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【开箱文】寄到我家了Asus ROG Gaming Monitor PG279Q 27'' 165hz G-Sync RM3988

发表于 17-11-2016 10:57 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 pisk$n 于 23-11-2016 03:01 AM 编辑

我从Lazada order 的 monitor 今天到我家了。


这架Monitor 要我RM 3988

G-Sync, IPS, 165Hz, Flicker Free(这个功能保护眼睛)


Bezel 很薄,我喜欢

G-sync 的字眼, Logo会发光, 不喜欢可以关掉

2560x1400 165ghz 高清很多,比我之前用的Monitor 1920x1080p 好很多!

开启G-sync 咯, 有两种mode 可以选 第一个是Full screen mode. 第二个是Full Screen 和 Windowed mode。 我选了第二个。因为有些游戏使用Borderless Full Screen.

有Joystick 方便Setting

这个Monitor 有Fps counter 很好用

还可以放cross hair, 作弊, 人家sniper 没有crosshair 你有

现在要用我在六月份买的MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X 8G 来跑游戏了

RM 2362 包邮费

GTX1070 Spec

来跑Tomb raider all max setting

在2560x1440 下, 竟然占用了7G Video ram , 还好我GTX 1070有8G video ram

开启了G-sync 的帮助下在2560x144p reso 40fps 游戏也很流畅,很像60fps with V-sync on, 没有sutter lag , 和tearing 的问题. 颜色很美比我之前Dell 的 IPS monitor 还美,

我之前在monitor 1080p 的电脑玩因为不要有tearing, 就开V-snyc , 可是这样会造成sutter lag , input lag.

看看我拍的tomb raider gameplay video, 50fps 很顺, 比我之前的dell 60fps 顺


看这个video 就 G-sync 和V-sync的分别在那里。就知道v-sync 有sutter lag 的问题.
不开v-sync 又不可以, 画面会撕裂(tearing), 变成画面不美

G-sync 完全解决了这个问题。Nvidia 的G-sync 比Amd 的Free snyc 好很多好, 因为free sync 只能在特定的范围有效例如50-90fps. 如果你的monitor refresh 是在165hz , 如果你玩低要求的游戏如Dota 2 这样会超过90fps free sync 就无效。

G-sync 完全不同于free sync,因为G-sync 是Nvidia装的一个特别Chip 在monitor 然而free sync 没有, 有30fps 游戏就很流畅了,没有上限.

Most reviewers who’ve compared the two side-by-side seem to prefer the quality of G-Sync, which does not show stutter issues at low framerates, and thus smoother in real-world situations. Some FreeSync monitors have an extremely narrow adaptive refresh range, and if your video card can’t deliver frames within that range, problems arise.

Given the price gap, you might wonder why anyone would prefer G-Sync. The answer is simple — it’s superior. If Nvidia’s adaptive refresh technology doesn’t suffer ghosting issues and delivers more consistent overall performance. It’s also worth noting that Nvidia video cards are currently the performance king. Going with FreeSync, and thus buying an AMD Radeon card, might mean purchasing hardware that delivers less bang for your buck.

Read more: http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/nvidia-g-sync-or-amd-freesync-pick-a-side-and-stick-with-it/#ixzz4QHVgnX7V


我之前有试过我把setting 调到lowest. FPS 达到90fps, 是有比较顺,可是画面牺牲太大了。我现在最低去到36-38fps, 平均50fps. G-sync 会在你framate 低的时候,自己在那个Dedicated Hardware double framerate . 所以有30fps 就等于人家平时的60fps.. 这是AMD 做不到的,因为AMD 都没有Dedicated Hardware. 。 在FPS 14 时候, 会quadruple drawing the framerate 来达到60fps。 AMD的free sync 当fps 低于Monitor native resfresh rate 的时候, 直接off sync, 不理,这时候你会看到画面tearing . AMD 也有给你另外一个option 当fps 低于monitor refreshrate 的时候,就是用回V-sync, 可是这样就会有input lag 和sutter lag 的问题。

简单来说Nvidia 是用土豪的方法, AMD 是用平民的方法. 两个公司走的路线不同。



G-Sync treats this “below the window” scenario very differently. Rather than reverting to VSync on or off, the module in the G-Sync display is responsible for auto-refreshing the screen if the frame rate dips below the minimum refresh of the panel that would otherwise be affected by flicker. So, in a 30-144 Hz G-Sync monitor, we have measured that when the frame rate actually gets to 29 FPS, the display is actually refreshing at 58 Hz, each frame being “drawn” one extra instance to avoid flicker of the pixels but still maintains a tear free and stutter free animation. If the frame rate dips to 25 FPS, then the screen draws at 50 Hz. If the frame rate drops to something more extreme like 14 FPS, we actually see the module quadruple drawing the frame, taking the refresh rate back to 56 Hz. It’s a clever trick that keeps the VRR goals and prevents a degradation of the gaming experience. But, this method requires a local frame buffer and requires logic on the display controller to work. Hence, the current implementation in a G-Sync module.

But what happens with this FreeSync monitor and theoretical G-Sync monitor below the window? AMD’s implementation means that you get the option of disabling or enabling VSync.  For the 34UM67 as soon as your game frame rate drops under 48 FPS you will either see tearing on your screen or you will begin to see hints of stutter and judder as the typical (and previously mentioned) VSync concerns again crop their head up. At lower frame rates (below the window) these artifacts will actually impact your gaming experience much more dramatically than at higher frame rates (above the window).


Dota 2, 165hz

上了165fps 超级顺的, 我现在回不料60fps玩dota 2了

这个monitor flicker free 的功能,眼睛看久了也不会累,一个字爽

总结这是一个很多好的功能聚在一架monitor 身上 , IPS , 165hz, G-sync, flicker free. 它绝对值得这个价。很值得。大家有预算的话可以考虑这一款Monitor,不用再等了,人生有多少个十年。有更好的到时还可以在升级。这一款monitor 是市面上目前最好的。

最后送上Dota 2 的画面, 变的好美,色泽分明.


使用道具 举报


发表于 17-11-2016 11:56 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 19-2-2018 03:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
是matte screen的吗??

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发表于 20-2-2018 06:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
羡慕 嫉妒 恨。。。

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发表于 16-10-2018 06:04 PM | 显示全部楼层

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blackcat98 发表于 16-10-2018 06:04 PM


期待有钱楼主再show off

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发表于 17-10-2018 01:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
512MB 发表于 17-10-2018 03:24 AM
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