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(Updated:17Aug2014) 緊急公告尋求各方協助以化解或減輕迫在眉睫的世界危機

发表于 17-8-2014 02:52 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(Updated:17Aug2014) Urgent Notice Seeking Help to resolve or alleviate urgent crisis worldwide 緊急公告尋求各方協助以化解或減輕迫在眉睫的世界危機
This Page Created & Published on 07 Aug 2014



Messages to those working in Nuclear Field, Politicians, TV media & Print Media & Online Media especially Media Hosts & Radio Broadcast, various online forums corporation and administrators, medical industry, farmers, businessmen especially business leaders and management staff, entrepreneurs, music industry, performing arts industry, people with religions and faiths of different ethnic groups, Chinese, all human beings
公告對像:從事輿核武有關工作的人士,政界各階層領導人,電視媒體及平面媒體及網絡媒體尤其媒體主持人以及廣播界,全世界各網絡論壇公司及管理人,醫療界,農界,商界企業職員尤其領導及管理層,創業人士或正要創業人士,音樂界,演藝界,有各自正信宗教信仰不同族群人士,炎黃子孫,全體人類, 您讀者,或剛好您就是以上人物的親朋戚友或同事。

-------MESSAGES START-------

Messages incomplete, pending to insert.

Messages to those working in Nuclear Field, Political Leaders,Peace Lovers 對從事輿核武有關工作的人士,政治領袖,和平愛好者
Please WIDELY DISTRIBUTE the video or disc of Spirit Possession of Albert Einstein's Main Message

References: click to view
Video 視頻:
pending still waiting someone who read this message to give us the link for us to share it out

請問誰有光碟或相關愛因斯坦附體網絡連接,確認後請貼上,好讓大家可以大量大量流通出去。阿彌陀佛 Amitabha

If you happen to read this message, please do not hesistate if you think yourself can give a helping hand.
I need your help to widely spread this article including all online forums of various countries various language no matter we get the original link of Spirit Possession of Albert Einstein's Message to certain people or not, Translate it to Various Languages if you or someone you know has the abilities to translate to other Languages.  Try to translate all below, if cannot, please translate those part only that you understand and those part you have confident translating it without error, those part you don't understand or perhaps you think you might translate it wrongly, Remember to leave it as the orginal language.(Article to be translated and distributed by your help:


Article Labels 文摘標簽:
Spirit Possession of Albert Einstein Main Message 愛因斯坦附體透露的主要訊息, 反核武 Anti Nuclear Weapon, 21世紀危機 Crisis of 21st Century, India 印度, Pakistan 巴基斯坦,愛因斯坦附體那片光碟那個光碟要大量流通 The discs of Spirit Possession of Albert Einstein Message should be WIDELY DISTRIBUTED

Messages to Medical Industry 對醫療界的呼籲:
Please stop providing babies abortion services
References: click to view
Video 視頻:
Repentance of female artist
丁嘉麗 Ding Jiali & special interview with Venerable Master Chin Kung
Messages to all National TV Medias Worldwide 對全世界各國國家電視媒體的呼籲:
Person who make this appeal 帶頭呼籲者:陳大惠
Please broadcast this video on national TV channel worldwide
Video Origin 視頻來源: www.sxjyqqw.org 聖賢教育全球同學網
Video Links:
http://www.sxjyqqw.org/dh_15_zhuanti/show.asp?id=292 or click to view
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTPbvosA1OI&list=PLH7J7279DQ9yF3jX4pXWOLrvUaSdkFPUt&index=19 or click to view
Messages to ALL especially Buddhists, Chinese without religion 對佛教徒,無信仰的華裔的呼籲:
Those eastern people living in rural area since ancient times, or at least those who born during 40's and 50's were 100% vegetarian or less meat more vege, taking meat only once or twice per year, with good health condition compared to current human living in this era.
Go VEGAN or at least learn from Malays taking halal food if you can't do it 100% at the moment.
Although current Sri Lanka's people are not based in Mahayana Buddhism but they will take 7 days vege consecutively nationally.
(It is encouraging that there are people of various ethnic groups around the world with or without religion willing to go vegan and the numbers are increasing)
Message to all believers of water missionary Dr. Masaru Emoto 對相信江本勝博士水實驗報告的人士的呼籲:
Suggestion by Dr. Masaru Emoto 江本勝博士
[At noon on the 11th (11th of Each Month), your local time, please say the following words called “The Grand Invocation” :
“Uchu no Mugen no Chikara ga Kori Kotte, Makoto no Daiwa no Miyo ga, Nari Natta.”
This means in english: The eternal power of the Universe has gathered itself to create the world with true and grand harmony.]
More info:Click here to view
(Thank you to those with faith and religion who not only pray often but also follow the sacred teachings of the wise)

Messages incomplete, pending to insert.

-------MESSAGES END-------

Thank you very much for your kindness assistances.

Terima Kasih kerana memberi pertolongan ini.

以上資料來源:http://sites.google.com/site/sol ... viate-urgent-crisis

本帖最后由 miaoyin 于 17-8-2014 04:18 PM 编辑


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