


楼主: weng0102

【业界】XBOX资讯【亦敌亦友 微软和索尼正在VR领域进行合作】

 楼主| 发表于 14-7-2015 11:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
现在凡有预订Xbox One/PC版Rainbow Six Siege的玩家,有机会可获得Beta Key加珍藏铁盒1个,里面有Beta Key 大家去官网登记后,稍后就可以参与公测并优先试玩游戏。而早前Ubisoft系E3上公布,买Xbox One版将会免费附送Xbox 360版的Vegas同Vegas 2(然后可以在Xbox One上玩) 。



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 楼主| 发表于 15-7-2015 10:19 PM | 显示全部楼层

  Deep Silver 今日在官方推特宣布,针对旗下知名僵尸生存动作游戏《死亡之岛2》,Deep Silver 与负责研发的Yager Development 解除了合作关系,《死亡之岛2》将延期到2016 年上市。
  《死亡之岛》一代是由Techland 负责研发,去年在E3 展公开续作《死亡之岛2》时,则是由曾开发过《特种战线》等作品的「Yager Development」担任开发工作。但Deep Silver 今日表示,公司一直致力希望提供给《死亡之岛》粉丝值得收藏的续作,经过慎重考虑,他们宣布了与研发伙伴Yager Development 分道扬镳的决定。他们将会持续努力将他们的《死亡之岛2》版本问世,未来也将与玩家分享新的消息。
  《死亡之岛2》的游戏舞台为加利福尼亚州,游戏从旧金山到洛杉矶、优胜美地国家公园等地区都囊括其中,而去年在E3 展时透露,将会有五种职业;最初官方宣布预定2015年春天问世,但后来今年4 月底才宣布将延期到2016 年上市。


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 楼主| 发表于 16-7-2015 04:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
Xbox动漫展 圣地亚哥 2015


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 楼主| 发表于 17-7-2015 10:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 weng0102 于 17-7-2015 10:36 AM 编辑

玩Chariot配合Philips' Hue lights会令客厅有互动的灯光效果


由游戏开发商Frima 工作室推出的独立开发者游戏、Xbox One 版本的《Chariot》日前进行了更新,现在开始支援一项听起来非常酷的全新功能。 Frima 以及电子装置公司飞利浦于本周三时宣布,这款游戏现在导入了与飞利浦Hue 连线灯光系统之间的整合功能。飞利浦表示:「当敌人进行攻击时,Hue 的灯光将会闪烁红光。当色彩丰富的植物盛开时,其色彩将会反映在你的房间中。」并且强调Hue 灯光系统支援「数百种」不同的颜色以及变化。


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 楼主| 发表于 18-7-2015 08:24 AM | 显示全部楼层

根据网上最新情报,Scalebound将会有Playable Demo于下个月举行的Gamecon ,给参观Gamecon的玩家亲身试玩。另外更加希望Quantum Break会在Gamecon也提供试玩与宣布发售日期啦!


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 楼主| 发表于 19-7-2015 08:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 weng0102 于 19-7-2015 08:45 AM 编辑

Windows 10 Xbox 应用更新,启用串流和增加聊天等功能

Windows 10 平台的 Xbox App 今天更新为版本 7.7.16004。

首先之前仅限 Xbox One 预览用户测试的 Xbox One 串流至 Windows 10 的功能,正式开放给全部 Xbox One 用户。确认主机设置中已经打开串流。
Xbox App 本次更新增加了与 Xbox One 用户的聊天功能,另外我的游戏、首页、设定档、与好友共享等功能也有更新和调整。

We’re just days away from the launch of Windows 10 and we couldn’t be more excited to share that starting today, game streaming is being enabled for all Xbox One owners with a Windows 10 PC or tablet! Also, as part of our effort to bring Xbox Live and some of the most popular Xbox experiences to Windows 10, we’re rolling out new and improved features on the Xbox App on Windows 10 over the next few days that will give you better access to your gaming world across devices.

Game Streaming from Xbox One

We’re taking the game streaming function on Xbox One, as announced last month, out of preview and expanding it to everyone who owns an Xbox One and has a PC or tablet with Windows 10. This means you can play the great library of games you’ve built for Xbox One on your Windows 10 PCs when you’re not in front of your console. To get started, on your Xbox One console, go to Settings > Preferences > Allow game streaming to other devices and then install the latest version of the Xbox app on your Windows 10 PC or tablet.

In the Xbox app on Windows 10, select Connect > + Add a device from the menu on the left side of the app, then select your Xbox One console. Attach a wired Xbox 360 or Xbox One controller to your Windows 10 PC or tablet. Then, go to Home > Recently Played to select an Xbox One game and then select Play from Console to start your streaming session. Another way to do this is to simply select your Xbox One console under Home > Game Streaming in the Xbox app to take full control of your Xbox One console from your Windows 10 PC. A notification will appear on your Xbox One that a game streaming session was started by a specific user. During game streaming, the Xbox One console will appear “in use” as though the person streaming was in the room.

Xbox App on Windows 10

We’re ramping up more gaming and social features on the Xbox App on Window 10, too, giving you more and better ways to access your gaming world and connect with your friends and the Xbox Live community. New features available in the July release of the Xbox app include:

• Party Chat – Above the Friends list is a new option labeled Start a party (beta). This enables you to start a party chat with your Xbox friends across Xbox One and the Xbox App on Windows 10. Press ‘+’ to invite friends, and simply click on your friends to invite them to an online party.

• My Games – The app will support automated discovery of Windows Store games and a large number of older non-Windows store PC games so they get added automatically to your game collection within the Xbox app upon first launch. If a game is not automatically added, you can manually add it to your collection by selecting My games > Add a game from your PC. The Xbox team will continue to add non-Windows store games to a service-side list, so that automated discovery will improve over time.

• Home – We updated Home to enable easy access to Game streaming and allow quick launch of a game from the Recently played list. Also, there is an updated Featured games section on the home screen below your recently played list, which lets you discover and install new and popular games available from the Windows store.

• Profile – You can choose to use your Avatar or gamerpic to be displayed to your Friends. Additionally, you can easily customize your Avatar, change your gamertag, gamerpic, and user color, and update your name sharing settings in one place under Customize.

• Share with your friends – Coming in the July release, you can upload your local game clips and screenshots for Windows store games to your shared collection on Xbox Live. Go to Game DVR > On this PC > Share to upload your local clips and screenshots and have them appear on your Activity Feed. You can capture game clips and screenshots for non-Windows Store games and access them via Game DVR > On this PC > Open folder.

• Xbox Avatars – We are updating the Avatars app, so you can use the “Take a photo” feature and save a specific Avatar photo as your gamerpic. There are several ideas on Xbox Feedback that inspired this change, but this idea with over 2,100 votes and the various comments from fans drove the team to deliver this as a new feature this month. Time to head to the Avatar photo booth, select a post or a frame of animation, select a background, and select Picture size > gamepic. Then click the camera icon, and select Save as gamerpic to make your new pic visible across Xbox on Windows 10 PCs and Xbox One.

• Day One Experience – For PC owners that are new to the Xbox ecosystem, we are adding a feature to the Xbox app to help you create a new account, get a gamertag, and then land in a basic user experience that helps you get started finding games, earning achievements and using your activity feed.

You will need to be running the latest build of the Windows 10 on your PC, then the Xbox app on Windows 10 should automatically update to the new version when it becomes available in the Windows Store. Once you receive the update, your version number should be 7.7.16004.00000 or higher. You can verify the version number of the Xbox app on Windows 10 under Settings.

The general availability of Windows 10 is Wednesday, July 29, starting with Windows Insider Program users and expanding from there. We look forward to sharing more exciting Xbox news with you at gamescom in early August. Please keep sharing your ideas at Xbox Feedback.


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 楼主| 发表于 19-7-2015 10:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
2015 E3 微软展前发布会总结之第一方阵

2015 E3 微软展前发布会总结之第三方阵容


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 楼主| 发表于 21-7-2015 10:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
Xbox One可优先玩到Star Wars Battlefront



XboxBoss Phil Spencer早前在Twitter上回答一众玩家的提问,其中一题问提到Star Wars Battlefront 。Phil表示Xbox One玩家可以借着EA Access优先玩到游戏,不用等到游戏正式发售 , Star Wars Battlefront将于11月17号推出, 而EA Access新加坡服每个月会员费用只需SGD$6.45 、 一年就SGD$34.90。

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 楼主| 发表于 22-7-2015 03:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
微软 2015 第四财季 Xbox 收入同比增加 27%

微软 2015 年财年第四财季(4月1日-6月30日)数据公布,总收入 222 亿美元。其中 Xbox 部门收入同比增长 27%,Xbox One、Xbox 360 合计出货 140 万台,上个财季是 110 万台。Xbox 平台收入增加 8600 万美元大约 10%,Xbox Live 收入增 2.05 亿美元大约 58%。第一方主机游戏业务收入增长 62%。

Computing and Gaming Hardware revenue increased $591 million or 44%, driven by higher Surface and Xbox Platform revenue. Gross margin increased $417 million, and benefitted from the mix shift to Surface Pro 3 and Surface 3.

· Surface revenue increased 117% to $888 million, driven by Surface Pro 3 and Surface 3 units sold. We launched Surface Pro 3 and Surface 3 in June 2014 and May 2015, respectively.

· Xbox Platform revenue increased $86 million or 10%, driven by higher volumes of consoles sold, offset in part by lower prices of Xbox Ones sold. We sold 1.4 million consoles in the fourth quarter compared to 1.1 million consoles during the prior year.

· Computing and Gaming Hardware revenue included an unfavorable foreign currency impact of approximately 6%.

. Xbox Live transactions revenue increased $205 million or 58%, reflecting increased users and revenue per user.

. First-party video games revenue increased $63 million or 62%. We acquired the Minecraft gaming franchise in November 2014.
Microsoft's Xbox division apparently had a solid period during the fourth quarter of its 2015 fiscal year. The company said that revenue from the division was up 27% compared to the same quarter in 2014. It also stated that it sold 1.4 million Xbox consoles worldwide during the quarter, which is up from 1.1 million consoles compared to the year before. As usual, Microsoft did not break down which of the consoles that were sold were of the Xbox One, and which ones were from the Xbox 360.

Microsoft said that the revenue growth was"based on strong growth in consoles, Xbox Live transactions and first party games." Platform revenue went up $86 million, or 10%, which Microsoft said was "driven by higher volumes of consoles sold, offset in part by lower prices of Xbox Ones sold."

Xbox Live transactions revenue went up by $205 million, or 58%, which Microsoft said was due to "increased users and revenue per user." Revenues from the company's first-party games went up by $63 million or 62%, which was due in part to sales of Minecraft across a number of platforms.


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 楼主| 发表于 22-7-2015 03:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
Xbox 的销售量持续冲高而Minecraft《我的世界》也持续为微软带来亮眼的收益表现

微软于本周二时进行了上一季(于今年6 月30 日结束)的财务收益报告,而Xbox 的销售表现非常抢眼。


在这三个月的期间微软一共卖出了140 万台的Xbox 家用娱乐主机(包含Xbox One 以及Xbox 360),相较于去年同期的110 万台提升不少。Xbox 平台的整体营收上升了860 万美金,或者说是10 个百分点。这是导因于卖出了更多的家用娱乐主机,但是也因为Xbox One 主机的售价相较于去年来的便宜许多,因此涨幅没有想像中的庞大。

整体而言,微软在这个会计年度已经卖出了1210 万台Xbox One 主机,相较于去年的1170 万台也有所成长。

不只Xbox 主机的销售量逐年高升,另外Xbox Live 服务的收益也提升了2 亿500 万美元,一部份是多亏了Xbox Live 的使用者数量持续成长中,以及单一使用者的消费额之增加。

除此之外,Minecraft《我的世界》游戏系列的销售表现也持续地出现亮眼的数据。来自于这个游戏开发商Mojang 工作室所开发、微软于去年花费了25 亿美元的天价买下的沙盒游戏之收益,帮助了微软原厂游戏阵容的上一季收益增加了6300 万美元,相较于去年成长了62 个百分点。

虽然微软的Xbox 事业体系呈现了正面的数据,这间公司的整体财务表现并没有非常乐观。上一季微软的整体收益为222 亿美元,比起去年同期的234 亿美元下滑不少。而这间公司的整体营运损失则为21 亿美元,相较于去年同期的65 亿美元之营运收益也大幅下滑。然而最重要的是,在今年的营运损失中,包含了前阵子重整Nokia 事业体系时所花费的84 亿美金的资产减损。

微软将会举办一场财务报告会议,来讨论这些结果以及回答分析师的问题,这场活动预计将会在美国太平洋日光节约时间7 月22 日2 点30 分(台湾时间7 月22 日下午5 点30 分)正式举办。


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 楼主| 发表于 23-7-2015 07:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》Xbox 360 实体版现已上架

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》Xbox 360版包含幅员辽阔的圣安地列斯州及其三大主要城市:洛圣都、圣费耶洛和拉斯纹查斯,景物拟真,游戏内容长达70小时。重制的720p解析度、图像绘制距离更胜以往,并且可支援Xbox 360成就系统。

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 楼主| 发表于 23-7-2015 05:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 weng0102 于 23-7-2015 05:27 PM 编辑

Xbox One将于动漫节呈献史上最强最新游戏,共超过30款多元化的Xbox One游戏俾大家任试任玩。香港机迷将成为全亚洲最快试玩各款游戏的玩家,包括真实竞速游戏《Forza Motorsports 6》及充满动画感的《Cuphead》冒险游戏等,仲有2016年大作《Tom Clancy's The Division》 、将于2015年内陆续推出的《Gears of War: Ultimate Edition》、《Mighty No. 9》、《LEGO Marvel Avengers》、《Rare Replay》、《SMITE》以及体感游戏《Squid Hero for Kinect》等,你会去边一个试玩区先?
Gears of War Ultimate Edition
Tom Clancy's The Division
Forza Motorsport 6
Rare Replay
Mighty No. 9
LEGO Marvel Avengers
Squid Hero for Kinect

转载:HK Xbox facebook

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 楼主| 发表于 25-7-2015 08:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
Xbox One 将兼容《城堡毁灭者 | Castle Crashers》

Xbox One 即将兼容 Xbox 360 游戏《城堡毁灭者 | Castle Crashers》。本作之前已经公布了一个重制版将在夏季移植到 Xbox One,年底或明年再上 Steam 平台,60fps,贴图尺寸是原来5倍,加入新的迷你游戏 Back off Barbarian。玩家现在有了两个选择,想玩高清版的花点钱,或者等兼容。

目前最多玩家要求Xbox One 向下相容功能支援的游戏清单更新

Call of Duty: Black Ops II《决胜时刻:黑色行动2》现在是最多玩家要求Xbox One 向下相容功能进行支援的游戏。这款游戏夺下了之前属于《碧血狂杀》的宝座,而在这之前《碧血狂杀》已经连续蝉连好几周的第一名。

在微软于今年的E3电玩展发表了Xbox One将导入支援Xbox 360游戏的向下相容功能后,这间公司在官方网站上开启了一个投票活动,询问玩家他们最希望哪一款Xbox 360的游戏能够获得这台次世代主机的支援。Rockstar于2010年推出的《碧血狂杀》随即获得了许多玩家的投票,并且冲到了排行榜的第一名,而现在《决胜时刻:黑色行动2》则超越了《碧血狂杀》所获得的票数。

《决胜时刻》系列游戏受到最多玩家的支持,因为在此投票活动排行榜的前12 名游戏中、就有6 款游戏是《决胜时刻》系列作品。

以下是目前最多玩家投票支持的前15 名作品:

  • 《决胜时刻:黑色行动2》
  • 《碧血狂杀》
  • 《上古卷轴5:无界天际》
  • 《决胜时刻:现代战争2》
  • 《最后一战:瑞曲之战》
  • 《决胜时刻:黑色行动》
  • 《战争机器3》
  • 《异尘余生3》
  • 《决胜时刻:现代战争》
  • 《决胜时刻:现代战争3》
  • 《质量效应3》
  • 《决胜时刻:战争世界》
  • 《生化奇兵:无限之城》
  • 《异尘余生:新维加斯》
  • 《恶灵势力2》

最近,微软Xbox 部门负责人Phil Spencer 提到向下相容功能帮助了Xbox One 主机的销售表现。美国地区Xbox One 于2015 年6 月份的销售量相较于2014 年同时段的销售量上升了51 个百分点,而且在E3 当周的销售量更是暴增了79 个百分点。销售业绩如此的水涨船高,是否能够归功于微软发表的Xbox One 的向下相容功能呢?
微软也已经承诺要在今年底之前让「数百款」Xbox 360 的游戏能够在Xbox One 上游玩。

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 楼主| 发表于 27-7-2015 10:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
《合金装备 5:幻痛 | MSG5: Phantom Pain》 法米通意外泄露阿富汗地图

据报道,《合金装备 5:幻痛 | MSG5: Phantom Pain》日版的预订封面上仍然有小岛秀夫的名字,欧美版则已经去掉。另外法米通杂志意外泄露了限量版中所带的阿富汗山区地图,也是游戏中的全部地区。



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 楼主| 发表于 29-7-2015 03:05 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 30-7-2015 10:10 AM | 显示全部楼层
Rare Replay 8月4日独占在 Xbox One 发售


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 楼主| 发表于 30-7-2015 11:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
Capcom:你们真的想要《生化危机2 重制版》?

生化危机的官方Facebook页面现在发起了一个调查,大意是询问玩家对于《生化危机2 重制版》的真实想法,因为这个呼声已经持续很多年了,他们在思考之后决定认真的对待这个问题。值得一提的是,整个调查问卷中使用的都是Remake,而不是Remaster,或许这次是真·重制版,而不是所谓的高清版或者高清重制版。

  “生化危机的粉丝们,你们好~这里是Capcom的R&D第一分部。首先,对于大家这么多年来的支持,我们非常非常的感谢。在这些年里,我们一直都有听到许多关于《生化危机2 重制版》的热情呼声,随着时间的推移,这些呼声不仅没有减少,甚至还引起了不少媒体的注意。
  然而,作为《生化危机》的开发商,我们不确定是不是真的很好的理解了玩家们的真实想法,所以我们希望在这里能够得到大家关于《生化危机2 重制版》最真实和诚恳的想法和意见,以及你们认为这个游戏品牌应该如何定位?”

调查发布后不久,有许多玩家都在这个Facebook页面的下面积极的回复与讨论,如果有条件的玩家,也去支持一下吧,说不定到时候《生化危机2 重制版》就真的来了。


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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2015 07:40 AM | 显示全部楼层

Wii U独占游戏《ZombiU》在2012年推出,当时为Wii U首发游戏之一 。Ubisoft之前宣布游戏将会推出Xbox One与PS4版,并公布首段trailer。但由于不再是Wii U独占,所以游戏会改名做《Zombi》 。游戏将于8月18号推出只会出数字下载版,所以有兴趣的朋友,记得到时要留意Live与PSN市集。


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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2015 10:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
《亚尔斯兰战记X无双》XB1版 明年初登陆欧美

KOEI TECMO《光荣》新开发的,原先为PS3/PS4独占,根据动画改编的同名割草游戏。由于Xbox One无区域限制,所以亚洲玩家一样都可以玩到。游戏系以人气日本动画《亚尔斯兰战记》加入《无双》系列慨爽快玩法。这款游戏日本地区版本只有PS4/PS3版,而欧美地区则会有XB1/PS4/PS3版。








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 楼主| 发表于 31-7-2015 11:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
《心理测量者:无从选择的幸福 | Psycho-Pass》秋季发售中文版

文字冒险游戏《心理测量者/心灵判官:无从选择的幸福 | Psycho-Pass:サイコパス 選択なき幸福 | Psycho-Pass: Happiness Without Choice》已在 5 月 28 日发售日版,这两天的香港动漫展上将有制作人的访谈。5pb 浅田诚今天也在推特上公布,今年秋季在香港、台湾地区发售这款游戏的完全中文版。

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