(Unless otherwise stated, the defined terms used in this announcement shall carry the same meaning as defined in the announcement on 27 November 2012 in relation to the Rights Issue)
Reference is made to the announcements dated 27 November 2012, 5 December 2012, 21 December 2012, 7 January 2013, 16 January 2013, 5 February 2013, 6 February 2013 and 11 April 2013 in relation to the Rights Issue.
On behalf of MAS, CIMB Investment Bank Berhad wishes to announce that as at the close of acceptance, excess application and payment for the Rights Issue at 5.00 p.m. on 21 May 2013 (“Closing Date”), MAS had received valid acceptances and excess applications for a total of 18,918,342,071 Rights Shares. This represents an over-subscription of 41.51% over the total number of Rights Shares available under the Rights Issue.
Details of valid acceptances and excess applications received as at the Closing Date are as follows:
| No. of Rights Shares
| % of total issue
Total valid acceptances
| 13,283,187,940
| 99.36
Total valid excess applications
| 5,635,154,131
| 42.15
Total valid acceptances and excess applications
| 18,918,342,071
| 141.51
Total Rights Shares available for subscription
| 13,368,624,960
| 100.0
Accordingly, 85,437,020 excess Rights Shares will be allotted pursuant to excess applications in accordance with the basis as stated in the Abridged Prospectus dated 6 May 2013 in relation to the Rights Issue.
The Rights Shares are expected to be listed on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 5 June 2013.
This announcement is dated 27 May 2013.