Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Collector's Edition
Players will meet a host of criminal Akatsuki characters in the game, and in an astonishing story twist even see Sasuke wearing an Akatsuki costume. With the original Japanese voiceover, an almost endless number of unlockables and power ups to discover, a host of brand new environments to explore, two-player offline multiplayer, amazing visuals faithful to the anime.
* Contents: Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 Game
* Exclusive laser Cell Art designed by the original author of the manga: Masashi Kishimoto
* Original Soundtrack of the video game
* DLC of the character MINATO
The Store楼上,全部RM1100(黑和白)...还有一间(有卖动画和一些小玩具的)竟然说12xx(本来以为它是The Store里面最不黑的结果...哪里知道...)
Bukit Tinggi一带
Aeon Bukit Tinggi,最上那楼漫画店的隔壁RM1099,有白色但是好像是新加坡机