【TECHNAX 2739 交流专区】(前名 HUAAN )
发表于 26-3-2007 11:17 AM
发表于 26-3-2007 11:33 AM
发表于 26-3-2007 11:40 AM
下一个狂飙的会不会是genting呢? |
发表于 26-3-2007 11:44 AM
Namfatt & Namfatt LB 飚咯!! |
发表于 26-3-2007 11:47 AM
发表于 26-3-2007 12:53 PM
发表于 26-3-2007 01:16 PM
发表于 26-3-2007 02:36 PM
发表于 26-3-2007 02:41 PM
发表于 26-3-2007 03:42 PM
发表于 26-3-2007 04:26 PM
明天才买进还能上吗?我也很想买这只股,不知道还能买到吗? |
发表于 26-3-2007 04:34 PM
This share very very active..... |
发表于 26-3-2007 07:27 PM
原帖由 YNWA 于 26-3-2007 11:04 AM 发表
[ 本帖最后由 csh2006 于 26-3-2007 07:30 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-3-2007 08:48 PM
发表于 27-3-2007 12:45 AM
回复 #128 8years 的帖子
请问是2变1呢 ? 还是4变1呢? 报纸好象是载2变1的.怪怪的. |
发表于 27-3-2007 01:03 AM
发表于 27-3-2007 01:15 AM
原帖由 optional 于 27-3-2007 12:45 AM 发表
请问是2变1呢 ? 还是4变1呢? 报纸好象是载2变1的.怪怪的.
我看星洲。 |
发表于 27-3-2007 08:33 AM
精明, 可恶的中国佬。
Hi, Kawan,
中国佬学了富爸爸的教诲, 卖股票, 不要买股票。
HUAAN 拥有超过 10 个亿的 rm 0.50 的股票。 (估计)。
RM 0.50 的成本.(其实还低). 现在合法卖 rm 1.50. 赚翻了嘛!!
请问 CARI 人, 如果你是..精明, 可恶的中国佬, 你会卖出吗 ?
况且是超过股权控制权, 多余股票。 嘻嘻!!
P/S 第一天成交量过亿, 谁手头上 CDS 会有那么多多股票。
[ 本帖最后由 chinchai 于 27-3-2007 08:55 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 27-3-2007 10:32 AM
原帖由 8years 于 27-3-2007 01:15 AM 发表
2变1 + 2变1 = 4变1
The Restructuring Scheme of ANTAH comprising the following:
(a) Acquisition of 50,000 ordinary shares ofUnited States Dollar 1.00 each in PIPO Overseas Limited ("IPO"representing the entire issued and paid-up capital of PIPO by SinoHua-An International Sdn Bhd from the vendors of PIPO ("IPO Vendors"for a purchase consideration of RM800,000,000 satisfied entirely by theissuance of 800,000,000 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in HUAAN("HUAAN Shares" at an issue price of RM1.00 per share ("Acquisition ofPIPO Group";
(b) Scheme of arrangement with the shareholdersof ANTAH under Sections 64 and 176 of the Companies Act, 1965comprising the following proposals:-
- Capital reduction of the existing issuedand paid-up share capital of ANTAH of RM169,815,233 comprising339,630,465 ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in ANTAH ("ANTAH Shares" toRM84,907,617 comprising 339,630,465 ordinary shares of RM0.25 each inANTAH (" Capital Reduction";
- Consolidationof the 339,630,465 ordinary shares of RM0.25 each in ANTAH into169,815,233 ANTAH Shares upon completion of the Capital Reduction("Consolidation"; and
- Shareexchange of the entire issued and paid-up share capital in ANTAH of169,815,233 ANTAH Shares after the Consolidation for 84,907,617 HUAANShares on the basis of one (1) HUAAN Share for every two (2) existingANTAH Shares held after the Consolidation;
(c) Acquisition of the Property by Extra CharmSdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of HUAAN from ANTAH for a purchaseconsideration of RM17,400,000 satisfied by the issuance of 17,400,000new HUAAN Shares at an issue price of RM1.00 per share;
(d) Scheme of arrangement and compromise inrespect of the amounts owing to the creditors of ANTAH ("SchemeCreditors" aggregating to approximately RM370.6 million as at 31December 2005;
(e) Issuance of up to 200,000,000 new HUAANShares to identified investors and/or the public at an issue price ofRM1.00 per share;
(f) Offer for sale of up to 135,000,000 HUAANShares to be held by all or certain of the PIPO Vendors upon completionof the Proposed Acquisition of PIPO Group to eligible investors and/orthe public at an offer price of RM1.00 per share;
(g) Transfer of ANTAH's listing status on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad to HUAAN; and
(h) Proposed disposal by HUAAN of the entireissued and paid-up share capital of ANTAH comprising 169,815,233 ANTAHShares to Vital Meridian Sdn Bhd for a nominal cash consideration ofRM1.00.
ANTAHhas regularised its financial condition pursuant to Practice Note17/2005 ("N17/2005" due to the completion of the RestructuringScheme. Upon completion of the Restructuring Scheme, ANTAH will beremoved from the Official List of the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad("Bursa Securities" and HUAAN will be admitted to the Official List ofthe Main Board of Bursa Securities in place of ANTAH with effect from9.00 a.m., Monday, 26 March 2007. Therefore, ANTAH is no longerrequired to comply with the obligations under PN17/2005.
Kindly be advised that, following the completion of the RestructuringScheme, HUAAN's entire issued and paid-up share capital ofRM561,153,908.50 comprising 1,122,307,817 ordinary shares of RM0.50each arising from the aforesaid Restructuring Scheme, will be admittedto the Official List of Bursa Securities in place of ANTAH which willbe delisted, and the listing of and quotation for these ordinary shareson the Main Board under the "Industrial Products" sector will be granted with effect from 9.00 a.m., Monday, 26 March 2007, on a "Ready" basis pursuant to the Rules of Bursa Securities.
[ 本帖最后由 csh2006 于 27-3-2007 10:38 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 27-3-2007 06:30 PM
回复 #134 csin14 的帖子
我还没买啊!但今天好像下了一点哦!但我觉得还会上的。 |
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