发表于 17-5-2006 10:33 AM
原帖由 suelin 于 12-5-2006 11:31 PM 发表
我本身刚看那本书到CHAPTER 62...只是好奇到底是他们错还是BIBLE呢???
那到底有什么根据说BIBLE是正确而那 ...
我已经看了这本小说3遍了,从第一遍的震惊,到第二遍的领会,再到第3遍的纯粹温习(因为在营会里带密码游戏,想教导弟兄姐妹关于这部戏会带给我们基督徒的影响),间中我做了很多RESEARCH,我本身觉得是客观的,因为我并不是单纯的只看来自基督徒学者的观点,同时也有包括艺术学者的观点,DAN BROWN的这本小说真的是很精彩,但是他在书前表示的,他所引用的证据都是真的,这就有待商榷.
韦小宝说谎为什么可以骗了那么多人,因为他说的9成是真的,但是有1成是假的,或者是全都是真的,但是隐瞒了一些事实,这就可以更容易的取信于民.DAN BROWN就是这样的一个例子.
对于天主教在于我们新教徒的观点里,我只能说是遗憾的,我真的也想接纳天主教的教义,因为本是同根生的缘故,但是在基础上的教义相同,但在延伸上有不同,就造成了我不敢苟同.我想我们新教徒有时候的强硬可能真的来自于误解,而我上天堂时,会问上帝为什么不把圣经写得更清楚一些,好让我这个苯人可以更容易看得懂.所以我对天主教的"不敢苟同"是来自于自己,(但我并不代表所有新教徒),求神可以在新天新地时,取笑我的无知吧 |
发表于 17-5-2006 11:18 AM
主题: 解毒 <达文西密码>
讲员:陈汉祖博士 (马圣硕士班主任;中文部代主任兼研究学者),
4, Jalan Utara,46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
询问:叶秀芳老师012-2123052 或林翠萍姐妹 03-33427482 Ext.203
不明白的人,可以去听听..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
发表于 19-5-2006 06:10 PM
发表于 19-5-2006 06:47 PM
那么又为什么不说“整本圣经是假的呢?”,事实很简单,世界没有一个事物可以脱离法的原则,每个事物都有一个rules and regulations.比如地球的地心吸引力的法,人类的法律。。。
以 賽 亞 書 7
13 以 賽 亞 說 : 大 衛 家 啊 , 你 們 當 聽 ! 你 們 使 人 厭 煩 豈 算 小 事 , 還 要 使 我 的 神 厭 煩 嗎 ?14 因 此 , 主 自 己 要 給 你 們 一 個 兆 頭 , 必 有 童 女 懷 孕 生 子 , 給 他 起 名 叫 以 馬 內 利 ( 就 是 神 與 我 們 同 在 的 意 思 ) 。
以 賽 亞 書 11
12 他 必 向 列 國 豎 立 大 旗 , 招 回 以 色 列 被 趕 散 的 人 , 又 從 地 的 四 方 聚 集 分 散 的 猶 大 人 。
以 賽 亞 書 53
5 哪 知 他 為 我 們 的 過 犯 受 害 , 為 我 們 的 罪 孽 壓 傷 。 因 他 受 的 刑 罰 , 我 們 得 平 安 ; 因 他 受 的 鞭 傷 , 我 們 得 醫 治 。
以 賽 亞 書 63
3 我 獨 自 踹 酒 醡 ; 眾 民 中 無 一 人 與 我 同 在 。 我 發 怒 將 他 們 踹 下 , 發 烈 怒 將 他 們 踐 踏 。 他 們 的 血 濺 在 我 衣 服 上 , 並 且 污 染 了 我 一 切 的 衣 裳 。4 因 為 , 報 仇 之 日 在 我 心 中 ; 救 贖 我 民 之 年 已 經 來 到 。
馬 太 福 音 12
36 我 又 告 訴 你 們 , 凡 人 所 說 的 閒 話 , 當 審 判 的 日 子 , 必 要 句 句 供 出 來 ;
歌 羅 西 書 2
8 你 們 要 謹 慎 , 恐 怕 有 人 用 他 的 理 學 和 虛 空 的 妄 言 , 不 照 著 基 督 , 乃 照 人 間 的 遺 傳 和 世 上 的 小 學 就 把 你 們 擄 去 。
请问,以色列复国难道不是事实吗? |
发表于 19-5-2006 07:14 PM
发表于 19-5-2006 10:13 PM
The reason why I don't read the Da VInci Code
> > 20 Big Lies in the Da Vinci Code
> >
> > By James A. Beverley
> >
> > Source:
> >
> > Don't be fooled. Here are just a few ways Dan Brown's best-selling
> > book twists and distorts the truth of the gospel.
> >
> > In a little more than three years The Da Vinci Code has become the
>best-selling adult novel of all time. It has also become the subject of
>intense debate among Christians because of its radical claims that
>undermine basic Christianity. Why all the fuss over a work of fiction? The
>answer lies on Page 1, where author Dan Brown asserts that "all
>descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in
>this novel are accurate."
> >
> > In reality, the novel is a model of inaccuracy in almost every subject
> > it addresses. Critics have noted its mistakes in mathematics, French
> > geography and even the layout of the Louvre. More important, Brown's
> > jarring claims about Jesus, the Bible, secret societies and ritual sex
> > are based on shallow research, sloppy investigation and careless
> > However, given the novel's popularity and the staggering bravado in
> > its tone, it is necessary for Christians to provide a critique of its
> > central blunders.
> >
> > Here are 20 of them.
> >
> > 1.The Bible was invented by Roman Emperor Constantine in the fourth
> > century.
> >
> > The Da Vinci Code reports that "Constantine commissioned and financed a
>new Bible," one that left out the Gnostic texts and included the four
> > traditional Gospels. In fact, Constantine had nothing to do with the
>making of the Christian canon. He is not even mentioned in the standard
>Cambridge History of the Bible. The traditional Gospels were recognized by
>virtually all Christians 150 years before Constantine.
> >
> > 2. The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Gnostic Gospels are the "earliest
> > Christian records."
> >
> > Not so. The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947 and date from 250
>B.C. to A.D. 100. However, these documents have virtually nothing to do
>with Christianity but with various Jewish groups, rituals and ideas before
>and during the time of Christ. The Gnostic Gospels offer a
> > twisted and heretical version of the Christian faith, but they didn't
> > come into existence until about a century or more after the death of
> > Christ. The earliest Christian records are the writings of the New
> >
> > 3. The Gnostic Gospels present a positive view of the feminine.
> >
> > The Gnostic texts are said to picture a human, sexualized Jesus who
> > embraced the sacred feminine. Actually, the Jesus presented in the
> > Gnostic material is often simply weird, and the underlying ideology
>tends to >
> > be radically anti-feminine. Consider this bizarre passage from the
> > of Thomas: "Simon Peter said to them, 'Make Mary leave us, for females
> > don't deserve life.' Jesus said, 'Look, I will guide her to make her
> > so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For
> > every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven .'"
> >
> > 4. Early Christians did not believe Jesus was God's Son.
> >
> > This is a bizarre claim, rooted in either willful ignorance or blindness
>to the obvious. After 2,000 years, people continue to debate whether Jesus
>is the Son of God. But what has never been subject to doubt is that early
>Christians confessed that Jesus is God's Son, as the following Scriptures
>indicate: "Simon Peter answered and said, 'You are the Christ, the Son of
>the living God'" (Matt. 16:16 ); "But when the fullness of the time had
>come, God sent forth His Son" (Gal. 4:4).
> >
> > 5. The Council of Nicea ( A.D. 325) invented the divinity of Jesus.
> >
> > Contrary to Brown's claim, the famous church council met to clarify
> > the divinity of Jesus, not create it. There are thousands of references
> > the divinity of Jesus in Christian literature and archaeology before the
> > Council at Nicea. This includes the hundreds of claims in the New
> > Testament and the witness of early church leaders through the second
> > and third centuries.
> >
> > 6. Jesus was really a pagan or a witch.
> >
> > No standard reference works on witchcraft ever include Jesus as a
> > witch or pagan. The novel attempts to argue that Jesus was a copycat
>figure of
> > ancient pagan deities. This view depends on totally ignoring the Jewish
>context of the life and teaching of Jesus. If Jesus had been a pagan or a
>witch, this would have been noticed by the Jewish leaders who opposed Him.
> >
> > 7. Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.
> >
> > The novel claims that there are "countless references" to their union
> > in ancient history and that the topic "has been explored ad nauseam by
> > modern historians." First, there is nothing in the New Testament or
> > first century material about such a marriage. Second, there is no
> > mention of the alleged marriage in the Gnostic material of the second
> > and third centuries. All we have in the Gnostic material is one
> > to Mary as the "companion" of Jesus. That word, however, does not
> > mean "spouse" or "wife."
> >
> > 8. Jesus and Mary had a child named Sarah.
> >
> > The novel claims Mary was pregnant at the time of the death of Jesus.
> > Joseph of Arimathea, her uncle, helped her move to France. There she
> > gave birth to a girl she named Sarah. Mary and Sarah found refuge in
> > Jewish community in France. We are told that "countless scholars of that
> > chronicled Mary Magdalene's days in France ." This is nothing but
>historical junk first made popular by the 1982 potboiler Holy Blood, Holy
>Grail. There are no ancient documents supporting any of these claims, and
>no scholars of that era chronicled these alleged events.
> >
> > 9. There was a smear campaign against Mary Magdalene in Catholic
> > tradition.
> >
> > To the contrary, Mary Magdalene receives positive attention in the
> > Bible and in Catholic tradition. In fact, she is regarded as a saint,
>and her Feast
> > Day is July 22. As a close disciple of Jesus, she was one of the first
>witnesses of His resurrection. The mistaken view that she was a prostitute
>did not arise until A.D. 591 when Pope Gregory I confused her with a
>prostitute mentioned in Luke 7:36 -50.
> >
> > 10. A secret society named the Priory of Sion started in 1099 and has
> > protected the bones of Mary Magdalene and documents about the
> > bloodline of Jesus Christ.
> >
> > This is one of the most significant blunders of The Da Vinci Code. The
> > Priory of Sion was actually started in France on May 7, 1956 , by a con
> > artist named Pierre Plantard (1920-2000). The Priory was first a civic>
> > organization. In the 1960s Plantard created the mythology of a secret
> > society led by figures such as Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci.
> >
> > 11. Ancient documents about the Priory were discovered in the
> > Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris in 1975.
> >
> > The Da Vinci Code refers to these alleged parchments as Les Dossiers
> > Secrets. These documents are not ancient but are actually forgeries
> > done by Philippe de Chérisey (1925-1985), a co-conspirator with
> > They were not discovered by the French library in 1975 but were placed
> > there by Plantard in 1967. Both de Chérisey and Plantard admitted the
>hoax before their deaths. In fact, Plantard was forced to admit his fraud
>before Judge Thierry Jean-Pierre in a French court case in September 1993.
> >
> > 12. There are historical lists of the Grand Masters of the Priory of
> > Sion.
> >
> > Actually, when Plantard invented the Priory of Sion he copied most of
> > his list of Grand Masters from lists of alleged leaders of other groups,
> > such as the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, a secret society
> > founded in America in 1915. Plantard also changed his list of Grand
>Masters as
> > he adopted different conspiracy theories about his Priory of Sion.
> >
> > 13. The Holy Grail is not the cup used at the Last Supper but the
> > bones of Mary Magdalene.
> >
> > The novel states that "the quest for the Holy Grail is literally the
>quest to kneel before the bones of Mary Magdalene. A journey to pray at the
>feet of the outcast one, the lost sacred feminine." The Holy Grail legends
>started about A.D. 1180 and continued through the 19th century. They never
>involved claims about the bones of Mary Magdalene. Isn't it amazing that no
>Priory of Sion member has ever given in to the temptation to reveal the
>location of the bones of Mary Magdalene?
> >
朋友forward message给我的 |
发表于 19-5-2006 10:13 PM
> > 14. The Knights Templar guarded the bones of Mary Magdalene and four
> > huge chests of ancient documents about the bloodline of Jesus Christ and
> > the French kings who descended from Him.
> >
> > The Knights Templar is a religious military order founded in the early
> > 12th century. Hugues de Payens, a French Knight, led eight comrades in
> > the campaign to protect pilgrims to the Holy Land . It has never been
>argued in the historical material about the Templars that they protected
>either Mary Magdalene or documents about French kings. These claims are the
>inventions of Pierre Plantard, who declared at one point that he was the
>descendant of Jesus and the proper heir to the French throne.
> >
> > 15. Leonardo da Vinci was once the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.
> >
> > The Priory started 437 years after the death of the great artist. Not
> > one Leonardo da Vinci specialist in the entire world has supported the
> > view that he once headed a pagan sex cult. James Beck of Columbia
> > University calls this "total nonsense." Leonard da Vinci scholars have
> > special conferences in order to debunk the novel's false claims about
> > the famous artist.
> >
> > 16. Leonardo da Vinci placed Mary Magdalene next to Jesus in his
> > famous painting The Last Supper.
> >
> > In da Vinci's time everyone believed that this person was John, the
> > beloved disciple. Renaissance art specialists have always noted that
> > John was painted in a rather effeminate manner. The painting was not
> > to reveal the identity of a woman but the tension created among the
> > apostles after Jesus says to them, "'One of you will betray Me'" (Matt.
> > Of course, even if da Vinci put a woman next to Jesus in his painting,
> > this would not tell us anything about the real Last Supper more than 14
> > centuries earlier.
> >
> > 17. The Catholic Church killed 5 million women during the Witchcraft
> > Inquisition.
> >
> > The women targeted as witches were freethinkers, scholars, priestesses,
>gypsies, nature lovers, mystics and midwives. The novel radically
>misinterprets the nature and scope of the Inquisition. First, both men and
>women were targeted as witches. Second, the female victims were generally
>ol> der and were not from any specific class or profession. Third, the
>deaths totaled no more than 100,000, counting both males and females. Most
>important, the Inquisition was rooted in the real belief that certain men
>and women actually worshiped Satan and performed diabolical acts of evil.
> >
> > 18. French President Francois Mitterand ordered 666 panes of glass in
>the pyramid at the front entrance to the Louvre.
> >
> > The novel adopts a false rumor that circulated in French society two
>decades ago. Mitterand did not order 666 panes of glass to be in the
>pyramid. In fact, the public relations office at the Louvre informed me
>that the pyramid actually has 673 panes of glass.
> >
> > 19. Early Jewish as well as Christian tradition involved sex ritualism
>in worship.
> >
> > There is not a single hint in the entire Old Testament or in Jewish
>history that sex rites were part of temple worship. Jewish males did not
>engage in sex with priestesses in the temple. The word "priestess" is not
>even used in the Old Testament. In the novel Jesus and Mary Magdalene are
>pictured as the ideal participants in an early Christian sex ritual. This
>wild claim has no basis in history, either in terms of early Christian
>tradition or even in reference to Gnostic documents.
> >
> > 20 True worship involves sex ritualism.
> >
> > The Da Vinci Code states that "historically, intercourse was the act
> > through which male and female experienced God" and that "by communing
> > with woman ?> EUR> ? man could achieve a climactic instant when his mind
> > totally blank and he could see God." The Da Vinci Code will bring great
>harm to every innocent religious seeker who follows its endorsement of sex
>ritual as the path to God. Brown is surely bluffing in his rhetoric about
>sex in worship. It is impossible to imagine that he really believes his own
>novel's ideology. Would he be willing to participate in the ancient ritual
>that The Da Vinci Code defends? Would he really recommend this ancient
>ritual to his wife, family and friends?
> > In both book and movie form The Da Vinci Code represents a threat as
> > as an opportunity for Christians. Its danger lies in its strident
>assertions of falsehoods that undermine basic teachings of the gospel.
>Uninformed readers and moviegoers must be made aware of the historical
>blunders in Dan Brown's claims. At the same time, the novel and movie
>create an unprecedented opportunity for believers to witness about the
>reliability of the Bible and its central redemptive message?> EUR> "that
>the Son of God became flesh, died on the cross and rose again.
> >
> >
> > James A. Beverley is associate director of the Institute for the Study
> > of
> > American Religion in Santa Barbara and professor of Christian Thought
> > and
> > Ethics at Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. He is also the author of 10
> > books,
> > including Counterfeit Code and Religions A to Z. For information on
> > his
> > writings, visit www.jamesbeverley.com.
> >
> > "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify
> > him
> > with thanksgiving." Psalms 69:30 |
发表于 20-5-2006 01:01 PM
原帖由 金次郎 于 19-5-2006 06:47 PM 发表
那么又为什么不说“整本圣经是假的呢?”,事 ...
当圣殿再三重建时,大家应该知道火少屁股了...![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
发表于 20-5-2006 09:11 PM
人家出的书已经很很很明显的摆在"Fiction"里了 , 为何大家要杯割它呢?
这就是弟兄们对人的方式? 敌基督的就不得原谅?
对我来说 , 一本好看的书 , 一出大制作的电影我都会去看.
再说这或许也是一个很好的传教机会. 我有很多平时对基督教没兴趣的朋友都变得有兴趣了...
神 可以把所有事情变得美妙 , 不是我们. |
发表于 20-5-2006 09:18 PM
再说 , 弟兄们说的里面有很多谎言啊什么的对我来说都是废话.
如果弟兄们不读或不看Da Vinci 因为这个原因的话 , 请以后不要在书店里的科幻部门出现 , 也最好不要在电影院里出现 , 连卡通篇都不要看 , 因为动物会说话是骗人的. |
发表于 20-5-2006 09:35 PM
原帖由 一条条 于 20-5-2006 09:18 PM 发表
如果弟兄们不读或不看Da Vinci 因为这个原因的话 , 请以后不要在书店里的科幻部门出现 , 也最好不要在电影院里出现 , 连卡通篇都不要看 , 因为动物会说话是骗人的
有些經書流傳多年, 裡面的動物都會說話
蛇, 猴子, 豬, 馬, 老鷹, ...會說話
當作故事書看過就算 |
发表于 20-5-2006 10:31 PM
发表于 21-5-2006 01:26 AM
看了, 坦白说, 电影的杀伤力没大家预期想像的那么大。完全像个寻宝电影。是有一点深,没什么动作场面。对我来说,只是一部电影。 |
发表于 21-5-2006 03:56 PM
^_____________^ |
发表于 21-5-2006 06:42 PM
再不然就找教会的牧者谈谈吧。。 |
发表于 21-5-2006 08:41 PM
Fiction, or not?
南洋商报 在五月十九日 有一则新闻说到,
的确,事情并非是您想象中的这么简单。 |
发表于 21-5-2006 10:08 PM
照着神的旨意,不要照我们的旨意。。 |
发表于 22-5-2006 12:20 PM
原帖由 e=mc2 于 22-5-2006 08:07 AM 发表
当然这电影是假的,情节是虚构的,你们说把它当普通电影看无所谓,你们说信心强无所 ...
![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
发表于 22-5-2006 12:43 PM
請問對於看過這部戲的弟兄姊妹有何看法. |
发表于 22-5-2006 02:20 PM
原帖由 wax66hk 于 22-5-2006 12:43 PM 发表
********** |
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