


楼主: 吟舟


 楼主| 发表于 17-5-2014 11:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
11th, 12th, 16th, 17th 18th 20th May 2014 虽然不能连续每天,但是 都有30分钟 gym 脚踏车。
21th 打羽毛球,算有氧运动,尤其是第一场,心脏负荷不了,想要呕吐。接下来,都蛮顺了。喝了两罐85 kcal 的100 号。
25th 生病了,泻肚字不知道是不是吃太多supplement,中毒了。整夜没睡,泻肚字,看real madrid 拿杯。

如果打boxing 的话,我的体重是 middleweight,目标是 welterweight  13 July 2014, 65 kg

Boxing Weight Class.JPG

本帖最后由 吟舟 于 25-5-2014 11:43 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 25-5-2014 11:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
Total cholesterol - 6.17 mmol/L        up to 5.2
Triglycerides       - 1.26 mmol/L        0.34 - 1.76
HDL-Cholesterol  - 1.51 mmol/L        > 1.03
LDL-Cholesterol  -  4.09 mmol/L        <2.60

Fasting Blood Sugar - 5.4 mmol/L (放弃 竹甘蔗水,ABC,Cola 等甜品,叫水不要加糖,Horlick kurang manis,Barley Kosong)

想要吃素 1 个月,糙米饭
晚上 早点睡觉。
买nestle 降低胆固醇的牛奶 和 麦片,坚持 一个月。 本帖最后由 吟舟 于 28-5-2014 05:27 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 26-5-2014 09:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
早餐 - Vico + 麦片 香饼 豆腐(长方形) 两片

午餐 - 白饭 菜 豆腐 一片(没放什么汤汁)绿茶

Guava 中午 2.45pm 吃

晚餐:素鸡饭(大的),Barley Kosong
德安风痧济急丸 1 包

晚上- gym 脚踏车 20分钟 本帖最后由 吟舟 于 26-5-2014 10:34 PM 编辑


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发表于 28-5-2014 03:43 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 28-5-2014 04:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
蓝色美人鱼 发表于 28-5-2014 03:43 PM

我这三天 吃的 减少了许多,只是多样化了,尤其是水果的摄取 蛮多。
肉,也根本是少到..... 汤汁都不淋在饭了....

谢谢你打气,我已经很尽力的控制饮食了。 本帖最后由 吟舟 于 28-5-2014 04:17 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 29-5-2014 08:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
早餐 - 空肚子红苹果 barley 素果条干

午餐 - 素菜 豆腐 椰菜花 Brocoli 长豆 饭

2.30 pm Mengkuang Timun Mangga Nenas

Barli Kosong
晚餐 - 杂饭 - 鱼 Bendi 豆腐

饭后 红苹果1粒

走山玻 30 分钟

本帖最后由 吟舟 于 29-5-2014 08:41 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2014 08:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
早餐 - Nestle omega 牛奶 杏仁 麦片 素炒面 豆水

Seaweed 12g

午餐 - 菜 豆腐 饭

2.30 pm Guava Mengkuang Manggo Timun

晚餐:不敢写了,大吃一场 都是 油腻甜的东西。回家吃 麦片。 本帖最后由 吟舟 于 30-5-2014 10:18 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 31-5-2014 09:29 AM | 显示全部楼层
早上,jogging 了30分钟,走山玻 30 分钟。

早餐 - Nestle Omega 奶粉,杏仁粉,麦片
Nasi Lemak 江鱼仔 Sambal 没蛋黄的蛋小片 蜊

午餐,鸡脚皮karabu 蘑菇 非洲鱼


晚餐:暴食暴饮的晚餐,  有吃青苹果

1 June
3 个session 的运动,
第一个session 脚踏车 20 分钟+10 分钟原地跑步
第二个session 脚踏车 20分钟
第三个session 没跑动的打羽毛球(手酸) 20分钟

本帖最后由 吟舟 于 1-6-2014 08:43 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 3-6-2014 08:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
2 June 走山玻15分钟,打球15 分钟
3 June 走山玻 30 分钟
4 June 打了3 场羽毛球

5 June 吃guava 黄梨 本帖最后由 吟舟 于 5-6-2014 03:23 PM 编辑


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发表于 6-6-2014 12:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2014 02:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
tokiwa 发表于 6-6-2014 12:03 AM

没什么减到,2010 年到现在,在 71.0 - 73 kg 游走。
泻肚子泻到完,才是 71kg

现在 坏胆固醇 蛮高,还有 空腹血糖 都蛮高。

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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2014 03:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
15 ways to raise your HDL or lower your LDL
The Fountain of Youth may be fiction, but there really is a magic gene pool in northern Italy. A few decades ago, researchers discovered that, despite unhealthy cholesterol levels, 40 inhabitants of the village of Limone sul Garda were seemingly immune to heart disease. Turns out it wasn't the famed Mediterranean diet at work, but rather a variation of a protein in HDL cholesterol (the good kind) called ApoA-1 Milano. In less scientific terms, the villagers were born with self-cleaning arteries.
Researchers immediately went to work creating a synthetic version of the plaque-busting protein. And in 2003, they created one. Problem is, the drug is still too expensive to mass produce.
Luckily, you don't have to wait for a magic drug to improve your cholesterol. Here are 15 ways to raise your HDL or lower your LDL (the bad cholesterol) today. The best part: Doing so will literally cost you peanuts—or even less.
1. Eat more nuts
In an analysis of 25 different studies on walnuts, pecans, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, and macadamia nuts, researchers at Loma Linda University found that eating 67 grams of nuts per day—that's a little more than two ounces—increased the ratio of HDL to LDL in the blood by 8.3%. And Australian scientists found that when men replaced 15% of their daily calorie intake with macadamia nuts—12 to 16 nuts a day—their HDL levels went up by 8 percent. Even better: You can eat nuts covered in chocolate or rolled in cocoa powder; a Japanese study found that the polyphenols in chocolate activate genes that increase HDL production.

2. Boost your endurance
Researchers in Japan found that exercising for 20 minutes a day increases your HDL by 2.5 points. That's not much, but for every additional 10 minutes per day you keep huffing in the gym, you add an extra 1.4 points to your HDL. It doesn't matter whether you pull a rowing machine or power through a tough barbell routine, just keep your activity level at a point where you're panting but not out of breath.

3. Build killer quads
Ohio University researchers discovered that men who did lower-body work—squats, leg extensions, leg presses—twice a week for 16 weeks raised their HDL levels by 19%. For legs and HDL levels that are something to look at, follow the lead of the men in the study: Do three sets of six to eight repetitions of the half squat, leg extension, and leg press, resting no more than 2 minutes between sets. Use a weight that's about 85 percent of the amount you can lift just once.

4. Pop a milk pill
In a study published in the American Journal of Medicine, people who took a daily 1,000-mg calcium supplement saw their HDL-cholesterol levels rise by 7%. Choose a brand that contains calcium citrate (not coral calcium) and 400 international units of vitamin D for maximum absorption.

5. Make a date with Mrs. Paul
When Canadian researchers compared a steady diet of whitefish with regular consumption of lean beef and chicken, they found that the fish-eating folks experienced a 26% increase in HDL2, a particularly protective form of HDL. Remember: Fish sticks aren't health food—unless they're baked, like Healthy Selects Sticks from Mrs. Paul's.


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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2014 04:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
6. Learn how to pronounce “policosanol” (poly-CO-sanol)
This mixture of alcohols derived from sugarcane wax is the rare natural supplement that may actually live up to its hype. Doses of 10 to 20 mg a day can increase HDL by up to 15%, according to David Maron, MD, a cardiologist at Vanderbilt University medical center. Two brands to try: Naturals and Nature's Life, both sold at health-food stores.

7. Drink cranberry juice
University of Scranton scientists found that volunteers who drank three 8-ounce glasses a day for a month increased their HDL-cholesterol levels by 10%, enough to cut heart-disease risk by almost 40%. Buy 100% juice that's at least 27% cranberry.

8. Eat grapefruit
One a day can reduce arterial narrowing by 46%, lower your LDL cholesterol by more than 10%, and help drop your blood pressure by more than 5 points.

9. Don't let your tank hit empty
A study in the British Medical Journal found that people who eat six or more small meals a day have 5% lower LDL cholesterol levels than those who eat one or two large meals. That's enough to shrink your risk of heart disease by 10 to 20%.


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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2014 04:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
10. Eat oatmeal cookies
In a University of Connecticut study, men with high LDL cholesterol (above 200 mg/dL) who ate oat-bran cookies daily for eight weeks dropped their levels by more than 20%.

11. Switch your spread
Buy trans fat-free margarine, such as Smart Balance Buttery Spread. Researchers in Norway found that, compared with butter, no-trans margarine lowered LDL cholesterol by 11%.

12. Take the Concord
University of California researchers found that compounds in Concord grapes help slow the formation of artery-clogging LDL cholesterol. The grapes also lower blood pressure by an average of 6 points if you drink just 12 ounces of their juice a day.

13. Swallow phytosterols or phytostanols
Both substances—derived from pine trees and soy—lower bad cholesterol levels by an average of 10 to 15%. Besides being available in supplements, the compounds are in cholesterol-lowering spreads like Benecol and Take Control.

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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2014 04:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
14. Be a part-time vegetarian
Researchers in Toronto found that men who added a couple of servings of vegetarian fare such as whole grains, nuts, and beans to their diets each day for a month lowered their LDL cholesterol by nearly 30%.

15. Switch to dark chocolate
Finish researchers found that consuming 2.5 ounces of dark chocolate each day boosts levels of HDL by between 11 and 14%.

One final tip: Your heart will benefit more from a few long-term health improvements than from a flurry of activity followed by a return to the dangerous norm. Above are the tools to protect yourself. Work five of them into your daily routine over the next month. When they become second nature, try five more. By year's end, you will have given your heart a beating chance.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-6-2014 08:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
30-June  原地Gym 脚踏车-30分钟
Upperbody workout 5 kg dumbbell 随便耍耍一下。
1-July 蛮累的一天,吃蛮多,7 点多,吃了3餐的重量是 71.7 结果又去吃第4餐,晚上才喝点麦片。
2-July 排泄蛮多的,晚上 打了4场球,两场激烈,两场mederate,喝了500ml 100plus。
3-July upperbody dumbbell workout 随便耍耍一下。
4-July 吃了rye 怪怪的早餐,昨晚很好睡,早上睡不醒。
5,6 号没运动,看球,人很累。没运动,去改运,按摩,希望把脂肪给按出来。
发现最低体重,70.8kg,70.9kg 都是早晨排泄后空肚子。算是有进展,有交代了。
7 -傍晚 运动走山30分钟,full squat 100 下,push up 10 下,sit-up 10下。
8 July- 35 分钟,散步,走山,快走。晚餐吃kfc percik 套餐,蛮油的饭。
9 July 打了 4 场羽毛球,哈哈,有收获。体重维持在 71.2kg
10 July 没运动到,人太累
体重漂浮不定,大完便 和 吃完早餐,吃完3餐的体重都不同。
11,Gym 脚踏车-20分钟,
12,跑步,快走,走山 30分钟,傍晚打羽毛球15分钟。
13,  脚踏车30分钟 178calories 消耗,打羽毛球15分钟。
14 , 走山,快走,30分钟,190 calories 消耗 15号, 没运动,16号,打了3场羽毛球moderate 比赛。

本帖最后由 吟舟 于 17-7-2014 09:59 AM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 8-7-2014 12:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
天气热,受不了,吃cola 冷的。

17 July 走山30分钟, 125 calories
18 July 没运动。
19 July 走山30分钟, 135 calories
20 July 爬山-55minutes, 424 calories
           下山-30minutes, 134 calories
           傍晚-走山 10 分钟
21 July No exercise
22 July No exercise
23 July 打羽毛球4场
24 July No exercise
25 原地跑步30分钟+30分钟【10 天1 hour moderate exercise 开始】
26 走来走去都有30分钟瓜
27 打了4场羽毛球应该都有30分钟。
28 gym脚踏车30+30分钟,快走30分钟,213calories
29 gym脚踏车30分钟,快走30分钟,232calories
30 四场羽毛球赛
31 走山,31+33minutes,137calories+260calories,Gym 脚踏车1 hour + 40 minutes
1 号,31 minutes,242 calories | 15 minutes 84 calories
2 号,32 minutes,249 calories
3 号,打了5场羽毛球。
4 号,240 calories hiking 31 minutes
5 号,原地跑步 30minutes
6 号,打了5场球。
7 号,没运动,昨晚没睡好。
8 号,244 calories 走山,30分钟,原地踏脚车,40分钟
9 号,273 calories 走山,35分钟。踏脚踏车 30分钟。
10 号,3场羽毛球,踏脚踏车,30分钟。
11 号,没运动,好像感冒了,人很累。有吃麦片,黑麦。
12 号,吃麦片和黑麦。gym 轻微脚踏车1小时。
13 号,3场羽毛球,蛮吃力的。14,15 没运动。17 号,1hour Gym bicycle 轻微。
How much should you exercise?
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends a healthy caloric deficit of 500 to 1,000 kcal per day in order to lose weight. To lose 0.5 to 1 kg per week -- a safe limit for weight loss – you need a deficit of 3,500 to 7,000 kcal per week.
According to the ACSM, prolonged low to moderate intensity aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging or cycling are good for weight loss. It recommends about 200 to 300 minutes per week of such physical activity for long-term weight loss.
Although resistance training shouldn’t be the focus of a weight-loss exercise plan, some elements should be incorporated to maintain or increase muscle mass in individuals, recommends Mr Png.

To prevent weight gain, it is recommended that you do a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week without increasing the number of calories you consume.
“Remember to start slowly with your exercise regimen and gradually increase its intensity and frequency,” says Dr Tham Kwang Wei, Senior Consultant and Director of the Obesity Metabolic Unit, LIFE Centre, Singapore General Hospital (SGH), a member of the SingHealth group.
Types of physical exercise for weight lossModerate-intensity aerobic activity
  • Badminton
  • Brisk walking
  • Leisure cycling
  • Tennis
Vigorous-intensity aerobic activity
  • Basketball
  • Running
  • Soccer
Equally important is incorporating incidental physical activity such as common daily activities. These are activities we do as part of life and are of low- to moderate-intensity exercise. These can also be used as a form of exercise if done for a minimum of 10 minutes at a time and can be accumulated over the day.
Daily activities that can be a form of exercise include
  • Taking the stairs instead of the lift/escalator
  • Getting off the bus early and walking the rest of the way to your destination
  • Parking your car far from your destination and walking
  • Household chores such as vacuuming, dusting, ironing, dishwashing
If your goal is to lose weight, you should target at least 250 minutes of exercise per week, instead of the 150 minutes required for weight maintenance.
"Your weekly exercise routine should also include resistance exercises," says Dr Tham. She adds, "Resistance exercises, allow for building of muscles. As muscles consume more energy than fat, those who are muscular burn more calories, even at rest."
Examples of resistance exercises
  • Free weights or weight machines
  • Resistance tubing
  • Water exercises
Need help adopting a better lifestyle? The LIFE Centreat Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has a multidisciplinary team of experts who can provide you with guidance on weight management, exercise and diet.

If you want to lose weight…
For optimal weight loss, you would need to go beyond the 150mins of moderate-intensity exercise per week. These exercise guidelines are meant for health maintenance and general disease prevention. When it comes to losing weight, experts recommend targeting 250mins of such moderate-intensity exercise. 本帖最后由 吟舟 于 16-8-2014 10:05 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 17-8-2014 10:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
17 August 脚踏车30分钟,随便打羽毛球10分钟,没什么跑的。
18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26没运动,看铁钉,knee 需要休息。glucosamine 可以先不要买,不可以太过依赖,偶尔不要吃。
70.8kg 最新体重。需要休息了,knee 和脚底都受伤了。
Cholesterol 下了,4.15 mmol/L

本帖最后由 吟舟 于 16-10-2014 04:35 PM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 3-3-2015 09:43 AM | 显示全部楼层
脚底坏 了 , 关节 也是 有 问题, 不能 做 运动 了。

体重 上 到 73.5,

胆固醇 水平 那些 没 检查 很 久 了


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发表于 3-3-2015 01:39 PM | 显示全部楼层








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