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真正新加坡旁,有沙滩会所,人见人爱,根据developer几年前提供的资料,地铁站在规划中,最近已经公布了BTS大型交通工具,未来金融中心就在咫尺,过新加坡的check point只是5分钟车程,皇宫附近,治安良好,根据Iskandar官方机构透露,预计2020年,新山就会成为世界级别的大城市。 |
发表于 22-8-2016 11:11 PM
发表于 23-8-2016 08:17 AM
发表于 23-8-2016 10:27 AM
发表于 23-8-2016 02:10 PM
发表于 23-8-2016 07:34 PM
发表于 23-8-2016 07:39 PM
发表于 23-8-2016 07:56 PM
发表于 23-8-2016 08:29 PM
Singapore and Malaysia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on July 19 to build the High Speed Rail (HSR) linking Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, a long-awaited update on the project that also revealed a more reasonable completion target of 2026.
In my most recent book, Weathering a Property Downturn, I had hazarded a guess that the earliest date for the HSR to begin operations would be the year 2025. Inter-city and international railway projects are never simple and deadlines get postponed all the time. Acquiring land across four Malaysian states, resettling affected families and businesses and, most importantly, the raising of funds for the entire project, will require a few more years, especially if local issues and politics disrupt the timeline.
The project has been repeatedly hailed by both governments as a “game changer” for our economies. Investment advisers are already spouting the economic benefits of the HSR and recommending various types of investments all over Peninsular Malaysia. However, to think that the HSR will change the game for the whole of Peninsular Malaysia, outside of Kuala Lumpur, we have to look deeper.
Dr Qin Yu, an assistant professor with the National University of Singapore, authored a paper titled No County Left Behind? The distributional impact of High-Speed Rail Upgrades in China, in which she concluded that “the reduction of transport costs for people between large cities may divert economic activities from counties to populous urban districts”. The paper, accepted and awaiting publication by the Journal of Economic Geography, also revealed that the major cities that host the terminus stations fare better, while the counties along the route of the high-speed rail saw 3 to 5 per cent declines in annual gross domestic product arising from a reduction of 9 to 11 per cent in fixed asset investment.
If the findings from this study are applicable to the Singapore-Malaysia HSR, we could expect to see the economies of Singapore and Kuala Lumpur expand while the economies around the six intermediate stations shrink: Putrajaya, Seremban, Ayer Keroh, Muar, Batu Pahat and Nusajaya. For the cities and towns such as Port Dickson, Tampin and Kluang, which are bypassed, the economic outlook might even be more dire.
Depending on the price of the HSR tickets, some residents of Kuala Lumpur, Seremban and Malacca may find it ideal to work in Singapore, earning their incomes in Singapore dollars, while returning home every evening to be with their families. This could lead to a further brain drain or skills drain from various Malaysian cities to Singapore.
The MM2H programme started in 2002 and 29,814 applicants have been approved since. The current total number of participants could be lower, as there may be double counting in cases of renewals and there could also be dropouts along the way.
In the first four months of this year, approvals were given to 424 applicants, meaning that on an annualised basis we might expect a total of about 1,300 approved applicants this year, or a drop of about 40 per cent from 2015, which itself saw a decline of 28 per cent from 2014.
Compared with Singapore’s objectives of granting Permanent Residency status to 30,000 foreigners and citizenship status to about 15,000 to 25,000 Permanent Residents every year, based on the 2013 Population White Paper, the MM2H programme does not look popular.
Among the approved MM2H applicants are Singaporeans who have applied for the MM2H status to enjoy the privilege of buying cars at a discount for their relatives who reside in Malaysia. Each approved MM2H person is entitled to purchase “one new motor car made or assembled in Malaysia” with an exemption from excise duties, thus saving tens of thousands of ringgit for their families.
The cumulative 29,814 applicants added a mere 0.1 per cent to the 30 million population of Malaysia. Even if all the approved participants choose to reside in Iskandar, they will only fill up 10 per cent of the 300,000 residential units launched in the past five years. I am inclined to conclude that the 13-year-old MM2H programme has negligible impact on both the economy and demand for property.
Pundits continue to sing praises about the growth potential of Iskandar. In a drive around Nusajaya last month, we observed that the pace of construction seemed slow, with several projects that were fully sold years ago still under construction. One large billboard proclaimed “Akan Datang” and “Coming Soon” above a construction site hoarding for a luxury condominium project that failed to launch after the 2013 peak of the Iskandar hype. Needless to say, construction has not started.
As for the completed condominiums, banners displaying “For Sale” and “For Rent” are commonplace. A casual count estimates 10 per cent of the apartments are furnished with curtains. A medical centre that was launched with much fanfare was opened for business in late 2015. As of July, no more than a quarter of the clinics in the medical centre have been taken up by specialist doctors.
Some developers in Iskandar have dropped prices to move leftover apartments, adding downward pressure on valuations. Buyers who took deferred payment plans and paid down less than 10 per cent of purchase prices are walking away from their investments. Some investors have gone further, requesting developers to refund their downpayments by citing the inability to secure mortgages as the banks have tightened up on loans to foreigners.
The situation with commercial and industrial properties is similar. While millions of square feet of commercial and industrial space are completed and waiting for tenants, several high-profile projects have never broken ground.
We have scant information about the value of investments into Iskandar, in particular, how much went into businesses and factories that will create jobs. Of the much quoted RM202 billion (S$67.8 billion) invested into Iskandar between 2006 and March this year, how much was for the reclamation of land and for the purchase of land by developers? How much was due to the sales of strata-titled apartments, SOHOs, offices and industrial space by the same developers? What about the value of investments that have been withdrawn?
Malaysia held promise until over-development and overhyped promises propelled property valuations into the stratosphere, especially when Iskandar prices matched those in prime Kuala Lumpur districts. Investments from Singapore are unlikely to improve given the slump in trade, manufacturing and financial services in the Republic while corporate default risks are rising.
I am eager to be the first to upgrade my call on Malaysian properties to a “Buy”. However, against an uncertain political climate and economic outlook in the country, which could depress real estate valuations or further weaken the ringgit versus the Singapore dollar, my call on Malaysian real estate is an “Avoid” for now. |
发表于 23-8-2016 11:05 PM
dangabay 发表于 22-8-2016 10:52 PM
真正新加坡旁,有沙滩会所,人见人爱,根据developer几年前提供的资料,地铁站在规划中,最近已经公布了BTS大型交通工具,未来金融中心就在咫尺,过新加坡的check point只是5分钟车程,皇宫附近,治安 ...
冤有头,债有主,把你当水鱼的是中国发展商。马来西亚本地的发展商都对他们吹的手段大开眼界,自愧不如。将来还有下次的话,看清楚发展商那儿来。 |
发表于 30-8-2016 09:23 AM
楼主放心好喇~~ ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
(新山28日讯)马来西亚依斯干达特区百万房產滯销,据產业代理分析,基于百万令吉房產回酬率不高,导致投资者兴趣缺缺,相比去年同时期,百万房產的交易量更是显著下跌。 Vivahomes Realty房產公司经理邓小平接受《东方日报》访问时表示,今年农历新年后,超过百万令吉的二手房子成交量下跌,与去年同时期相比下跌达50%,影响较为严重,发展商推出的百万房子相信也影响30%。 他说,本地人一般很少购买高价房子,加上银行收紧贷款条例,大部分在本地置產的外国人都是基于投资目的,但他们觉得百万房子的回酬率不高,因此缺乏投资兴趣。 「若购买百万令吉房產,每月的供期约5000令吉,但本地的租金大约介于2000至3000令吉,回酬率並不高。」
但他强调,依斯干达特区房產依然拥有市场,惟需视其价位,如50万令吉以下的房產依然看好,特別是30万令吉房產更是热销,成交量比去年同时期上升30%。 因此,他希望,政府可以兴建更多人民可负担得起的房屋,同时也提供外国人优惠,银行则放宽贷款条例,以刺激房產市场。 担心公寓过剩 依斯干达特区房產领域交易从去年开始趋缓,预计明年起依区公寓单位將多达约5万间,令市场人士担心出现公寓单位供应过剩,造成新旧公寓单位租金出现红海廝杀战,以及面临银行拍卖的情况。 除了公寓发展项目面对挑战,依斯干达经济特区首席执行员拿督依斯迈早前在一项媒体匯报会透露,特区百万高端房產出现滯销情况。 据依斯迈表示,根据研究,售价介于12万6000令吉至45万令吉的房產单位需求最高,依斯干达特区滯销房產其实是价格上百万令吉的高端房產。 他说,房地產商错估形势,依斯干达特区中等收入人士的购买力无法负担上百万令吉產业,因此百万令吉高端房產滯销。 此外,马来西亚房地產发展商公会柔佛分会主席拿督张润安坦言,在近几个月来,依斯干达特区上百万的房產確实出现慢热的情况,但他仍然乐观看待该特区未来的房產市场。 「无论如何,我国的房產价格依然算低,加上我国没有天灾与高等教育学府的进驻都会是本地房產的优势,所以长远来说,依斯干达特区的百万房產依然有其市场潜力。」 未来10年 购屋预算料提升至百万 房產分析师预测,虽然本地人普遍接受的房屋价格是50万令吉,但未来10年,当隆新高铁、高等学府及其它发展项目陆续投入运作之时,本地人对房產价格的接受度也將会上升至100万令吉。 购屋者考量不同柔南產业分析员兼eBizway Research有限公司董事经理周志达受访时指出,上百万令吉房產滯销的说法见仁见智,发展商推出的房產价格是从商业角度来看,自住或投资用途的购屋者也会以不同的考量来做出购屋决定。 「10年前的房產如今增值1至2倍是合理,未来10年的房產是否也会增值1至2倍呢?这是值得深思的。」 周志达表示,5年前依斯干达房產较难做出准確的预测,但是现在已不同以往,可以预见未来的房產趋势。同时,他也大胆地推测未来10年,本地人將会把购屋价格的预算从现有的50万令吉,提升至100万令吉。
发表于 30-8-2016 11:18 AM
楼主 |
发表于 4-9-2016 07:02 AM
skyship 发表于 30-8-2016 11:18 AM
真正新加坡旁,有沙滩会所,人见人爱,根据developer几年前提供的资料,地铁站在规划中,最近已经公布了BTS大型交通工具,未来 ...
现在听着觉得很可笑。 |
发表于 2-3-2018 10:48 AM
楼主你还在吗?昨天 NTV 7 的新闻很精彩,五星级变无星级的大标题。 |
发表于 2-3-2018 01:14 PM
楼主 |
发表于 14-3-2018 10:14 AM
发表于 14-3-2018 11:06 AM
现在拿钥匙,你去看了你的屋子吗? 可以分享一下奇葩的问题吗?
楼主 |
发表于 14-3-2018 11:16 AM
发表于 14-3-2018 11:23 AM
发表于 14-3-2018 01:21 PM
距离2020不到两年,感觉不到新山就会成为世界级别的大城市。 |
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