【IQZAN 7183 交流专区】(前名 IRETEX)
楼主 |
发表于 20-7-2015 10:31 PM
Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A)IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD | Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | KO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP | Address | 2019 Brooks,
11026 Texas
United States. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 8208210 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | United States | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.40 each | Name & address of registered holder | KO Limited Partnership2019 Brooks,Houston, Texas 11026,United States of America |
Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Date interest acquired | 14 Jul 2015 | No of securities | 13,298,585 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Off Market Acquisition | Nature of interest | Direct Interest | Price Transacted ($$) |
| Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 13,298,585 | Direct (%) | 10.076 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) | 0 | Indirect/deemed interest (%) |
| Date of notice | 16 Jul 2015 |
楼主 |
发表于 20-7-2015 10:31 PM
Notice of Person Ceasing (29C)IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD | Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | DATO DR YAP TATT KEAT | Address | 11 Cangkat Minden, Lorong 12
11700 Pulau Pinang
Malaysia. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 651026075553 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary Shares of RM0.40 each | Date of cessation | 14 Jul 2015 | Name & address of registered holder | Dato' Dr Yap Tatt Keat11 Cangkat Minden, Lorong 12, 11700 Gelugor, Pulau Pinang |
Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | No of securities disposed | 13,298,585 | Price Transacted ($$) | 0.310 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Off Market Disposal | Nature of interest | Direct Interest |
| Date of notice | 16 Jul 2015 |
楼主 |
发表于 8-8-2015 05:25 PM
Name | MR SOO TEE WEI | Address | A-3A-33, IOI Boulevard, Jalan Kenari 5,
Bandar Puchong Jaya,
47170 Selangor
Malaysia. | Descriptions(Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.40 each | Details of changesCurrency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Type of transaction | Date of change | No of securities | Price Transacted (RM) | Acquired | 07/08/2015 | 2,500,000 | 0.345 |
Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred | Acquisition of shares from the open market | Nature of interest | Direct interest | Consideration (if any) | RM862,250.00 |
Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 2,500,000 | Direct (%) | 1.890 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) |
| Indirect/deemed interest (%) |
| Date of notice | 07/08/2015 |
楼主 |
发表于 26-8-2015 12:53 AM
30 Jun 2015 |
PERIOD | 30 Jun 2015 | 30 Jun 2014 | 30 Jun 2015 | 30 Jun 2014 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 29,947 | 26,375 | 61,746 | 49,400 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | -1,446 | -669 | -3,859 | 6,636 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | -1,710 | -1,589 | -4,350 | 5,642 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | -1,772 | -1,529 | -4,392 | 5,608 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | -1.34 | -1.30 | -3.33 | 4.76 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.6000 | 0.6300
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2015 01:31 AM
Date of change | 29 Sep 2015 | Name | DR LAI CHEE CHUEN | Age | 51 | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Resignation | Reason | Personal commitments | Details of any disagreement that he/she has with the Board of Directors | No | Whether there are any matters that need to be brought to the attention of shareholders | No | Qualifications | | Working experience and occupation | | Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer | NIL | Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer | NIL | Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries | Direct interest - 2,650,000 Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks of nominal value of RM0.075 each |
楼主 |
发表于 2-10-2015 02:55 AM
Date of change | 01 Oct 2015 | Name | MR KONG HON KAY | Age | 47 | Nationality | Malaysia | Designation | Executive Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Others | Description | Re-designation from Executive Director to Group Executive Director |
楼主 |
发表于 17-10-2015 12:05 AM
Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A)IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD | Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | MR SOO TEE WEI | Address | C-16-20, Scott Soho,
The Scott Garden,
289, Jalan Klang Lama,
Kuala Lumpur
58100 Wilayah Persekutuan
Malaysia. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 750403145275 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.40 each | Name & address of registered holder | Soo Tee WeiC-16-20, Scott Soho,The Scott Garden,289, Jalan Klang Lama,58100 Kuala Lumpur,Wilayah Persekutuan |
Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Date interest acquired | 13 Oct 2015 | No of securities | 2,090,700 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Acquisition of shares | Nature of interest | Direct interest | Price Transacted ($$) | 0.296 |
| Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 6,953,600 | Direct (%) | 5.259 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) |
| Indirect/deemed interest (%) |
| Date of notice | 13 Oct 2015 |
楼主 |
发表于 21-11-2015 07:31 PM
30 Sep 2015 |
PERIOD | 30 Sep 2015 | 30 Sep 2014 | 30 Sep 2015 | 30 Sep 2014 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 33,522 | 28,386 | 95,268 | 77,786 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | -6,804 | -2,262 | -10,663 | 4,374 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | -6,912 | -2,360 | -11,262 | 3,282 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | -6,692 | -2,273 | -11,084 | 3,335 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | -5.06 | -1.86 | -8.39 | 2.73 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.5500 | 0.6300
楼主 |
发表于 21-11-2015 08:23 PM
Type | Announcement | Subject | TAKE-OVERS & MERGERS (CHAPTER 11 OF LISTING REQUIREMENTS) | Description | NOTIFICATION TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD IN RELATION TO THE RECEIPT OF NOTICE OF CONDITIONAL TAKE-OVER OFFER DATED 20 NOVEMBER 2015 FROM MERCURY SECURITIES SDN. BHD. ON BEHALF OF NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BERHAD | Ire-Tex Corporation Berhad ("Ire-Tex" or the "Company") wishes to announce that it has today received a Notice of Conditional Take-Over Offer ("Notice") from Mercury Securities Sdn. Bhd., on behalf of Nexgram Holdings Berhad (the "Offeror") in respect of the Offeror's obligation to undertake a conditional take-over offer to acquire:- (i) all the ordinary shares of RM0.40 each in Ire-Tex ("Ire-Tex Shares") and such number of new Ire-Tex Shares that may be issued pursuant to the exercise of any outstanding five (5)-year warrants 2014/2019 issued by Ire-Tex ("Ire-Tex Warrants") or conversion of any outstanding 1% five (5)-year irredeemable convertible unsecured loan stocks 2014/2019 of nominal value of RM0.075 each issued by Ire-Tex ("Ire-Tex ICULS")("Offer Shares"); (ii) all the outstanding Ire-Tex Warrants ("Offer Warrants"); and (iii) all the outstanding Ire-Tex ICULS ("Offer ICULS"),
via an equity swap based on the following offer prices:- (i) RM0.40 per Offer Share ("Shares Offer Price"); (ii) RM0.01 per Offer Warrant ("Warrants Offer Price"); and (iii) RM0.05 per Offer ICULS ("ICULS Offer Price").
The Offer Shares, Offer Warrants and/or Offer ICULS are collectively referred to as "Offer Securities" while the Shares Offer Price, Warranrs Offer Price and/or ICULS Offer Price shall be referred to as the "Offer Prices".
The Offer Prices shall be satisfied through the issuance of new ordinary shares in Nexgram with current par value of RM0.10 each (or RM0.05 each after the implementation of the par value reduction currently undertaken by Nexgram ("Par Value Reduction")("Nexgram Shares") at an issue price of RM0.10 each ("Issue Price")("Consideration Shares"), where each holder of the Offer Securities ("Holder") who accepts the Offers ("Accepting Holder") shall receive:- (i) four (4) Consideration Shares for every one (1) Offer Share surrendered; (ii) one (1) Consideration Share for every ten (10) Offer Warrants surrendered; and (iii) one (1) Consideration Share for every two (2) Offer ICULS surrendered.
A copy of the Notice is attached herewith. Copies of the Notice will also be posted to the shareholders of Ire-Tex within seven (7) days from today.
In accordance with the Malaysian Code on Take-Overs and Mergers, 2010, the Board of Ire-Tex will be appointing an Independent Adviser to advise the non-interested directors and non-interested shareholders of Ire-Tex on the reasonableness of the Offer. An announcement will be made in due course once the appointment is confirmed.
This announcement is dated 20 November 2015.
Please refer attachment below. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/4926745
楼主 |
发表于 24-11-2015 03:21 AM
Type | Reply to Query | Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID | IQL-18112015-00001 | Subject | Appointment of Investigative Accountant | Description | IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD (Ire-Tex or the Company)- Appointment of Investigative Accountant | Query Letter Contents | We refer to your Company’s announcement dated 17 November 2015, in respect of the aforesaid matter.
In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the following additional information for public release:- 1) Key findings and proposed recommendation (if any) of the Investigative Report (“Report”) from Ferrier Hodgson MH Sdn. Bhd.. 2) Measures or proposed steps to be taken by the Board of Directors of IRE-TEX Corporation Berhad (“IRETEX”) to address the findings of the Report. 3) Whether the findings of the Report have any legal, financial and operational impact to IRETEX Group. | For consistency purposes, the abbreviations and definitions used throughout this announcement shall have the same meanings as defined in the Company’s announcements made on 11 June 2015, 16 June 2015, 20 August 2015, 25 August 2015, 17 November 2015 and 19 November 2015 in relation to the Appointment of Investigative Accountant.
Reference is made to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad’s letter dated 18 November 2015 pertaining to the above matter and the Company hereby enclose additional information as attached herein.
This announcement is dated 23 November 2015. | http://www.bursamalaysia.com/market/listed-companies/company-announcements/4928145
楼主 |
发表于 9-12-2015 12:29 AM
Notice of Person Ceasing (29C)IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD | Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | DATO OOI KOCK AUN | Address | 36, Jalan BU12/9,
Bandar Utama,
Petaling Jaya
47800 Selangor
Malaysia. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 670307075561 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.40 each | Date of cessation | 21 Apr 2015 | Name & address of registered holder | Dato' Ooi Kock Aun36, Jalan BU12/9,Bandar Utama,47800 Petaling Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan. |
Currency |
| No of securities disposed | 3,704,700 | Price Transacted ($$) |
| Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Off market disposal | Nature of interest | Direct interest |
| Date of notice | 08 Dec 2015 |
楼主 |
发表于 29-12-2015 03:21 AM
Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A)IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD | Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | DATO' OOI KOCK AUN | Address | 36, Jalan BU 12/9, Bandar Utama
Petaling Jaya
47800 Selangor
Malaysia. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 670307075561 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.40 each | Name & address of registered holder | Dato' Ooi Kock Aun36, Jalan BU 12/9Bandar Utama47800 Petaling JayaSelangor Darul Ehsan |
Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired | Currency | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) | Date interest acquired | 23 Dec 2015 | No of securities | 4,676,100 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Acquisition of shares from the open market | Nature of interest | Direct interest | Price Transacted ($$) | 0.323 |
| Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 10,233,200 | Direct (%) | 7.695 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) |
| Indirect/deemed interest (%) |
| Date of notice | 23 Dec 2015 |
楼主 |
发表于 7-1-2016 02:52 PM
Date of change | 06 Jan 2016 | Name | DATO DR YAP TATT KEAT | Age | 51 | Nationality | Malaysia | Type of change | Redesignation | Previous Position | Managing Director | New Position | Deputy Chairman | Directorate | Non Independent and Non Executive |
Date of change | 06 Jan 2016 | Name | MR CHRISTOPHER PURCELL | Age | 49 | Nationality | Ireland | Designation | Managing Director | Directorate | Executive | Type of change | Appointment | Qualifications | National Road Haulage & Transportation Certificate, FAS Training School, IrelandLeaving Certificate, St. David's Secondary Coeducational School, Greystones, Ireland | Working experience and occupation | Mid 2015 to Present - Deputy Managing Director of Operations, Packaging Division of Ire-Tex Corporation Berhad and its subsidiaries.2002 to 2015 - Deputy Managing Director of Ire-Tex (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.2000 to 2002 - Director of Ire-Tex (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.1998 to 2000 - Operations Manager in Ire-Tex (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and Director of Ire-Tex Electronics Sdn. Bhd.1996 to 1998 - Production/Quality Control Supervisor of Ire-Tex (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.1990 to 1996 - Production Supervisor of ILP Protective Packaging Ltd. in Bray, Ireland1988 to 1990 - Production Supervisor of Superwood Ltd. in Bray, Ireland1986 to 1988 - Production Extrusion Operator in Irish Jurong Ltd. in Kilcoole, Ireland |
楼主 |
发表于 23-1-2016 05:56 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD ("Ire-Tex" or "the Company")- NOTIFICATION TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF IRE-TEX IN RELATION TO THE WITHDRAWAL OF CONDITIONAL TAKE-OVER OFFER DATED 20 NOVEMBER 2015 ("the Offer") FROM MERCURY SECURITIES SDN. BHD. ON BEHALF OF NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BERHAD ("Nexgram") | Reference is made to the Company’s announcements dated 20 November 2015, 26 November 2015, 30 November 2015 and 30 December 2015 in relation to the Offer. All capitalised terms used herein shall have the same meanings as those set out in the announcement dated 20 November 2015 in relation to the Offer unless otherwise stated.
We wish to inform that Ire-Tex has received a letter dated 21 January 2016 from Mercury Securities, on behalf of Nexgram Board, that it had on the same date applied for a written consent to the SC pursuant to Section 11(13) of the Code to withdraw the Offer. The withdrawal of the Offer is subject to the consent of the SC. Upon the consent of the SC, the Offer shall cease and all acceptances received pursuant to the Offer shall be returned to the Accepting Holders.
This announcement is dated 22 January 2016. |
楼主 |
发表于 1-3-2016 01:50 AM
31 Dec 2015 |
PERIOD | 31 Dec 2015 | 31 Dec 2014 | 31 Dec 2015 | 31 Dec 2014 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 | $$'000 |
1 | Revenue | 36,613 | 30,372 | 131,881 | 108,158 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 1,916 | -10,266 | -8,747 | -5,892 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 1,772 | -9,684 | -9,490 | -6,402 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 560 | -9,490 | -10,524 | -6,155 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit) | 0.42 | -7.77 | -7.91 | -5.04 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (Subunit) | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent ($$) | 0.5500 | 0.6300
楼主 |
发表于 1-3-2016 04:07 AM
Type | Announcement | Subject | OTHERS | Description | IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD ("Ire-Tex" or "the Company")- INCORPORATION OF A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY COMPANY | 1. INTRODUCTION Pursuant to Paragraph 9.19(23) of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Main Market Listing Requirements, the Board of Directors of Ire-Tex wishes to announce that Ire-Tex has incorporated a new subsidiary company namely, Ire-Tex Renewable Energy Sdn. Bhd. (“ITRESB”). Ire-Tex is one (1) of the first subscribers for one (1) ordinary share of RM1.00 each, representing 50% equity interest in ITRESB for a cash consideration of RM1.00. Upon the successful incorporation of ITRESB on 25 February 2016, Ire-Tex acquired the remaining one (1) subscriber's share, representing the other 50% equity interest in ITRESB for a cash consideration of RM1.00. Consequent thereto, ITRESB became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Ire-Tex.
2. INFORMATION OF ITRESB ITRESB was incorporated in Malaysia under the Companies Act, 1965 on 25 February 2016. The present authorised share capital of ITRESB is RM400,000.00 divided into 400,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each and the paid-up share capital is RM2.00 divided into 2 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each. The intended principal activities of ITRESB is to carry out business relating to generation of solar and/or other renewable energy.
3. FINANCIAL EFFECTS The incorporation of ITRESB is not expected to have any material effects on the earnings or net assets of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2016.
4. DIRECTORS’ AND MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS’ AND/OR PERSONS CONNECTED WITH A DIRECTOR OR MAJOR SHARHOLDER’S INTERESTS Other than their respective interests through Ire-Tex, none of the Directors and/or major shareholders or persons connected to them has any interests, direct or indirect, in the aforesaid acquisition.
5. STATEMENT BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors is of the opinion that the incorporation is in the best interest of the Company.
This announcement is dated 29 February 2016. |
楼主 |
发表于 3-3-2016 02:58 AM
Notice of Person Ceasing (29C)IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD | Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | DATO' TEY POR YEE | Address | Blok S1-10-22, P/Puri Sutramas,
Persiaran Puchong Jaya Selatan,
Bandar Puchong Jaya,
47100 Selangor
Malaysia. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 760202145147 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.40 each | Date of cessation | 24 Feb 2016 | Name & address of registered holder | Dato' Tey Por YeeBlok S1-10-22, P/Puri Sutramas,Persiaran Puchong Jaya Selatan,Bandar Puchong Jaya,47100 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan. |
Currency |
| No of securities disposed | 30,600,000 | Price Transacted ($$) |
| Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Off market disposal | Nature of interest | Direct interest |
| Date of notice | 02 Mar 2016 |
楼主 |
发表于 5-3-2016 03:17 AM
Notice of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29A)IRE-TEX CORPORATION BERHAD | Particulars of Substantial Securities HolderName | MR TEY POR CHEN | Address | S/B-26-11,
Scenaria @ North Kiara Hills,
No. 6, Jalan 6/38A,
Kuala Lumpur
51200 Wilayah Persekutuan
Malaysia. | NRIC/Passport No/Company No. | 781024145859 | Nationality/Country of incorporation | Malaysia | Descriptions (Class & nominal value) | Ordinary shares of RM0.40 each | Name & address of registered holder | Tey Por ChenS/B-26-11, Scenaria @ North Kiara Hills,No. 6, Jalan 6/38A,51200 Kuala Lumpur,Wilayah Persekutuan |
Date interest acquired & no of securities acquired | Currency |
| Date interest acquired | 24 Feb 2016 | No of securities | 30,600,000 | Circumstances by reason of which Securities Holder has interest | Off market acquisition | Nature of interest | Direct interest | Price Transacted ($$) |
| Total no of securities after change | Direct (units) | 30,600,000 | Direct (%) | 22.96 | Indirect/deemed interest (units) |
| Indirect/deemed interest (%) |
| Date of notice | 02 Mar 2016 |
楼主 |
发表于 7-5-2016 05:07 AM
本帖最后由 icy97 于 7-5-2016 06:30 PM 编辑
2016-05-07 08:03
Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (635998-W) (Bursa Malaysia Securities) has publicly reprimanded Ire-Tex Corporation Berhad (IRETEX) in respect of the company’s fourth quarterly report for the financial year ended 31 December 2014 (QR 4/2014) announced on 27 February 2015 which was in contravention of paragraph 9.16(1)(a) of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Main Market Listing Requirements (Main LR).
Paragraph 9.16(1)(a) of the Main LR states that a listed issuer must ensure that each announcement made is factual, clear, unambiguous, accurate, succinct and contains sufficient information to enable investors to make informed investment decisions.
IRETEX had failed to ensure that its QR 4/2014 took into account the adjustments as stated in the announcement dated 8 May 2015.
The public reprimand was imposed pursuant to paragraph 16.19(1) of the Main LR after taking into consideration all facts and circumstances of the matter including the impact on IRETEX’s share price movement and volume traded after announcement of the QR 4/2014 and the company’s audited financial statements / adjustments and upon completion of due process.
IRETEX is also required to review and ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of its financial reporting function and carry out a limited review on its quarterly report submissions. The limited review must be performed by the company’s external auditors for four quarterly reports commencing no later from the quarterly report for the financial period ended 30 June 2016. In addition, IRETEX must ensure all its directors and relevant personnel attend a training programme in relation to compliance with the Main LR pertaining to financial statements.
While Bursa Malaysia Securities has not found any of IRETEX’s directors to have caused or permitted the breach by the company, Bursa Malaysia Securities wishes to highlight and remind that it is the duty of the directors to maintain appropriate standards of responsibility and accountability in ensuring compliance of the Main LR. The Board of Directors of IRETEX at the material time of the announcement of the QR 4/2014 was as follows:- 1. Dato’ Dr. Yap Tatt Keat
2. Dr. Lai Chee Chuen
3. Encik Abdul Rahim Bin Abdul Hamid
4. Mr. Na Chiang Seng
5. Mr. Collin Goonting A/L O.S. Goonting
6. Mr. Soo Tee Wei Bursa Malaysia Securities views the contravention seriously as timely and accurate submission of financial statements to enable investors to make informed investment decisions is one of the fundamental obligations of companies listed on the Official List of Bursa Malaysia Securities.
IRETEX had reported an unaudited profit after taxation and minority interest of RM2,792,000 in its QR 4/2014 announced on 27 February 2015 as compared to an audited loss after taxation and minority interest of RM6,155,000 in the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2014 (AFS 2014) announced on 5 May 2015. The difference of RM8,947,000 between the profit/loss after taxation and minority interest for the QR 4/2014 and AFS 2014 represented a variance of 320.4%.
The main adjustments were in respect of the following:
• reversal of provision of profit guarantee to goodwill in other income of RM2,481,000 which was wrongly recognised as other income under QR 4/2014 by IRETEX instead as contingent consideration in accordance with paragraph 39 of MFRS 3; and
• impairment of trade receivables of RM5,799,000 from two (2) of IRETEX’s related parties which were not impaired in QR 4/2014 despite being raised/advised by the external auditor prior to the issuance of the QR 4/2014, clear provisions under MFRS 136 and 139 and IRETEX’s accounting policies on impairment of receivables. In addition, it was noted that:-
- the trade receivables had been outstanding for more than 5 months as at 27 February 2015; and
- there was no evidence of the related parties’ ability to pay the same.
IRETEX and its directors have the obligation to ensure that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the applicable approved accounting standards. |
楼主 |
发表于 17-5-2016 05:06 AM
EX-date | 27 May 2016 | Entitlement date | 31 May 2016 | Entitlement time | 05:00 PM | Entitlement subject | Loan Stock Interest | Entitlement description | Second Interest payment on Five (5)-Year, 1% Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stocks ("ICULS") of nominal value of RM0.075 each | Period of interest payment | 11 Jun 2015 to 10 Jun 2016 | Financial Year End | 31 Dec 2016 | Share transfer book & register of members will be | to closed from (both dates inclusive) for the purpose of determining the entitlement | Registrar or Service Provider name, address, telephone no | SECURITIES SERVICES (HOLDINGS) SDN BHDLevel 7, Menara MileniumJalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar DamansaraDamansara Heights50490 Kuala LumpurTel:03-20849000Fax:03-20949940 | Payment date | 10 Jun 2016 | a.Securities transferred into the Depositor's Securities Account before 4:00 pm in respect of transfers | 31 May 2016 | b.Securities deposited into the Depositor's Securities Account before 12:30 pm in respect of securities exempted from mandatory deposit |
| c. Securities bought on the Exchange on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Exchange. | Number of new shares/securities issued (units) (If applicable) |
| Entitlement indicator | Percentage | Entitlement in Percentage (%) | 1.0000 | Par Value | Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) 0.075 |
| |