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2009年 AGRO FIRST 杯槟城乒乓宿将邀请赛

发表于 14-10-2009 12:38 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Chelwee 于 19-12-2009 08:31 PM 编辑


2009年 AGRO FIRST 杯槟城乒乓宿将邀请赛

日期          :2009年12月20日 (星期日)
时间          :早上九点正
地点          :槟城钟灵独立中学底楼乒乓馆 (暂)
赛制          :四单一双
报名队伍  :12-16队
报名费      :Rm200
报名限制   :40岁或以上者 - 最多3人
                        50岁或以上者 - 最少3人
                        50岁或以上的球员可以顶替40岁或以上者的位置。 比如可以所有球员都是50岁以上者


冠军       :  RM1,500.00   + 奖杯
亚军       :  RM1,000.00   + 奖杯

季军       :  RM   800.00   + 奖杯
殿军       :  RM   500.00   + 奖杯
第五名   :  RM   200.00   + 奖杯
第六名   :  RM   150.00   + 奖杯
第七名   :  RM   120.00   + 奖杯
第八名   :  RM   100.00   + 奖杯
第九名   :  RM     80.00   +  奖杯

任何详情请到以下网站查寻常- http://www.penangtta.blogspot.com/

报名方式 :致电 - Mr.Yeoh - 016-2201151

* 任何比赛详情,欢迎致电012-5649255 询问

[ 本帖最后由 Chelwee 于 14-10-2009 12:48 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 14-10-2009 12:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
AGROFIRST Penang Table Tennis Invitation 2009

Competition Rules

AGROFIRST Penang Table Tennis Invitation 2009.

Topromote the game of table tennis in the various district in the State of Penang and Malaysia.

Toprovide opportunities for our local senior players to play more competitivecompetitions so as to enable them to horn their skills.

Toprovide opportunities for the veteran players to foster friendship throughtable tennis competitions.

TheAGRO FIRST Penang Table Tennis Invitation is fully sponsored by Agro First (M)Sdn. Bhd.

TheAGRO FIRST Penang Table Tennis Invitation shall be conducted according to theRules of The International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) and the followingregulations.

12 -16 teams shall be invited toparticipate in this competition in a FIRSTCOME FIRST SERVED basis. All entries shall be sent to the Hon. Secretary /Tournament Chairman with the appropriate entry fees.

Each Club/Association shall belimited to send in NOT more than TWOteams.

6.Modeof Competition
The AGRO FIRST Penang Table Tennis Invitationshall be a Team Competition. A maximum of 7 players and a minimum of 6 playersshall constitute a team. The composition of team shall be as follow: (Age countbased on 1 January 2009)

Players 40 years &above : 3players

Players 50 years &above : 4players

The mode of competition shall be asfollow:

Stage 1:
Round Robin League:
Allthe participating teams shall be drawn into 4 groups.
Championand Runner-up of each group shall advance to the 2nd. stage.

Stage 2:
The2nd. Stage will be run off using the Knock-Out System.

7.Systemof Competition
Each team match shall be played inthe following order:

Match1 : Singles

Match2 : Singles

Match3 : Doubles

Match4 : Singles

Mtach5 : Singles

Aplayer can only play in either thesingles or the doubles event.

Allthe 5 matches shall be played off in the best of five games.

A team conceding a walk-over (due to theabsence of player / players) in any of the individual matches shall be deemed to have conceded awalk-over in that team match.

8.Eligibility of Players
The AGRO-FIRST PenangTable Tennis Invitation is open to all

players in Malaysia.

9.Registration of Players
Allteams shall register their players in the official entry form.

Changeof players is allowed before the commencement
of the tournament.

10.Team Uniforms
Allteam players MUST wear their teamplaying attires for all matches and also during the Closing & PrizePresentation Ceremony.

Eachteam shall pay an entry fee of RM200.00per team.

12.Date of Competition:
Sunday,20th. December, 2009,
commencing at 9.00 a.m.

13.Venue of Competition
ChungLing Private High School Training Hall.

14.Tournament Ball
Butterfly3 stars orange ball shall be used.

Prizes in the form of Cash Awards shallbe given to the top 8

finishing teams as follow:

Champion : RM1,500.00 + replica

Runner-up : RM1,000.00 + replica

Third Position : RM 800.00 + replica

Fourth Position : RM500.00 + replica

5th – 8th Position : RM100.00 + replica

Allmatters of dispute shall be referred to the jury and the jury’s decision shallbe final and binding.

Allprotest must be in writing, accompanied by a deposit of RM300.00 and forwardedto the jury within thirty minutes from the occurrence of the incident. Thematch shall hence be played under protest.

Ifit is resolved that such appeal / protest is unfounded, the deposit shall beforfeited.

Ajury shall be formed to manage the Competition.

Thejury shall comprise of the following members:
: Mr. Yeoh Lip Khoon

: Mr. Tan Kheng Hong

Mr. Leow Lim Hai

Mr. Leong Chen Tak

Mr. Ho Chih Wei

Aminimum of 3 members of the jury must be present to validate the meeting.

19.Right To Reject Entry
Thejury reserves the right to reject any team / player from participating. Entryforms accompanied by entry fee and deposit shall be given priority over thosedo not enclose the entry fees and deposit.

20.Other Matters
TheOrganizer will not be responsible for any loss of property or injury sustainedduring the duration of the tournament.

Anymatter not provided for in the foregoing regulations shall be decided by thejury whose decision shall be final and binding.

TheTournament Committee PTTA

[ 本帖最后由 Chelwee 于 14-10-2009 12:41 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 17-12-2009 04:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Chelwee 于 17-12-2009 04:32 PM 编辑

2009年 AGRO FIRST 杯槟城乒乓宿将邀请赛


冠军       :  RM1,500.00   + 奖杯
亚军       :  RM1,000.00   + 奖杯
季军       :  RM   800.00   + 奖杯
殿军       :  RM   500.00   + 奖杯
第五名   :  RM   200.00   + 奖杯
第六名   :  RM   150.00   + 奖杯
第七名   :  RM   120.00   + 奖杯
第八名   :  RM   100.00   + 奖杯
第九名   :  RM     80.00   +  奖杯


[size=130%]Group A

1. Jit Sin Union PG - [size=85%]Tan Hoay Yan, Sim Sang Teik, Sim Leong Teik, Tan Bak Hua, Tan Hock Soon,
[size=85%]Leong Chen Tak, Teoh Poh Jin

2. OUG Veteren KL [size=85%]- Lim Ten Hock, Yen Gin Loong, Shoon Kim Peng, Chan Kok Hong, Koay Gim Huat, Loo Peng Wah

3. PCSA 'Blue' PG [size=85%]- Tan Boon Hee, Soo Boon Kong, Chua Ton Tin, Khoo Chui Keat, Tan Joo Keit,
[size=85%]Foong Sum Meng

[size=130%]Group B

1. PCSA 'Red' PG [size=85%]- Yeoh Lip Khoon, Dato' Michael Tiah, Koh Teck Choon, K.C Lim, Tan Chong Meng,
[size=85%]Woo Weng Chin

2. Kow Hong PG [size=85%]- Teoh Cheow Yang, Lim Meng Foo, Uglanto Jurdi, Boey Heng Theng, Lee Kheng Hoe, Seow Aun Soon, Tai Teik Yaw

3. Conquest SP [size=85%]- Kuek Swee Khee, Tan Soo Liang, Faud, Khamis, Azlan, Fazli

[size=130%]Group C

1. Arox Lubricants KL [size=85%]- Woo Pay Chee, Chua Yee Cheng, Lim Tin Ling, Ling Ting Sik, Tan Kin Ching,
[size=85%]Low Kar Ping

2. Ipoh Veteren [size=85%]- Chin Kok Keong, Lau Kam Fook, Yong Tuck Sang, Ng Peng Kwan, Loke Weng Wai,
[size=85%]Chan Yee

3. Taman Padan PG [size=85%]- Lim Gek Ling, Ng Kok Wah, Tan Hoo Lee, Yap Boon Yuan, Ang Choo Thian,
[size=85%]Leong Koon Hwa, Loo Ming Kooi

[size=85%]* [size=100%]Champion of each group will be play for first three placing on second round by round-robin, second of each group will play for 4th-6th placing and thrid of each group will play for 7th-9th placing.


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发表于 18-12-2009 10:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# Chelwee

    Arox Lubricants KL 这对很强喔!!!

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 楼主| 发表于 19-12-2009 08:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  Chelwee

    Arox Lubricants KL  这对很强喔!!!
cibin 发表于 18-12-2009 22:40

    当然,冠军热门来的. OUG, Ipoh, Jit Sin, PCSA'Red' 也是热门之一.OUG有'力哥', 赛场肯定很热闹.Roti Canai, I am sorry 满场飞.

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发表于 19-12-2009 09:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 5# Chelwee

哈哈哈哈!当然!当然!还有 kim tek shu!

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Follow Us
 楼主| 发表于 21-12-2009 10:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Chelwee 于 21-12-2009 10:54 AM 编辑
当然,冠军热门来的. OUG, Ipoh, Jit Sin, PCSA'Red' 也是热门之一.OUG有'力哥', 赛场肯定很热闹. ...
Chelwee 发表于 19-12-2009 20:18

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 楼主| 发表于 21-12-2009 10:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Chelwee 于 21-12-2009 10:56 AM 编辑
当然,冠军热门来的. OUG, Ipoh, Jit Sin, PCSA'Red' 也是热门之一.OUG有'力哥', 赛场肯定很热闹. ...
Chelwee 发表于 19-12-2009 20:18

对不起,在得到天漫版主的提醒下,我才知道力哥不是名单中的球员, 因为他还没达到宿将的年龄。以下是总成绩。



1st - 日新校友会
2nd - 公务员公会 ‘蓝’
3rd - OUG Veteren

日新校友会       胜      公务员公会 ‘蓝’      4 - 1
OUG Veteren    负       公务员公会 ‘蓝’     2 - 3
日新校友会       胜       OUG Veteren         3 - 2


1st   -  公务员公会 ‘红’
2nd -  厚丰有限公司
3rd  -  双溪大年 Conquest

公务员公会 ‘红’      vs      Conquest           3 - 2
厚丰有限公司         vs      Conquest           5 - 0
公务员公会 ‘红’      vs      厚丰有限公司   3 - 2


1st - Arox Lubricants
2nd - K.K. Chin Ipoh
3rd - Taman Pandan

Arox Lubricants     vs       Taman Pandan      5 - 0
K.K. Chin              vs       Taman Pandan      5 - 0
Arox Lubricants     vs       K.K. Chin              5 - 0


Position 1 - 3

1st - Arox Lubricants
2nd - 日新校友会
3rd - 公务员公会 ‘红’

日新校友会  vs 公务员公会 ‘红’ 3 - 2
公务员公会 ‘红’ vs Arox 1 - 3
日新校友会  vs Arox 0 - 3

Position 4 - 6

4th - K.K. Chin Ipoh
5th - 厚丰有限公司
6th - 公务员公会 ‘蓝’

公务员公会 ‘蓝’  vs K.K. Chin Ipoh 1 - 3
厚丰有限公司 vs K.K. Chin Ipoh 1 - 3
公务员公会 ‘蓝’  vs 厚丰有限公司 0 - 3

Position 7 - 9

7th - OUG Veteren
8th - Taman Pandan
9th - 双溪大年 Conquest

OUG Veteren vs Taman Pandan 3 - 0
双溪大年 Conquest  vs Taman Pandan 1 - 3
OUG Veteren vs 双溪大年 Conquest  3 - 0


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