RM30 100g
Decapsulated brine shrimp eggs Decapsulated brine shrimp eggs have a higher energy valuethan live brine shrimp since the energy consumed in the hatching process isconserved. Lipids and amino acids are left intact. Simply rehydrate thedecapsulated brine shrimp eggs for a few minutes in fresh water and feeddirectly to your fry or juveniles Crude Protein: 60% Min. Crude Fat: 24% Min. Water: 8 % Max 脱壳丰年虫卵在加工的过程中杀死了卵壳上的细菌、真菌,特别是聚缩虫,杜绝了因丰年虫卵消毒不严格而导致的疾病传染。 脱壳卵含有的丰富天然蛋白质、不饱和脂肪酸对提高幼鱼、幼虾的免疫力有极大帮助,天然胡萝卜素对鱼能促体增色。 营养成分: 蛋白质≥60 脂肪≥24 % 水分≤8.0 %。