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总行程传单Sino China Trip Flyer
Last Update: Nov 12 - 9:26pm
3 Seats FILLED, ONLY 2 Seats Are Available.
Currently 2 male + 1 female backpackers / One Singaporean + 2 Malaysians
**WANTED: 青春不留白:诚邀5~6位各界背包驴友上北京 澳门 珠海 广州 北京 满洲里, 内外蒙古 俄罗斯边界城市
Hello All, I am planning a "BANG FOR THE BUCK" Low Cost Sino-China Backpack trip
around May ~ June 2016 (Duration 2~3weeks)
(人民币 5500 ~ 7500) *机票另计Destination:
Macau~Zhuhai~中山~Guangzhou & all the way up north to Beijing ~ Inner Mongolia~
Manchuria ~ outer Mongolia~Ulaanbaatar ~ Russia border city
Estimated expenses Per PAX RMB 5.5K to 7.5K (not include air ticket)
NOTE: All costs are shared amongst members, such as hotel, transport, foods, games & entertainment.
You DO NOT pay me or other members directly.
Highlights: 到大陆,蒙古与俄罗斯时,钱要自己收好,过海关口岸时,自己的包包,自己拿,队友不帮别的队友拿东西或带东西
(由其是过空港,客运海关口岸) 除了队员的自家人列外, 请自行决定。
This is a trip of a life time!!! Meeting With New Local & Foreign Friends!!!
It's gonna be full of fun, challenging & adventurous !!! Great memories of a LIFE TIME!!!
Transport inclusive 坐高铁CRH-和谐号 (Train Speed at 350 kilometers per hour) From Guangzhou to Beijing.
Possible stopping in between other provinces or cities before reaching Beijing.
NOTE: Might sleep over night at railway station, CRH - China Railway High speed train station or airport.
Other mode of local transportation include; -Taxi, public bus, railway train, 霸王车, Truck, mini van, express bus,
mule, horses, 蒙古牦牛,三轮车,大陆Tuktuk & FOC 顺风车
Sino China trip info: Macau + Zhuhai trip
Visit Casinos (Top 10: Venetian, Lis Boa, Sands, MGM, HARD ROCK, 英皇宫殿, 海立方,星际赌场,4 Seasons, City of Dreams) ,
800磅 Shopping mall (Shopping & 吃日本餐, 蛋塔, Ramen, 丝袜奶茶, 澳门肉干, 杏仁饼, 享受真正的鱼翅咙口), 圣保禄步行街,圣保禄大教堂
& Jalan2&makan2 . Visit 珠海鱼女, 孙中山先生老家 at 中山 + 吃乳鸽 + 澳门烧猪肉 + 澳门鸡/猪扒包, 粤Cuisine, 海鲜大小炒 皇帝炒面, 广东住家菜,
粤式Dim sum, 大排档, 据扒, Shopping at 珠海拱北口岸地下商场, 莲花路步行街, 凤凰北, 电脑手机城 etcs
Sino China trip info: BEIJING -
~吃全聚德北京烤鸭~打边炉(火锅)~去浓厚富有communist style的pub & bistro 听听live band唱出的柔情与澎湃的撕吼声。。。Etcs
(Between GUANGZHOU to BEIJING, we shall further discuss which provinces or cities to Halt & Conquer)
Sino China trip info:Manchuria, Inner & Outer Mongolia(Ulaanbaatar),
Russia Border City :
内蒙古~满州里~外蒙古~乌兰巴托~俄罗斯边界城市Note: 在蒙古会到乌兰巴托首都外围的大草原,住蒙古包,骑马,射箭,
吃蒙古烤肉, 喝马奶,吃蒙古cheese, 去看成吉思汗在蒙古最大的雕像与献花.
Note##**: Parties must be both PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY FIT to participate this trip.
(**Due to traveling of some rogue & rugged terrain such as Outer Mongolia - 外蒙古首都乌兰巴托
+ Out skirt & Conquering of the Great Wall)
Limited Seats ONLY!!!
Keen parties, pls add Wechat me or message me directly.
female, 内蒙古, 俄罗斯, planning, 乌兰巴托
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