


楼主: timeiscome

[转载] 我看到了大灾难

发表于 27-2-2011 07:28 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 27-2-2011 10:35 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 27-2-2011 10:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
She Went To Hell, She Went To Heaven - Part 1 / 3


Mary Kathryn Baxter 牧师 的专访.

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 楼主| 发表于 28-2-2011 10:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
America Attacked
Dream – Pete Kasbohm


You may find this interesting. In the early nineties I lived on the east coast and had a dream. In the dream my little Brother and I were in some sort of a war room looking down on a map of the United States. We saw perforated lines coming out of the ocean in and around the Washington, DC area. We thought it was a war game and mocked as the first shots fell short. We then realized it was real and watched as strategic targets were hit. The scene changed and we were looking at the center of the nation. Written across the center of country were the words Martial Law. Beneath those words was a single red star.

At the time I had the dream as I said I lived on the East Coast. My brother lived and still lives where I am originally from... Minnesota. Three years ago God called me to move back home.

While out East I was given a conforming word about pastoring in a specific area out east. Without going into greater detail I had a dream when I first got saved where my little brother and I labored together in the ministry. He is not saved.

I say all to mention timing. That the hour of America's greatness is waning away and destruction is lapping on our shores.

Any case God bless you and your house!

A brother in Christ Pete Kasbohm

Reprinted on http://prophetic-word.org

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 楼主| 发表于 28-2-2011 10:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
Great Earthquake Coming
Michael Boldea (Grandson of Dimitru Duduman)

February 3, 2006

Dear Brethren

Isaiah 24: 19-20, "The earth is violently broken, the earth is split open, the earth is shaken exceedingly. The heart shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut; Its transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it will fall, and not rise again."

While I was in Romania, one night after my devotions I went to bed, exhausted and in need of much sleep having ridden in a truck all day delivering food to families. It had been a hard day, and we had to push the truck out of snow banks and ditches more than once. My body ached, and all I really wanted was to get some good rest.

As I fell into a deep sleep I had a dream. I dreamt I was in a hotel room, asleep, when the bed began to shake violently. I knew what was happening right away. Having lived in California in the 1980’s I was keenly aware of what an earthquake felt like.

Suddenly I was no longer in bed, but high above San Francisco bay, looking down on the golden gate bridge. As I watched it, it began to shudder, break apart, and fall into the waters below. I continued to watch the devastation, seeing buildings collapse, and masses of people trying to find shelter. Then a voice spoke out of the heavens, a voice I had never heard before, a voice of great authority. “I will shake this land from its foundations, such as the eyes of this generation has not seen. The world will stand in awe, and tremble in fear, as even the very geography of this nation will be transformed. My wrath is ready to be poured out, for sin has overrun My temple.”

In my dream I began to weep, not due to the devastation I was seeing, but due to the great power of the voice I was hearing. I woke up trembling, unable to breathe, and tired as I was I could not go to sleep again.

Shortly before sunrise, my phone began to ring, and when I answered it, it was my brother Daniel. “Are you awake?” he asked, “Yes”, I answered.

“I had a dream last night,” he continued, “it was a terrible dream. I dreamt of a big earthquake coming to America.”

When I told him I’d had the same dream, he was silent for some time then said, “I’m coming over so we could pray.”

He had just arrived at my apartment, when my phone rang again. It was a brother from 200 kilometers away, who is prophetically gifted, and has spoken many words over me that have come to pass.

“Is this Mike?” when I answered in the affirmative, he said, “I had a dream last night, and I felt I needed to call and tell you about it. I dreamt of a terrible earthquake in your country, I saw a big bridge that just collapsed I saw destruction as I have never seen before. Does this mean anything to you?”

It took me some time to find something to say. I was speechless, and could find no words. On the same night, three different people had the same dream, with the same vivid details. Knowing that the brother had a prayer group that met nightly, I asked him to remember America in their prayers whenever they prayed, and he said he would. Before he hung up he said, “Mike I’ve had many dreams in my life, the Lord willed it so, but none has scared me as the dream I had last night. Only God can protect someone through something like that, there is no other hope but to run to Him.”

No matter what may come upon this land, we know that God abides with His faithful, keeping them, guiding them, and protecting them. Events will begin to unfold upon this earth, that will make even the mightiest of men tremble in fear, but knowing that we have a shelter from the storm, a sovereign God who watches over us, fearlessly we press on faithful in all that He asks of us.

Psalm 91:7-11, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look, and see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your habitation, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.

Posted at: www.handofhelp.com

Copyright 2005 Hand of Help Ministries, All Rights Reserved

Reprinted on http://prophetic-word.org

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 楼主| 发表于 28-2-2011 10:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
Dimitru Duduman 牧师的简介

Brother Duduman , 罗 马 尼 亚 人 , 是 一 位 牧 师 , 他 曾 在 罗 马 尼 亚 “犯 罪”而 被 当 局 监 禁 及 虐 待 了 五 个 月 ,犯 了 什 么 罪 ? 他 “走 私”, “走 私”圣 经 , 与 他 一 起 监 禁 及 虐 待 的 有 Richard and Sabrina Wurmbrand (魏 恩 波 牧 师 夫 妇) , 他 们 被 虐 待 十 数 年 , 他 们 真 是 神 忠 心 的 仆 人 , 他 们 受 虐 待 但 决 不 放 弃 信 仰 , 他 们 曾 被 迫 含 着 盐 , 而 没 有 水 喝 , 他 们 又 被 迫 喝 非 常 滚 烫 的 水 , 没 有 食 物 , 很 久 才 有 一 片 面 包 吃 , 但 仍 不 放 弃 十 一 奉 献 , 每 得 十 片 面 包 就 将 一 片 给 其 他 监 犯 吃 , 魏 恩 波 牧 师 更 眼 巴 巴 看 着 他 十 四 岁 的 儿 子 被 打 死 , 他 更 因 足 部 曾 被 虐 待 而 不 可 穿 鞋 .... Brother Duduman 后 来 要 受 电 椅 死 刑 , 但 天 使 告 诉 他 他 不 会 死 , 行 刑 后 他 昏 迷 不 醒 , 天 使 医 治 了 他 , 后 来 经 美 国 领 事 馆 帮 助 到 了 美 国 , 到 步 后 他 们 一 家 又 被 俄 罗 斯 特 务 带 到 一 间 什 么 也 没 有 、 只 有 上 手 住 客 的 狗 留 下 满 屋 粪 便 的 房 子 去 , 他 万 念 俱 灰 , 大 叫“神 你 为 什 么 惩 罚 我!!!”, 那 天 开 始 , 神 将 末 世 的 异 象 展 现 给 他 看 。

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 楼主| 发表于 28-2-2011 11:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
Quake hits southern Chile, a year after huge one

SANTIAGO/WASHINGTON | Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:36pm EST

SANTIAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A strong quake of 6.0 magnitude struck on Sunday about 23 miles south of Concepcion, Chile, at a depth of 10.4 miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Chile's state emergency office Onemi said there were no reports of damages or injuries and no risk of a tsunami. A spokeswoman said there were partial power cuts in the area, however.

One year ago today, February 27, Chile was hit with a massive, 8.8-magnitude quake and subsequent tsunami that killed more than 500 people and caused some $30 billion in damage.

The worst-hit region was in the south, near Concepcion.

(Reporting by Fabian Cambero; Writing by Hilary Burke, editing by Philip Barbara)

http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USTRE71R0HS20110228

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 楼主| 发表于 28-2-2011 01:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
2008年04月16日 14:26:36  来源:新华网






    菲尔德领导的工作小组发现,加州最大的两个城市--洛杉矶和旧金山发生6.7级地震的几率超过63%。洛杉矶1994年发生了一次6.7级地震,造成60人死亡以及约100亿美元的经济损失。1989年发生在旧金山的6.9级地震导致 67人死亡。




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发表于 1-3-2011 12:07 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2-3-2011 10:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-3-2011 12:45 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 3-3-2011 01:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
如果要杀,应该也没那么好心买棺材给你啦。直接杀了,直接丢进坑洞里。 哪里需要浪费钱来买棺材。。。

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