written by MC HOTDOG and EDISON CHEN
track produced by SAM SPIEGAL for SQUEAK E CLEAN
vocal produced by MC HOTDOG and AH MOONG
video sponsored by ADIDAS ORIGINALS
他每天上班 下班 加班 吃不下饭
穿衬衫 打领带 黑皮鞋 黑眼袋 黑棉猜
太阳好大 好碍眼 晒得他好邋遢
他看着101 幻想着有天他也会发达
就算是一辈子 也买不起栋房子
就算买了也会累死 他到底干嘛要这样子
他不想当宅男 要当就当豪宅男
这种梦比登天还难 他到底应该要怎么办
mr sandman
Bring me a dream
make it the cutest
that i've ever seen
give him the tips
like roses in clover
then tell hom that
his lone some nights are over
mr sandman
i'm so alone
don't have nobody
to call my own
please turn on
your magic beams
mr sandman bring me a dream
她是个Young lady 会被老板吃吃豆腐
牵牵手 摸摸屁股
点头论足她穿的衣服 oh
他讨厌他的BOSS 有苦难言 她很O
虚伪的面具到处都有 乾脆辞职说了就GO
她是要去哪咧 她到底搞清楚了没
她觉得未来的路是黑 为何她不顾是非
需要点勇气 需要多点lucky
或许爱她的Honey 或许多一点money
他自己也搞不清 Oh mr sandman
请给他一个梦想 Oh mr sandman
请给我一个梦想 Oh mr sandman
mr sandman
我叫做陈冠希 和你一样
我有痛苦和压力 也想过要放弃
没私人飞机 过海关也会被哔哔
假装日子一样 bling bling
我的生活 像是一场马戏团的show
跳来跳去下一关 我想试试Super Mario
oh no
我的父母告诉我 这世界属于我
当时我怀疑 这到底是对还是错
醉生梦死 多少次
对着镜子问着 why me
mr sandman please
请你帮我把梦快递 和你一样
其实我和你一样、mr sandman
mr sandman
bring me a dream
make it the cutest
that i've ever seen
give hm the tips
like roses in clover
then tell him that
his lone some nights are over
mr sandman
i am so along
don't have nobody
to call my own please turn on
your magic beams
mr sandman bring me a dream
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Isn't it a miracle? It's another miracle
Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe , I believe
Miracles can be. Now I believe