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发表于 12-2-2012 01:38 AM
alantiu81 发表于 11-2-2012 03:19 PM
把清明梦和现实混为一谈的人真的很好笑,自己想一想 |
发表于 12-2-2012 02:06 AM
回复 1# Wgaz
我对这些很有兴趣,有时间会研究研究。很多人发梦时都很清楚梦里的环境甚至能控制梦境,但我的梦却是模糊不清的。。。 |
发表于 12-2-2012 07:20 PM
我发现到原来清明梦真的是以练习来进入梦境的。不过过程不到10秒,就是被声音给打断 |
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发表于 12-2-2012 10:52 PM
回复 Wgaz
我对这些很有兴趣,有时间会研究研究。很多人发梦时都很清楚梦里的环境甚至能控制梦境,但我 ...
红十八子棍 发表于 12-2-2012 02:06 AM
醒来的时候简单的1分钟回忆梦+1分钟记录下来对梦境(乱写只要自己看得懂就行了,越详细越好)也很有帮助(回忆的时候维持睡觉的姿势、最好别动、闭眼) |
发表于 12-2-2012 11:20 PM
醒来的时候简单的1分钟回忆梦+1分钟记录 ...
Wgaz 发表于 12-2-2012 10:52 PM
谢谢了,我会训练训练。我有个做designer很会画画的朋友就是天生用左手的,他的梦境都是很清楚的。下次和他吹水时会和他谈谈这些东西。 |
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发表于 12-2-2012 11:55 PM
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发表于 19-2-2012 12:47 AM
谢谢了,我会训练训练。我有个做designer很会画画的朋友就是天生用左手的,他的梦境都是很清 ...
红十八子棍 发表于 12-2-2012 11:20 PM
所以最好的验梦方法是:当你怀疑你在做梦时,你99%就是在梦境里了 |
发表于 20-2-2012 02:43 AM
发表于 21-2-2012 12:40 PM
发表于 1-3-2012 12:35 AM
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发表于 11-3-2012 02:25 PM
谢谢提供 加油
ivan2k 发表于 1-3-2012 12:35 AM
多谢支持~ |
发表于 11-3-2012 06:15 PM
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发表于 11-3-2012 09:55 PM
kclo51 发表于 11-3-2012 06:15 PM
如果有疑问的话尽管问 |
发表于 11-3-2012 10:21 PM
A little disclaimer: There are many similarities between SILD and the other lucid dream induction methods such as WILD, MILD, etc. In fact, if you wish, you could label SILD as a derivative of those methods, or you could simply write it off as an old method with a new name since many people may not be able to identify subtle differences. Also I'm not sure if this name has been taken, so if it was then please let me know so I can change it to something else.
While teaching novices I realize that many popular methods share a fundamental problem. That is, they all require too much finesse. For example, the typical WILD techniques require proper relaxation which by itself is a difficult subject. Another example is affirmation -- how do you do affirmation effectively? We all know that simply chanting mantras will not do the trick. Same goes for visualization, breathing, and the list just goes on and on.
So basically we are looking for a method that is as effective as it is idiot-proof. I'm happy to tell you that SILD is just such a system, and it has been proven by hundreds if not more people. It really does work! Now what makes it tick is an entirely different matter. I honestly don't want to pretend that I know it, but presumably it works by repeated stimulation of the various senses, thus prep the mind/body for later phase entrance and/or becoming lucid in dreams.
One very important thing to keep in mind is that SILD is not strictly a WILD technique. While many users report successful dream/OBE induction from the waking state, the method is extremely effective at inducing DILDs. It really is a WILD/DILD hybrid, but I strongly suggest the users to treat it solely as a DILD technique in order to use it in the most effective manner. I will get into this in more detail later.
1. The best time to practice is after 4 or 5 hours of sleep. You could also combine the practice with WBTB for maximum effect but it is not required. DO NOT do this at the start of your sleep -- it will NOT work! The only exception is afternoon naps since you enter directly into REM.
2. Repeat the following procedures 4 or 5 times. DO NOT attempt too many repetitions even if you don't feel anything. Remember you are not doing a WILD. You are simply setting things up for OBEs and LDs to occur at later point. If you repeat too many times you may risk losing sleep thus destroys the purpose.
2a) With your eyes closed, stare at the darkness behind your eyelids for 15-20 seconds. Try to pick up any colors, lights, or images, but do not strain your eye muscle. If you see nothing but darkness, that's fine. Again, we are not striving to induce dreams from the waked state, so do NOT force it. It is perfectly fine to not feel anything.
2b) Listen to the noises in your ears for 15-20 seconds. Chances are you will hear some light humming and buzzing sound. See if you can hear it more clearly. If you don't hear anything that's okay.
2c) From head to toe scan your body for any strange sensations such as heaviness, tinglings, movements, etc. Do this for 15-20 seconds. Again, perfectly fine if you don't feel anything strange. Note: it will be more effective if you combine this with a bit intention to mentally increase the sensations. For example, when you feel your toes, you may try to wiggle it without using any muscles. This, however, should be used with caution as it may make you too awake to sleep.
The above steps should be performed in a relaxed manner, slowly, lazily, and without any rational thoughts. The 15-20 seconds duration is for your reference only. Do NOT count in your head! Chances are, after a couple of repetitions you will begin to feel sleepy, to the point your mind may drift away and forget to continue the exercise. This is perfectly okay. Just pull your mind back a bit and resume from where you dropped off. If you lost count of the repetitions then simply do a new set. It won't hurt.
3. Find the most comfortable position and GO TO SLEEP as quickly as possible! The quicker you can fall asleep the more likely you will succeed later in your dreams!
What's going to happen
Several things may happen through this exercise:
1. After you fall asleep, you may suddenly wake up with a strange sensation. You will feel wide awake, and your body weightless. At this point just do an RC and roll out from your bed to begin an OBE.
2. You wake up with vibrations and other strange sensations. Hung onto these sensations will lead you into an OBE.
3. You suddenly become lucid in your dreams with no apparent reasons, or you may begin to suspect you are dreaming and a successful RC will put you right into a DILD.
4. You have a False Awakening. Unlike the first experience, you may feel awake but still drowsy. FAs will occur frequently with SILD, therefore you should get used to it and become good at identifying them.
5. A WILD or direct OBE. Phase entrance may occur during the repetition, with your mind still awake. When this happens, many of the sensations become amplified. You should stop doing any further exercises; instead, begin focusing on the sensations until you successfully enter the dream.
6. If all else fails you can try this technique as a last resort. Upon waking up again, which you eventually will after step 3, try relax your head and allow it to sink into the pillow. If done correctly you will generate vibrations and enter an OBE from a fully waked state. This works because SILD has prepared your body and mind to enter a trance easily. In fact if you increase the number of repetitions you may be able to do this BEFORE you fall asleep from step 3! This is a very powerful technique -- with practice you can literally induce OBEs at will.
About me
I recently migrated to this forum from DreamView. I have been a member of DV for many years, and my personal research and practice on the subject of LD dates back in early 90s. Throughout the years I've recorded thousands of LDs and OBEs. I am able to induce LDs (including OBEs but I will stick with the term LD from now on) at will, with near 100% success rate.
Two years ago I joined a lucid dreaming forum in China, and since have become one of their prominent writers/trainers. The forum quickly grew to over 60,000 active members. This provided me with an excellent test bed for new ideas and experiments. I worked closely with many hundreds of people and together we developed and refined the SILD method. The result has been very promising. Not only many people managed to experience the wonders of LD for the first time, many of them actually mastered the technique and succeeded on a daily basis. Oh, for those of you who are curious, In Chinese we call this method Tai Xuan Ching
Happy lucid dreaming!
来自http://www.ld4all.com 网站 |
发表于 11-3-2012 10:22 PM
《太玄功》,英文名为“Senses Initiated Lucid Dream(SILD)”,意译为“通过感官引发的清醒梦”,是目前已知的门槛最低、效率最高的清醒梦技术之一。通过简单的几组动作,即可实现清醒入梦(WILD)、出体体验(OBE)、增加梦中知梦(DILD)机率的效果。
3、在三种感官中切换(视觉 -> 听觉 -> 身体的感觉)。
4、将以上的感官切换动作重复四到八组。注意,切换的时候,不要机械的去做。时间长短无所谓,也不要求固定的节奏,越散漫越好。随着这些动作的重复,意识会趋于模糊,杂念丛生,甚至走神了,忘了切换到哪儿了。这是好事,要的就是这种感觉!全程要保持最舒服的状态,我们不要求身体纹丝不动,那样会造成僵硬的,反倒会影响效果。怎么舒服怎么来 -- 咽口水、挠痒,都没问题。
太玄功的基本功法取自于我自己这些年来所使用的清醒入梦技术,详见我写的《WILD Dreams》一文。后来在和 @353877848 的历时几个月的互动切磋中,我们共同总结出了这套方法。以后又通过宇宙之铁吧的朋友们的共同努力,对其做出了进一步的完善。至于这个名字,其实来源于金庸小说《侠客行》里面的典故。和“谁能书阁下,白首太玄经”中的古时杨雄的《太玄经》并无关系。其实,太玄功在各种感官之间的切换,和近代著名的心理学家、催眠大师Milton H. Erickson的夫人Betty Erickson发明的一种自我催眠术有着惊人相似的地方。
From百度“宇宙之铁“吧 |
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发表于 17-3-2012 12:20 PM
《太玄功》,英文名为“Senses Initiated Lucid Dream(SILD)”,意译为“通过感官引发的清醒梦 ...
青青狼 发表于 11-3-2012 10:22 PM
多谢分享,方法之一,我没练过,所以漏掉了,现在放去fb那里。 |
发表于 20-3-2012 04:39 PM
已经自行训练当中了 |
楼主 |
发表于 24-3-2012 09:03 PM
bboyed 发表于 20-3-2012 04:39 PM
有问题的话尽管问 |
发表于 24-3-2012 09:38 PM
发表于 24-3-2012 09:41 PM
比如你出门,现实中有一只狗在门外经过,也会看到? |
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