


楼主: bujua

[讨论]Iskandar 来势汹汹(图片)!!!如何从怀疑变到信心满满!!!

发表于 24-5-2011 10:36 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 79# eric1
其实, 我是愿意相信大马的本意是希望Iskandar成为象深圳一样成功的园区/城市.  

但问题是让它作为新加坡的腹地, 番蜀国的人又怕被新国人沾了太多的便宜, 所以又添了这个那个的规矩.  
新国人又不是笨蛋,  没有便宜沾,  干嘛要帮你番蜀国发展Iskandar?

有大学来设分校, 虽说人家其实是想来赚马来西亚人的钱, 但有高等教育总归是好的.  
但都没有听说有那一国家或企业进驻.  在报上大张旗鼓, 大事宣扬的不是没有.  象之前不是有说中东某某集团来买了多少地多少什么的.  但那是买地发展房地产.  把自己国家的土地切出去卖了还那么兴奋的人, 今天可不少见就是了.

要论Iskandar的前景, 我还是愿意比较相信别的数据.

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发表于 24-5-2011 01:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 81# liverpool07

July launch for exclusive condos in Danga Bayby Ravi Nambiar

AZEA Properties, the Singapore consortium behind Johor's latest high-end condominium project in Danga Bay, is targeting to hold its first sales launch in July this year.
To be called Azea Properties @ Danga Bay (APDA), the exclusive development on 4.15 acres of prime waterfront land will comprise four luxury serviced apartment blocks, each 40 storeys high.
Its main proponent and brainchild Tan Yang Po said she anticipates no problems with sales as "the first block of 200 units has already been fully booked".
"In fact, response has been so overwhelming we have now started taking bookings for the second block," she said.
Tan, through her Singapore incorporated company, Imperial Marina Pte Ltd, is partnering two companies linked to local property and construction tycoon Datuk Lim Kang Hoo to spearhead the development.
The Singaporean will hold a 30 per cent equity in the development while the local joint-venture partners - Danga Bay Sdn Bhd and Pembinaan Sahabatjaya Sdn Bhd - will have a 37 per cent and 33 per cent share respectively.
Tan said the first block has been booked mainly by Singaporeans, Japanese, South Koreans, Taiwanese and Indonesians.
"They are attracted by the development's design and features which are comparable to some of the best in Singapore but without the same price tag.
"They are also confident that we, as the Singapore partner, will ensure that the development will be meticulously planned, executed and delivered to purchasers as promised."
APDA's expected gross development value of RM500 million will be derived from the sale of 800 residential units as well as shops that will be integrated into the development.
Initially, the units will be tagged from RM698psf - a benchmark for Johor Baru - with a typical one-room studio going for RM315,000 and a penthouse for over RM1 million each.
Subsequently, Tan said, prices will be revised upwards to RM750psf due to public response and the long waiting list for units in the second block.
Purchasers can expect their investment to come with top quality features such as extensively landscaped parks, seven floors of car- parking, observation lifts, infinity pools as well as world-class security systems.
Work on APDA, which will be along the former Lido Beach and involving major land reclamation works, will commence later this year with completion scheduled for 2014.
Danga Bay's joint venture with Imperial Marina is the second land deal it has done - in August, its subsidiary Iskandar Waterfront entered into a 60:40 partnership with Dijaya Corp Bhd for a high- end condominium and retail units on 37 acres.
The company owns 250 acres of prime waterfront land fronting the Straits of Johor and overlooking Singapore.

我个人认为,从以上的报道可证明一些新加坡财团已经开始部署商业,服务业和产业等计划. 就等她们的政府正式宣布投资衣斯干达后才敢大举进场.

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发表于 24-5-2011 02:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
我买在nusa duta
只是岳父觉得nusa sentral的也不错,就叫我们一起去看。

我岳母看了nu ...
hauzi302 发表于 23-5-2011 09:41 PM

    老实说,他们的屋子设计真的是不错。。 可是后来才得知是还没拿到围篱批准的。。。
到目前为止都未解决。。 加上那里的环境。。 (你可以参考参考他们的masterplan)
如果没有围篱。。 各人认为以后真的会很麻烦。。。

你就发咯。。 Nusa Duta好!!。。

我们NS的现在要和发展商谈都难咯。。 没空理我们。。   很无奈。。

所以买产业,选择发展商是很重要的。。 祝你们好运。。

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发表于 24-5-2011 03:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 82# alexlingck

Danga bay 是不是在海边那边的?

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发表于 24-5-2011 09:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
老实说,他们的屋子设计真的是不错。。 可是后来才得知是还没拿到围篱批准的。。。
到目前为止都 ...
sam80sg 发表于 24-5-2011 02:01 PM



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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2011 10:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bujua 于 24-5-2011 11:38 PM 编辑
回复  eric1
其实, 我是愿意相信大马的本意是希望Iskandar成为象深圳一样成功的园区/城市.  

但问题是 ...
liverpool07 发表于 24-5-2011 10:36 AM

    其实很多资料需要自己收集的和做site visit,然后再分析。我只发一部份的news,就已被误认为agent了,放太多news,不信的人还是不会信,只会以为我在做sales。。。有谁收到我的PM的吗?



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 楼主| 发表于 24-5-2011 11:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
我觉得尽可能去争取,要不然可以找行动党帮忙(政治介入会比较有实际的推动意义),而且我相信买者华人应 ...
hauzi302 发表于 24-5-2011 09:55 PM


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发表于 25-5-2011 01:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 86# bujua

也许你真有做你所谓的分析, 但很抱歉, 你在这里做的不过是把报纸的新闻传上来.  有没有实用的价值自己看着办吧.
象我说的, 这不关我什么事.  你自己觉得买得高兴就好.  以后的事情谁知道.  也许Iskandar真让你发家了也说不定.

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发表于 25-5-2011 09:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
我觉得尽可能去争取,要不然可以找行动党帮忙(政治介入会比较有实际的推动意义),而且我相信买者华人应 ...
hauzi302 发表于 24-5-2011 09:55 PM

    我们在努力争取当中。。 谢谢你的鼓励。。
目前还未找政治人物介入。。。 对。。 大多数买家是华人。。。
我们在隔壁论坛每天唱。。 因为要联络更多的买家 (不是很多买家懂这件事)。。。

其实要争取也不容易。。 如果没有围篱。。 那里就谈不上物超所值了。。
那边大多数的人是在新加坡工作的。。 所以要买较有安全保障的屋子给家人住。。

现在我们的感觉是给了高价买不是我们要的东西。。 :@  
想再买自己要的也贷款不到。。 惨。。。 需要等现在这间建好然后卖了才能买。。

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发表于 25-5-2011 09:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
bujua 发表于 24-5-2011 11:02 PM

    谢谢你。。 地点是很好。。 可是被浪费了。。  还是很靠近小新啦。。
买的时候对这个计划抱着很大的希望。。 地点好+屋子美又大。。。
对发展商来说真的是可以事半功倍的地点。。 可惜可惜。。

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 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2011 11:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 88# liverpool07


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发表于 25-5-2011 12:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 81# liverpool07


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 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2011 01:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 26-5-2011 01:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 bujua 于 26-5-2011 10:27 PM 编辑

Legoland's Landscape


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发表于 27-5-2011 01:23 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 27-5-2011 10:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 27-5-2011 01:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
每个人看到的东西都不一样,我非常感谢楼主 ...
HangKee 发表于 27-5-2011 01:23 AM


当初我也很怀疑Iskandar,甚至看死它将是另外一只白象。。。多亏我姐住在Bukit Indah,我有时间就去看访她,才有机会看清Iskandar,她5年前买的双层排屋,从200k到最近有人开价350k,5年前我还笑她傻为什么买这么Ulu地方。。。

这几年来,看着Bukit Indah与四周的迅速发展,才知道傻的不是她,是自己。。。马上就行动,去深一层了解Iskandar,才发现它的潜能。。。很多人会说JB治安不好,Iskandar是政府project,必死无疑。。。事实告诉我们JB治安正在改进,Iskandar不只是msia政府的project,也是spore政府的project, Spore基金(Temasek )已经与Msia的Khazanah"连婚“大量投资Iskandar...试问新加坡政府会将钱丢进大海吗??


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 楼主| 发表于 27-5-2011 02:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
hauzi302 发表于 27-5-2011 10:51 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 27-5-2011 10:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
Malaysia's Massive Iskandar Project
Written by Ben Bland     
Tuesday, 26 May 2009  

Mahathir says Don't Singaporize Johor

Recently-installed Malaysian prime minister Najib Tun Razak last week threw his full weight behind the ambitious Iskandar development project on a visit to Singapore designed to drum up new investment.

But his call for Singaporeans to reap the economic benefits on offer in the Johor-based development zone, which is situated just over the causeway from the Lion City, could further damage relations with his one-time mentor, former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, if for no other reason than that it was launched by his ill-starred successor and the man Mahathir learned to hate, former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Calling the project ambitious is an understatement. It covers 2,217 square kilometers and is three times the size of Singapore itself, not to mention 48 times the size of Putrajaya, the vast government complex south of Kuala Lumpur that Mahathir himself championed. The area, which encompasses much of southern Johor, is estimated to be home 1.35 million people, 43 percent of the state's 3.17 million people.

The rationale behind the massive development, which was launched by Badawi in 2006, is to take advantage of Johor's strategic location and turn the sleepy state into an advanced business, education and tourism hub. The hope is that Iskandar can tap into Singapore's success in the much same way that Shenzhen has profited from its proximity to Hong Kong and Indonesia's Batam Island has profited from its proximity to the Lion City to the south.

But in a country where crony capitalism is hard-wired into the system, political leaders have tended to champion large-scale development projects that benefit their business allies without properly assessing the wider economic rationale for such endeavors. That is why new leaders in Malaysia often end up jettisoning the grandiose schemes promoted by their predecessors, just as Badawi put a stop to Mahathir's plan for a new crooked bridge to link Johor Bahru with Singapore.

However, Najib now appears ready to break with history by pushing ahead with the expansive Iskandar project, which was the brainchild of the man he helped to hound from office. Such a move is likely to put further strain on Najib's relationship with Mahathir, which has already been tested by the PM's decision to disregard the elder statesman's advice and not contest the upcoming Penang by-election.

Mahathir, who has long had a stormy relationship with Singapore, was quoted last year as saying Singaporean investors could force Malays out of the project.

"After the land is sold, the Malays will be driven to live at the edge of the forest and even in the forest itself," he was quoted as saying last May. "In the end, the area in Iskandar Malaysia will be filled with Singaporeans and populated with only 15 percent Malays."

According to the project's website, ethnic Malays comprise 48.2 percent of the area, Chinese 35.8 percent, Indians 9.4 percent and foreigners the rest. That compares to an overall Malaysian population that is about 55 percent Malay and 25 percent Chinese and Indian about 8 percent. Singapore, just across the Causeway, is 76.8 percent Chinese and 13.9 percent Malay, with Indians making up about 8 percent.
Najib's wholehearted backing is crucial for Iskandar at time when the project and the Malaysian economy as a whole are under severe pressure because of the global financial crisis. Despite his lofty rhetoric about hopes that Singapore-Malaysia relations "can blossom into something beautiful like the orchid", his visit to the Lion City was in reality driven by more earthy matters, such as the need to attract Singapore dollars into Iskandar.

Following a helicopter tour of the development zone just before he landed in Singapore, Najib told reporters that Iskandar was "a very promising and exciting development for Singapore to consider…whether at the strategic level…or for individual Singaporeans".

Iskandar has already secured more than RM 42bn ($12bn) of the RM110bn that it hopes to attract by 2025. A brand new state administrative centre, a plush yachting marina and several up-market gated housing estates have already been built and construction has begun on the site of a new Legoland theme park and a medical school to be operated by the UK's Newcastle University. But Najib and the Iskandar team need to ensure that the flow of money does not dry up as the initial enthusiasm surrounding the project wanes.

The man charged with bringing in the money, Harun Johari, is confident of fulfilling this challenge.

"By the end of April, we had already attracted more than half of our RM 3bn investment target for this year," explained Harun, who is chief executive of the Iskandar regional development authority, on the sidelines of a property investment exhibition in Singapore's Suntec convention centre. "And of out the more than RM 42bn of investment committed to Iskandar so far, 30 percent is already in place on the ground."

With just 15 percent of this investment having come from the government, Harun believes that that the private sector, both within Malaysia and outside the country, is fully behind Iskandar.

However, he accepts that relations with Singapore need to improve if Iskandar is to live up to its promise. Singapore is already the third biggest investor in the project after Japan and Spain but Iskandar needs co-operation from its neighbor, not just cash.

To truly prosper, Iskandar will need to ensure a free flow of people and goods to and from Singapore. Anyone who has had the misfortune to be stuck in the lengthy weekend traffic jams on the Causeway that connects Singapore and Malaysia or held up in the snaking queues at immigration and customs, will know that this goal is a long way off.

Harun insists that the situation is starting to improve, noting that the Malaysian immigration authorities have agreed to pilot a fast-tracking system, whereby those entering the country from Singapore will no longer have to fill out the time-consuming immigration cards.

"We're starting to see better Singapore-Malaysia relations under Najib but trust only comes through experience," added Harun.

While Najib and Harun may be ready to welcome Singapore with open arms, the same is not necessarily true of many Johor citizens, whose natural rivalry toward their neighbor has been sharpened by the hostile views of Mahathir and several other key politicians from the ruling United Malays National Organisation.

The perception that Iskandar would precipitate a voracious land-grab by acquisitive Singaporeans was fueled by the approach of the previous management team, which often sold the project as a large property play for wealthy investors.

Harun, who took charge in March, says that he is now working hard to dispel this view by engaging with the local community in Johor and emphasizing Iskandar's aims of creating 800,000 jobs and upgrading the state's obsolete infrastructure.

"The acceptance of the local population is key and we want to make sure that they have the opportunity to benefit," he insisted.

Another problem in terms of public perception is that such large-scale construction is a slow process and people remain skeptical so long as can they see so many building sites and so few completed projects.

But Harun called on the public to be patient, pledging that flagship developments like the Legoland theme park are on track to be completed by 2012.

"If we don't deliver by 2013, then we've failed," he said

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 楼主| 发表于 28-5-2011 12:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
hauzi302 发表于 27-5-2011 10:51 AM


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