Confirmed Information:
- You can put Unique and Generic officers (Unknown how many)
- You can change the BGM
- You can change the Stage
- You can edit those battlefield you've cleared and make your original
- You can upload your battlefield Online.
- Other players can play the uploaded battlefields and rate them.
- When editing, you can pay a currency to change enemies or parts.
- For example, you could put multiple Lu Bus or use tigers as your
fellow generals.
- You can not only edit background music but you can also edit the selected stage with Musou Battlefield Parts where you can add parts to the selected stage thus adding more uniqueness to it.
- You can upload your edited stage and people can give you comments and post your satisfactory rating (Vise Versa when downloading) Satisfactory Rating is PS3 Exclusive.
- Before Uploading your stage you need to complete it in "Test Play"
- 可放置特别武将和大众脸武将(人数限制未知)
- 可更改背景音乐
- 可更改战场
- 可编辑你已经破过的关卡地图
- 可将编辑好的地图上传
- 其他玩家可以玩到已上传的地图,并可以给予评价
- 在编辑地图的时候,你可以用游戏货币来更改敌人/装备
- 如: 你可以放置多个吕布/老虎当武将
- You can not only edit background music but you can also edit the selected stage with Musou Battlefield Parts where you can add parts to the selected stage thus adding more uniqueness to it.(这句基本上不是很懂...可以编辑各个时段播放不同的背景音乐么?)
- 玩家们/你可以对你/玩家们上传的地图给予意见/满意度(满意度是PS3版本独占)
- 你必须要试玩一遍之后才能上传你的地图