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Tian Zhonglan’s Extraordinary Skills

发表于 26-4-2017 02:27 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 影武者神风 于 26-4-2017 09:15 PM 编辑

Tian Zhonglan is Song Tielin’s famous disciple. He ranked the second after Wu Xiaoli Shi Bo. Mr. Tian liked actual combat in his life. He worked on it, carried on and developed the family Kungfu soul. Before he had access to Xing Yi Quan, he is renowned far and wide in Jinzhong area. Many people who asked him for a combat were failed. Then, he realized Xing Yi Quan is a profound Kungfu. So he made an excuse for repairing watches and came to Taigu. In Family Song he learned how to repair watches but the truth was to learn Xing Yi Quan.
The road of learning Xing Yi Quan was hard. Mr. Tian wanted to find a tutor but it was hard to find a way. As he learned repairing watches he paid much attention on the Xing Yi Quan skills silently. He was active and mischievous, although he didn’t have access to Family Song, he tried his best to learn its secret. Mr. Tian had a good relationship with people, he grasped the opportunity when he played tricks on them. He just pretended to pushing them or pulling them, and those people would use what they learned to held him, so they taught him unconsciously. When he met some skilled and strong man, he just attacked them from their backs to let them show their fantastic skills. How smart of him! Once he tore a master’s belt off in order to attract him to demonstrate moves. And it could be seen that how swift he was! At that time he heard Shi Ye Huchen liked to eat tofu. He managed to get some and gave Shi Ye politely. And lied him he was Song Tielin’s disciple. Shi Ye Huchen was familiar to him gradually, he told Mr. Tian to practice kungfu and taught him something. And all these things Song Tielin was kept in the dark.
Finally he learned something in Taigu, but still couldn’t think of its secret. Helplessly he went back to Pingyao to open a watch repairing store.(It is still there now.) He was there repairing watches and teaching some pupils. In this period of time many people asked him to have a combat. Also some masters. So he earned a good fame. Then Song Tielin learned there was such a master in Jinzhong area but he didn’t know before. So Tielin Shi Ye went to visit him but found what he used was Family Song’s Kungfu. And he found Mr.Tian was really a special person. Surprised and impressed, finally he made him as a member of his disciples. Mr.Tian had a destination.
Mr.Tian followed Shi Ye Tielin, like fish in the water, they also understood each other. One taught and another practice. Mr.Tian found a new world and a stage to demonstrate himself. The more he learned, the more skilled he was. And he was smart, he drew inferences about other cases from one instance. As long as he practiced, he must do the best. Not only master those moves but also try to enhance them. Usually for some moves he didn’t sleep for days until he totally understood them. Mr.Tian was very polite to Tielin Shi Ye. I heard at that time the rules for persons who learned Kungfu were very strict. When he faced to Shi Ye, he didn’t dare to sit down. Even he got permissions, he sat only by half of the hip on the chair. And his look was even holy. At that time, Mr.Tian took his pupils to Tielin Shi Ye, they also acted like a soldier, didn’t dare to move. To those naughty ones, Tielin Shi Ye just raised his hand to give them a lesson. It seemed that his hands were hard to reach them, but as he raised his hand, his palm just hit their face. When Tielin Shi Ye watched pupil practicing,to those who made him felt satisfied, he just told them that they were far more enough. To those who made him felt unsatisfied, he just cheered. That was a boo. So nobody was lazy.
Not only did Mr.Tian inherited Song’s Xing Yi Quan’s cream, but also he did them perfectly. Gradually his talents got demonstration. And his progress surpassed many fellows. He really did a good job, also he could have a combat with rivals. Soon those rivals disappeared. And he got the same level as Wu Xiaoli Shi Bo. And under mr.Tian’s instructions, everyone of my fellows became skilled, and they often went out to have a combat with those rivals instead of Family Song or Mr.Tian. They never failed.
Mr.Tian was in a small shape. He was very thin. His four limbs were gaunt and stringy, they looked scaring. You couldn’t imagine him as a Kungfu master and couldn’t believe his strong power. My fellows told me his weight was at most thirty-five kg. But judging from his looks he was dashing and sharp. Often he didn’t sleep all night, standing there and watching fish, or taking a grass to fight the crickets. From those dynamic animals he inferred Xing Yi Quan’s cream. Under Shi Ye’s careful instructions, long-time experience to real combat, plus his own industrious effort, mr.Tian knew Xing Yi Quan well. No matter boxing, sword or any other arms, he all played well. That was not a performance, but real combat usage.
On the basis of Family Song’s Xing Yi Quan’s cream, plus his own refining, mr.Tian defined Xing Yi Quan’s features thoroughly. Combining family Kungfu, he distilled Xing Yi Quan’s power creatively. His biggest contribution to Xing Yi Quan was he made his own Kungfu character. The united power, the swift power, the invert power were his own invention. I have seen many materials on Xing Yi Quan, those what he invented were unique. And they were never seen on other Kungfu. My fellows said, there must be some persons better than us, but we never see them. Known from my experience, those power were really marvelous. You would feel wonderful when you see them. Experts all said they were fantastic. But the process on practicing them was so hard. Mr.Tian’s disciples never show it to the outside world. If somebody saw it, he couldn’t tell its secrets.; if tell you the practicing process, one procedure you were not told, you still couldn’t master it; if you could perform it from the appearance, that was still fake; if tell you the whole procedures, you didn’t work hard on it, that would all in vain. I have been practicing it for years, but I still couldn’t master it all. If you keep to it, not only do you feel comfortable, but also successful when you hit someone, it was hard to describe how happy I am.
Towards Xing Yi Quan’s soft and hard power, mr.Tian had his own realization. To the public materials, players’ definition were all different, but nobody could tell it clearly in the end. The destination to it was to find its interests and power, or that couldn’t be known as Xing Yi Quan. Mr.Tian knew the principles to invert guns to boxing. I didn’t have that luck to see him showing it. That was really a pity. But from my fellows, I could infer his dynamic moves. If you paid much attention on the moves that my fellows did, you could see that they were acting like a spear held in their hands. Mr.Tian mixed spear’s spirit in the Xing Yi Quan. That was very special. He said: If anyone could do this that nobody would hold this hit. He neither. I was lucky enough to experience this hit. First I held my power tightly. My power was from belly. But in front of this hit, my power vanished suddenly and became useless. At that time I was a normal person who had never accepted any Kungfu training. It made me think of machine gun, and then I felt it was missile. The first missile made a hole and the next destroyed it totally. Previously I heard someone say that people in ancient times used their spear to throw a person into the air. And I didn’t believe that. I thought that must be exaggerate. But nowadays I saw my fellows play big spear I knew that was real. That power must be so strong enough to carry a person into air.
Mr.Tian earned experience by combat. He invented fighting style. It was from traditional Kungfu, but not all of it. When you have a combat with others, you will find its difference. He said there’s gold on his body, others couldn’t even touch, don’t mention hit. I hit you is okay, but you are not allowed to hit me. It was one hit that could send you to the hell; rather not I hit you ten times that you returned three times back. That was as long as I start, the fist would fall on you and you were not allowed to hit me back. People who once had combat with Tian’s disciples, all said they couldn’t even stick there hands out. Mr.Tian could change his face, suddenly his look would change totally, nobody could bear it. It was very scaring. His rivals would feel frightened, have no ideas and lost his rebellious capacity. People who had seen him change face all said that look would frighten you to death. And no one who had been failed by him was dare to come back again.
Towards speed, mr.Tian had his own ideas. Although his disciples couldn’t reach his height, after seeing Bruce Lee, you would find he could do better. That was not a fake. He always told a code to speed. Not only practices skills in combating and keeps fit, Xing Yi Quan also helps you build intelligence and anima. When you are addicted to it and involved in it, your reaction would as fast as you feel something. My brother’s experience plus mine, when you stretch your hands the hit would just falls on the rivals’ body directly. That speed was unbelievable.
Mr.Tian said: Xing Yi Quan would cultivate your fighting will. If you regard him as your teacher, he would train your fighting will, too. He always warned his disciples: since you were my disciples, you couldn’t be defeated by others. He attached importance to cultivating students’ sharp spirit when teaching. He told them to be careful not to hit others too strong or the sharp spirit would disappear. And he said, whoever the rival is, even your own children, you should remember not to show mercy. Three months from me, you just could apply Xing Yi Quan to combating. Sometimes when his disciples meet something, mr.Tian told them avoid having combat. But so long as you hit others, you must win. Do not get yourself in troubles, but if someone looks for trouble, just hit those guys, and I was behind you. So everyone of his disciples are confident and they never dare to have combat with others. His training is also very specific. To different person he had different training method. Even if one didn’t practice boxing he could still become combating masters. Once a fellow brother never practices boxing, but under mr.Tian’s teaching plus his own effort in studying combating, he became a famous combating master. When mr.Tian had combat with others, even one attacked him silently, not to mention face to face, that nobody could succeed in hitting him. Once a famous master tried to attacking mr.Tian when they exchanged greetings. But finally that person embarrassed himself.
Mr.Tian was in a small shape. But he never dared to meet high and strong rivals. In his views, it was nothing. Someone saw his shape and asked him to have wrist wrestling. That person extended his hand but couldn’t touch mr.Tian’s hand. What he could see was only mr.Tian’s hand revolving. Mr.tian’s moves never repeated. To different rivals he had different changes. So long as the rivals started to move, the hit would fall on their body. He could dominate the rivals’ hands. He would wait for the chance to attack. There were colorful and variable knowledge in his brain. So you wouldn’t feel bored when learning from him. The inspiration and new things would motivate you to look forward to new progress and also be satisfied of what you had learning. No one would find another tutor after following mr.Tian. Cause nobody would better than him. Mr.Tian had combat with others, he wasn’t afraid of any type of rivals. Their hands came to him, he didn’t care. When their hands started to put in energy, they would find their power was lost. At the same time, the rivals would roll away.
His life was full of challenges. In that era, life was so hard. It was difficult for him to manage to have meals. Even when drank water, he would never forget to practice. So you could see his strong will. Mr.Tian devoted a lot to Xing Yi Quan. What he had left were not only theories, but also combating experience. He inherited ancestor’s cream, plus his own understanding. So he formed his own type. It differed from other Xing Yi Quan groups. When I was in ShaanXi, I thought that was a myth. But after many inspections, teachings, I knew that was not an exaggeration. Because I have seen it personally, so I knew such great things should be developed widely. Our country has valuable things. Mr.Tian was a shinning pearl in Xing Yi Quan. But to this art, it was not very famous. So I should shoulder this responsibility to develop and publicize this great art to make it shining better. And now I understood why he had asked his disciples to publicize the legend of Shi Ye. I thought perhaps that was a real thing. The posterity said no one could reach Shi Ye’s condition, it became our respected memory. But I think mr.Tian was as good as them. My fellow brothers couldn’t reach mr.Tian’s condition either. But we could pass this great art on! We could tell its theory clearly, we could go to have a combat and perform its spirit! After seeing my fellow brothers’ demonstration, I could understand that Chinese famous old saying totally: You have no wish to visit any other mountains after you visit the Five Mountains, and you do not even wish to visit them after coming back from Mount Huang. The valuable thing was in the folk. Sometimes you would watch the combating on TV, but when they start, they lost their boxing frame. So it was hard to distinguish which boxing group they were showing. But for mr.Tian, no matter how powerful he moved, the San Ti Frame (Xing Yi Quan’s basic frame) was still there. Whatever you defend or attack. Once he said,:as long as I have one breath, nobody could hurt me.
Mr.Tian and my fellow brothers divided Xing Yi Quan into three parts: attacking competition, skills competition and intelligence competition. The green hands attacking and defending belongs to the first part. Then, to the basic of attacking competition, people became more mature and flexible, they started to change their moves. This is the second part the skills competition. To the third part, when the rivals begin to attack, you do not care, they show their moves and you mind yourself, but they couldn’t even touch your hair. You confused them and you combine your moves with war craft, yin and yang… … Just like people appreciating acrobatics. This part the intelligence competition was boxing acrobatics. Here people not only compete power and bravery, but also intelligence, will and flexibility. The competition between masters, one move could decide the winner.
It was about China civil war, mr.Tian took part in a national kungfu competition, but only got the second place. Because a program related to politics, in that era, politics would always ranked the first. Many people felt the result was not convincing, so they found the judge to communicate. But uselessly. My fellow brothers have seen that certificate. Mr.tian was very active and flexible. He could catch a sparrow by his hands. When he had combat with others, he asked his disciples to stand behind him to in case of hurting them accidentally.
Beijing Opera has its own flavor. So does Huangmei Opera. If one art didn’t have its own flavor, it couldn’t be called an art. Different operas have different groups. Such as Beijing Opera could be divided into Group Cheng, Group Mei, Group Shang… Family Song’s Xing Yi Quan was a large group and it has many offspring. And different masters have different flavor, too. Mr.Tian’s flavor was even better. He broke off traditional frame and formed his own style. Pushing a person to a long distance was not a legend from him. Someone said it was easy to hit a fixed thing but hard o hit an active one. But from him, no matter what kind of type was the same, even an active one is easier to hit than a fixed one. I think one day if the outsider could see this art would feel so marvelous. My related literary skills couldn’t describe mr.Tian’s great art thoroughly. Only you see it personally you could realize how great it is. Xing Yi Quan was a movement, so graceful. And it has profound philosophy. To the small view it could help you keep in good health, to the large view it could help to defend a country. We pursue its artistry, we feel comfortable when we practice it. And that is the harmony between men and nature. Combating was also an art. Just like different instruments have different flavor. I think Xing Yi Quan was just like the piano. No hardship you wouldn’t play beautiful movement. And Wu Xing Quan, Shi Er Xing was that seven musical notes. After mr.Tian’s distillation and generation after generation’s passing on, it must became a dynamic song! Hope this art would last forever!


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