all about profit to them.Remakes sell well in Japan, and not so well in NA, besides a fewexceptions. Releasing them seperately wouldn't help either, becauseReoM wouldn't sell as well because it's just a GBA remake that evenless people in NA will care about. They have to sell in tandem to havea chance. This is because most people will not be willing to buysomething that's simply a remake of a recent game when it takes placebefore a game that has already been out for a year or two. The Japanesemight buy it, but people from the US don't buy nearly enough tocompensate for the effort put forth to sell it to them. Japan has a farmore video game orientated culture and market. The US, however, takevideo games on a more casual level. And casual gamers certainlywouldn't find a re-release the best investment.
To sum it up: All we can do is wait. SE might take the chance on a re-release, and FM+ has
a better chance than FM of ever coming here, but it still probably won't.