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发表于 19-4-2015 05:47 PM
Grapefruit Diet is an advance slimming technology breakthrough from Italy using NanoBoundTM Technology to break down fat cells effectively and also create a thermogenic effect to burn fats continuously.
Along with BioBindTM technology, it also stops our body from absorbing fats and turn carbs into energy to burn more fats. Grapefruit Diet also couples with the Advance TDTTM Technology from France, to target the unwanted fats in our body bringing the ingredient to work even more effectively.
With 7 natural ingredient, the product works in 7 miracle ways, from turbocharging the metabolism, block fats, burn fats, break down fats, enhancing energy to reducing water retention.
Grapefruit Diet采用来自意大利的最新纳米化瘦身科技。它能够让身体很有效的把多余脂 肪分解、氧化与燃烧。采用BioBindTM脂氧联结燃烧科技,它能够让你的身体有产生更多热能,仿佛在做激烈运动。再配合NanoBoundTM纳米止肪科技,它能够抑制身体吸收过多的脂肪、糖份与淀粉,把这些成份转换成能量,然后再用能量燃烧更多的脂肪。Grapefruit Diet也采用最新TDTTM标靶输送科技,让成份被输送进身体最需要成份的部位,以达到最大的效益