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个案1:Maxis 3G Mobile Wireless Online
说到这个经验,真的是火大!因为,真的是非常的无奈。其实,之前的我并不是那么注重于客户服务的人,可能我都看得比较“开”吧! 我之所以会改变是因为我加入了McAfee的客户服务部门后,面对了来自欧美、东亚以及南太平洋岛国的客户后,惊觉这些国家的人都懂得怎么去保护自己身为“消费者”的利益!我发现大马的人,都不会去注重。不知道是因为大马的人民没有这项警觉性,还是大马人已经放弃?
原归正传,这是有关Maxis (明讯)的3G无线上网服务。首先,我相信有使用过的人,都会知道这个“无线“的服务,真的是很“有限”!因为大马的3G网络技术其实没有像外国那么成熟以及发达,但是却要“硬硬”推出,然后类似性的“欺骗”我们这些消费者。Maxis 的这项服务呢,要不就一直连不上去,要不就连上了就断。请问,这要怎么样使用呢?
所以,我在一个星期的试用期内,将所有的东西如:Modem,Sim 卡还有电话等等的退还到位于TTDI 的Maxis 中心,然后中心的人告诉我说我的Deposit 会在一个月后以支票的方式汇到我的联络地址。我痴痴的等了一个月后,支票还没有来,所以我就拨电到他们的客户服务热线去。他们告诉我说,其实支票至少要等上60天(我心想:也对,大马的公司是很不积极干事的),然后我也勉强答应了!
第二个月,也就是超过了60天,我又打电话过去查询进度,这次他们又有新的借口 - - 支票的“标准”期限,是90天。我告诉自己要“忍”,最少给他们最后的一次机会,因为他们提供的服务很烂,要终止服务的客户也相应的多。
第二天,另一名主管真的马上打电话来了。然后告诉我说要我等两个星期,我的支票就会寄到我的邮寄地址。靠!等了4个月,还要在等?反正轰了昨晚那位主管,这位也干脆一起炸!我炮轰了他大概5分钟,过后他只好说在帮我跟进,然后下午给我回电话。最后,他说我可以在第二天到TTDI 的中心直接拿取我的Deposit。
[ 本帖最后由 ahbird 于 10-12-2008 09:55 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 30-9-2008 10:39 AM
不错了,还可以拿回钱,好过那个TMD的TM.一个月跟我收两次钱,接下来的那个月还说没收到钱 :@ |
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 10:42 AM
1)Maxis Postpaid Service
4)我的前雇主(由于这家公司本身是专于Outsource Customer Service的,所以也要提一下)
6) TNB
7)SYABAS (雪州水务局)
9)Reader Digest 读者文摘
10)RapidKL LRT
11)Sonic Gear
[ 本帖最后由 ahbird 于 8-11-2008 06:12 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 10:47 AM
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 11:04 AM
个案2:Maxis Postpaid Service 注册篇
以前我一直是使用Hotlink 预付配套的,但是经我开始工作后,我算了算,发现后付服务比较划算,所以就去注册了这项Maxis 的服务。
我还记得那个时候大约是两年前吧,然后我是到SS2 (PJ)的其中一家代理那边注册的。在代理那边,我选了我要的电话号码,付了钱后,拿了Sim 卡就回家了。我还记得代理告诉我说大约在晚上7 - 8pm 就可以使用了。下午,我就把我的新电话号码转发给所有认识的朋友,然后就等待晚上的到来。
7pm 的时候,我就把Sim 卡放进电话里,然后看看是否可以用,但是还是不行。我等了等,大约在8pm的时候,又试了试,还是不行。这个时候,我只好打电话到服务台去。没有想到,电话通了,然后在线上等了10分钟才有人回应。客服人员拿了我的电话号码后,在他们的系统查找我的资料。。。
客服人员:哦!这样。我帮你看看那些Pending Service
这时候,我心里想到,在代理那边注册的时候,不是透过Maxis 的系统吗?不是有线路直接联系上Maxis 的总部/总系统吗?为什么还会有Pending?为什么不是应该照你们的服务人员说的一样吗?虽然15分钟后可以用,但是,你不觉得他们好像把客户当成傻瓜般?他们不会自动自发的做工吗? 发白日梦?如果我没有拨电到服务台,那么我不是要白白的等?
我从那时候开始对Maxis 失去信心。。。。 |
发表于 30-9-2008 12:59 PM
发表于 30-9-2008 02:23 PM
我剛 Send 去 PublicBank 的 mail.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Good day,
I am a customer of your xxxxx branch, my name is xxxxxxxxx and IC:xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Today 30th September 2008 at 1:30pm I went to Public Bank xxxxx branch to settle my car loan repayment and was called to counter number 5.
I met this Malay girl teller that was very bad attitude, I didn't note down her name as I was too frustrated and forgot to do so, but I'm sure you can check out the one.
I passed her the document that I use for the car loan repayment, nicely I was ask her how much should I pay in English, she was just flashes the document in front of my eyes for few seconds, I can't even see clearly and like she assumes that I can see it very clear so I ask again nicely :"How much should I pay?", and she speaks me back the amount by Bahasa Melayu.
As I was English educated and work in Singapore for years, I'm sorry to say that I can't catch up in Bahasa Melayu, so I asked her again nicely :"How Much?", and she gave me some very fussy attitude and speak to me in Bahasa Melayu again.
I'm wondering is it the way that such a big company like Public Bank trains their workers to treat their customer like that. If yes, I'll not hesitate to do anyway I can to close down all my accounts including my families accounts. This is a very big problem that the front desk can't treat the customer in a good and polite way.
I/C: xxxxxxxxxxxx
H/P: xxxxxxxxxxxxx |
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 02:34 PM
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 02:36 PM
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:01 PM
原帖由 georgeamadeus 于 30-9-2008 02:23 PM 发表
我剛 Send 去 PublicBank 的 mail. Dear Sir/Madam,
Good day,
I am a customer of your xxxxx branch, my name is xxxxxxxxx and IC:xxxxxxxxxxxx.
Today 30th September 2008 at 1:30pm I went to Public Bank xxxxx branchto settle my car loan repayment and was called to counter number 5.
I met this Malay girl teller that was very bad attitude, I didn't notedown her name as I was too frustrated and forgot to do so, but I'm sureyou can check out the one.
I passed her the document that I use for the car loan repayment, nicelyI was ask her how much should I pay in English, she was just flashesthe document in front of my eyes for few seconds, I can't even seeclearly and like she assumes that I can see it very clear so I askagain nicely :"How much should I pay?", and she speaks me back theamount by Bahasa Melayu.
As I was English educated and work in Singapore for years, I'm sorry tosay that I can't catch up in Bahasa Melayu, so I asked her again nicely:"How Much?", and she gave me some very fussy attitude and speak to mein Bahasa Melayu again.
I'm wondering is it the way that such a big company like Public Banktrains their workers to treat their customer like that. If yes, I'llnot hesitate to do anyway I can to close down all my accounts includingmy families accounts. This is a very big problem that the front deskcan't treat the customer in a good and polite way.
I/C: xxxxxxxxxxxx
H/P: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
下面是我Send 给Maybank 的:
I really disappointed on your service. I want to make a complaint on
the service of yours!
I've postal the change-of-billing-address form (since I do not have
any fax machine here) to the address which printed on the envelope
(the envelope which came along with the credit card statement) already for 2 weeks and
I never receive any respond. I just found out from your customer service agent, my billing address is
still remain as the previous one and not updated yet.
I suspect the mail/form has been stolen or lost, and I'm not satisfied and
disappointed on Maybank services. I'm doubt on Maybank professional.
I've some questions for you:
1) Is it need to take more than 2 weeks time to change a billing
address for a customer? If so, Maybank is better to operate in
Jurassic age.
2) I've enclose a copy of my IC (as per the form), and all of my
credit cards details on the form, but now, the customer service agent
tell me they do not receive the correspondences. Do all of my
confidential secure? Will my account be secure?
3) If all the confidential information leak out, will Maybank pay the
responsibilities on that?
4) Why can't Maybank have a system like other banks, which allow their
customer update the billing address/information themselves online?
Maybank was the pioneer who deploy first e-banking system in Malaysia but
Maybank never learn to improve the service to serve customer better.
Please get someone like a supervisor or Manager to contact me. If not,
I will terminate the credit card service from Maybank!
I'm really not happy with those stupid and troublesome steps for
changing only for a billing address!!
"No. 1 Bank in Malaysia".... Stop dreaming - Maybank have ages to
reach this status.
发表于 30-9-2008 03:10 PM
发表于 30-9-2008 03:13 PM
原帖由 ahbird 于 30-9-2008 03:01 PM 发表
下面是我Send 给Maybank 的:
If so, Maybank is better to operate in
Jurassic age.
这句很好! |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:20 PM
回复 11# ahbird 的帖子
他們有給你 respond 麼?
* 剛剛那個 Branch Manager 打了電話來跟我道歉了,
唉... 大人大量,算了。 |
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:26 PM
Maybank 还有更多更精彩的故事,不过,先让我唱衰Maxis。因为,我觉得Maxis 的客服人员,不管是负责账户的,还是提供技术支援的,他们都不懂Customer Service 的意思。(我不是指全部,是指那些我遇到的)也不知道是否是“缘分”还是“运气”,全部不好的,都被我遇上了。
个案3:Maxis MMS/GPRS service Activation
我记得我签的配套,是包括了MMS/GPRS 的服务,可是我却不能发送MMS或者透过GPRS 来上网(比如上WAP)。我拨了通电话到Maxis 的技术支援部门,确认是否是手机款号的问题,还是其他的问题。你知道他们告诉我什么吗?他说:不好意思,你的这项服务还未启动!然后,他就让我依照网页上的指示去做:
第一步:输入一些关键字(keyword) ,然后发送到某某号码
第二步:收到回复后,依照上面的指示,然后发送一封MMS 给自己
我一共重复了第一步,然后第二步。但是,就是没有看到第三步的出现。记得,每一封发出的MMS都是要付费的。我一共重复了大概5次左右,所以花了大概是RM5,但我的MMS 还是不能够使用。于是,我再拨过去他们的服务台。这次,换成是一个女的。一开始,她都很有耐心的教,很有礼貌的回答问题。
可是,以当我问她:为什么我通过你们网页的指示去做后,还是不可以使用MMS 的服务?
听到这句我就堵懒了!为什么依照指示,花了钱,还要在打电话过来,是不是在浪费时间?况且,网页上和收到的SMS 回复,都没有清楚地说明要打电话到Maxis 的技术支援台来激活此项服务。既然一通电话就可以激活这项服务,为什么还要做哪些无聊的指示/步骤?根本都是在骗钱!很肯定的,她很无辜的被我轰了10分钟!
故事还没有完!好戏还在后头!(待续。。。。) |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:27 PM
发挥消费人权益才有效的提高人权意识。 |
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:32 PM
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:34 PM
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:38 PM
原帖由 Marty 于 30-9-2008 03:10 PM 发表
你做的很对啊!要给他们压力才会做工的。Maxis 的broadband没用过但是之前听朋友的feedback就知道差,所以那些promoter讲道几好我都当耳边风。
是!他们的宣传是做到很响,到处看得到招贴,什么商场也经常出来做p ...
他们真的是很有本钱来做宣传。除非你是住在KLCC 的附近(就是KLCC 的前后左右),你才考虑签他们的
Wireless 吧!TM 还有 Streamyx 的故事,我迟一点在放上来,因为他们的态度简直是嚣张。因为大马的电讯网络服务,已经被TM垄断! |
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:40 PM
原帖由 shydemon24 于 30-9-2008 03:27 PM 发表
之前就是做McAfee 的客户服务,被那些鬼佬鸟到半条命。虽然每天都被骂,但是从中,学到了一些鸟人窍门! |
发表于 30-9-2008 03:48 PM
不過你的 Complain letter 很不 formal 一下哦,阿鹰。 |
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