


楼主: johnspartan3489


发表于 27-5-2014 07:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
Xbox One外置硬盘效果测试:载入速度飚升

  微软目前已经确认将在6月份推送的Xbox One系统更新中为玩家提供双USB 3.0外置硬盘支持。现在,一些提前参与了新功能Beta测试的玩家分享了他们所看到的外置与内置硬盘的读取速度对比数据,其结果实在是令人惊喜!

  首先是NeoGAF社区用户Hawk269,他使用《Ryse:罗马之子(Ryse Son of Rome》第四章“火的试炼”(Trial by Fire)来进行测试,使用的是一部希捷4TB外置硬盘。测试结果如下:


  同时Hawk269强调,由于这款外置硬盘使用的是独立供电设计,因此无法判断Xbox One原带的USB接口能否为大容量硬盘提供足够的电力。

  接下来是Xbox Live用户AMT所进行的试验,他选用了《极限竞速5|Forza Motosport 5》和《丧尸围城3|Dead Rising 3》作为测试对象,而与上面的Hawk269不同,AMT还将两块4TB外置西数黑盘组建成了RAID 0阵列,为的是进一步提升读取速度。测试结果如下:


  RAID 0阵列勒芒赛道载入时间:33秒

  另外,RAID 0阵列下进入游戏菜单的时间也相对内置硬盘减少了4秒。


  RAID 0阵列进入菜单时间:41.5秒
  RAID 0阵列游戏载入时间:33秒

  可以看出,在采用外置硬盘后,Xbox One不仅能够获得更大(最高16TB)的游戏存储空间,而且游戏的读取速度也有大幅飙升,而用户AMT表示,接下来将对外置固态硬盘(SSD)的效果进行测试,也期待他的好消息!

微软公开日版XBOX One价格 售价为39980日元

  微软公司曾经确认其次世代主机XBOX One将于2014年9月4日登陆日本,而现在他们终于公布了XBOX One日版的售价。日版XBOX One主机本体售价为39980日元,Kinect同捆套装的售价则为49980日元,而单独发售版的Kinect则将于2014年秋季推出。




  极限竞速5(Forza Motosport 5)
  Kinect运动:竞争(Kinect Sport Rivals)
  丧尸围城 (Dead Rising 3)
  Ryse:罗马之子 (Ryse:Son of Rome)


  超速日落(Sunset Overdrive)
  量子崩坏(Quantum Break)
  光环5:守护者(Halo 5 :Guardian)


  正如之前所预告的那样,5pb.公司于近日举行了一次XBOX One软件发表会。而在此次发表会上他们公开了多款将要登陆XBOX One平台的新作,其中就包括《神秘事件(ミステリート)》系列的最新作《神秘事件F:侦探们的谢幕(ミステリートF 探偵たちのカーテンコール)》。

  《神秘事件F》将包含系列初代作品《神秘事件:八十神熏的神秘事件档案》的XBOX One重制版以及全新制作的系列续作《神秘事件2》。本作将系列的初代和续篇组合在一起,以系列完结作的身份登场。此外官方将于近期在iOS和安卓平台推出本作的试玩版,试玩版的游戏时间大约为3个小时。


科学ADV系列第四弹《混沌之子 | CHAOS;CHILD》宣布登陆XBOX ONE

  MAGES./5pb.今日(2014年5月27日)举办的XBOX ONE作品发表会上公布,大人气科学ADV系列第四弹《混沌之子》将登陆XBOX ONE平台!预定于2014年内发售。本作是《混沌之脑》的正统续作,舞台是《混沌之脑:诺亚》的六年后,以复兴中的涉谷为舞台,上演一场全新的惊悚故事。

人气动画《心理测量者 | Psycho Pass》游戏版登陆Xbox One

  人气动画《心理测量者》将在Xbox One推出游戏化作品。本作对应Kinect以及Xbox SmartGlass,游戏内的角色会对玩家的真实动作产生反应,搭载了运用智能手机对游戏内角色输送数据的机能。

  《心理测量者》是由noitaminA频道企划、Production I.G负责制作的TV动画。讲述的是维持治安的警察和抓捕犯人的行动部队“执行官”、以及监视指挥执行官们的“监视官”们一起作为一支队伍执行任务的故事。


5pb.より『XBOX ONE』にて3タイトル発売決定!
本日開催された『MAGES.「Xbox One」向けソフトウェア発表会』にて、5pb.より『XBOX ONE』にて、3つの作品が発売になることが発表されました。


★XBOX ONE用ソフト「ミステリートF 探偵たちのカーテンコール」


小编:MAGES 这次公布的游戏再次回到Xbox 独占平台不过MAGES的粉丝们也不用怕想在的平台上玩不到这些作品。就如当初的Xbox 360独占的Steins;Gate 系列续作也已经登入PS平台。另外值得提醒的是MAGES的游戏都会有中文化所以这消息只不过是刚开始而已。

详细的Xbox 消息可以关注Weng0102 会员所关注的新闻以及Xbox One 专属区


参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 谢谢分享
燎原火 + 5 一大堆日版游戏袭来!



使用道具 举报


发表于 28-5-2014 12:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

Battlefield: Hardline confirmed, unveil coming June 9
《Battlefield:强硬路线》公布 E3公开细节



  在游戏公布之前已经有玩家在网上看到了该作的相关消息,据透露游戏中玩家分成两个阵营,一波就是盗贼而另一波则是SWAT。每一个阵营分出四个不同的角色,有实施者、技术者、操作员和专业员。目前透露的游戏模式包括“血钱(Blood Money)”和“抢夺(Heist)”。而欧美玩家们还从官网上找到了一些类似游戏截图和图标的东西,感兴趣的玩家可以来看一看,猜一猜。

  最后,有关游戏开发商方面,有一个Visceral Games的LOGO藏在了页面代码中,这可能表明该作是由曾经开发过《死亡空间》的Visceral Games来制作的。我们已经习惯了DICE的《Battlefield》,不知道有实力的Visceral Games能给玩家们带来什么样的惊喜。EA的展前发布会,让我们拭目以待!

Official Website:http://www.battlefield.com/hardline

Battlefield Hardline Coming This Fall

On behalf of everyone at EA and Visceral Games, I’m fired up to confirm our next project – Battlefield Hardline. The game launches this fall and it’s a brand new series in the Battlefield franchise, set against the backdrop of a genre we all love – the war on crime and the battle between cops and criminals.

Several years ago, I was at an internal EA meeting in Barcelona with creative leaders from across the company. It was there I met Karl Magnus Troedsson, the GM of DICE, for the first time, and we immediately began talking about games – I’ve always loved Battlefield and KM was a huge fan of Dead Space, which I was working on at the time. We started talking about different ways we could work together, different ways we could take Battlefield and action games in a new direction. It was then that this project that became Battlefield Hardline was born.

There’s been a lot of buzz today about Battlefield Hardline – we’re getting ready for E3 and fans found some details on our website about what we’re working on for the show. We’ve been reading all of your comments and we’re excited to be going into more detail soon on the ways we’re adding new twists and turns to the foundation of Battlefield multiplayer and more about how we’re bringing our strengths at Visceral to single player.

I hope you’ll join us for the official world premiere on June 9 at Noon PDT, and sign up for updates on the new game at our website.

Steve Papoutsis - Vice President and General Manager, Visceral Games

The Order: 1886 Delay Confirmed, 'Fusing History & Mythology' Dev Diary & Previews
《秩序1886》确认延期至2015年 最新开发日志


  官方放出了游戏最新的开发日志视频,可以看出目前游戏的视觉效果要比刚公布的时候强不少,可见制作游戏Ready at Dawn也在不断的摸清PS4的机能。2014年索尼E3展前发布会上还会公布该作的新消息,这也是《秩序1886》第二次上E3发布会了,希望不会再有第三次了。

The Order: 1886 Heads to E3

1886 is a time of strife in our alternate version of Victorian Era London. Life for the commoners may seem monotonous with people, both rich and poor, going about their daily business. All the while, a threat to their very existence continues to lurk in the dark, a threat that the Knights of the Order have kept at bay for centuries.

In the days of King Arthur, mankind is on the losing side of a war for dominion and supremacy against the Half-Breeds. The King assembles a group of noble men to stand in defense of their brethren and thus, the Knights of the Round Table are born.

The Knights, now known only as The Order, endure through the centuries bringing the war to a status quo. With the Industrial Revolution, technology gives them the upper hand and a time of uncomfortable peace settles in the Kingdom and the Commonwealth, our version of Pax Britannia. But this peace brings on a new opponent. The very people The Order had sworn to protect take up arms, as the Rebellion is formed in the streets of London. This new battle ravages the street of 1886 London, as both rebels and Knights fight each other to the death.

Our latest gameplay footage shows the Knights taking on their opponents in the downtrodden district of Whitechapel. Armed with a Thermite rifle, Galahad is able to attack enemies hidden behind cover, while Isabeau’s Arc Gun proves itself an equally deadly weapon.

Beyond technology, the Knights have relied on one element they have used for centuries: the Blackwater. While in combat, they are able to use it to heal from otherwise deadly wounds. With centuries of use, the Blackwater has imbued the Knights with an inhuman longevity as well as mental and physical abilities they can use in combat, a state they call Blacksight. Using Blacksight, Galahad enters into a heightened state allowing him to focus his skills and execute precise attacks.

As we look to bring this experience to the players, we have decided to spend some extra time to deliver on the promise we made when we first introduced the game. As such, you can expect The Order: 1886 to come exclusively to the PlayStation 4 in early 2015.

With E3 approaching, we are releasing a behind-the-scenes video showing some of the inspiration behind the creation of The Order: 1886. I hope you enjoy it and look forward to showing you more in the weeks to come. See you at E3!

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... r-1886-heads-to-e3/

The Evil Within pushed back to October, pre-order bonuses
《心魔》为更佳质量延期两个月 新宣传片放出

  由三上真司一手打造的最新恐怖游戏《心魔》(The Evil Within)最早是确定在2014年8月26日发售,而随着时间的推移,该作延期的消息于近日放出。Bethesda正式确认了该作延期,并且公布了最新的发售日,游戏将于2014年10月21日登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE和XBOX360平台。

  Bethesda官方向玩家们解释了延期的原因:“三上真司和他的团队Tango Gameworks向我们寻求更多的开发时间,来晚上游戏的平衡性,为了让这款游戏可以给予玩家最纯正的恐怖生存体验。”官方同时放出了一段新宣传片,玩家们可以先来解解馋。

The Evil Within - New trailer, release date and pre-order incentive revealed

Today we revealed that The Evil Within will be available in North America on October 21, 2014, in Australia on October 23, 2014, and throughout Europe on October 24, 2014. Shinji Mikami and his team at Tango Gameworks have asked for additional time to further balance and refine the game in order to deliver the polished, terrifying pure survival horror experience they set out to create.

We’ve also announced The Evil Within’s pre-order incentive – The Fighting Chance Pack. The Fighting Chance Pack provides players with a handful of additional items that may help them stave off death for a moment longer.

The Fighting Chance Pack includes

• Medical Kit – A vital health enhancement to enable Sebastian to fight on.

• Green Gel – Used to upgrade Sebastian’s attributes.

• Double Barrel Shotgun and Three Shells - A larger and more formidable shotgun than the regular shotgun, it’s useful for tight situations with multiple encroaching enemies.

• An Incendiary Agony Bolt – Capable of showering nearby enemies with damaging fire sparks.

• A Poison Agony Bolt – Will draw enemies towards it and poison them, allowing Sebastian time for a quick escape.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Announced

  今天华纳公布了乐高游戏最受欢迎的系列乐高蝙蝠侠的最新作《乐高蝙蝠侠3:飞跃哥谭市(LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham)》。


  游戏将于2014年秋季发售,登陆PS4、PS3、PSV、XBOX ONE、XBOX 360、WiiU和3DS平台。


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games and the LEGO Group Enter the Next Frontier With LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, TT Games and The LEGO Group today announced LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham will be available beginning of Autumn 2014 for the Xbox One all-in-one games and entertainment system and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, PlayStation Vita handheld entertainment system, the Wii U system from Nintendo, Nintendo 3DS hand-held, as well as for PC.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is the next instalment to the blockbuster LEGO Batman: The Videogame and LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes videogames. To-date, LEGO videogame sales have reached more than 100 million units worldwide.

“Building on the incredibly successful LEGO Batman franchise, we are working to make LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham the ultimate super hero videogame this year for all ages,” said Tom Stone, Managing Director, TT Games. “The TT Games team is bringing LEGO Batman and an astounding amount of characters from the DC Comics universe to the next frontier with a new epic story, more gadgets and unexpected challenges.”

In LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics Universe and blasts off to outer space to stop the evil Brainiac from destroying Earth. Using the power of the Lantern Rings, Brainiac shrinks worlds to add to his twisted collection of miniature cities from across the universe. Now the greatest super heroes and the most cunning villains must unite and journey to different Lantern Worlds to collect the Lantern Rings and stop Brainiac before it’s too late.

Players will unlock more than 150 unique characters from the DC Comics universe, including members of the Justice League and LEGO big figures such as Killer Croc, Solomon Grundy and many more. Fans of all ages will be able to control their favourite heroes and villains with new gadgets and abilities. Brainiac’s mind controlling abilities and the power of the Lantern rings bring unexpected twists to the classic characters’ personalities.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham also will allow players to explore iconic locations such as the Hall of Justice, the Batcave and the Justice League Watchtower. They will be able to access Batman’s training modules on the Bat Computer and take part in various challenges, battles and races.

LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham is being developed by TT Games and will be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. For more information, please visit: facebook.com/LEGOBatmanGame

Game overview

The best-selling LEGO Batman videogame franchise returns in an out-of-this-world, action-packed adventure! In LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, the Caped Crusader joins forces with the super heroes of the DC Comics universe and blasts off to outer space to stop the evil Brainiac from destroying Earth. Using the power of the Lantern Rings, Brainiac shrinks worlds to add to his twisted collection of miniature cities from across the universe. Now the greatest super heroes and the most cunning villains must unite and journey to different Lantern Worlds to collect the Lantern Rings and stop Brainiac before it’s too late.

Game features

• Exciting space combat - For the first time ever, battle with Batman and his allies in outer space and the various Lantern worlds including Zamaron and Odym.

• Robust roster of DC Comics heroes and villains - Play and unlock more than 150 unique characters with amazing powers and abilities, including members of the Justice League, and BIG LEGO Figures such as Cyborg, Solomon Grundy and more.

• Unique storyline with new plots and twists – Surprising disguises, Brainiac’s mind control ability, and the power of the Lantern rings bring a whole new twist to characters you thought you knew.

• Hack computer terminals - Enter a virtual world to escape mazes, battle in arenas, and race to find the code.

• Bat-tastic Gadget Wheel - With a simple press of a button, choose and upgrade select character’s suits and abilities.

• Variety of iconic locales - Visit the Hall of Justice, the Batcave, and the Justice League Watchtower to access shops, trophy rooms, and the hero and vehicle customizers.

Handheld game features

• Mind-blowing Zero-G gameplay adds a whole new dimension to the action.

• Remix combat in spectacular style by customising the action with all-new LEGO Hazard Builds!

• Adventure through 45 missions spanning an original storyline focusing on dynamic, fast-paced gameplay.

• Play as more than 105 characters from the DC Comics universe.

陈星汉公司获700万美元投资 新项目独立制作





  日前Valve公司宣布他们适配Steam主机(Steam Machine)的自制无线手柄Steam Contoller将延期至2015年发布。


Valve delays Steam Controller to 2015

Steam Machines Update

We've been getting emails from the Steam community asking us how our in-development Steam Machines are coming along. It's great that you're excited about it, and we know you appreciate it when we keep you in the loop on stuff like this, so we wanted to give you all a quick update.

We’re now using wireless prototype controllers to conduct live playtests, with everyone from industry professionals to die-hard gamers to casual gamers. It's generating a ton of useful feedback, and it means we'll be able to make the controller a lot better. Of course, it's also keeping us pretty busy making all those improvements. Realistically, we're now looking at a release window of 2015, not 2014.

Obviously we're just as eager as you are to get a Steam Machine in your hands. But our number one priority is making sure that when you do, you'll be getting the best gaming experience possible. We hope you'll be patient with us while we get there. Until then, we’ll continue to post updates as we have more stories to share.

As always, we love getting feedback on the Steam Machine and Steam controller from the community. After all, you're the people we want to be happiest when we release them.

Feel free to continue posting your thoughts and suggestions to the Steam Universe discussion group.


参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 谢谢分享
燎原火 + 5 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报

发表于 28-5-2014 07:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
《机动战士高达外传合集 | 機動戦士ガンダム外伝 ミッシングリンク》公开三段试玩影像

  《机动战士高达:外传合集(機動戦士ガンダム サイドストーリーズ)》是BNGI(Bandai Namco Games Inc.)所推出的PS3新作,游戏预计将于2014年5月29日发售。游戏马上就要正式上市,官方日前又放出了三段试玩影像,分别为“VR MISSION”“CROSS DIMENSION 0079”以及“Lost War Chronicles”,下面来欣赏一下吧。




《超次元ACT 海王星U | 超次元アクションネプテューヌU》公开服装破损要素详情

  Compile Heart预定于8月28日发售的PSV动作游戏《超次元ACT 海王星U》在本周的电击杂志中详细介绍了本作的服装破损要素。游戏中的角色不断受到攻击的话身上的衣服就会破损,同时防御力下降攻击力上升,大致上跟同一开发组制作的《闪乱神乐SV》一个形式……甚至在变身为女神时服装也会破损。

《超女神信仰诺瓦露:激神黑心 | 超女神信仰 ノワール 激神ブラックハート 》公开DLC角色

  Compile Heart预定于5月29日发售的PSV游戏《超女神信仰诺瓦露:激神黑心》在最新的杂志中公开了即将登场的几名DLC角色。其中包含映射本作开发商及其相关企业的STING酱、IF酱和空帕酱以及来自同社另一款游戏《精灵剑士F》的女主角提雅拉。

《怪物猎人:边境G》发售日确定 与PS3版同服


《自由战争 | フリーダム ウォーズ FREEDOM WARS》体验版攻略本与原声OST发售情报






  据透露本作中玩家分成两个阵营,一波就是盗贼而另一波则是SWAT。每一个阵营分出四个不同的角色,有实施者、技术者、操作员和专业员。目前透露的游戏模式包括“血钱(Blood Money)”和“抢夺(Heist)”。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 29-5-2014 06:37 PM 编辑


参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 破衣...囧囧囧
燎原火 + 5 破衣是一定要的 :rf:



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2014 06:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
PlayStation E3 Press Conference to air Live in movie theaters around North America
索尼财大气粗 包下43家影院免费直播E3发布会


  玩家们除了可以享受影院级的视听享受之外,还可以看到额外的30分钟内容,包括Spike TV当家主持Geoff Keighley带来的顶级制作人访谈,以及与PlayStation有关的独占惊喜内容。目前大部分影院的预定票已经被疯抢,业界良心不是盖的,顺便吐槽这和本月公布财报亏损的那个索尼是一家公司?

Watch PlayStation’s E3 Press Conference in Movie Theaters Nationwide

Why watch PlayStation’s E3 Press Conference on a puny browser window when you can see it on the silver screen? On June 9th, we’re inviting PlayStation fans in the US and Canada to experience the E3 press conference in a new way – live, on a massive screen in more than 40 movie theaters.

Join us and host Geoff Keighley for the PlayStation E3 Experience, featuring an HD simulcast of the PlayStation E3 Press Conference. Attendees will also see 30 minutes of extra content, including exclusive extended game footage and interviews with the world’s biggest game developers. And hey, if you show up, we might even cough up a few surprise gifts.

Best of all, it’s free. Space is limited, so make sure to register for the event soon here.

If you don’t live near one of the fine cinemas listed below, never fear: You’ll be able to watch all the gaiety from your computer or smart phone right here on PlayStation.Blog (or PlayStation.com and Ustream.tv/playstation).

full list of theaters where the event will take place

PlayStation E3 Experience – The TL;DR Version

• When: Monday June 9th at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT (show starts at 9:00pm ET / 6:00pm PT)

• Where: 40-50 theaters across US and Canada

• What: Watching the PlayStation Press Conference LIVE in HD from the comfort of a movie theater with other PlayStation fans. Event features 30 minutes of exclusive content, including extended game footage and developer interviews. Plus surprise giveaways!

• RSVP: Free to attend, but space is limited. RSVP here


《战国无双4》PS4版杂志图介绍 极致画面体验



《魔装机神F 终结之棺》登场角色介绍第二弹

  BandaiNamcoGames预定于PS3平台上推出的《魔装机神F 终结之棺》本周继续为大家介绍游戏中的登场角色与机体。这次介绍的都是满腔热血的汉子们。


















  2014年1月时,IO Interactive曾公开《终极刺客》新作的一些新情报,而现在他们终于放出了这款系列最新作的首张概念艺术图,不过他们还在同时确认这款系列最新作不会在E3 2014中登场。


  IO Interactive还表示他们在新作中会创造“异国风格和扩展”的场景,让大家看到巨大的进步。日前公开的首张艺术图展示了游戏中的建筑物,它将比《终极刺客:赦免》中的任何场景都要大,而玩家们能够在该建筑物中自由探索。


First concept art from the next Hitman game

The first concept from IOI’s next Hitman game

Since we posted our open letter back in January, we’ve had our heads down working on our next Hitman game. So you’ll have noticed that we have been pretty quiet, but we wanted to give you a short update about a few things.

First up, we’ve seen a lot of people talking about what we might be bringing to E3 this year. We know the worst thing is to hope for something that doesn’t turn up; so we wanted to let you know that our next Hitman is going to be under wraps for a bit longer. We’re focusing all of our time and efforts into creating the best possible Hitman game. That’s our number one priority and we don’t want to divert valuable resources to show something before it’s ready.

The good news is we’re making great progress with building exotic and expansive locations for the new game. To give you an idea of what we’re aiming for, here’s the first piece of concept art from the game. This location is set in Central Europe and you’ll be able to explore the entire building you see in the image, inside and out. For a sense of scale, the building on its own is larger than any location in Hitman Absolution.

As we move through the year, we’ll have some details to share with you and we’ll keep you posted right here on the blog. We will only lift the lid on the game once we feel we’re ready to. In the meantime, we’ll continue to answer as many of your questions as we can both in the forums and on Twitter.


EA暗示《植物大战僵尸花园战争 | Garden Warfare》或登陆PS平台

  《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》此前已经先后登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,其PC版也即将发售,不过日前EA公司暗示本作或许还会登陆PS系主机。



《王国之心2.5HD合集 | Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMiX》杂志大图最新画面欣赏

  《王国之心2.5HD合集》是Square Enix公司所推出的新作,游戏预计将于2014年内登录PS3平台。本作中将收录《王国之心2:最终混合版》和《王国之心:梦中诞生 最终混合版》的高清重制版,并将收录《王国之心:编码重制版》中的剧情影像。本周FAMI通杂志公开了游戏最新画面(杂志图均可点击放大)。


《边境之地:前传 | Borderlands Pre-Sequal》预告片公开 展示重要角色

  《边境之地:前传》是由2K澳大利亚工作室负责开发的系列最新作,游戏将于2014年秋季登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台。日前官方放出了本作的最新预告片,主要展示了游戏中的重要角色Handsome Jack,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。



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发表于 29-5-2014 07:22 PM | 显示全部楼层



The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Online Event on June 5

  《巫师3:鬼猎》是由CD Projekt RED负责开发的新作,游戏将于2015年2月登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。而日前游戏开发商CD Projekt RED确认他们将于2014年6月5日在线直播他们的“夏季发布会”,而在此次活动中他们将公开游戏相关的新情报。


Join CD Projekt RED and GOG.com for Big Announcements During Their Summer Conference Livestream on June 5

The companies will unveil the next step in GOG.com's development, deliver details on The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt preorders, and share news on The Witcher: Adventure Game, during livestreamed event in Los Angeles on Thursday, June 5 at 11.00 AM PDT (2:00 PM EDT; 6:00 PM GMT)!

CD Projekt RED, the studio behind the Witcher games, and GOG.com, the DRM-free online distributor of all that is good in gaming, have plenty good news to share!
During the livestream Marcin Iwinski and his team will present, among other topics:

• New Gameplay Footage from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
• Exciting New Announcements regarding The Witcher: Adventure Game
• Exclusive GOG.com Wild Hunt Preorder Details
• Unveiling of GOG.com's new technology taking the platform to the next level

The GOG.com and CD Projekt RED Summer Conference will be streamed live at GOG.com/stream and Twitch.tv on Thursday, June 5 at 11.00 AM PDT (2:00 PM EDT; 6:00 PM GMT)

商标申请显示《口袋妖怪 绿宝石 | Pokemon Emerald》可能会重制

  日本特许厅于5月29日公开了最新的商标申请公报。其中有一个条目“デルタエメラルド”(德尔塔绿宝石)引人注意。商标申请者为任天堂、Creatures和Game freak。熟悉《口袋妖怪》系列的朋友应该都知道这三个名字吧。加上其名称与之前公开的“欧米伽红宝石/阿尔法蓝宝石”命名风格极为相似。难道任天堂有出绿宝石重制版的计划?或者只是一种版权保护措施罢了?

《讨鬼传 极》体验版内容介绍 新鬼新御魂登场

  Koei Tecmo预定于2014年内发售的PSP/PSV共斗游戏《讨鬼传:极》本周Fami通杂志继续公开新的情报。首先就是广大玩家关注的体验版的情报。本作将会于近日推出动作体验版,该体验版将可以试用最新公开的武器与本作新登场的鬼战斗。而最后玩家提出的意见将会视情况在正式版中进行改进。









《自由战争 | フリーダム ウォーズ FREEDOM WARS》荆棘演示视频 三种类型两段蓄力


《超次元ACT 海王星U | 超次元アクションネプテューヌU》游戏画面与战斗解说

  Compile Heart预定于8月28日发售的PSV动作游戏《超次元ACT 海王星U》本周的电击杂志不但有爆衣福利,还有游戏最新的情报。下面就一起看看游戏战斗画面与系统的解说吧:


  积累EXE DRIVE槽后不但可以变身使全能力上升,还可以使用威力强大的必杀技EXE DRIVE。不过使用必杀技之后槽就会归零,变身也会随之解除。


《魔法科高校的劣等生 | 魔法科高校の劣等生 Out of Order》宣传视频 游戏画面演示

  BandaiNamcoGames预定在PSV平台上推出的动漫改编动作游戏《魔法科高校的劣等生:Out of Order》公开了本作首个宣传视频。游戏的卖点为“战略x魔法x动作”,视频中公开了不少游戏片段,看上去玩家可以在城市中自由穿梭进行战斗,值得期待。

《魔法科高校的劣等生 | 魔法科高校の劣等生 Out of Order》详情公开 3D动作游戏

  BandaiNamcoGames预定在PSV平台上推出的动漫改编动作游戏《魔法科高校的劣等生:Out of Order》在本周的电击杂志中公开了游戏的详情,这也是自游戏公布以来第一次有详细的内容介绍。虽然动漫改编的游戏以AVG居多,不过本作是一款操纵原作中登场的魔法师们在3D场景中纵横无尽进行战斗的对战型魔法动作游戏。而本作在故事内容方面为原作者监修的原创故事。










参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
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燎原火 + 5 任地狱除了pokemon重制还有Mario不停消费还.



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发表于 30-5-2014 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层
《高达外传合集》DLC宣传片 独角兽高达登场

  《机动战士高达外传合集(機動戦士ガンダム サイドストーリーズ)》是BNGI(Bandai Namco Games Inc.)所推出的PS3新作,游戏于2014年5月29日正式发售。而日前BNGI也更新了本作的官方网站,放出了本作DLC的宣传片。这次介绍的DLC为大家带来的是新机体独角兽高达,而在这段宣传片中官方就展示了该机体的实际战斗表现,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

















  Variable Strike

  战斗成员最多可有6人,Burst模式中连携将更加力量升级,这时就能使用“Variable Strike(VS)”了,效果非常华丽在面对强敌战时更加有利。


  ATLUS原街机游戏《女神异闻录4:午夜竞技场2》(以下简称P4U2)PS3版游戏发售日决定为8月28日,价格为通常版6980日元(未含税)。官网每星期如约更新演示影像,这回带来的是刚公布参战的角色天田乾与虎狼丸搭档,以及之前杂志曾介绍过的Golden Arena模式介绍,来欣赏下吧!

Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion Launches for Xbox One & Xbox 360 June 3

  此前外站泄露了《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵(Invasion)”的几张游戏截图,而现在官方正式公开了这个最新DLC的情报。“入侵”DLC将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,而其他平台版本的发售日尚不清楚。



Activision Reveals Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion as Third DLC Pack for 2014, Coming First, Exclusively to Xbox June 3rd

Call of Duty fans should mark their calendars and prepare for Invasion, as Activision and Infinity Ward today revealed the third massive DLC Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Launching June 3rd first, exclusively on Xbox Live for Xbox One and Xbox 360, Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion delivers four new multiplayer maps from unique locales around the world, each with hidden secrets and unique Field Orders. Invasion also includes "Episode 3: Awakening," the next thrilling chapter in Extinction's four-part episodic narrative taking players deep into an alien underworld to discover the truth behind the Cryptid attack.

Invasion is available a la carte for a suggested retail price of $14.99, or as part of the Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass, which gives fans access to all four epic Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Packs planned for release in 2014 - Onslaught, Devastation, Invasion and Nemesis - at the discounted suggested retail price of $49.99.

Invasion's four new small-to-medium-sized multiplayer maps feature the fast-paced gameplay Call of Duty fans crave, each one donning a distinct look, feel and unique killstreak. "Departed" is a medium-sized map set in a rural Mexican town during the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration. The colorfully decorated streets, vendor carts and storefronts provide ample cover for run-and-gunners, and players that complete the map's unique Field Order will unlock the Death Mariachi killstreak. Armed with dual-wielding pistols, the Death Mariachi settles scores, with each kill turning enemy players into another member of the band, and a temporary squad mate.

"haraoh" is the abandoned archeological site of an ancient Egyptian palace. Players will have to be on the lookout for collapsing monuments and urns full of flesh-eating scarabs, among other surprises in this multi-level map. Inside the palace, gamers will battle through multiple chambers ideal for close-quarters combat and short-range weapons, all under the watchful eye of Anubis, the half-jackal/half-human, protector of the dead, who will handsomely reward players who unlock this map's Field Order.

Invasion's third map, "Mutiny," transports players to a remote Caribbean island harboring an eerie pirate hideout complete with abandoned trading posts and prison cells. Speed and stealth are a must as players navigate the narrow and intertwining pathways. However, let ye be warned that gamers taking up positions on the pirate ship moored in the center of the map will become vulnerable to enemy fire from the numerous flanking routes created by the map's horseshoe shaped dock. Players that unlock "Mutiny's" Field Order will find themselves escorted by two ethereal ghost pirates, who will happily send enemy combatants down to Davey Jones' locker on their behalf.

Invasion's fourth multiplayer map is a refreshed version of the fan-favorite map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, "Favela." Since its original release, the Brazilian shantytown has seen substantial change. Buildings once under construction are now complete, while others have crumbled into a state of disrepair. Players must avoid falling to their death as they traverse the map from one building to the next, with ramshackle scaffolding creating varied pathways between structures, and enemy snipers taking advantage of the long sightlines. Players who complete the Field Order in "Favela" will be able to call in heavy air support from a nearby Y-8 Gunship to bring the rain with a 105mm cannon, a 40mm auto-cannon and a 25mm cannon.

Anchoring the Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion DLC Pack is the next installment in the game's Extinction mode episodic narrative, "Episode 3: Awakening." In Awakening, the team descends into the perilous alien underworld to strike at the subterranean fortress of the Ancestors - the mysterious puppet-masters behind the Cryptid invasion. Armed with a range of new hi-tech weapons and equipment, the team must penetrate a series of defensive barriers to reach the Ark and unlock the secrets of the Ancestors' psychic powers. As the final battle draws closer, the fate of the Earth and the future of the human race hang in the balance.

Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion will be available June 3rd first, exclusively on Xbox Live for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, with other platforms to follow.

《龙腾世纪:裁判所 | Dragon Agenquisition》新图公开展示宫殿场景


  本次公开的宫殿场景是位于Orlais的城市Halamshiral的冬宫(Winter Palace),BioWare表示这座华美的宫殿可谓超凡脱俗,不过外表有时候非常具有欺骗性。他们表示:“在这里并非所有的战斗都是依靠法杖或钢铁来进行的。在Halamshiral里,政治可能比刀刃更加致命,而最有效的武器则是典型的谣言或者丑闻。”

  而本作的高级环境艺术家Ryan Love则表示:“在这里战斗并非重点。阴谋和社交互动统治了这里,所以游戏中具有一些独特的元素。我们仍然在进行平衡,但是我会说这部分会塑造得很好。”

  《龙腾世纪:裁判所》是将于2014年10月7日发售,其对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC。

《失落的次元 | ロストディメンション(Lost Demension)》战斗系统详情 给玩家高度自由





Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Hits PS4, PS3 on August

  此前EA公司曾通过官方推特暗示《植物大战僵尸:花园战争》将登陆PS系平台,而现在游戏开发商PopCap Games终于正式确认本作将登陆PS3和PS4。游戏预计于2014年8月21日登陆北美、8月22日登陆欧洲,届时玩家们可以通过PS Store购买并下载。




Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Reocket Launches Onto PlayStation Consoles This August

Warm up the ice blasters, call in the cherry strikes, and gear up for endless multiplayer mayhem. PopCap Games, a division of Electronic Arts, today announced Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare will be available August 18 in North America and August 22 in Europe for both PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. More than one million players have already enjoyed playing this best-in-class multiplayer shooter that combines the power of the Frostbite™ 3 engine with the fresh humor of the incredibly popular Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare has been adored by both fans and critics alike, with GameSpot calling it “enticing” and “refreshing,” and Game Revolution deeming it “hopelessly addicting.”

“Our players have already vanquished more than 400 million plants and zombies, and we can’t wait for PlayStation gamers to add to this total,” said Brian Lindley, Producer on Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. “They’ll see how accessible, yet deep, the gameplay is, and will get endless hours of fun out of the game.”

Players can pre-order* Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare starting today and get two digital card packs and PlayStation exclusive customization for both their plants and zombies characters including Hat Packs from Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper and Fat Princess** games. PlayStation players will also be able to jump straight into the action, never missing a beat with PlayStation®Vita Remote Play during all their favorite multiplayer moments taking on their friends and continuing to sow the seeds of victory.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare lets players choose a side and wage an all-out war on their plant or zombie enemies in a variety of gameplay modes and with a jaw-dropping arsenal of outrageous weapons. The game features adored favorites in the series, such as the Peashooter and Sunflower, along with a new cast of characters including Ice Cactus, Hot Rod Chomper and all the Zombies players can get their hands on.

Players can jump into three distinct competitive multiplayer modes including two 12 vs. 12 modes called “Garden & Graveyards” and “Team Vanquish,” or a four-player co-operative mode called “Garden Ops.” Split-screen gameplay and Boss Mode will also be available on PlayStation 4.

An amazingly deep set of customization options gives players an opportunity to personalize plants and zombies with fun costumes, items, hats and more, some of which give all-new abilities to each of the characters.

Additionally, Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare will be at Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2014 in the Sony booth. For more info on live streaming of the game at the show and live interviews follow us on: facebook.com/plantsversuszombies.


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发表于 30-5-2014 07:28 PM | 显示全部楼层

  《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是传说系列的20周年纪念作,游戏将登录PS3平台,不过目前官方仍未公开游戏的发售日和售价。日前官方放出了本作的大量游戏截图,不仅为大家展示了此前公开的两位新角色莱拉和德泽尔,还为带领大家一起来欣赏游戏中的剧情、战斗以及各种场景的细节,让大家能够更加了解这款备受期待的新作。

《地铁:归来(Metro:Redux)》多张新图公开 游戏画面大进化

  此前Deep Silver和4A Games正式公布了次世代作品《地铁:归来(Metro:Redux)》,游戏将于2014年夏季登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。本作将收录《地铁2033:归来》和《地铁最后之光:归来》两款重制作品,而日前官方就放出了几张游戏的新截图,为大家展示了本作在画面上的进化。

  本作所收录打得两款重制之作均将以60FPS的帧率全速运行,其中PS4版画面达到1080P,而XBOX One版则为900P。和原作相比,这两款重制游戏均在游戏玩法、AI和枪战等方面得到了改进。

《神力九号| Mighty No. 9》全新演示影像 BOSS战片段欣赏

  《神力九号(Mighty No.9)》是前原CAPCOM的著名制作人稻船敬二的新作,游戏将登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One、WiiU、PSV、3DS和PC平台。而日前开发商Comcept再度放出了本作的实际游戏演示影像,在这段视频中我们可以看到已经逐步成型的各大关卡,而战斗方面的细节也比之前放出的Demo影像更加完善。此外官方还在本次的视频中展示BOSS战的片段,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。

Quantum Break Coming in 2015, Gameplay Teaser
《量子崩坏 | Quantum Break》将于2015年发售 最新预告片公开

  《量子崩坏》是由开发了《心灵杀手》的Remedy Entertainment负责制作的XBOX One独占游戏,本作最早于2013年5月末公开。自游戏正式公开后,官方就很少放出本作的新情报,不过近日Remedy Entertainment终于确认本作将于2015年发售。


  《量子崩坏》讲述的故事和时间旅行有关,主角Jack Joyce和Beth Wilder在研究时间治疗时发生异常导致时间冻结,从此他们获得了操控时间的能力并且最终击败了反派成为游戏世界中的英雄。Jack Joyce和Beth Wilder都是可操作角色,在游戏中玩家可以分解时间,在死亡或者毁灭的瞬间停止时间并移动到下一阶段战斗中,时间的冻结和跳跃都是在根据特特殊的情况下才可以使用的。

E3《任天堂大乱斗| Super Smash Bros. 4》邀请赛宣传片 更多详情

  今天美国任天堂发布了本届E3期间在洛杉矶Nokia Theatre举办的WiiU《任天堂大乱斗》邀请赛的最新宣传片。视频中公布了本次比赛的选手、解说员、比赛规则和可操作角色。



Sonic Boom New Character Revealed ~ Sticks
索尼克家族(Sonic)添新成员 野性女孩斯迪克斯(Sticks)登场





Introducing Sticks to the Sonic Boom Franchise

In advance of the highly-anticipated launch of Sonic Boom, the newest branch of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe announced earlier this year, SEGA is pleased to unveil Sticks, a brand-new character that will play an integral role across all Sonic Boom platforms. Sticks, a jungle badger who has spent most of her life living alone in the wilderness, will appear in the Sonic Boom TV series, Wii U and Nintendo 3DS video games, and merchandise, forming a common thread across all iterations of the new Sonic Boom world. Sticks joins Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy to form the core ensemble featured throughout the Sonic Boom franchise.

“Sticks is a significant addition to the Sonic Boom universe and the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise,” said Hiroyuki Miyazaki, Chief Content Officer for the Sonic Brand, SEGA of America. “She brings a quirky personality and perspective to the team dynamic, and we look forward to sharing this energetic and funny new character with the world.”

Sticks is new to Sonic’s circle of friends– actually new to friends in general– and as the most primal character in the Sonic universe, she is a force of nature in every way. Sticks is wilder than the other members of Sonic’s team with unparalleled animal instincts and extremely sharp survival skills. She’s a fearsome combatant and a tenacious hunter who’s armed with handmade weapons at all times, most notably a handmade boomerang that she keeps in tow.

Her wildness means that her social skills need plenty of work and she’s not the most trusting individual. Full of outrageous suspicions, Sticks’ instincts often prove to be accurate. While the concepts of sharing, compassion and friendship are foreign to her, Sticks has a good heart and a genuine desire to get closer to her new friends, particularly Amy, who helps Sticks adapt to civilization. Sticks and Amy quickly become best friends, with Sticks willing to go to extremes to protect her new pal, a quality that will play out through new Sonic Boom content. Her eccentric character adds an endless amount of humor and surprise to the Sonic team.

《海贼王 无尽世界红 | ワンピース アンリミテッドワールドR(One Piece: Unlimited World Red )》公开游戏视频传送镇篇

  《海贼王:无尽世界 红》确定将于6月12日登陆PS3、PSV、WiiU三平台,而本作PSV/PS3中文版也确定于7月3日发售。日前官方放出了最新的游戏介绍视频之“传送镇篇”,脑残三人组中的乔巴和乌索普负责卖萌解说,这俩家伙介绍了游戏中城镇中的要素。


《弹丸少女 | Bullet Girl | バレットガールズ》公开性感首发特典与各店铺特典

  D3 Publisher预定于8月28日发售的PSV美少女射击游戏《弹丸少女》公开了本作初回封入特典与各种店铺特典的详细情报。凡是首批购买游戏的朋友均可获得陆军部战斗服和性感“泳装”的下载码。






  D3P WEB SHOP:特别版陆军部战斗服与情热“泳装”



详情网站以及新封面 - http://members.mhf-g.jp/topic/vita/beginnerspkg/ http://psvita.mhf-g.jp/#/top
官方网站公式 - http://ps3.mhf-g.jp/#/top


Ratchet & Clank HD Trilogy Officially Announced, Coming to PS Vita in July

  SCE宣布为了纪念《瑞奇与叮当》制作工作室成立20周年,将系列1-3作打包制成《瑞奇与叮当 高清三部曲》搬上PSV平台。游戏将在7月2日起陆续于欧美地区上市。至于游戏是否针对PSV版进行一些优化比如支持触摸操作等目前还不明。

Hey everyone! Insomniac just recently celebrated its 20th anniversary and as you know, Ratchet & Clank have been a huge part of our studio for the last 12 years (Ratchet even made an appearance in our new anniversary music video).

For Ratchet & Clank’s 10th Anniversary, we were happy that Sony and Idol Minds were able to bring the Ratchet & Clank Trilogy to the PS3, remastered in HD. Many of you had the chance to replay the classic Ratchet games and earn trophies for them, and many more played them for the first time.

Since the HD trilogy was released, one of the biggest requests from many of you was for a version of the Trilogy to come to PlayStation Vita. We’ve heard you loud and clear, and thanks to Sony and Mass Media, the Ratchet & Clank HD Trilogy will be something you can play on the go from 2nd July (and from 9th July in Australia). You can download the whole trilogy for Eur 29.99 via PlayStation Store or pick up a copy at your favourite retailer.

We’re really excited by how well the PS Vita port of the HD Trilogy has turned out. It looks amazing and is a terrific way to play the classic Ratchet & Clank adventures. We can’t wait for you to get your hands on it and take Ratchet with you wherever you may go.

EuroPSBlog:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... -hits-ps-vita-july/



详情网站以及新封面 - http://members.mhf-g.jp/topic/vita/beginnerspkg/ http://psvita.mhf-g.jp/#/top
官方网站公式 - http://ps3.mhf-g.jp/#/top


  此前动视公司已经确认《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵”将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台,而日前官方又放出了该DLC的新宣传片,主要为大家展示了其中所收录的地图“Pharaoh”,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。


本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 3-6-2014 06:33 PM 编辑


参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 猎人看起来很帅的说
燎原火 + 5 Bullet Girl入手决定!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2-6-2014 06:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
《海贼王 无尽世界红 | ワンピース アンリミテッドワールドR(One Piece Unlimited World Red)》游戏解说视频之冒险篇

  《海贼王:无尽世界 红》确定将于6月12日登陆PS3、PSV、WiiU三平台,而本作PSV/PS3中文版也确定于7月3日发售。日前官方放出了最新的游戏介绍视频之“冒险篇”,而负责解说的自然还是脑残三人组中的乔巴和乌索普。


《世界传说:梦境热斗》首个PV公开 双线剧情



  《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是传说系列的20周年纪念作,游戏将登录PS3平台,发售日期与售价尚未公布。游戏于今日放送的传说嘉年华2014新情报环节中公开了最新PV,新角色“扎比达(ザビーダ)(CV:津田健次郎)”登场,人设为岩本,而游戏主题歌决定由Superfly担当。

  另外介绍了斯雷的觉醒系统“神依化衣”,人类可以与天族一体化战斗的系统,战斗中可无缝发动,外表发生变化,并使用付与了天族属性的专用武器攻击,与《圣恩传说F》中的Style shift系统类似。阿里莎在成为斯雷的从者后,便可以看见天族了。


《变形金刚:暗火崛起 | Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark》新影像展示新登场角色

  《变形金刚:暗火崛起(Transformers: Rise of the Dark Spark)》是动视公司旗下的系列最新作,和系列前作相同,本作同样以电影版为基础进行制作。日前官方放出了游戏的最新宣传片,主要为大家展示了新登场的角色Drift,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

  《变形金刚:暗火崛起》将于2014年6月24日登陆北美,6月25日则将登陆澳大利亚,其对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One、WiiU和PC。

《机器人笔记:精英版 | ROBOTICS;NOTES ELITE》全新角色插图第三弹


The Walking Dead & The Wolf Among Us Coming to PS4 & Xbox One this year
《我们中的狼(The Wolf Among Us: A Telltale Games)》《行尸走肉(The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games)》确认登陆次世代平台


  日前游戏开发商Telltale Games正式确认《我们中的狼》、《行尸走肉:第一季》、《行尸走肉:第二季》均将登陆PS4和XBOX One平台,并且均会以实体版的形式发售。此外原本以系在游戏发售的《行尸走肉:第二季》以及《我们中的狼:第二季》也会推出实体版。以上游戏均预计于2014年内发售,不过具体发售日尚不明确。

Telltale Brings Hit Games to Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Today, we can confirm that The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series – Season One, The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series - Season Two and The Wolf Among Us: A Telltale Games Series will be coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year. Furthermore, The Walking Dead - Season Two and The Wolf Among Us will be released as retail discs for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 following their continuing success as digital downloads.

We will have confirmed release date availability soon, but in the meantime, you can pre-order disc versions now from your favorite retailer.


《光明之共鸣 | Shinning Resonance》发售日确定 特别限定版同捆手办

  世嘉预定于今冬发售的PS3平台光明系列最新作《光明之共鸣》(Shinning Resonance),公布了确定发售日,游戏决定于2014年12月11日正式上市,价格通常版与下载版均为8222日元,特别限定版为16800日元(均未含税)。特别限定版将同捆本作女主角基莉嘉的泳装手办(全高26cm,1/7型,原型师:2%),感兴趣的玩家不要错过。


  GUST《工作室》系列最新作《夏莉的工作室:黄昏之海的炼金术士 | シャリーのアトリエ ~黄昏の海の錬金術士~》将于2014年7月17日登陆PS3平台,价格为6800日元,珍藏版BOX为9800日元,下载版为6000日元。官网目前放出了限定版封面图,并为7月16日先行发售的《夏莉的工作室:黄昏之海的炼金术士》OST专辑开设了特别页面,在其中可以试听到部分游戏音乐,感兴趣的玩家可以点击http://atelier-ps3.jp/shallie/music/ 查看。

《COD:幽灵》DLC宣传片第二弹 展示新地图

  此前动视公司已经确认《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵”将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。继此前放出新的DLC宣传片为大家介绍新地图“Pharaoh”之后,现在官方再度放出了另一段宣传片,而本次展示的则是另外一张新地图“Mutiny”,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。



  SCEJA宣布将于6月6日晚8点(马来西亚时间)播出一档niconico直播节目“PlayStation夏之大花火大会”。节目中将为大家带来今夏PSV重点游戏《跨越我的尸体2》、《讨鬼传 极》、《自由战争》、《怪物猎人FG》等多款游戏的现场试玩并将介绍PS4注目游戏的最新情报。

《少女与战车 究极战车道 | ガールズ&パンツァー 戦車道、極めます!》公开第三弹宣传PV

  Bandai Namco Games预定于6月26日发售的PSV游戏《少女与战车:究极战车道》正式公开了本作的第三弹宣传PV。本次的视频详细介绍了游戏的两大模式:可以体验动画版故事情节的“故事模式”以及可以自由组队战斗的“乱斗模式”。而负责解说的就是本作主角西住美惠的声优渕上舞。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 3-6-2014 06:32 PM 编辑


参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 谢谢分享
燎原火 + 5 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报


发表于 3-6-2014 06:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
《龙腾世纪:裁判所 | Dragon Age: Inquisition -》新图 展示阴暗城堡场景

  日前BioWare继续公开了《龙腾世纪:裁判所》的多张新游戏截图,本次他们也依然为大家展示了游戏中的新场景,并且将Fade和Therinfal Redoubt这两个场景的阴暗气氛完全展现了出来,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

  《龙腾世纪:裁判所》是将于2014年10月7日发售,其对应平台为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC。

《失落的次元 |ロストディメンション》角色视频 游戏实际影像初公开


《国土防线:变革》正式公布 2015年登陆PS4

  自《国土防线》于2011年发售后该系列就陷入了长时间的沉寂状态,而日前Crytek和Deep Silver终于公开了系列新作《国土防线:变革(Homefront: The Revolution)》,游戏将于2015年登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。



Rise Up and Strike Back as Crytek and Deep Silver Introduce Homefront: The Revolution

Wage guerrilla warfare and reclaim the streets of Philadelphia in "Homefront: The Revolution" – a captivating new free roam FPS to be co-published by Crytek and Deep Silver.

Coming to Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4, PC, Mac and Linux in 2015, Homefront: The Revolution throws players into a near future dystopia where catastrophic events have brought the USA to its knees and enabled North Korean forces to impose a brutal military occupation. Trapped in this American nightmare, Philadelphia – Birthplace of Independence – has become a police state, where surveillance drones and armored patrols keep her once-proud citizens at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

To overcome their oppressors, players will have to engage in guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics in thrilling un-scripted firefights. At every turn they'll find a sprawling city, in which recruiting fellow revolutionaries and building improvised homebrew weapons are just two of the keys to creating a powerful resistance force.

Hasit Zala, Game Director at Crytek, said: "Homefront: The Revolution stands out from the crowd by immersing players in a world where they'll feel emotionally compelled to fight for their freedom. We're very excited to work with Deep Silver and deliver an experience that underlines Crytek's commitment to quality whilst tapping into the huge potential we saw when we first acquired the Homefront IP."
Homefront: The Revolution represents the first time Crytek and Deep Silver have worked together, with the two partners collaborating to release the game as part of a co-publishing arrangement.

"Crytek has an outstanding track record of creating AAA action games. Homefront is a fascinating IP with huge global potential. With Crytek`s technical pedigree and Deep Silver′s publishing expertise we will take the IP to new heights." says Dr. Klemens Kundratitz, CEO of Deep Silver / Koch Media.

Developed by Crytek's Nottingham studio, Homefront: The Revolution harnesses the latest features of Crytek's CryEngine technology. On the ground, players will encounter an environment that looks and feels truly alive as day turns to night and storm clouds come and go – an authenticity that extends to the strikingly lifelike expressions, skin and clothing of everyone they encounter.

To find out more about the Homefront: The Revolution, and to watch an all-new trailer showing the game in action, visit .


Four years into the brutal military occupation, America is on its knees.

Philadelphia - once the birthplace of Independence - has become a ghetto, where surveillance drones and armoured patrols keep the population at heel, crushing any dissent with savage force.

Her once-proud citizens live in a police state, forced to collaborate just to survive, their dreams of freedom long since extinguished.

But in the badlands of the Red Zone, in the bombed out streets and abandoned subways, a Resistance is forming. A guerrilla force, determined to fight for their freedoms despite overwhelming odds and ignite the second American Revolution.

But Freedom always has a price...

About Homefront: The Revolution

Homefront: The Revolution is an open-world first person shooter where you must lead the Resistance movement in guerrilla warfare against a superior military force.

A living, breathing, open world responds to your actions - you and your Resistance Cell can inspire a rebellion on the streets and turn Occupation into Revolution, as oppressed civilians take up the fight.

But your enemy has the advantage - superior technology, firepower, heavy armour and air support. You must learn the art of guerrilla warfare – ambush, sabotage, infiltration, deception – and fight a running battle through the war-ravaged suburbs of Philadelphia.

And the single player campaign is just the start – in Co-Op you and your friends can form your own Resistance Cell and become renowned as Heroes of the Revolution


• Explore a living, breathing open world - experience true open world gameplay in a first person shooter, brought to life with astonishing CryEngine-powered visuals

• Wage Guerrilla Warfare - this is no linear shooter; learn the art of guerrilla warfare and use ambush, infiltration and hit and run tactics against your foe in thrilling un-scripted firefights

• Build the Resistance - recruit revolutionaries to the cause, establish bases and safehouses, capture and customise a deadly arsenal, and build improvised, homebrew weapons for your Guerrilla Tool Kit

• Ignite the Revolution - from oppressed citizen to revolutionary leader, an epic single-player campaign tells the story of the second War of Independence. The dynamic, evolving world responds to your actions as an oppressed nation rises up in defiance against the occupation

• Online Co-Op - take the battle online, form a Resistance Cell with your friends and earn your reputation as Heroes of the Revolution


  世嘉PS3平台光明系列最新作《光明之共鸣》(Shinning Resonance),游戏预定于2014年12月11日发售,价格通常版与下载版均为8222日元,特别限定版为16800日元(均未含税),将同捆本作女主角基莉嘉的泳装手办。目前游戏公开了更多画面截图,及龙刃器、帝国三头龙的设定大图。



参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 我很赞同
燎原火 + 5 希望Shinning Resonance有中文或早日出英文.



使用道具 举报

发表于 3-6-2014 06:51 PM | 显示全部楼层


  今天华纳公司(WB)公布了由NetherRealm工作室开发的《真人快打》系列新作《真人快打10》,游戏将于2015年登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台,此外,即将在洛杉矶举办的E3大展上,《真人快打10》也将在公众面前亮相。


Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Announces Mortal Kombat X

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment today announced Mortal Kombat X, NetherRealm Studios’ next highly anticipated installment in its legendary, critically acclaimed fighting game franchise that propels the iconic franchise into a new generation. Mortal Kombat X is scheduled for release in 2015 for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PC. Mortal Kombat X will make its first public appearance at Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2014 in Los Angeles.

“Mortal Kombat is our acclaimed, world-renowned franchise and we are now advancing the fighting genre with Mortal Kombat X,” said Martin Tremblay, President, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “NetherRealm Studios is best in class at delivering games fans love and they are taking their iconic brand to the next level with Mortal Kombat X."

“Mortal Kombat has always been about over-the-top, visceral fighting and with Mortal Kombat X we wanted to utilise the power of new-gen consoles to give players our most intense game yet,” said Ed Boon, Creative Director, NetherRealm Studios. “The team has worked hard to make sure Mortal Kombat X delivers everything fans expect along with new characters, new game modes and an all new graphics engine.”

Mortal Kombat X combines cinematic presentation with all new gameplay to deliver the most brutal Kombat experience ever, offering a new fully-connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy. For the first time, Mortal Kombat X gives players the ability to choose from multiple variations of each character impacting both strategy and fighting style. Players step into an original story showcasing some of the game’s most prolific characters including Scorpion and Sub-Zero, while introducing new challengers that represent the forces of good and evil and tie the tale together.

For more information about Mortal Kombat X, please visit mortalkombat.com and facebook.com/MortalKombat.

《特别行动:战线 | Spec:OPS》开发商将于E3公开旗下新作

  日前《特别行动:战线(Spec Ops: The Line)》的开发商Yager工作室透露,他们将和发行商Grey Box一起在E3 2014大展中公开他们的新游戏。


  实际上根据2013年12月所出现的一份招聘列表来看,该工作室正在制作一款“令人期待的3A级免费游戏”,为此他们需要设计师以应对装甲、武器以及载具方面的需要。而早在2013年3月Epic Games也曾表示Yager工作室是欧洲第一个获得虚幻引擎使用许可的独立工作室,而当时“他们正在制作一款重大的次世代游戏”。尽管一直以来官方都并未正式公布相关情报,不过相信在本次的E3中一切都会揭晓,还请玩家们继续关注相关的后续报道。


  此前动视公司已经确认《COD:幽灵》第三弹DLC“入侵”将于2014年6月3日率先登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。近日官方再度放出了该DLC的两段宣传影像,继此前的视频之后,为大家展示了剩下的两张地图“Departed”和“Favela”。


赛车新作《极限竞速:地平线2 | Forza Horizon 2》确认

  继《极限竞速5》作为XBOX One首发游戏发售后,现在又有一款系列新作将登陆这一次世代平台。日前微软公司正式公开了《极限竞速:地平线2》,并确认这款游戏将于2014年秋季登陆XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。

  本作的XBOX One版将由开发了前作《极限竞速:地平线》的Playground Games与本传系列开发商Turn 10工作室合作开发,而XBOX 360版则由Sumo Digital负责制作。

  《极限竞速:地平线2》作为系列最新作将会收录数百辆跑车,而作为封面车辆的则是2015 Lamborghini Huracan。游戏中将会包含天气系统以及《极限竞速5》的Drivatar系统。此外根据开发商的说法,本作的舞台设置在南欧,并且游戏将拥有“令人难以置信的多样性”以及“惊人的前景”,而某个音乐节将作为游戏的中心事件而存在。


  MarvelousAQL预定于7月31日发售的PSV音乐节奏游戏《IA/VT COLORFUL》公开了本作的TVCM宣传视频。游戏共收录了超过60首的IA热门曲目,配合三种MV演绎风格给IA粉们带来了最高级的视觉享受。

SCEH公开PSV2000型新色红黑与蓝黑 7.3发售

  SCEH宣布将于2014年7月3日推出PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita) Wi-Fi型号(PCH-2000系列)的新色「红/黑」和「蓝/黑」,建议售价港币1680元。

  简单的红色和蓝色添上一抹新鲜感,成为了PS Vita的全新颜色,能让各种年龄层的玩家按其生活方式选购。SCEH今后将继续推广PCH-2000系列并将继续推出充满魅力的丰富游戏软件阵容,让PS Vita 平台进一步扩展。

SCE宣布PSP停止出货 推换购优惠与超值套装

  SCE宣布PSP将于2014年6月底正式停止日本地区的出货,这意味着这款主机正式退出历史舞台。同时SCE还宣布截至8月29日在索尼官方商店推出PSP至PSV的升级换机优惠活动,凡是将PSP交予索尼回收并购买PSV主机的用户均可获得最大4000日元的优惠。而针对PSP UMD游戏用户以少量金钱换取下载版用于在PSV上运行的UMD Passport服务仍在进行中。


官方更换Vita - http://store.sony.jp/Special/Game/Psvita/Trade-in_cp3/


参与人数 3人气 +15 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 谢谢分享
燎原火 + 5 谢谢分享
水镜明月 + 5 热心分享~



使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2014 06:26 PM | 显示全部楼层



《罪恶装备:X标记》速报 家用机版消息公布

  Arc System旗下人气格斗游戏系列新作《罪恶装备:X标记》,本周杂志速报正式公开家用机版消息,本作预定于2014年内发售,登陆PS3/PS4双平台,价格未定,故事模式(暂名)似乎与前几作均不相同。PS3、PS4版之间对战可能,PS4版为1080P且今后预定追加新角色。详细等待之后带来的杂志大图。


  ATLUS原街机游戏《女神异闻录4:午夜竞技场2》(以下简称P4U2)PS3版游戏发售日决定为8月28日,价格为通常版6980日元(未含税)。本周FAMI通杂志将刊登多达20页的女神异闻录系列相关情报,其中就确认了本作中来自《女神异闻录4》的角色足立透(CV:真殿光昭)作为先着购入特典DLC参战的情报,Persona为祸津伊邪那岐,并将新加以足立视点描写的事件“Episode Adachi”。


  正如此前所报道的那样,PS3和XBOX 360平台《终极街头霸王4》的数字升级版于2014年6月3日正式在北美推出,而实体版则将于8月5日发售。日前官方就放出了本作数字升级版的发售宣传影像,主要为大家展示了这款最新作的对战片段和精彩连段,下面就请玩家们一起欣赏一下。

Ultra Street Fighter IV Available on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Beginning Today!

FIGHT! Capcom announced that Ultra Street Fighter IV has officially released today across Europe as a digital upgrade for PSN (PlayStation 3) and the Xbox Live Games Store (Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft). Owners of Super Street Fighter IV or Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition can download and enjoy Ultra Street Fighter IV as a EUR14.99 / GBP11.99 digital upgrade.

Players who purchase the PSN upgrade of Ultra Street Fighter IV during the first week of release will receive the previously announced 2014 Challengers Costume Pack, consisting of alternate costumes for each of the five new characters, for free of charge shortly after launch.

In Ultra Street Fighter IV, Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento and Decapre join the fight, complete with new animations and their own unique play styles, bringing the final roster count to a massive 44 characters. Six new battle environments (including Pitstop 109, Cosmic Elevator, Half Pipe and more) provide a thrilling and colorful backdrop to the action. Direct fan feedback was gathered on all of the original 39 characters from Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition and the core system mechanics in order to achieve the most balanced Street Fighter ever. In addition to the action-packed new content and the finely-tuned rebalanced gameplay, the new version features a host of new features and modes that are sure to test even the most well traveled world warrior.

On August 8th, the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC retail versions will be in stores across Europe for EUR29.99 / GBP19.99 with the full digital bundle on PS3 available as a download then too. The EUR14.99 / GBP11.99 PC (Steam) digital upgrade and EUR29.99 / GBP19.99 PC (Steam) full digital bundle will also be available on August 8th. Players who purchase the retail versions (PS3, Xbox 360) or full digital bundles (PS3, PC) will receive all previously released costumes for the series, making this the definitive version of Street Fighter IV!

Samurai Warriors 4 Release Date Set, Opening Movie

  今天Tecmo Koei今天宣布《战国无双4》将于2014年10月21日登陆北美地区PS4、PS3和PSV平台,欧洲将于10月24日发售。美国PS3版售价为49.99美元,PSV版售价为39.99美元,而PS4版售价为59.99美元。

  此外,Temco Koei还宣布,《战国无双》系列历经十年,全球销量已经突破了3400万份,日本这些历史英雄们已经在全球俘获不少粉丝了。本届E3,PS4美版《战国无双4》也将在SCE的展位亮相。

A Decade in the Making - Tecmo Koei America to Debut Samurai Wariors 4 at E3 2014

Tecmo Koei today announced that Samurai Warriors 4 is in development for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 computer entertainment systems and PS Vita system, and is scheduled for release on October 21, 2014 in North America and October 24 in Europe. Samurai Warriors 4 is celebrating 10 years of the tactical action Warriors brand that has sold over 34 million units worldwide, in addition to the franchise’s first-ever appearance on new generation systems with its launch on PlayStation 4. Samurai Warriors 4 will be on display at the E3 2014, within the Sony Computer Entertainment America booth located in the West Hall, #4522.

Since its original announcement in 2013, fans have been cla moring for information about Samurai Warriors 4. Now a new chapter of the saga unfolds with more than 50 playable warriors to choose from, devastating new attacks and exciting new modes creating an entirely new Samurai Warriors experience in stunning HD resolutions. Today, the company also revealed an early look at the opening trailer and a special Anime trailer, along with screenshots highlighting the game on PlayStation 4.


• 55 New and Updated Characters — Nobuyuki Sanada and Yoshitsugu Otani join the fray, along with Takatora Todo, Naotora Ii and Munenori Yagyu previously only available in Japanese releases of Samurai Warriors along with major overhauls of appearance and rearrangements in battle moves for fan-favorite characters such as Yukimura Sanada and Nobunaga Oda adding to the diverse range of more than 50 playable characters

• Disseminate the Enemy Ranks — Battles are more thrilling than ever with new maneuvers including Hyper Attacks which allow for rapid moment on the battlefield combined with high powered attacks, a powerful Rage Attack which can be reached when the Spirit Gauge is full, deadly finishing moves with Mighty Strikes and the ability to mount and dismount horses seamlessly, additionally existing moves have all been powered up from their previous iterations

• New Battle Modes — Enhancements and newly implemented gameplay systems create a deeper and more satisfying combat experience, including the all-new ability to switch between two characters in real-time, adjustments to morale, Officer development and the return of the popular portable item system found in Samurai Warriors 3 are just some of the features players will find to gain the advantage in combat

• Unfold the rich tapestry of the Warring States era — The Story Mode portrays the tales surrounding the battles by faction, deepening the relationships between characters and is separated into two parts, regional stories, which tell the tales of the officers of various regions around the land such as Kyūshū and Shikoku, and the story of unification, which details events up to the end of the Warring States era

• Leave a mark on history — In the new “Chronicle Mode”, while completing various quests, meeting new officers and collecting items, players discover the world of Samurai Warriors through their own design with more ways to customize than ever before including a vastly upgraded Create Character system

• Living World — PlayStation 4 players will experience an even more engaging saga with highly detailed landscapes and breathtaking skies that reflect true to life lighting and shadow effects and battlegrounds packed with significantly more enemies on screen

• Cooperative Play and Cross Save functionality — All modes can be played cooperatively via Network Play across the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PS Vita system, additionally save data can be shared across all three systems

Samurai Warriors 4 is developed by Omega Force and published in North America by Tecmo Koei America. The PlayStation 3 and PS Vita versions will be available exclusively through the PlayStation® Store for $49.99 (PS3) and $39.99 (PS Vita) respectively and the PlayStation 4 will be available for $59.99.

《谋杀:灵魂疑犯 | Murdered: Soul Suspect》发售宣传片 介绍游戏特色

  《谋杀:灵魂疑犯》是由Square Enix代理发行的新作,游戏于2014年6月3日登陆北美、6月6日登陆欧洲、7月17日登陆日本,其对对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC。而日前官方也正式放出了本作的发售宣传片,全面介绍了本作的多种要素,通过大量游戏片段来让大家了解本作的剧情和探索解谜要素,下面就请玩家们欣赏一下。

  本作中玩家将扮演侦探Ronan O'Connor,他发现自己被困在由杀手所杀死的Dusk所形成的恶魔(里)世界,而玩家需要合理利用O'Connor的全新超能力找到真正的凶手。


  育碧《看门狗》已经于2014年5月27日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台,在游戏发售后不久育碧就确认本作的首日销量打破了育碧游戏首日销量历史记录,不过当时他们并没有公开具体销量数字。而现在育碧又公开了新的销量情报,并表示本作在发售后的首周已经卖出了400万份。

  对此,育碧英国的销售总监Darren Bowen表示:“我们在游戏发售第一周所取得的成果是非常惊人的,这也验证了育碧开发全新重磅级IP及彻底的次世代游戏体验的承诺。”



  日本Falcom预定于6月24日发售中文版的PS3/PSV角色扮演游戏《英雄传说 闪之轨迹》近日SCET公开了中文限定版的特典内容及其售价。中文限定版除了游戏本身外,还将包含全彩画册、三款文件夹以及一个咪西玩偶挂饰,价格为1990新台币(普通版1490新台币)。


Batman: Arkham Knight Delayed to 2015, Batmobile Battle Mode Reveal Trailer
蝙蝠侠新作将延期至2015 蝙蝠车引入战斗模式

  日前,Rocksteady工作室宣布原定于2014年10月在PS4、XBOX ONE、PC上发售的《蝙蝠侠》系列新作——《蝙蝠侠:阿甘骑士》将延期至2015年。



参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
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使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2014 06:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
Crytek's HUNT: Horrors of the Gilded Age Announced

Official Website:http://www.huntthegame.com/

Fight together or die alone in Crytek's thrilling new IP, HUNT: Horrors of the Gilded Age

Brace yourself for a spine-chilling new multiplayer experience on PC and consoles as Crytek ventures into the shadows in "HUNT: Horrors of the Gilded Age".

An all-new IP, HUNT is a third-person action game where up to four players band together to fend off an onslaught of bloodthirsty creatures and track down breathtaking bosses. Featuring intense co-op gameplay, HUNT is the debut title from Crytek USA and will be published by Crytek as part of their growing Games-as-a-Service range. Players won't have to wait long to take a closer look at HUNT in action, with the game going on show at this year's E3 expo from June 10-12.

David Adams, CEO of Crytek USA said: "In HUNT: Horrors of the Gilded Age, players will be counting their bullets and crying out for help as they delve deeper into the shadowy world we've created. From the outset of the development process, we've poured our imaginations into the game so that everyone who plays HUNT will discover a challenging experience that feels fresh, captivating and rich in possibilities."

Set in the late 1800s, HUNT depicts a world where so-called myths and folklore actually point to the terrifying truth about evil lurking just beyond the fringes of day-to-day life. Players act as hunters willing to take up arms and risk their necks by venturing into the deadliest of territories and facing the hideous creatures that have overrun them.

Adding to the thrill of the hunt is a special content generation system that ensures players never encounter exactly the same environment or set of enemies twice. As the surprises come thick and fast, the terror of knowing that one of the game's grueling boss battles could be just around the corner will keep everyone's pulses pounding. Defeating bosses will require close collaboration between hunters as they attempt to figure out and take down some truly terrifying monsters.

HUNT: Horrors of the Gilded Age is scheduled to enter Closed Beta testing on PC later this year, and players can sign up for a chance to experience the game first at huntthegame.com

E3 2014 attendees looking to see HUNT in the flesh should visit Crytek at booth 4500 in the Los Angeles Convention Center.


  PC Beta 测试年内开始,在官方网站申请测试码:http://www.huntthegame.com/

  这是Crytek美国独立制作的第一部作品,游戏将登陆家用机(PS4、XBOX ONE)和PC平台。本作是第三人称动作游戏,游戏最多支持四名玩家联手抵抗嗜血生物的攻击并追查幕后的大BOSS,玩家之间的协作配合将非常重要。

  游戏的背景设定在19世纪末处于『镀金年代』的 1800 年,传说中潜伏的邪恶生物在一天天逼近人们的生活。四名枪手必须合作击退嗜血怪物的侵袭,追踪令人生畏的怪物首领。作为猎人的玩家必须拿起武器,保卫家园。为了实现更强的恐怖效果,游戏采用了特别的内容生成器,游戏的程序生成系统(procedural generation system) 在你每次玩的时候都会生成不同的场景、不同的怪物组合,以确保玩家不会在相同的环境遇到两次一样的怪物。本届E3这款游戏将会在Crytek公司的展位与大家见面。

Natsume announces Harvest Moon : The Lost Valley for Nintendo 3DS





Natsume Reveals New Harvest Moon Title - Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley Evolves the Franchise!

Natsume Inc., a worldwide developer and publisher of familyoriented video games, is proud to announce that the next title in the farming-RPG Harvest Moon series, Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley, will be launching on the Nintendo 3DS later this year. The game will make its public debut at the Electronic Entertainment Expo next week in Los Angeles (South Hall, Booth 615).

“Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley is truly evolving the franchise. Hardcore fans will love it, players who haven't played a Harvest Moon game in a while will want to try it out, and new players will be introduced to the unique and charming world that is Harvest Moon,” said Hiro Maekawa, President & CEO of Natsume. “But the incredibly exciting thing that really elevates the game is that while it does get back to what everyone loves about the early games, it also innovates in a way that no Harvest Moon game ever has.”

In Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley, players will experience the role-playing farm simulation in a threedimensional setting for the first time. The game has a fully customizable world, and players can customize their field in any way they see fit: from a field full of tulips like you might see in Holland, to a valley filled with water like Venice, the choice is up to you. You've never played a Harvest Moon game quite like this!

Players will want to follow all the details of this new Harvest Moon title at natsume.com, or by following natsume.com/facebook and twitter.com/natsume_inc.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call Release Date Set

26 Years of Final Fantasy Music Arriving to the Nintendo 3DS System on September 16 in North America and September 19 in Europe

Designed for every music and Final Fantasy fan, Square Enix today announced a Collector’s Edition and a pre-order incentive for its upcoming rhythm action game, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call.

Limited to 5,000 copies, the first-ever Collector’s Edition for the Theatrhythm franchise will feature a branded Nintendo 3DS system Collector’s Pouch, a robust 20-track ‘the Best of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call’ Music CD, ‘Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call - Remix Selections’ Music CD (five-tracks)”, and five premium CollectaCards from the game. The Collector’s Edition will be available for $69.99/£44.99/EUR54.99. exclusively through the Square Enix Online Store.

Fans that pre-order the standard edition of the game will receive a complimentary upgrade to a Limited Edition version of the title, which includes the ‘Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call - Remix Selections’ Music CD (five-tracks).” Pre-orders for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call are now available through Amazon.

Featuring adorable miniaturized art style, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call includes 221 songs and over 60 playable characters from the Final Fantasy franchise – including Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Final Fantasy Tactics, as well as recently released titles like Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Players can relive nostalgic moments as they tap their way through key Final Fantasy events, field themes and battle arrangements. In addition, Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call will feature two brand-new modes, the competitive Versus Mode and Quest Medleys, which can be shared via Nintendo 3DS StreetPass™.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call will be available in North America on September 16 and in Europe on September 19 exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS system.



  SE网上商店(Square Enix Store)将出售44.99英镑(折合人民币约470元)的收藏版,包含3DS典藏包、限定版CD,和包含20首《最终幻想节奏剧场谢幕》最佳歌曲的CD以及五张游戏原设收藏卡片,可以通过卡片上的密码获取游戏内道具。

Playstation Vita Pets Launch Trailer
《索尼宠物狗》欧美发售 官方给出5个入手理由

PlayStation Vita Pets Out Today

Hey everyone, we’re excited to finally unleash PlayStation Vita Pets in stores and on PlayStation Store today. Check out our fetching launch trailer and the top five reasons why you should get your paws on the game. It’s sure to scratch an itch.

1 – The dogs!

Your new best pals are totally unique and unlike any other furry creature you’ve seen in other games. Each pup has a real personality (including likes and dislikes) that they express through their actions and their voice. We’ve gone to painstaking efforts to ensure that every line in the game is fully voiced… all 10,000+ of them!

They’ll also remember your face and voice — once you pick your dog it’ll take a good look at you and will want to make sure it’s you who’s come back to play each time you return. There’s lots of time to bond with your pup!

2 – Adventures

Once you pick your dog, your adventure begins on an island filled with caves, mazes, castles and treasure. Your task is to uncover secret clues to solve the mystery of an ancient legend of a king and his dog. You’ll have a blast sniffing out clues and romping around this fun filled game.

3 – Pet Play

The dogs are hungry for adventure but they’re also just hungry. You’ll have just as much fun looking after your dog, feeding it, petting it, bathing it, and playing games. Return each day to meet their daily needs, earn buddy points, and go for a walk in the forest to dig up some treasure to buy new toys and games. Our dogs also have the added bonus of being able to tell you when they need to relieve themselves so there shouldn’t be any accidents to clean up!

4 – Real world play

We are using the latest markerless AR technology in the game to allow you to take your dog into the real world. Just point your PS Vita and the dog will leap through its doggy door right into your home. Want to play ball in the back yard, run some obstacle courses, or dig up treasure from your own floorboards? Well, you can now!

5 – Dress up

We’ve created hundreds of items of clothing for you to dress up your dog, including full outfits, hats, jackets, collars, props, and more. Want to turn your Labrador into a mighty steed with a knight on his back? Want to turn your bold Collie into a flying ace? Well, you can here! You’ll be able to unlock new outfits as you progress in the game, and if you don’t want them you can always gift them to your PSN friends because what’s nicer than receiving a banana suit for your dog in the mail?

Don’t forget about the smart device companion app, PS Vita Pets: Puppy Parlor, where you can earn even more exclusive costumes for your dog.

We’ve hardly scratched the surface with those five points. There’s so much more in the game that we’ll delve deeper into in the coming weeks; things like all the side quests, collectables, gameplay variety, and even cooler Vita features.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... ita-pets-out-today/

  今天,PSV游戏《索尼宠物狗》正式登陆欧美地区PS Store,索尼官方给出了5条入手这款游戏的理由。


















参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
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使用道具 举报

发表于 5-6-2014 06:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

  《情热传说(Tales of Zestiria)》是传说系列的20周年纪念作,游戏将登录PS3平台,发售日期与售价尚未公布。在之前的传说嘉年华2014活动上公开的新PV中展示了新角色扎比达(ザビーダ)(CV:津田健次郎),人设为岩本稔。而来自VJUMP偷跑杂志新角色进一步情报公开。






Dark Souls 2 Getting three new DLC episodes, trailer released for Episode 1
《黑暗之魂2》三部曲式DLC公布 宣传影像公开

  由From Software的系列最新作《黑暗之魂2》已经于2014年3月13日登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台,而日前官方终于公开了本作的DLC情报,下面就为大家介绍一下。

  本次所公开的是三部曲式的DLC“失落的王冠(The Lost Crowns)”,将分为三个章节进行发售。具体内容如下:

  “沉没之王的王冠”:三部曲的第一章,该DLC将于2014年7月22日登陆PC和XBOX 360平台,而PS3版则将于7月23日发售。玩家们需要踏上旅途,回收Drangleic的国王Vendrick曾经拥有的王冠。该DLC将提供一个与《黑暗之魂2》完全不同的世界,在那里玩家们需要跨越金字塔前往某个巨大的地下洞穴,而这个古代的王冠就深埋在这黑暗的洞穴之中。当然像这样价值不菲的宝物自然不可能无人守卫,玩家们需要打倒敌人突破逆境,带回王冠以获得荣耀。

  “废铁之王的王冠”:三部曲的第二章,该DLC预计于2014年8月26日登陆PC和XBOX 360,8月27日登陆PS3。

  “象牙之王的王冠”:三部曲的最终章,该DLC预计于2014年9月23日登陆PC和XBOX 360,9月24日登陆PS3。









  本作的剧情模式与之前所报的一样分为“Episode P3”与“Episode P4”,并存在以足立为视点,描写事件里侧的“Episode Adachi”,角色“足立透”将作为本作追加DLC,与先着购入特典“P4U2 DLC Set 足立透 Edition”同捆,粉丝们不要错过!




《战国BASARA4》特别版7月发售 收录复数DLC

  CAPCOM日前公布将预定于2014年7月24日推出《战国BASARA4 特别版》,价格为实体版4490日元,下载版4157日元(均未含税)。内容包括游戏本体,并收录全武将解放、9种特别衣装、PS3自定义主题DLC套装,实体版还将同捆原创编辑的特别影像特典DVD(下载版不含)。

《欧米伽组曲 | *ω*Quintet(オメガクインテット)》新角色登场 女主私服姿态判明








  平时身为咏巫女穿着偶像一般衣装的五位女主角的私服姿态判明!从每个人的服装上可以看出她的兴趣和爱好哦。另外公开了5位咏巫女的两首乐曲情报,分别为《Inchoate voice》与《Eureka》。


@燎原火 你想看到的UI来了

《行星边际2 |Planetside 2》PS4版最新预告片展示精彩战斗

  《行星边际2》(Planetside 2,原译名"星际online2")采用索尼在线娱乐最新Forgelight 3D引擎制作,旨在为玩家打造一款顶级画面体验的战争MMOFPS射击游戏大作,游戏支持千人同图战斗,并拥有极高的战术自由度,玩家可在游戏内自由驾驶坦克、飞机等重型载具体验装甲冲锋和空战格斗的乐趣,还可根据战术需要自定义个人武器系统,解锁所需配件。

《真三国无双7:帝国》详细介绍 多要素升级


  战斗 战术性升级的战斗系统



  政略 建造专属于自己的国家



  编辑 自由度及极限上升





《魔都红色幽击队 | 魔都紅色幽撃隊》今井监督访谈续篇构想中




《罪恶装备:X标记 | Guilty Gear Xrd》杂志大图家用机版介绍

  Arc System旗下目前街机运行中的人气对战格斗游戏《罪恶装备:X标记》,本周FAMI通杂志正式公开了家用机版消息。游戏预定于2014年内发售,登陆PS3/PS4双平台,价格未定,其中PS4版为全高清(1920×1080)。


  Bedman(CV:绿川光) 本性不明的男人,所属组织与伙伴均无法确认,背后有Client存在,可以将对手诱惑进噩梦的世界。


  Rushifero(使魔)(CV:关智一) 仅凭一人就敢向世界宣战布告的迷之少女,司掌森罗万象世界“Back yato”诞生的生命体,虽然是人类的姿态但不是人类。

  除了这两位外包括主人公SOL BADGUY 在内,来自《罪恶装备》系列熟悉的脸孔共计14位角色登场!游戏系统与演出符合时代地大幅进化了,但同样继承了系列一些传统要素。


《夏莉的工作室 |シャリーのアトリエ ~黄昏の海の錬金術士~》连续试玩第一回通常战斗篇

  GUST《工作室》系列最新作《夏莉的工作室:黄昏之海的炼金术士》将于2014年7月17日登陆PS3平台,价格为6800日元,珍藏版BOX为9800日元,下载版为6000日元。官网将从今天6月5日起分8回公开连续试玩动画,第一回公开的是“战斗篇 通常战斗Ver.”,下面来欣赏一下!

《真流行之神 | 真 流行り神 》第一弹PV公开 体验完全的恐怖



  KOEI TECMO目前正在发售中的多平台3D格斗游戏《死或生5 终极版》公开了街机版的最新参战角色:女天狗(CV:佐藤朱),她将和之前的玛丽、PHASE4一样先由街机版独占一段时间随后作为DLC角色登陆家用机平台。



参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 谢谢分享
燎原火 + 5 天狗有女的啊? ==



使用道具 举报

发表于 5-6-2014 07:20 PM | 显示全部楼层




《超级房车赛:赛车运动 | GRID:Autosport》最新预告影像公开


  《超级房车赛:赛车运动》将于2014年6月27日登陆欧洲,6月24日登陆北美,对应平台则为PS3、XBOX 360和PC。Codemasters承诺本作将会提供目前系列中最庞大的游戏内容供玩家们体验,玩家们能够在22个地区、超过100个可用赛道中体验竞速的乐趣。而游戏中可以使用的跑车也是多种多样的,不管是原型车还是超级改装车,大家都可以尽情使用。

Dying Light E3 Gameplay Trailer
《濒死之光》E3宣传片公开 展示精彩战斗片段

  《濒死之光(Dying Light)》是由《死亡岛》开发商Techland所制作的一款主打四人合作的丧尸生存新作,游戏原定于2014年内发售,不过后来官方确认本作将延期至2015年2月。本作也将在即将开始的E3 2014中登场,而现在官方也放出了游戏的E3宣传片,展示了游戏中的精彩战斗片段,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

  《濒死之光》将登陆PS4、XBOX ONE、PS3、XBOX360和PC平台。这是一款开放世界沙箱游戏,Techland引以为豪的Chrome引擎6可以为游戏提供超强的物理效果和光影效果,让Techland可以创造逼真的照明和阴影系统。

Dying Light hits hard just before E3 2014

One of the most anticipated next-generation games, in development by Techland, unveils some of its secrets in the latest trailer. The video is also a confirmation that Dying Light will be present at E3 2014 in Los Angeles.

Among other exciting features, the newest trailer of Dying Light demonstrates the system of Natural Movement. This feature, designed internally by Techland, not only lets players move around the whole environment of the game easily and intuitively but also combine parkour-style movement with brutal combat. It will be further explained and showcased during the prestigious E3 2014 expo, which takes place on June 10-12 in Los Angeles.

Dying Light is an action survival horror game presented in first-person perspective. The game is set in a vast and dangerous open world. During the day, you roam an urban environment devastated by a mysterious epidemic, scavenging for supplies and crafting weapons to help you defeat the hordes of mindless, flesh-hungry enemies the plague has created. At night, hunter becomes prey as the infected grow in strength and aggression - but even more lethal are the nocturnal, inhuman predators that leave their hives to feed. You will need to make use of all your skills and any available means to survive till dawn.

Dying Light is going to be released in February 2015. The game will be available on five platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360

《梦幻之星 新星 | Phantasy Star Nova》完整情报图 2名新角色登场

  SEGA预定于2014年内发售的PSV共斗游戏《梦幻之星 新星》在本周的Fami通杂志中公开了大量情报,本作自去年9月TGS公开之后就杳无音讯,据制作人说是重制图像去了。那么我们就来看看重生之后的游戏是什么样吧:














《讨鬼传 极》特典服装预览 体验版任务列表

  KOEI TECMO预定于8月28日发售的PSP/PSV双平台共斗游戏《讨鬼传 极》在本作的杂志中公开了各种特典的服装预览图。游戏的限定版将会附送男女各三款服装,而首发特典、继承特典也会附送男女各一款服装。此外各个店铺也会附送一些服装饰品。

《少女与战车 | ガールズ&パンツァー 戦車道、極めます!》故事模式详情 个性配角也登场

  Bandai Namco Games预定于6月26日发售的PSV游戏《少女与战车:究极战车道》本次将为大家介绍游戏故事模式的详细内容。游戏中的故事模式将会完全再现动画版中的经典情节。当然玩家不仅可以使用鮟鱇队,还可以使用其它的队伍,能从不同的角度来体验故事情节也是本作的魅力之一。而完成这些剧情任务后还可以获得原创的插图。


《跨越我的尸体2 | 俺の屍を越えてゆけ2》首发特典男神女神详情公开






《刀剑神域 |  ソードアート・オンライン -ホロウ・フラグメント 》第1弹更新日期确定并公开介绍PV


《自由战争 | Freedom Wars》新掠夺者、咎人同伴与武器强化







  D3 Publisher预定于8月28日发售的PSV美少女射击游戏《弹丸少女》公开了两名新角色并进一步介绍了游戏的系统部分。








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使用道具 举报

发表于 6-6-2014 12:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

  ATLUS原街机游戏《女神异闻录4:午夜竞技场2》(以下简称P4U2)PS3版游戏发售日决定为8月28日,价格为通常版6980日元(未含税)。官官网每星期如约更新演示影像,这回带来的是花村阳介与天城雪子,另外公开了先着购入特典详细,为“追加角色足立透&追加剧情Episode Adachi DLC套装”,DLC卡片图案全37种。

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Will Launch in October, 'Moon Dance' Trailer

  《边境之地:前传》是由2K澳大利亚工作室负责开发的系列最新作,游戏将登陆PS3、XBOX 360和PC平台。而日前2K Games终于确认本作将于2014年10月14日登陆北美,10月17日则将登陆全球。


Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Available October 14, 2014

2K and Gearbox Software announced today that Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, the next standalone game in the wildly popular Borderlands franchise, will be available in North America on October 14, 2014, and internationally on October 17, 2014, for the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC. Currently in co-development with Gearbox Software and 2K Australia, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is set in between the award-winning Borderlands and Borderlands 2, and brings low-gravity shoot ‘n’ loot mayhem to Pandora’s moon for the first time. Additionally, those who pre-order the game through participating retailers will receive the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit bonus content, which features intense zero-atmosphere combat against the fiercest enemies Pandora’s moon has to offer, and rewards players with unique in-game loot.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel offers gravity-bending gameplay with oxygen-propelled jetpacks, as well as new weapons, enemies, vehicles, and moon environments. Playing as four all-new character classes with unique skill trees, gamers will contribute to the rise of Handsome Jack and experience his origin story as he transforms into the megalomaniacal tyrant fans loved to hate in Borderlands 2.

“The teams at Gearbox and 2K Australia have combined the best talent from both studios to create a Borderlands experience that we know fans are going to love,” said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. “For those that haven’t played the critically acclaimed franchise, there’s never been a better time to jump in than with Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.”

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel continues the franchise’s tradition of industry-leading co-op allowing friends to play together locally via split-screen as well as online with drop-in-drop-out capabilities. With co-op being as seamless as ever, Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel remains accessible for gamers and their friends to play alone or together in a variety of configurations.

“It’s incredibly exciting that an all-new Borderlands experience is as close as this October,” added Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox Software. “If you’ve played any of the Borderlands games or if you have a friend who hasn’t yet, the opportunity to blast off as a new set of playable characters in a whole new campaign experience, including shooting and looting on the moon, is just around the corner.”

“We are huge fans of the Borderlands franchise and are thrilled to have this opportunity to show what we can bring to the Borderlands universe,” concluded Tony Lawrence, general manager of 2K Australia. “We can’t wait for fans to play as Athena, Wilhelm, Nisha and Claptrap and experience the new low-gravity gunplay with awesome new guns to freeze and smash enemies, all in the name of Handsome Jack.”

Gamers who pre-order Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will gain access to the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit bonus content. Taking place in an old Dahl facility on Pandora’s moon, players will meet TR4-NU, who once was one of Dahl’s military recruiters until he went crazy. TR4-NU is now hosting the Shock Drop Slaughter Pit and giving awesome loot to those who succeed against the moon’s toughest enemies. To pre-order Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, please visit borderlandsthegame.com.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel will be available on October 14, 2014 in North America and on October 17, 2014 internationally, for Xbox 360, PS3, and Windows PC.

《合金装备5:幻痛 | The Phantom Pain》经典要素纸箱演示视频

  KONAMI预定在PS3/PS4/XBOX360/XBOX ONE四平台上发售的《合金装备5:幻痛》近日在KOJIMA STATION节目中公开了一小段试玩演示。该视频展示的是系列的经典要素“纸箱”。值得注意的是这次玩家可以从纸箱中突然钻出袭击敌人,而且还能收回去变回原样……

《NBA 2K15》宣传视频杜少出镜 发售日确定

  每年年底的体育游戏一般都选择在E3期间公布,但2K则于前几个月就公布了《NBA 2K15》的封面图,新科MVP杜兰特将为游戏的封面人物。可惜正在进行的总决赛中看不到杜少的表现,期待他成为游戏封面之后下赛季可以更加神勇。

  在E3之前2K官方放出了《NBA 2K15》的宣传片,同时公布了游戏的发售日、平台和预定奖励。按照惯例,游戏将于2014年10月7日发售,对应平台PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。游戏的预购奖励仍然是5000VC点数,同时可以获得MyTEAM中杜兰特复古球衣卡、两个MyTEAM模式卡包及可以获得MyPLAYER模式中杜兰特护腿道具。

庆PS PLUS四周岁 港服推出12+2特别优惠活动

  PS Plus 4岁了!由6月5日起至7月2日,到PlayStationStore或特许经销商响应「12+2 特别会籍优惠活动」,一同庆祝PS Plus生日吧!所有在活动期间订阅了12个月会籍的香港玩家更可参加幸运抽奖,随时赢取价值高达300港币的PSN预付金额!

  ·特许经销商包括PlayStationPlatinum Shop、Sony Store及易票联(ePaylinks)商户

  PS Plus星级激赏4週年优惠

  在推广期内,所有于PS Store订阅12个月PS Plus会籍的Sony Entertainment Network会员均可自动获得12+2个月会籍;而亲身前往特许经销商购买PS Plus卡的顾客亦可获2个月额外会籍的兑换代码。

  于PS Store订阅12个月会籍的额外优惠

  从未订阅过PS Plus会籍服务的全新PS Plus会员可再额外获赠1个月会籍。 (即12+3个月会籍,共15个月会籍)

  现为PS Plus会员、并于优惠活动开始前已累积订阅及享用超过12个月PS Plus付费会籍的PSN会员将额外获得价值80港币的PSN预付金额

  特别幸运大抽奖 (只适用于香港地区会员)

  所有于推广期参加了「PS Plus星级激赏4週年优惠」的香港PSN会员将自动参与特别幸运大抽奖,有机会赢取额外奖品。

  特别幸运大抽奖奖品 (共400份奖品)
  大奖:PSN预付金额价值300港币 (共50份)
  二奖:PSN预付金额价值100港币 (共100份)
  叁奖:PSN预付金额价值50港币 (共250份)


  ·此推广活动只限香港、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国及印尼之Sony Entertainment Network (SEN)主帐户所参与。
  ·累积PS Plus服务订阅及使用期只计算至2014年6月3日。
  ·订阅12个月会籍的顾客(限香港地区)将自动参与幸运大抽奖;经特许经销商购买PS Plus 12个用会籍服务的顾客须于推广期内于PSN兑换「12+2」的会籍代码方可参与幸运大抽奖。
  ·不论订阅12个月PS Plus会籍的数目,每个SEN帐户只能参加抽奖一次。
  ·抽奖结果将于2014年7月24日于亚洲 PlayStation Blog 网站、星岛日报及The Standard公布。所有PSN预付金额将于2014年7月24日以后以代码形式透过简讯发放予得奖者。得奖者必须于2014年8月31日或之前于PSN兑换代码方可充值电子钱包,逾期作废。
  ·如有任何争议,Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong (SCEH)保留最终决定权。

《FIFA 15》预告片苏神成主角 完整版于E3公布

  EA SPORTS官方Tiwtter透露了首段《FIFA 15》的预告片,虽然只有短短的11秒,但是我们看到上赛季在英超大红大紫的苏神出镜,现在人气和状态都火热的他会成为新一代《FIFA》系列代言人吗?


  热心网友根据系列之前发售日的惯例猜测,《FIFA 15》可能将于2014年9月23日登陆北美,平台当然还是PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。

《中土世界:暗影魔多 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor》新宣传片展示精彩剧情

  《中土世界:暗影魔多》是由曾开发了《极度恐慌》以及多人连线竞技游戏《中土守护者》的Monolith Productions负责制作的新作,游戏将于2014年10月7日登陆PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One和PC平台。日前官方放出了本作的新宣传片,展示了游戏中精彩的剧情片段,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

《狙击精英3 | Sniper Elite 3》新宣传影像公开 介绍多人模式

  《狙击精英3》是《狙击精英》系列的最新作,由Rebellion负责开发,505 Games负责发行。在E3到来之际,官方也放出了本作的最新宣传片,主要展示了游戏的多人模式部分。该视频介绍了本作多人模式的特点和取胜的一些要点,并展示了游戏中的一些模式,下面就请大家一起来看一看。

  《狙击精英3》将于2014年7月1日登陆北美,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX One、XBOX 360平台,而PC版则将于6月27日发售。

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 6-6-2014 06:13 PM 编辑


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使用道具 举报

发表于 6-6-2014 07:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
《失落的次元 |ロストディメンション》公开角色视频第2弹之橘洋子篇


《海贼王无尽世界红|ワンピース アンリミテッドワールドR(One Piece: Unlimited World RED)》游戏解说视频之战斗篇

  《海贼王:无尽世界 红》确定将于6月12日登陆PS3、PSV、WiiU三平台,而本作PSV/PS3中文版也确定于7月3日发售。日前官方再次放出了游戏介绍视频“战斗篇”,继续由乔巴乌索普两人解说。本作的战斗特点为可以与队友进行协作攻击,还可以消耗SP槽发动超强力必杀技等,详情从影像中了解吧。

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Launching in December, Trailer
《王国之心2.5HD合集| Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix》公布发售日及E3宣传片

  《王国之心2.5HD合集》是Square Enix公司所推出的新作,目前游戏公布了北美发售日,将于2014年12月2日正式上市,同时还一并公开了2014年E3展预告片,展示了本作多数画面,在最后还有很短一段大家最期盼的《王国之心3(Kingdom hearts III)》印象画面。


  本作将收录《王国之心2:最终混合版(KINGDOM HEARTS II FINAL MIX )》和《王国之心:梦中诞生 最终混合版(KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep FINAL MIX)》的高清重制版,并将收录《王国之心:编码重制版KINGDOM HEARTS Re:coded)》中的剧情影像。

Sora and Friends Stand Up Against Organization XIII in Latest Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX Trailer

In anticipation for this year’s E3, Square Enix today released the latest trailer for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX. Together with Donald and Goofy, Sora adventures through different Disney worlds like Halloween Town (The Nightmare Before Christmas), The Land of Dragons (Mulan), Port Royal (Pirates of the Caribbean), Pride Lands (Lion King), Space Paranoids (Tron), and many more to stand up against the Heartless and the evil Organization XIII.

The trailer opens up with memorable scenes from Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX, and leads into key highlights, scenarios and gameplay from Kingdom Hearts II Final mix, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix and cinematics from Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded. All three games are remastered with HD graphics that update and bring these classic titles to life on the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system.

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX will be available in North America on December 2nd and in Europe on December 5 for the PlayStation 3 system, and will be priced at $39.99 / £29.99.

《全境封锁 | The Division》E3预告片正式公开 展示游戏场景

  《全境封锁》是由育碧旗下《汤姆克兰西(Tom Clancy)》系列的最新作,游戏原定于2014年内发售,不过育碧此前已经确认本作将延期至2015年。而现在育碧公开了本作的E3预告片,继续为大家展示了这款以纽约为背景的新作。


The Witcher 3 Coming February 24, 'The Sword of Destiny' Trailer
《巫师3:鬼猎》2015年2月24日发售 预告片放出

  在今天凌晨举行发布会上,CD Projekt RED 宣布,《巫师(The Witcher)》系列新作《巫师3:鬼猎(The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)》将于2015年2月24日登陆PS4、XBOX ONE和PC平台。

  CD Projekt RED还带来了高端大气血脉喷张的《巫师3:鬼猎》预告片,你想要的应该都在里面,先一睹为快吧。

  此外,CD Projekt RED还公布了《巫师3:鬼猎》游戏标准版和珍藏版的内容。


  · 一张游戏蓝光盘
  · 一张官方原声CD
  · 一本开发者创作的《巫师世界-简编》
  · 一张游戏世界的详尽地图
  · 一套《巫师3》贴纸
  · 一个保护套


  · 标准版的所有内容
  · 33x24x26cm超大人工上色的手办(杰洛特VS格里芬)
  · 《巫师》徽章挂饰
  · 手册铁盒
  · 200页艺术图鉴
  · 大型收藏盒


  CD Projekt RED称,下周的E3大展上,他们还会有更多《巫师3:鬼猎》的情报放出。

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Release date set, new trailer and pre-orders launched!

CD Projekt RED, the creators of the critically acclaimed Witcher series of games, are thrilled to announce the content of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition, reveal details about pre-orders, and launch a new trailer, full of epic in-game footage showing previously-unseen game features.

With the release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, CD Projekt RED continues its tradition of giving gamers more. Wild Hunt will be available in two physical, content-rich editions, and as a digital edition, on GOG.com.

Dedicated to gamers who want more from physical box editions of games than just the disc and the manual, containing premium items prepared by the developers, this edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the definitive answer for those gamers who want to enter the Witcher universe with style.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt standard box contents

• A Blu-ray Disc with the game (DVDs on PC)
• An exclusive CD with the official soundtrack
• The official, developer-created "Witcher Universe - The Compendium"
• A beautiful, detailed map of the in-game world
• A set of unique stickers
• A stylish, protective sleeve

The Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition brings Witcher fans the fruit of our hard work and passion--what we think is the most artistically complete game figure ever made for a collector’s edition of a game. Forged of supreme-quality materials and containing exclusive content straight from the developers, The Witcher 3 Collector’s Edition is every Witcher fan’s dream come true.

“Behold, the Collector’s Edition of The Witcher--over two kilograms of the most badass monster slayer, ready to bring your desktop figure collection to a whole new level,” said Adam Badowski, Head of Studio, CD PROJEKT RED.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector’s Edition box contents

• All the contents from the standard edition of the game
• A giant, 33x24x26 cm (10”), 100% hand painted, Polystone figure of Geralt of Rivia battling a Griffin
• An exquisite, collector-grade Witcher medallion
• A one-of-a-kind SteelBook™ box
• A two-hundred-page artbook, containing breathtaking art from the game
• Huge outer and inner Collector’s Boxes you can store your Witcher merchandise in!

The release date of the game is set for the 24th of February, 2015. The game will be available in the following languages: English, Polish, German, French, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese and Japanese (full voiceover); Arabic, Italian, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Czech, Hungarian, Latin America Spanish, Korean (subtitles).

To whet your appetite, the studio has released a brand new trailer for the game, containing never-before-published gameplay and features.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasty: Curtain Call Trailer
《最终幻想:节奏剧场 谢幕》E3预告片公开

  Square Enix目前公布了3DS游戏《最终幻想:节奏剧场 谢幕》的E3 2014预告片。

  《最终幻想:节奏剧场 谢幕》是2012年2月在3DS上发售的《最终幻想:节奏剧场》的续篇。这是一款将最终幻想世界不可或缺要素之一——音乐作为主旨,结合了美丽世界、宏大剧情、令人感触至深的影像,网罗了FF系列高人气曲的作品。


Embarkon a Musical Journey in the Latest Theatrhythm Final Fantasty: Curtain Call Trailer

In anticipation of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) next week, Square Enix today released a new trailer for Theatrhythm Final Fantasty: Curtain Call. The trailer includes five acts that highlight some of the game’s unique features, as well as cameo appearances from over 60 adorable miniaturized fan-favorite characters and monsters in the game.

Combining hallmark Final Fantasty music with role playing game (RPG) elements, the new Theatrhythm Final Fantasty: Curtain Call is bursting with new content, including the new Versus Mode where players can now compete head-to-head with local friends and other players via the Nintendo Network. The game features 221 songs and more than 60 playable characters from the FINAL FANTASY franchise – including Final Fantasty VII: Advent Children and Final Fantasty Tactics, as well as recently released titles like Lightning Returns: Final Fantasty XIII and Final Fantasty XIV: A Realm Reborn. Players can relive nostalgic moments as they tap their way through key Final Fantasty events, field themes and battle arrangements.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasty: Curtain Call will be available on Tuesday, September 16th for $39.99 exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS system. Pre-orders for the game are now available through Amazon and will include the ‘Theatrhythm Final Fantasty: Curtain Call - Remix Selections’ Music CD (five-tracks). The Collector’s Edition is also available for pre-order exclusively through the Square Enix Online Store for $69.99.

《弹丸少女 | バレットガールズ(Bullet Girl)》公开主题曲MV

  D3 Publisher预定于8月28日发售的PSV美少女射击游戏《弹丸少女》公开了主题曲MV。本作的主题曲由饰演神代海凪的上間江望所属的音乐组合“Tifan”担当,歌曲名为《Faith》。下面就一起来欣赏一下吧:


  卡普空今天宣布,在XBOX ONE平台销售百万份的沙盒丧尸游戏《丧尸围城3》,将在今年夏季通过steam平台发售PC版。听到这个消息小伙伴们都惊呆了,此前卡普空方面有代表发言说,“《丧尸围城3》这款游戏在XBOX ONE上的独占不是限时独占,这仅仅是一款XBOX ONE游戏。”还说过“《丧尸围城3》这个游戏不会在PS4和PC上出现。



  操作系统:Windows 7与Windows8 64位操作系统
  处理器:Intel Core i3-3220 3.30GHz(或Intel Core2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz)/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.00GHz 以上
  显卡:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 / AMD Radeon 7870 以上


  操作系统:Windows 7与Windows8 64位操作系统
  处理器:Intel Core i5-4570 或同等级 AMD处理器
  显卡:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 2GB / AMD Radeon 7970 2GB

Gameplay Overview

The critically acclaimed Xbox One exclusive launch title Dead Rising 3 will be available for PC digital download on Steam globally and a retail version for Windows PC in Europe in Summer 2014. PC gamers will be able to experience the hordes of horror at high PC resolutions with fully optimized visuals for the wide screen, upgraded textures on characters, backgrounds and in-game objects.

Dead Rising 3 for PC will include Steam platform support with Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, Steam Trading Cards, global leaderboards and full game controller support. Also compatible with the keyboard and mouse, players will be able to toggle back and forth between the two in real time.

The third title in the Dead Rising series with sales of over 1 million units to date, Dead Rising 3 takes place 10 years after the events of Dead Rising 2. Set in the city of Los Perdidos amidst a nationwide zombie outbreak, the story follows Nick Ramos, a young mechanic. He must find a way to escape from thousands of blood thirsty zombies before an impending military strike wipes out the city and its population. Relying on the help of other survivors he meets along the way and the vast array of unique and powerful combo weapons available, Nick will need to get creative to get out of the infected city before it’s too late.


• Welcome to Los Perdidos – Set 10 years after the events in Fortune City players are taken to the massive open and infected world of Los Perdidos whilst being immersed in action and stunning visuals

• All the survival horror action comes to PC – Fully optimized to run at a high resolution, the PC release includes full Steam and game controller support

• More zombies than ever before – The zombies are smarter and deadlier than ever with intelligent AI and shared awareness forcing players to employ all their cunning skills and creativity to stay alive

• Hundreds of unique combo weapons and vehicles – Combine and customize hundreds of pieces found throughout the sandbox
world including the gruesome Boom Cannon weapon or the Party Slapper vehicle.

• Face the horror alone or with a friend – Join forces with a friend for endless zombie killing mayhem and earn experience
points that carry back to your single player experience.

Square Enix Montreal Announces Hitman: Sniper for Mobile
杀手系列年内出新作 《Hitman:Sniper杀手:狙击》潜行再开

  在刚刚迎来《杀手代号47 行动 Hitman GO》上架安卓后,其制作公司又透露了一个重磅消息:他们正在着手杀手系列游戏的第二弹作品!Square Enix Montreal透露,在《Hitman GO》成功后,名为《杀手:狙击 Hitman:Sniper》的新作预计年内上架。

  《杀手:狙击 Hitman:Sniper》继续延续杀手系列的主题,主打潜行RPG。在《杀手代号47 行动 Hitman GO》中我们可以感受到,玩法重点在于回合策略。玩家需要在类似棋盘的画面中计划好路线,从而完成躲避潜行。


Square Enix Montreal Announces Hitman: Sniper

Square Enix Montréal is proud to announce Hitman: Sniper, a brand new competitive sniper game currently being developed for mobile and tablet devices. E3 attendees will be treated to a very first look at first hands on during the world’s biggest video game trade show.

After receiving critical acclaim for Hitman GO, the first mobile Hitman game to be released by the studio, Square Enix Montréal will continue extending the franchise into mobile with a completely new Hitman game. Hitman: Sniper focuses on the subtlety of execution and includes a series of scenario-driven contracts, which contain a number of targets and assignments to allow for replayability.

Hitman: Sniper will be launching later this year with numerous levels full of creative opportunities to manipulate the environment, guards, and targets to complete the hit. It is also designed to deliver a game experience that is built for touch screen devices and takes full advantage of the possibilities offered by the platform and will contain leaderboard driven challenges for players to compete against their friends. The game will also be F2P to increase the level of leaderboard competition.

Hitman: Sniper will be playable for the first time ever on the show floor at the Square Enix E3 booth.

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 6-6-2014 07:15 PM 编辑


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发表于 9-6-2014 06:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
《谋杀:灵魂疑犯(Murdered: Soul Suspect)》多张未公开游戏艺术图欣赏

  《谋杀:灵魂疑犯》是由Square Enix代理发行的新作,游戏已经2014年6月3日登陆北美、6月6日登陆欧洲,而游戏的日版则将于7月17日发售,其对对应平台为PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC。而在游戏已经发售的现在,几张之前未公开的游戏艺术图也已经出现在网络上,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。

  本作中玩家将扮演侦探Ronan O'Connor,他发现自己被困在由杀手所杀死的Dusk所形成的恶魔(里)世界,而玩家需要合理利用O'Connor的全新超能力找到真正的凶手。






《魔装机神F 终结之棺(スーパーロボット大戦OGサーガ 魔装機神F COFFIN OF THE END)》第一弹CM宣传影像公布

  BNGI(BandaiNamcoGames)预定于8月28日发售的PS3平台系列完结篇《超级机器人大战OG传说:魔装机神F 终结之棺》,目前公开了首个CM宣传影像,游戏登场角色展示。

SE注册《古墓丽影》相关域名 或将公开新作?(Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris & Rise of the Tomb Raider)

  自《古墓丽影》新作在PS3和XBOX 360平台上发售后,Square Enix又在2013年的VGX颁奖直播中正式公开了将要登陆PS4和XBOX One的《古墓丽影:决定版》。不过这或许并非该系列的唯一一款新作,日前官方就注册了两个与该系列相关的新域名,这也许意味着他们正在开发其他新作。


《龙腾世纪:裁判所 | Dragon Agenquisition》新截图 继续展示新场景


  作为次世代的RPG,《龙腾世纪:裁判所》将为玩家们提供更广阔的可以自由探索的世界,你的选择会影响你周围的世界和你所经历的故事。本作将使用寒霜3引擎开发,BioWare力图打造一款和《质量效应》同水平的游戏,两个系列都将拥有核心的系统。游戏将于2014年10月7日发售,对应PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One平台。

《镜之边缘2(Mirror's Edge)》新艺术图公开 或将在E3中登场?




  根据此前的报道,本作中玩家分成两个阵营,一波就是盗贼而另一波则是SWAT。每一个阵营分出四个不同的角色,有实施者、技术者、操作员和专业员。目前透露的游戏模式包括“血钱(Blood Money)”和“抢夺(Heist)”。而在E3 2014中,官方还将透露更多的游戏细节,届时还请玩家们继续关注电玩巴士带来的相关报道。

《劲爆美式橄榄球15(Madden NFL 15)》E3预告片展示比赛片段

  《劲爆美式橄榄球15(Madden NFL 15)》是EA公司旗下《劲爆美式橄榄球》系列的最新作,游戏将于将于2014年8月26日登陆北美,8月29日登陆欧洲,而游戏对应平台则为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360和XBOX One。日前官方放出了本作的E3最新预告片,展示了本作的比赛片段,下面就请大家一起来欣赏一下。


《合金装备5:幻痛》官方公开E3 2014宣传片

  KONAMI预定在PS3/PS4/XBOX360/XBOX ONE四平台上发售的《合金装备5:幻痛》正式公开了E3 2014宣传片,在一首略显悲壮的主题曲《Nuclear》衬托下,先是一个送别战友的场面随后穿插各种精彩过场。本作在气氛渲染方面依旧保持着非常高的水准。本届E3关于这款作品会不会有具体发售日之类的重大消息公布呢?


  GUST《工作室》系列最新作《夏莉的工作室:黄昏之海的炼金术士》将于2014年7月17日登陆PS3平台,价格为6800日元,珍藏版BOX为9800日元,下载版为6000日元。官网将分8回公开连续试玩动画,第二回公开的是“战斗篇 强敌战斗Ver.”,下面来欣赏一下!

本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 9-6-2014 06:55 PM 编辑


参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
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燎原火 + 5 MGSV!



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发表于 9-6-2014 07:19 PM | 显示全部楼层


《梦幻之星 新星》最新宣传PV 6.15公开新情报

  SEGA预定于2014年内发售的PSV共斗游戏《梦幻之星 新星》在周5的特别节目“PS夏之大花火大会”中公开了最新的宣传视频。虽然大部分素材是沿用去年TGS的不过值得注意的是最近新公开的角色依姿娜有出现。制作人酒井智史表示虽然时隔这么久才公开新情报,不过目前游戏开发很顺利,6月15日的感谢祭上会有新情报公开。

《尸体派对:驭血 |コープスパーティー》首个开场动画影像公开

  5pb.预定于7月24日发售的PSV游戏《尸体派对:驭血》两个开场动画之一公开。首个公开的OP乐曲是由原由实演唱的《In the Rain》。

Don’t Starve: Giant Edition Coming to PS Vita
《饥荒:巨人版》登陆PSV 含巨人的统治扩展包

  Klei Entertainment的社区经理Corey Rollins于6月6日在PS博客宣布《饥荒:巨人版》登陆PSV。PSV的《饥荒:巨人版(Don’t Starve: Giant Edition)》将包含《饥荒》本体以及《巨人的统治》扩展包。

  自从PS4版《饥荒》发布,就有很多玩家呼吁PSV版,Klei Entertainment响应了玩家的呼声,确定饥荒将登陆PSV。但具体的发售时间尚未确定。PSV版《饥荒》的更多详情请继续关注我们电玩巴士PSV频道的报道。

Don’t Starve: Giant Edition Coming to PS Vita

Hey everyone! I’m Corey Rollins from Klei Entertainment, and I’m happy to announce Don’t Starve: Giant Edition is coming to PlayStation Vita and will include both Don’t Starve and the Reign of Giants Expansion. Now, we’re not sure of an exact release date yet, but it’s happening.

Since we first released Don’t Starve: Console Edition on PS4, a lot of people said they’d love to play it on the go with their Vita. Well, we agree!

Don’t Starve: Giant Edition will include the original Don’t Starve along with all of the updates currently released on PC and PS4, including the multi-leveled caves update and the discoverable “Adventure Mode” that puts your survival skills to the test with multiple randomly-generated unique worlds as you try to escape your wild and strange prison.

Along with the original version of Don’t Starve, you’ll also get the Reign of Giants Expansion included! So Vita players will get access to the original nine characters and two new additions. Play as Wigfrid, a stage actress who went a bit too far with method acting on her latest role, an ancient Valkyrie, or Webber, a young boy who lives inside the spider who tried to eat him long ago.

The Reign of Giants expansion adds new seasonal challenges including the torrential rain falls of spring and the blistering heat of summer. You’ll also get new procedurally-generated biomes filled to the brim with new creatures and gatherables that will either help you survive — or kill you. Oh, and Giants.

We’ve also optimized the game to take advantage of Vita’s touch features. Navigation for menus, maps, items, and crafting are all touch friendly, or you can use the classic button navigation.

We’ll have more details in the coming months, but we wanted to confirm it’s happening. We’re also working on the final steps to bring the Reign of Giants Expansion to PS4. So expect an update on that release soon.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... -coming-to-ps-vita/



《制服世界 | せかい☆セイフク ~COSTUME FES.~》宣传PV详细讲解游戏特色与玩法

  Spike Chunsoft预定于2014年7月开始正式运营的PSV免费在线动作卡片战斗游戏《制服世界 COSTUME FES》近日在日官方网站公开了宣传视频,宣传视频开始的背景音乐就是本作的主题曲,其演唱者为融合了美丽插图与歌声的新世代视听觉组合“みみめめMIMI”。而视频中主要为大家讲解了游戏的特色与玩法。此外在视频最后公开了一个神秘画面,看上去本作中似乎会有男性角色登场了?!

《萤火虫日记 | htoL#NiQ -ホタルニッキ-》解说演示视频 危机四伏的世界


本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 9-6-2014 07:26 PM 编辑


参与人数 3人气 +15 收起 理由
Haseyoh + 5 谢谢分享
燎原火 + 5 尸体派对是要出多少游戏啊? ==
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使用道具 举报

发表于 14-6-2014 07:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
《超次元ACT 海王星U |超次元アクション ネプテューヌU》公开游戏开场动画欣赏

  Compile Heart预定于8月28日发售的PSV动作游戏《超次元ACT 海王星U》公开了本作的开场动画欣赏,从视频中我们可以看出本作除了四女神会登场外,她们的妹妹们也将作为主要角色登场参战。而演唱游戏主题曲的就是诺瓦露的CV今井麻美。

《神魔乐章咏叹调:九和弦 | カデンツァフェルマータアコルト:フォルテシモ》公开游戏详情



《IA/VT COLORFUL》阶梯模式与自定义要素

  MarvelousAQL预定于7月31日发售的PSV音乐节奏游戏《IA/VT COLORFUL》公开了本作充满挑战的玩法“阶梯模式”以及自由编辑游戏界面的自定义要素。






《自由战争(フリーダム ウォーズ FREEDOM WARS)》公开据点介绍与9种志愿活动详情























  KOEI TECMO预定于8月28日发售的PSP/PSV双平台共斗游戏《讨鬼传 极》近日官方公开了两段视频介绍新的三种武器与两种新的御魂类型。因为目前可以体验这些内容的试玩版正在配信中,感兴趣的玩家不妨亲自下载回来试玩一下。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 14-6-2014 07:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
《失落的次元》OP预览 主题曲fripSide演唱

  FuRyu预定于8月7日发售的PS3/PSV双平台RPG新作《失落的次元》公开了本作开场动画的视频预览,值得一提的是为本作献唱主题曲《lost dimension》的是以炮姐主题曲而闻名的组合fripSide。




  《假面骑士:斗骑大战2》是《假面骑士:斗骑大战》的续作,预定于2014年6月26日发售,对应平台为PS3和WiiU。官方公布将预定于7月24日配信第二弹免费DLC“假面骑士铠武 极之武器”,所有骑士们均可使用的超强力武器,目前还放出了极之武器的介绍影像,欣赏一下。



《夏莉的工作室》官方更新 游戏开场动画公开









  年龄:55岁 血型:AB 身高:180cm



  在北京时间6月10日9点举办的E3 2014索尼展前发布会上所公布的,SCE WWS日本工作室与From Software所开发的PS4平台新作动作RPG《血源(Bloodborne)》,游戏预定于2015年春发售,价格未定。本周FAMI通杂志也特别介绍了这款新作,并采访了游戏监督的宫崎英高。


  古都亚南(Yanam): 遥远东方远离人聚集地的山间古都,这条街上被很久以前就开始流传的奇妙风土病“兽之病”所侵蚀着,因此称作“被诅咒之街”。







  迷之少女 灵装Ver






《闪之轨迹2》大量新情报 三名新参战角色

















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