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发表于 12-10-2011 03:46 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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5. Doctrines of Nibbāna Here and Now (Diṭṭhadhammanibbānavāda): Views 58–62
93."There are, bhikkhus, some recluses and brahmins who maintain a doctrine of Nibbāna here and now and who, on five grounds, proclaim Nibbāna here and now for an existent being. And owing to what, with reference to what, do these honorable recluses and brahmins proclaim their views?

94."Herein, bhikkhus, a certain recluse or a brahmin asserts the following doctrine or view: 'When this self, good sir, furnished and supplied with the five strands of sense pleasures, revels in them — at this point the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now.' In this way some proclaim supreme Nibbāna here and now for an existent being.

95. "To him another says: 'There is, good sir, such a self as you assert. That I do not deny. But it is not at that point that the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now. What is the reason? Because, good sir, sense pleasures are impermanent, suffering, subject to change, and through their change and transformation there arise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair. But when the self, quite secluded from sense pleasures, secluded from unwholesome states, enters and abides in the first jhāna, which is accompanied by initial and sustained thought and contains the rapture and happiness born of seclusion — at this point, good sir, the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now.' In this way others proclaim supreme Nibbāna here and now for an existent being.

96."To him another says: 'There is, good sir, such a self as you assert. That I do not deny. But it is not at that point that the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now. What is the reason? Because that jhāna contains initial and sustained thought; therefore it is declared to be gross. But when, with the subsiding of initial and sustained thought, the self enters and abides in the second jhāna, which is accompanied by internal confidence and unification of mind, is free from initial and sustained thought, and contains the rapture and happiness born of concentration — at this point, good sir, the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now.' In this way others proclaim supreme Nibbāna here and now for an existent being.

97."To him another says: 'There is, good sir, such a self as you assert. That I do not deny. But it is not at that point that the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now. What is the reason? It is declared to be gross because of the mental exhilaration connected with rapture that exists there. But when, with the fading away of rapture, one abides in equanimity, mindful and clearly comprehending, and still experiencing happiness with the body, enters and abides in the third jhāna, so that the ariyans announce: "He abides happily, in equanimity and mind­fulness" — at this point, good sir, the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now.' In this way some proclaim supreme Nibbāna here and now for an existent being.

98."To him another says: 'There is, good sir, such a self as you assert. That I do not deny. But it is not at that point that the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now. What is the reason? It is declared to be gross because a mental concern, 'Happiness,' exists there. But when, with the abandoning of pleasure and pain, and with the disappearance of previous joy and grief, one enters and abides in the fourth jhāna, which is without pleasure and pain and contains purification of mindfulness through equanimity — at this point, good sir, the self attains supreme Nibbāna here and now.' In this way some proclaim supreme Nibbāna here and now for an existent being.
"This, bhikkhus, the Tathāgata understands... and it is concerning these that those who would rightly praise the Tathāgata in accordance with reality would speak.

99. "It is on these five grounds, bhikkhus, that these recluses and brahmins who maintain a doctrine of Nibbāna here and now proclaim supreme Nibbāna here and now for an existent being. Whatever recluses or brahmins proclaim supreme Nibbāna here and now for an existent being, all of them do so on these five grounds or on a certain one of them. Outside of these there is none.
"This, bhikkhus, the Tathāgata understands... and it is concerning these that those who would rightly praise the Tathāgata in accordance with reality would speak.

十九  “诸比丘!有某最上现法涅槃论者之沙门、婆罗门,彼等由五种根据,说现生有情之最上现法涅槃。彼等最上现法涅槃论者之沙门、婆罗门,依何、根据何而以五种之根据,说现生有情之最上现法涅槃耶?

二十  诸比丘!今某沙门、婆罗门有如是说、如是见:“汝!此我实于现在具足、满足五欲乐时,汝!此我则达最上现法涅槃。”如是说现生有情之最上现法涅槃。

二一  对此,其他者说:“汝说此我实是存在,我不说此我不存在。然,汝“此我实未达最上现法涅槃。所以者何?五欲乐是无常、苦、变易性,由其变易性而变化,即生起忧、悲、苦、愁、恼。然,汝!此我确实离诸欲,离不善法,有寻有伺,由离生喜、乐之初禅住时,汝!则此我到达最上现法涅槃。”如是某人说现生有情之最上现法涅槃。

二二  对此,更有其他者说:“汝言此我确实存在,我不说此我不存在。然,汝!此我确实未到达最上现法涅槃。所以者何?于此有寻有伺故,则谓粗浅之初禅。汝!此我,实是灭寻、伺,内心安静,得心一境性,无寻无伺,由定生喜乐之第二禅住时,汝!此我则到达最上现法涅槃。”如是某人说现生有情之最上现法涅槃。

二三  对此,更有其他者说:“汝说此我确实存在,我不说此我不存在。然,汝!此我实未达最上现法涅槃。所以者何?于此有喜,心躁乱故,则谓粗浅之第二禅。然,汝!此我舍喜,住于舍,正念正智,由身受乐,诸圣者宣示:“舍念乐住”之第三禅住时,汝!此我则到达最上现法涅槃。”如是某人说现生有情之最上现法涅槃。

二四  对此,更有其他者说:“汝说此我确实存在,我不说此我不存在。然,汝!此我实未达最上现法涅槃。所以者何?于此,心有乐之向趣故,则谓粗浅之第三禅。汝!此我实舍离乐、舍离苦,又灭先前有喜悦及忧恼,不苦不乐,连舍念清净之第四禅住时,汝!此我则实达最上现法涅槃。”如是某人说现生有情之最上现法涅槃。

二五  诸比丘!此即彼等最上现法涅槃论者之沙门、婆罗门,由五种根据,说现生有情最上现法涅槃。诸比丘!任何最上现法涅槃论者之沙门、婆罗门,说现生有情之最上现法涅槃,皆由此等五种根据,或依此等中任何之一,此外即无根据。

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 楼主| 发表于 12-10-2011 04:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

如是大德帝須,方便令王知已,七日在園林中,帝須教王,是律、是非律,是法、是非法,是佛說、是非佛說。七日竟,王勅:「以步障作隔,所見同者集一隔中,不同見者各集異隔。處處隔中,出一比丘,王自問言:「大德!佛法 云何?」

有比丘答言:「常 ,或言斷 ,或言非想 ,或言非想非非想 ,或言世間涅槃 。」

王聞諸比丘言已,此非比丘,即是外道 也。」王既知已,王即以白衣服與諸外道,驅令罷道。

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发表于 3-1-2012 08:44 PM | 显示全部楼层

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