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Moringa 辣木营养 - AJL932022 美商Zija Products 落地马来西亚成为亚洲总部

发表于 8-7-2013 09:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
【 營養失調者的救星 ----- 辣木 】


(法新社獅子山自由市18日電) 獅子山政府在推廣一種被稱為「營養炸藥」的熱帶植物,說它是天然的萬靈丹。獅子山部分健康指標在全球敬陪末座。


獅子山辣木協會(Moringa Association)的柯爾曼(Jonas Coleman)誇耀說,獅子山總統柯洛瑪(Ernest Koroma)本身也常使用辣木油。辣木油為辣木植物產品的一種。



私人醫療機構醫師桑柯(Harry Sankoh)表示:「這的確是有助醫療的良好藥性植物。任何對健康有益的事物,都值得我們讚許。」


辣木科只有一屬—辣木屬,約13種,主要分布在非洲以及亞洲西部和南部。最主要的品種是原生於印度南部的辣木和原生於非洲的Moringa stenopetala,辣木科的拉丁語名稱就來源於泰米爾語。

辣木的根有辣味,可以食用;幼果和葉也可以食用;花和樹皮可供藥用;種子可榨油,用於油畫,也有可能成為生質柴油的原料。關鍵就是辣木可以生活於許多環境 中,各個部份幾乎都可以食用,家畜也可以食用(當飼料)。辣木葉本身就含豐富的蛋白質,各種必需胺基酸應有盡有。維他命方面包含A、B群、C 以及礦物質都找得到:

Janick, Jules; Robert E. Paull (2008). The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts. CABI. pp. 509–510. ISBN 9780851996387.



"The Moringa Tree Moringa oleifera". Trees for Life International.

http://www.treesforlife.org/docu ... al%29%20screen.pdf. Retrieved 2009-12-29.

根據研究發現,食用這種植物,其蛋白質達到60%,比黃豆高出40%。臨床也證實,辣木葉萃取液可刺激胰島素的分泌,有效降低第II型糖尿病(非胰島素依 賴型糖尿病,NIDDM)的血糖,又可醫治高血壓、皮膚病、貧血、骨質疏鬆症、關節炎等疾病。最近非洲有國家在努力推廣這種植物的種植,期望解決國民營養 不良的狀況,對於健康資訊關心的人可以多留意辣木的相關資訊


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发表于 8-7-2013 09:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
【 Zija 产品功效的见证 】


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发表于 8-7-2013 10:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
【 Zija 产品功效的见证 - 3 】


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发表于 8-7-2013 10:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
Your care for you skin and never burden it for short term result but instead of real long term result as moringa does rejuvenates the cell to work normally.


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发表于 8-7-2013 10:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
Zija Takes POOR nutrition to CORE nutrition ~

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
Amazing Moringa! isn't Miracle is happening ...what are you waiting for?

78 yr old jack shaw shares his and his wife's Zija testimony & he's already made thousands & gone gold his 1st 2 weeks!!!!


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发表于 8-7-2013 10:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
Zija International - Doctor Testimonials


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发表于 8-7-2013 10:01 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
ZIJA Weight Management System

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
Zija Moringa Oleifera Opportunity Presented By Mike Sims

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
Moringa Oleifera (Zija) Benefits explained by Dr. Howard Fisher.


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发表于 8-7-2013 10:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
Introduction to Zija International "Moringa Oleifera" - The Miracle Tree

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
Zija Black Diamond Luke Curry Shares The Zija Products for Athletes

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
Why Zija's Moringa?

Over the last 50 years we have observed the widespread commoditization of food. While it is cheaper and more readily available than ever before, the low-cost manufacturing and harvesting practices used to produce food have compromised its nutritional value. For example, 100 years ago the average person consumed around 200 grams of fiber daily; today that number is closer to 15 grams. The result is a worldwide nutritional famine.

The beneficial properties of Moringa are unparalleled and highly unique. Moringa is enriched with both water and fat-soluble vitamins, it is an excellent source of the amino acids that our body craves, and it has rare phytocompounds that aid in promoting a healthier body.

Recognizing that the nutrition in Moringa is not immune to harsh harvesting and manufacturing practices, Zija has gone above and beyond industry standards to deliver the most nutritious Moringa possible. From tree to mouth, Zija scrutinizes each step to ensure that nutrition is at the forefront of all decisions in the growing, harvesting, and manufacturing processes. In this Food for Thought article I will address just a few of the steps that Zija takes to ensure that the nutrition of our products is never compromised; after all, Moringa without its nutrition becomes just another plant.


Not all Moringa is created equal. In fact, depending on where Moringa trees are grown, their nutritional content can vary significantly. Knowing this, Zija has vetted several different locations and farms where our organic Moringa trees will have the highest nutrient content available, even if it comes at a premium cost.


We work tirelessly to ensure that Moringa’s nutritional properties are conserved as much as possible during its harvesting and preparation. While shade drying is a much longer and more costly process than drying in the sun, it also prevents harmful UV rays from crosslinking vitamins and minerals, which would render them inert. This once again demonstrates Zija’s commitment to delivering the most nutritious Moringa possible.


Zija has created a proprietary blend that incorporates several different efficacious parts of the Moringa tree. This blend has allowed us to achieve a complementary nutritional profile. For example, even though Moringa leaves contain a lot of Vitamin C, the pods contain even more. By combining Moringa leaves, seeds, and fruit, we can maximize Moringa nutrition in products such as SmartMix, SuperMix, PR1ME90, XM+ Energy Mix, XM3 Energy Drink, XMam, and XMpm.


As a leader in manufacturing technology, Zija uses state of the art machinery for each and every one of our products. Understanding that nutrition can be compromised by exposure to sunlight, oxygen, and time, we quickly blend and assemble our products into airtight sachets that meet the highest standards of manufacturing.

Here at Zija, we are unwilling to compromise the nutritional value of Moringa. In doing so we are able to deliver a highly valuable product that helps address the nutritional void that is so prevalent in today’s diet.


Dr. Joshua Plant
Zija's Director of Research Sciences

Source : http://www.drinklifein.com/media ... 130221/food-thought

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
Purifying Water With Seeds from the Moringa oleifera tree

An age-old method Purifying Water With Moringa oleifera seeds
It is a non-toxic flocculate, with all-natural anti-bacterial components to it.

You are consuming the whole plant and seeds in Zija.
If the seeds can purify water as stated then imagine what it is doing for your body!

Pure water is a key requirement for good health and alternative cheap, safe methods are required in many countries. In a paper that has just been published in the American Chemical Society journal, Langmuir, researchers from Uppsala University in co-operation with The University of Botswana describe how extracts from seeds of the Moringa oleifera tree can be used for water purification.

Full Articles : http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100218102452.htm

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
Chronic Migraines] -Zija Story

My name is Alisha & I have suffered from chronic migraines for the past three years. I've had them off & on since my teenage years but they've gotten worse the past three years. They had gotten to where I had them two or three times a week & would last a minimum of a day, if not two or three days. I've had them so bad that if my husband was home I could go to bed, if not I was laying in the recliner. With three children at home my availability to go to the hospital (when there were times I needed to) were not an option. You can't really take care of children if you're knocked out!

The doctors tried me on every migraine medicine available & couldn't find one that would work. I was finally given Lortab 7.5, which would maybe help take the edge off, sometimes. As many of you know, Lortab is suppose to be taken every six hrs as needed... I've taken one & then another within two hrs trying to get some relief & it still not help.

We received a phone call from Mrs. Jackson about Zija a couple of months ago & my husband agreed to meet with her about it. He brought me home a weeks supply of the smart mix to try. He really wanted to get into the business but me being the skeptic I am, was not willing if it didn't help me. So after week one, I had to try it for another week just to be sure! Told you I was a skeptic! I am now hooked!!! It's now been one month & one day & I've only had one migraine in that month. Even with that it only lasted about eight hours. I drink one packet of smart mix a day & not only has it pretty much "cured" my migraines but it has also given me more energy & made me feel so much better.

I no longer have to tell my children, "Not right now, Mama's head hurts" or "Please keep it down, Mama's head hurts." I can play with them, watch movies with them, play the radio & just about anything else I/we want to do because I FEEL like it!!! God blessed me when He made this plant & gave Mr. Bianchi the knowledge to formulate it!!! Thank you God & thank you Zija!!! Alisha Greathouse - Beaver Dam KY, USA

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发表于 8-7-2013 10:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
年諾貝爾獎得主Gunter Blobel博士說特定的物質.正確地作用於特定的目標.可見缺乏任何ㄧ種原素.則人體內的某些機能也必然失去作用.各種健康問題.也隨之而來.

** 巨量元素 **
(1) 鈣Ca~ 促進神經傳導.缺鈣會緊張發怒.抽筋.失眠.平衡可免骨質疏鬆.
(2) 鉀K~ 增加腦力及思考力.缺鉀會使骨肌麻痺.心臟衰弱.
(3) 鎂Mg~ 提供精力泉源.缺鎂會神經亢奮.急躁不安.肌肉衰退.
(4) 鈉Na~ 維持血壓平衡.缺鈉會使血壓降低.無力.容易疲倦.心絞痛.
(5) 磷P~ 傳導訊息.供應能量.平衡鈣質.缺磷造成肌肉衰退及骨骼畸形.

** 微量元素 **
(1) 鋅Zn~ 提高免疫力.抗氧化力.抗老化力.是胰島素成分.能平衡血醣.降低血壓.維持性機能的
(2) 銅Cu~ 提高免疫力.抗癌.抗氧化.強化血管肌肉.參與骨骼形成.維持神經系統.
(3) 鐵Fe~ 提高免疫力.活力與補血.參與氧的運送.去除自由基.抗氧化抗癌.
癌症特效藥—辣木 夏天培老師

一. 學名:Oil of Ben Tree
二. 別名:山葵樹.臭樹豆.美國堪薩斯州稱生命之樹.
三. 機原:為樹豆屬植物.高療效.營養豐.隨種隨長.抗貧救飢植物.
四. 型態:辣木的外觀很不起眼.糾結的樹幹及亂糟糟的枝葉.像是棵沒長好的柏樹.它具有
五. 性味:辛.微溫.無毒.
六. 入經:肺.腎.肝.心.脾.
七. 用量:三至五錢.曬乾研粉服.或用辣木提煉注射液.
八. 產地:阿拉伯半島.印度.南非.非洲.美國.中南美洲到南洋地區均可找到.目前台灣地區也有
九. 藥材: (一)有木栓化樹皮.芳香的花排成圓錐花序.鼓槌般的長筴果內含油性植物種子;(二)辣木
十. 成分:辣木營養超級豐富.從為他A.B.C.蛋白質到鈣.鉀.鐵等礦物質幾乎一應俱全.根據學者統計只要三湯匙的辣木葉粉末就含有幼兒每日所需的270%維他命A;42%的蛋白質;125%的鈣;70%的鐵及22%的維他命c.科學家研究發現.辣木所含的鈣質是牛奶的四倍.鉀是香蕉的三倍.鐵是菠菜的三倍.維他命c是柑橘的七倍.為他A是貝塔胡蘿蔔素是胡蘿蔔的四倍.而辣木籽油比起橄欖油更為健康.有益人體.
十一. 藥理:是一種免疫性新的制癌劑.與一般化學的抗癌劑有所不同的作用.是屬於非特異姓作用免疫劑.因其制癌作用是增強宿主的抗癌力.非直接殺癌作用.
十二. 主治:消化器癌(胃.食道.結腸.直腸癌.肺癌及乳癌.子宮癌.皮膚癌)和各種腫瘤淋巴腺的病變;風濕症.痛風.尿酸過多.高血壓.糖尿病.低血糖症.抗過敏.治療皮膚病.據學者近來研究試治愛滋病也有療效.
十三. 臨床報導:
(一) 印度和非洲是人們印象中的貧苦之地.印度次大陸好幾億人口.生活在貧窮線下.非洲黑暗大陸.更是戰亂飢荒頻傳.缺水.疾病及營養不良造成無數生靈塗炭.只是在這種惡劣的環境中卻產一種被科學家譽為神奇之樹[辣木].它不但具備不可思議的豐富營養.還可以用來治療糖尿病.高血壓等病的要才.還具有淨水的功能.堪稱是一種萬用植物 .
(二) 印度及塞內加爾以辣木葉做成醬料.而在尼羅河谷地.辣木果筴搗碎後是很有效的淨水劑.
(三) 奈及利亞人用辣木碎葉洗鍋具.牙買加從辣木幹中取得藍色染料.辣木籽油是極佳的食用油.而且不會腐壞.因此可以用作防腐劑.甚至潤滑油.
(四) 西非的醫生用辣木治療糖尿病.印度用以防治高血壓.它對若干皮膚病也有奇效.在美國和印度.南非等地早就有人拿來食用和療病.古埃及更早拿來煉油香料銷售給國外做化妝品原料.它的精油不但可美白肌膚外可以防老化.更可貴的它能除皺紋淡化斑點.消除青春痘等奇效.
(五) 辣木葉新奇的效能從除菌淨化污水補充營養到糖尿病.高血壓.風濕症.各種疾病.辣木最為人津津樂道之處.他全株均可食用.有人因此形容辣木是植物界的超人克拉克的肯定.看似平凡無奇.實則神通廣大.

(六) 瓜地馬拉的聖卡洛大學研究發現辣木粉及樹根含有一 種抗菌成分治療皮膚病和感染很有效.學者鄭重聲明樹皮及樹根等可以降低血壓和血糖.治療各種炎症腫大瘤疾.及如腸胃不適.風施政.關節炎等.甚至可舒緩神經系統.對歇斯底里及止痛都有作用.值得注意的是.藥植物適量為藥.過量成毒.像辣木樹皮在印度用作打胎藥.但有時會造成孕婦血崩而喪命.
(七) 根據美國華盛頓人學博士生奧爾森鄭重聲明.辣木可以增強免疫力.可煉免疫力疫苗.防腫瘤擴大.癌細胞擴散.在美國和印度列入國寶級植物.
(八) 體外試驗發現有阻止癌細胞對Cridine和Tirymidime的吸收.在動物實驗1.可使帶患癌動物的遲緩型皮膚反應降低.恢復到正常;2.帶患癌動物已以異種的紅血球礦員所生的抗體產生能力降低.Krerrin可阻止TgG抗體抗氧紅血球細胞與1gm抗體Hamrtrter紅血球細胞的能力降低;3.本品可使帶癌症之動物感染抵抗力恢復.使宿主恢復到正常的免疫力來抑制癌細胞的增值.由於本品非化學殺菌劑.可減少化學副作用.
(九 ) 辣木有人拿來作為淨水劑.根據實驗一顆辣木籽押碎後就能使一公升污濁的水變成乾淨水.其中的雜質及細菌都會凝結後沉澱.更奇妙的是它不像一般的化學淨水劑硫化鋁.使用過量會產生毒性副作用.
(十) 根據天麗天然植物農場醫藥研究中心做臨床醫學測驗追中報導如下:用辣木提煉注射液.對貝拋棄患有嚴重皮膚病和皮膚癌的流浪狗做注射實驗.用辣木葉粉末同一時間服用.一星期後患病狗皮膚乾燥不在流膿水.同時和小白鼠次是同樣效果.每星期打一針連續打四星期.結果很驚奇的發現這些病狗不但皮膚病痊癒了.在長出新毛髮來.變成一之美麗可愛犬隻.可見辣木的免疫力強校外.不久的將來辣木可再台提煉腫瘤的免疫力液苗.據該研發中心測試所紀錄辣木效用廣大.對各種癌症細胞還能阻止它擴散外.還能防腫瘤和癌細胞的病變.難怪科學界看好身價大力推廣.
(十一) 辣木葉和刺天茄治鼻咽癌.
(十二) 辣木葉和刺天茄.車前草治膀胱癌.
(十三) 辣木莖葉和刺天茄.小本山葡萄.一顆蘋果打歲治胃腸癌.
(十四) 辣木莖葉和刺天茄.小本山葡萄.龍葵地下根.治一般毒瘤.
(十五) 辣木對淨化血液特別有幫助.血液是近康的根本.當我們的血液成酸性時.我們的身體容易發生病變.所以淨化血液能夠強化體質.防範感染發病.並且能夠把已患的病狀趕散到正常.身體因為外在或內在的原因.新陳代謝失常.代謝物在血液和組織中無法排除.因造成[毒血症].這才是一切疾病的根源.包括傳染病和慢性病在內.細菌只有在毒性血液中方能發生破壞作用.所以自然療法強調[萬病一因].根據液體病理學.萬病一因.一切疾病的根源赧是毒血症.而毒血症則是[自體中毒]行成的.由於錯誤的飲食習慣.錯誤的生活方式.情緒的因素和環境的污染.使排泄功能緩慢.因而引起身體中毒現象.
摘錄自”自然保健月刊第231期 2003.04”
辣木的豐富營養.根據國外天主教網站公佈包括:高維生素如:A.B.B1.B2.B3.C1.E.高蛋白質.高纖維.6種礦物質(鈣.鎂.磷.鉀.鈉.硫)5種微量元素(鋅.銅.鐵.錳.硒)及 十一種人體必需氨基酸(八種是人體無法自行合成).氨基酸 !
**友人長期吃素瘦弱容易餓~每餐吃太多易脹氣消化不良~之前更突然肝膽指數過高住院~出院後易疲勞找保肝食品!沒想到每餐飯後吃<辣木荳>竟然對:脹氣消化不良+肝疲勞營養幫助很大~目前長胖精神氣色體力都很好~成為辣木最佳代言人! 10年來~幫助1萬多名愛用者: 中醫師,護士,保健專家,素食,發育中青少年,上班族.氣功民俗專家,保健養生族,夜貓子.家庭主婦,退休人士,老年人.調整體質~恢復健康!

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发表于 9-7-2013 11:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
Benboo~ 我是大(米JAJA)&#12316;感恩你帮我顶帖子&#12316;我相信现在你也明白“辣木树,有多好&#12316;多有价值! 本帖最后由 jaja++ 于 8-4-2014 10:25 PM 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 10-7-2013 01:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
u r welcome....

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