认同,昨晚才能抽空刻出demo版玩看看,画面确实有意外惊喜。先说操作习惯,感觉系统就象从4代搬过来那样意思,其实4代的这系统是OK的,但如果开枪的动作设定这点也能改进下就好,希望不要延用bio4的那套,而是使用类似gears of war那种,能让玩家作出[开枪带跑]的动作设定就更不错了...虽然有那个180度的转身动作设定,但还是觉得很绑手绑脚就是了,干脆拿掉这设定就好了,换成上面我说的,这是我个人感觉,毕竟习惯了那样的方式,打起来也更爽快;画面就不必废话了,反正比4代牛B了。整个demo版,除了开头那个要死的loading画面,基本上正式游戏时,玩起来还蛮不错的,没延迟问题,画面看起来还算舒服自然,光影效果OK。手感不错,暴民其实不只是非洲人,好像还看到白种人...不过看到他们靠近,虽然背景环境不是阴暗肮脏那种,但也有些压力....死了还来...一步步来。爆炸效果的表现不错。音乐部分无强烈感觉,表现一般。换装备和使用items很方便了,好像感觉象dead space那个设定,不过是实时的,要看没敌人靠近才好用.....不然很危险,呵呵。
The Resident Evil 5 demo that has been available since last month in Japan, the one that many tried to download and play before Microsoft went and pulled the plug. Well Capcom have announced an actual US version of the demo.
Capcom announced at their Co-op Multiplayer event in San Francisco last night that the US demo will be released early 2009.
Capcom have also confirmed that the demo will also be seeing a PS3 release.
The event also showcased some unseen levels, and I'm sure details will emerge of those soon.
For another source for this story please see Joystick.
And for a source for you PS3 owners and to add another source for this story. Shacknews