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英国学校 歧视 非穆丝灵学生?

发表于 23-4-2014 02:12 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Leaked inspectors report: UK schools discriminate against non-Muslims
泄密: 英国学校 歧视 非穆丝灵学生 ?

Schools in the UK city of Birmingham are discriminating against non-Muslim students, practice forced sex segregation and invite extremists to promote Islamic values among the children, says an official report leaked to The Telegraph.

The report released by the inspectors from the Department for Education focuses on three Birmingham’s schools, including Park View School, a secondary school with an academy status, Golden Hillock School, also an academy and Nansen Primary School.

The Park View School practiced forced sex segregation as “boys [were] sitting towards the front of the class and girls at the back or around the sides” despite the school’s claims that such separation was voluntary, says the report.

“Students told us they were required to sit in the places which they were given by teachers,” add the inspectors, saying that this method (of sex segregation) is considered to be “non-compliance with the Equality Act” and is “less favorable treatment for girls.”

The school was missing many “un-Islamic” elements from the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) syllabus and the subjects were formed “to comply with conservative Islamic teaching.”

Park View also encourages to “begin and end each lesson with a prayer.” The call for prayer was broadcast via loudspeakers across the school, says the report.

School officials at Park View have invited Sheikh Shady al-Suleiman, an extremist preacher “known to extol... the stoning of homosexuals, anti-Semitic views [and is] sympathetic to Al-Qaeda,” according to the report.

"Non-Muslims" have to teach themselves
Golden Hillock school banned any discussion of sexual orientation or intimacy, a move which highly affected “the broad and balanced teaching of many subjects, including art and English literature.”

Christian and non-Muslim students also suffered discrimination, add the inspectors as many Christian students at school “have to teach themselves” in one GCSE subject after the teacher “concentrated on the students who were doing the Islamic course.”

The only primary school among them was Nansen where 10-11-year-old children were not taught arts, humanities or music while Arabic was a compulsory subject for all the children.

The biology classes at all three schools were also changed according to Islamic values. The biology teacher “briefly delivered the theory of evolution to comply with the syllabus,” and explained to the children that “this is not what we believe,” a child from one of the schools told the inspectors.

“Topics such as body structure and the menstrual cycle were not covered in class, though pupils needed them for the GCSE exam . . . students told us that as Muslims they were not allowed to study matters such as reproduction with the opposite sex,” wrote the inspectors.

Image from nansen.bham.sch.ukImage from nansen.bham.sch.uk

According to the report, all three schools were in reality ruled by Tahir Alam, a chair of governors at the Park View School academy and a leading activist of the Muslim Council of Britain. Alam had an “inappropriate day-to-day role in the running of the schools” and received undeclared payments from them as a “consultant,” the report says.

“Rude and dismissive” attitude towards ‘non-Muslim staff’
Meanwhile, the schools also reorganized their teaching staff according to Islamic standards. According to the report, school chiefs filled leading positions at schools with close relatives, who had no teaching experience. So teaching standards as well as children’s safety were put at risk, says the report.

Female staff at one of the schools were also treated in a “rude and dismissive” way.“ "One of the senior leaders [at Nansen] interviewed reported that she had never met a governor or been invited to a governing body meeting, although the male senior leader with similar responsibilities was invited to every meeting,” says the report.

Park View’s non-Muslim executive head teacher, Lindsey Clark, had been marginalized and reduced to a figurehead. The governors of the school said that she was “was unaware of the names of some of the more recent appointments to the senior leadership team.” In March Clark said that Park View established an “all-female madrasah” type of education, a specific type of religious school or college for the study of the Islamic religion. She retired at the beginning of April.

The governors at Nansen appointed the brother of a convicted terrorist as a deputy head teacher. Razwan Faraz “was appointed deputy only three years after [achieving] qualified teacher status,” the report says. Faraz is an administrator of the Educational Activists group, which is calling for an “Islamising agenda” in Birmingham schools.

Meanwhile, the shadow education secretary, Tristram Hunt, is prepared to attack those who promote religious values on secular schools on Saturday.

“We cannot have narrow, religious motives which seek to divide and isolate dictating state schooling. We cannot have head teachers forced out, teachers undermined, curricula rewritten and cultural or gender-based segregation,” he said at NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers) union conference in Birmingham.

In March, Birmingham city council started investigating the allegations that a group of radical Muslims were attempting to islamize Birmingham schools. A leaked letter to Birmingham City Council outlined a plan called ‘Operation Trojan Horse,’ which aimed at “taking over” at least four schools in areas of the city with large Muslim populations.

According to the letter, a group of radical Muslims was trying to oust head teachers and secretly turn schools into Muslim academies based on Salafi Islam principles. Salafis strictly adhere to religious traditions of the seventh century rather than 21st century realities. The movement has been linked to some terrorist groups around the world.

Alam, who was accused of being one of the plotters, said that the letter was “a malicious fabrication and completely untrue.”

The Department for Education and Birmingham City Council agreed to investigate the letter, although West Midlands Police decided that it was not a matter for them.

Meanwhile, the probe into Birmingham schools has widened. According to the reports, released from Thursday, at least 25 schools in the city are now under investigation.


本帖最后由 sinovic 于 23-4-2014 02:19 AM 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 23-4-2014 02:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
The governors at Nansen appointed the brother of a convicted terrorist as a deputy head teacher. Razwan Faraz “was appointed deputy only three years after [achieving] qualified teacher status,” the report says. Faraz is an administrator of the Educational Activists group, which is calling for an “Islamising agenda” in Birmingham schools.

In March, Birmingham city council started investigating the allegations that a group of radical Muslims were attempting to islamize Birmingham schools. A leaked letter to Birmingham City Council outlined a plan called ‘Operation Trojan Horse,’ which aimed at “taking over” at least four schools in areas of the city with large Muslim populations.

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 楼主| 发表于 23-4-2014 02:16 AM | 显示全部楼层
sinovic 发表于 23-4-2014 02:15 AM
The governors at Nansen appointed the brother of a convicted terrorist as a deputy head teacher. Raz ...

重点就是[isla.mis.ing agen.da ] , [ with lar.ge mus.lim pop.ulation ]

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发表于 23-4-2014 02:45 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 23-4-2014 10:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
xloongx 发表于 23-4-2014 02:45 AM



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发表于 23-4-2014 10:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
sinovic 发表于 23-4-2014 10:53 AM



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发表于 23-4-2014 12:03 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-4-2014 12:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
WHY~G 发表于 23-4-2014 12:03 PM
然后占据了你们的地方说那是他 ...




本帖最后由 cct2050 于 23-4-2014 12:27 PM 编辑


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发表于 23-4-2014 02:43 PM | 显示全部楼层
cct2050 发表于 23-4-2014 12:25 PM




参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
某個路人甲 + 5 我很赞同



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发表于 23-4-2014 08:03 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 24-4-2014 12:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
当他们是少数时他们要求尊重, 当他们是多数时则会无所不用其极灭了你.

论保护社会平等,  老千都比他们更值得被信任!

若他们成功成为多数,人类文明将会倒退几百年,就算没倒退也肯定是停滞不前。。 本帖最后由 kaobeikaobu 于 24-4-2014 12:09 AM 编辑


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
vongolia + 5 我很赞同



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发表于 24-4-2014 01:35 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 25-4-2014 11:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
cct2050 发表于 23-4-2014 12:25 PM



最想不到的是白人真是底b. 还不解决他们。


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发表于 25-4-2014 12:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
sinovic 发表于 25-4-2014 11:47 AM

最想不到的是白人真是底b. 还不解决他 ...

穆罕默德奉命和人类进行斗争,直到他们念清真言。 (布哈里圣训1:25,392,393;4:52:196)

在艾栽卜 (氏族) 之役之後穆罕默德说会去攻击异教徒。 (布哈里圣训5:59:435)

穆罕默德允许在晚上攻击多神教徒的战士,而这可能使他们的女人和儿童暴露在危险中。 (布哈里圣训4:52:256)
战争是欺骗。 (布哈里圣训4:52:267至269)

没几个去解读他们的经文 ( 尤其是宣扬欺骗,虚假语言,暴力杀戮最力的圣训 )


本帖最后由 cct2050 于 25-4-2014 05:31 PM 编辑


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发表于 25-4-2014 01:14 PM | 显示全部楼层


古兰经第45章70-75 讲述了天堂里白皙的处女是安拉对穆斯林的奖赏,圣训》2687 对这些色情的教条进行解释:

穆罕默德说:‘给天堂中的人们的最小奖赏,是一座有8万名奴隶和72位妻子的住所,它的圆顶上镶嵌着珍珠、碧玉和红宝石’,它的跨度相当于从 Al-Jabiyyah[大马士革的郊区]到 Sana’a[也门]的距离’。

古兰经的注释者 Al-Suyuti  (卒于公元1505年)生动细致地详细描述了这种肉欲的愉悦。他写道:“每一次我们和一个天堂美女睡觉,我们都会发现她是处女。此外,被主选中的这些人的阴茎永远不会变软。他们将永远勃起。每次你做爱的感觉美妙至极,绝非人间的感觉。如果你在人间体验到这种感觉,你会昏过去。除了在人间的妻子,每一个被选中的穆斯林将与70位[原文如此]天堂美女结婚,而她们的阴道全都美妙极了。”

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发表于 25-4-2014 02:26 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 25-4-2014 07:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
chinared 发表于 25-4-2014 02:26 PM

英国 20年内沦陷 ?


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发表于 26-4-2014 08:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
sinovic 发表于 25-4-2014 11:47 AM

最想不到的是白人真是底b. 还不解决他 ...

走私  贩毒 卖军火 洗黑钱 到底谁在做?
只要有钱 还要很多钱  就有民主
权贵统治集团  才是真正的神


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