lv.35 dungeon: Ascalonian Catacombs "The Ascalonian Catacombs are located on the Planes of Ashford. That cursed place is home to angry spirits of Ascalonians who were transformed by the Foefire."
lv.45 dungeon: Caudecus's Estate
It's a Krytan mansion located in Beetletun, home of the powerful and wise Minister Caudecus. I've never been there but I've heard it's a great sight. lv.55 dungeon: Twilight Arbor
"Twilight Arbor is a cavern in Caledon Forest and home to the Nightmare Court. It reflects their twisted and sadistic view of the world. If you head there, be careful!" lv.65 dungeon: Sorrows Embrace
"It's more of a fortification than a series of caves in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. The place is thick of Dredge, of course, and the Inquest are in there doing who knows what." lv.75 dungeon: Citadel of Flame
"The Flame Legion's main base, tucked away in the northeast of Fireheart Rise. It's full of crazed Charr, and they're lead by one who thinks he can become a god."
lv.80 dungeon: Crucible of Eternity "The Crucible of Eternity is the Inquest's most powerful lab, located near Mount Maelstrom. It's host to nefarious researchers conducting myriad dangerous experiments."
lv.80 dungeon: Honor of the Waves "The Honor of the Waves is a Kodan Sanctuary, a massive floating city of ice in Frostgorge Sound. I heard it's actually sinking, but I hear so many stories these days."
lv.80 dungeon: Arah
"It was the first city built in Tyria, but it's majesty was twisted and corrupted when Zhaitan awoke. It's now a dangerous place, it's history lost to foul beasts and the undead."
Just go to Lions Arch and look for yourself. The dungeon vendors each wear the heavy armorset from the dungeon they represent. They tell you infos about the dungeon and sell light, medium and heavy armorsets + weapons for dungeon-tokens (each dungeon has it's own kind of token).
for the pictures I used NO SHADOWS, I noticed no difference with High-Res Armor on- and off-option. Wanted to repost the pictures with shadows, but the characters stand in the shadow and you can't see the details as well as without shadows.
lv.35 dungeon: Ascalonian Catacombs;
heavy set: Ascalonian
lv.45 dungeon: Caudecu's Estate
heavy set: Nobleman
lv.55 dungeon: Twilight Arbor
heavy set: Nightmare
lv.65 dungeon: Sorrows Embrace
heavy set: Dredge
lv.75 dungeon: Citadel of Flame
heavy set: Flamelegion
lv.80 dungeon: Crucible of Eternity
medium set: Inquest
lv.80 dungeon: Honor of the Waves
heavy set: Koda
lv.80 dungeon: Arah
medium set: Orrian
and an old friend nearby: Dougal Keane (he answers a few questions)
So this is very interesting, certainly something to discuss. A pity that the hi-res texture option in the graphic settings didn't work yet.
You might want to take a look in this forumpost on Guru: there are a lot of different looking armorsets from the Beta-Weekend and perhaps there is something there for you too. I try to link some of the pics here, but the new forum is kind of strange...