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Bare Nuhcessities | 大地之肤
本帖最后由 rorows 于 13-12-2018 10:52 PM 编辑
我们注重以 “少就是多”的原则,把成份尽量以天然简单化,不过度添加,为所有人即便是新生婴儿提供最天然,安全,高品质的护肤用品
Bare Nuhcessities 品牌名称想表达的意思是“少即是多” 附加在产品上的任何添加物,如用在宝宝生上,宝宝未成熟的器官需要慢慢的分解它们。
身为父母对我们,真的需要加重发育着的小小器官吗? . 大地之肤 我们赋予这个品牌的中文名称 採擷自大地精華的天然成分制成的婴儿专属肌肤呵护产品
Bare Nuhcessities 目前的主打产品:
-Baby Bubbly Wash 天然泡泡沐浴乳
-Baby Balancing Lotion 柔和滋润乳液
-Baby Barrier Balm 天然修复霜
-Baby Oat Soak 温和燕麦泡澡包
-Baby Natural Dry Wipes 洁净干纸巾
-Baby Travel Wipes 洁净旅行版纸巾
成份取自于大自然的萃取 获得EWG认证的高安全性宝宝护肤产品
宝宝天然泡泡沐浴乳 Bare Bubbly Baby Wash
-容量 Volume :
230ml 附带挤压头 with dispenser pump
-价格 Price :
-产品简介 Product Description:
您是否知道市面上的沐浴乳都需添加 sulfate - 硫酸化学成分才能产生"泡泡"的效果,而这些化学成分对肌肤产生一定的危害尤其对于幼小的宝宝。
研发团队也针对宝宝敏感肌肤进行深入研究,并添加天然shea butter (乳木果油)和niacinamide (烟酰胺) 有效达到洁净滋润的效果并促进肌肤表层益生菌的产生从而形成天然保护层抵抗外来敏感源的侵入。
其清新芬芳来自于纯天然精油Chamomile (甘菊),Frankincense (乳香)和 Bergamot (佛手柑)具有天然修复和抗敏感的功效。
Our mild, safe and natural foamy bubbles are sugar-derived and non-drying. To promote trouble free skin, shea butter and niacinamide moisturise while promoting filaggrin growth, to help develop a strong skin barrier. Our formulations include natural active ingredients plus Chamomile, Frankincense and Bergamot essential oils for their healing properties and refreshing scent.
-产品认证 Product Certification:
本产品已荣获 EWG -Environmental Working Group(美国环境工作组)认证为最安全的宝宝护肤品。EWG 是世界级选择护肤产品及母婴类产品的重要安全指标.
We are proudly to announce this product is certified by worldwide product safety organisation EWG (Environmental Working Group) as a safest Green EWG product.
宝宝温和滋润乳液 Bare Balancing Baby Lotion
-容量 Volume :
230ml 附带挤压头 with dispenser pump
-价格 Price :
-产品简介 Product Description:
其清新芬芳来自于纯天然精油Chamomile (甘菊),Frankincense (乳香)和 Bergamot (佛手柑)具有天然修复和抗敏感的功效。
Our mild, safe and natural lotion with probiotics, botanicals and oats help reduce inflammation and restore skin flora, encouraging a balanced microbiome and strong skin barrier to protect against aggressors. Our formulations include natural active ingredients plus Chamomile, Frankincense and Bergamot essential oils for their healing properties and refreshing scent.
-产品认证 Product Certification:
本产品已荣获 EWG -Environmental Working Group(美国环境工作组)认证为最安全的宝宝护肤品。EWG 是世界级选择护肤产品及母婴类产品的重要安全指标.
We are proudly to announce this product is certified by worldwide product safety organisation EWG (Environmental Working Group) as a safest Green EWG product.
宝宝天然修复霜 Bare Barrier Baby Balm
-容量 Volume :
50g 便利挤压袋 convenient squeeze tube
-价格 Price :
-产品简介 Product Description:
--大地之肤BareNuhcessities--宝宝天然修复霜已获得大众好评,有效舒缓并改善宝宝敏感肌肤。此产品添加天然shea butter (乳木果油)和 safflower derived linoleic acid (亚油酸之王的红花籽油) 形成有效的肌肤保护层从而抵抗外来敏感源的侵入。
研发团队也大量添加植物萃取物的天然滋润材料,例如 Mongolia bark (木兰树皮), 具有很好的天然抗敏和消炎功效并锁住水份让皮肤不裂。
其清新芬芳来自于纯天然精油Chamomile (甘菊),Frankincense (乳香)和 Bergamot (佛手柑)具有天然修复和抗敏感的功效。
Our mild, safe and natural balm helps build a strong skin barrier for sensitive skin with shea butter and safflower derived linoleic acid rich balm. Full of hydrating botanicals to calm, including Magnolia bark, traditionally prized for its anti-inflammatory properties. Our formulations include natural active ingredients plus Chamomile, Frankincense and Bergamot essential oils for their healing properties and refreshing scent.
This product is best to applied after lotion in order to give a double effect of moisture and protection layer, this can also used as baby nappy balm and lip balm.
-产品认证 Product Certification:
本产品已荣获 EWG -Environmental Working Group(美国环境工作组)认证为最安全的宝宝护肤品。EWG 是世界级选择护肤产品及母婴类产品的重要安全指标.
We are proudly to announce this product is certified by worldwide product safety organisation EWG (Environmental Working Group) as a safest Green EWG product.
宝宝温和燕麦泡澡包 BareCalmingOatSoak
新生宝宝皮肤覆盖着白色粘粘的 #胎脂,是由皮脂腺分泌皮脂和脱落表皮细胞形成,具有保护皮肤、防止感染和保暖的作用,出生后逐渐被皮肤吸收。
从而取代肥皂即能温和,洁净,和滋润肌肤也能 #保护宝宝肌肤上的天然胎脂保护膜。
研究显示,燕麦具有很好的 #抗氧化,#抗菌和消炎的功效,能有效缓解皮肤过敏所产生的红肿。全天然产品,不含任何化学危害物质,这可是 #每位妈咪必备的舒缓皮肤过敏的救援沐浴包哦。
-容量 Volume :
20g x 8
-价格 Price :
-产品简介 Product Description :
Our mild, safe and natural no-rinse colloidal oat soak bags are a great replacement for soap and suitable for newborns.
​Gently cleanse, soothe, moisturise and protect to strengthen your precious baby’s natural skin barrier, leaving a protective layer.
Rich in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories to relieve itchy spots. Helps soothe irritated skin.
If your baby has dry skin, you'll love this! Our no rinse, ultra safe colloidal oat soak bag will give your baby a protective layer to lock in moisture and prevent dryness. As the bags are made from plant fibre, you don't need to worry about polyester allergy! Use the bag to give your baby the extra rub - I bet they will love it!
No polyester, preservatives, fragrance, parabens, PEGS, SLS/Sulfates
宝宝洁净[干/湿]纸巾 Bare Natural [dry/wet] wipe
-容量 Volume :
-价格 Price :
产品简介 Product Description :
医生一般建议"水"永远是最好用于清理宝宝细嫩的肌肤。然而为了便利性,超过80%的父母都选择使用湿纸巾。疏不知市面上售卖的湿纸巾都是以人工纤维 synthetic polyester (合成聚酯) 制作而成才能收藏在潮湿的环境不会腐化的原因。研究显示5名宝宝里竟然有2名宝宝对合成聚酯过敏。
--大地之肤BareNuhcessities--特别研发无添加100%植物纤维制成的[干湿两用纸巾] 适合任何肌肤甚至是敏感肤质的宝宝。
为环保尽一份力也是我们的宗旨,这款纸巾是biodegradable 可生物分解回归自然,不会造成地球污染。
While at the Paediatrician's when my eldest son was a couple of days old, the Dr asked me why I used wet wipes on my newborn - especially when their underdeveloped liver would need to breakdown the chemicals for wet wipes. My answer was fairly straight-forward. It is the most convenient thing! Using cotton wool and water would be a mess and sometimes, the fibres get stuck on their skin. He didn't push the matter futher, but that conversation always weighs on my mind every time I pull out wet wipes.
Now that I am into being this 'hippie' mum and have started Bare Nuhcessities, there are 2 things that really shocked me:
2 out of 5 children are allergic to Polyester. However, polyester is needed in wet wipes to prevent it from disintegrating while it remains wet for a long period of time. Sometimes, it is not that babies are allergic to their diaper, the wet wipes could be the culprit!
The amount of preservatives used in wet wipes is equivalent to 20 times of that contained in a bottle of body wash! Yes there is a significant amount of preservatives, even with 99.999% water wet wipes. No wonder when we place wet wipes inside car under the hot sun it never smells but our forgotten wet clothes left inside the washing machine smells even after just a few hours.
With water available everywhere including in our diaper bags, I don't see why we should harm our babies with unnecessary chemicals.
Our eco friendly wipes are plant based, 100% biodegradable and certified free from harmful substances. Great for sensitive skin.
No polyester, preservatives, fragrance, parabens, PEGS, SLS/Sulfates
宝宝洁净纸巾旅行外用装[干/湿] Bare Natural Travel wipe
-容量 Volume :
50pcs + 外带小罐子 travel tube (可容纳约12粒)
-价格 Price :
-产品简介 Product Description :
医生一般建议"水"永远是最好用于清理宝宝细嫩的肌肤。然而为了便利性,超过80%的父母都选择使用湿纸巾。疏不知市面上售卖的湿纸巾都是以人工纤维 synthetic polyester (合成聚酯) 制作而成才能收藏在潮湿的环境不会腐化的原因。研究显示5名宝宝里竟然有2名宝宝对合成聚酯过敏。
--大地之肤BareNuhcessities--特别研发无添加100%植物纤维制成的[干湿两用纸巾] 适合任何肌肤甚至是敏感肤质的宝宝。
为环保尽一份力也是我们的宗旨,这款纸巾是biodegradable 可生物分解回归自然,不会造成地球污染。
While at the Paediatrician's when my eldest son was a couple of days old, the Dr asked me why I used wet wipes on my newborn - especially when their underdeveloped liver would need to breakdown the chemicals for wet wipes. My answer was fairly straight-forward. It is the most convenient thing! Using cotton wool and water would be a mess and sometimes, the fibres get stuck on their skin. He didn't push the matter futher, but that conversation always weighs on my mind every time I pull out wet wipes.
Now that I am into being this 'hippie' mum and have started Bare Nuhcessities, there are 2 things that really shocked me:
2 out of 5 children are allergic to Polyester. However, polyester is needed in wet wipes to prevent it from disintegrating while it remains wet for a long period of time. Sometimes, it is not that babies are allergic to their diaper, the wet wipes could be the culprit!
The amount of preservatives used in wet wipes is equivalent to 20 times of that contained in a bottle of body wash! Yes there is a significant amount of preservatives, even with 99.999% water wet wipes. No wonder when we place wet wipes inside car under the hot sun it never smells but our forgotten wet clothes left inside the washing machine smells even after just a few hours.
With water available everywhere including in our diaper bags, I don't see why we should harm our babies with unnecessary chemicals.
Our eco friendly wipes are plant based, 100% biodegradable and certified free from harmful substances. Great for sensitive skin.
I am sure all Mums would agree, when we take our babies out, it is as though we need to pack the whole house! We wanted something really convenient for Mums so we came up with our travel wipes - they are actually our dry wipes, compressed into a small coin shape. Now, when you go out, all you need to bring is just a tube! Isn't that amazing?
I don't only use this on my baby, the wipes are great for removing make-up! Try it and you'll love it.
No polyester, preservatives, fragrance, parabens, PEGS, SLS/Sulfates
#barenuhcessities#大地之肤 #ewg绿色等级 #productsafetyorganisationEWG #宝宝天然护肤品 #建立健康的皮肤状态 #100percentnatural #100巴仙安全天然 #NaturalBabySkinCare #宝宝值得拥有村纯净和安全
楼主 |
发表于 13-12-2018 10:53 PM
本帖最后由 rorows 于 13-12-2018 10:54 PM 编辑
我们注重以 “少就是多”的原则,把成份尽量以天然简单化,不过度添加,为所有人即便是新生婴儿提供最天然,安全,高品质的护肤用品
Bare Nuhcessities 品牌名称想表达的意思是“少即是多” 附加在产品上的任何添加物,如用在宝宝生上,宝宝未成熟的器官需要慢慢的分解它们。
身为父母对我们,真的需要加重发育着的小小器官吗? . 大地之肤 我们赋予这个品牌的中文名称 採擷自大地精華的天然成分制成的婴儿专属肌肤呵护产品 |
楼主 |
发表于 14-12-2018 11:46 PM
我们注重以 “少就是多”的原则,把成份尽量以天然简单化,不过度添加,为所有人即便是新生婴儿提供最天然,安全,高品质的护肤用品
Bare Nuhcessities 品牌名称想表达的意思是“少即是多” 附加在产品上的任何添加物,如用在宝宝生上,宝宝未成熟的器官需要慢慢的分解它们。
身为父母对我们,真的需要加重发育着的小小器官吗? . 大地之肤 我们赋予这个品牌的中文名称 採擷自大地精華的天然成分制成的婴儿专属肌肤呵护产品
欢迎PM询问哦 |
楼主 |
发表于 16-12-2018 05:17 AM
我们注重以 “少就是多”的原则,把成份尽量以天然简单化,不过度添加,为所有人即便是新生婴儿提供最天然,安全,高品质的护肤用品
Bare Nuhcessities 品牌名称想表达的意思是“少即是多” 附加在产品上的任何添加物,如用在宝宝生上,宝宝未成熟的器官需要慢慢的分解它们。
身为父母对我们,真的需要加重发育着的小小器官吗? . 大地之肤 我们赋予这个品牌的中文名称 採擷自大地精華的天然成分制成的婴儿专属肌肤呵护产品
欢迎PM询问哦 |
楼主 |
发表于 17-12-2018 02:48 AM
我们注重以 “少就是多”的原则,把成份尽量以天然简单化,不过度添加,为所有人即便是新生婴儿提供最天然,安全,高品质的护肤用品
Bare Nuhcessities 品牌名称想表达的意思是“少即是多” 附加在产品上的任何添加物,如用在宝宝生上,宝宝未成熟的器官需要慢慢的分解它们。
身为父母对我们,真的需要加重发育着的小小器官吗? . 大地之肤 我们赋予这个品牌的中文名称 採擷自大地精華的天然成分制成的婴儿专属肌肤呵护产品
楼主 |
发表于 25-12-2018 10:56 PM
本帖最后由 rorows 于 25-12-2018 10:58 PM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 28-12-2018 04:44 PM
楼主 |
发表于 14-1-2019 02:47 AM
我们注重以 “少就是多”的原则,把成份尽量以天然简单化,不过度添加,为所有人即便是新生婴儿提供最天然,安全,高品质的护肤用品
Bare Nuhcessities 品牌名称想表达的意思是“少即是多” 附加在产品上的任何添加物,如用在宝宝生上,宝宝未成熟的器官需要慢慢的分解它们。
身为父母对我们,真的需要加重发育着的小小器官吗? . 大地之肤 我们赋予这个品牌的中文名称 採擷自大地精華的天然成分制成的婴儿专属肌肤呵护产品
Bare Nuhcessities 目前的主打产品:
-Baby Bubbly Wash 天然泡泡沐浴乳
-Baby Balancing Lotion 柔和滋润乳液
-Baby Barrier Balm 天然修复霜
-Baby Oat Soak 温和燕麦泡澡包
-Baby Natural Dry Wipes 洁净干纸巾
-Baby Travel Wipes 洁净旅行版纸巾
成份取自于大自然的萃取 获得EWG认证的高安全性宝宝护肤产品 |
楼主 |
发表于 21-2-2019 06:26 PM
我们注重以 “少就是多”的原则,把成份尽量以天然简单化,不过度添加,为所有人即便是新生婴儿提供最天然,安全,高品质的护肤用品
Bare Nuhcessities 品牌名称想表达的意思是“少即是多” 附加在产品上的任何添加物,如用在宝宝生上,宝宝未成熟的器官需要慢慢的分解它们。
身为父母对我们,真的需要加重发育着的小小器官吗? . 大地之肤 我们赋予这个品牌的中文名称 採擷自大地精華的天然成分制成的婴儿专属肌肤呵护产品
Bare Nuhcessities 目前的主打产品:
-Baby Bubbly Wash 天然泡泡沐浴乳
-Baby Balancing Lotion 柔和滋润乳液
-Baby Barrier Balm 天然修复霜
-Baby Oat Soak 温和燕麦泡澡包
-Baby Natural Dry Wipes 洁净干纸巾
-Baby Travel Wipes 洁净旅行版纸巾
成份取自于大自然的萃取 获得EWG认证的高安全性宝宝护肤产品 |
楼主 |
发表于 16-3-2019 06:52 PM
本帖最后由 rorows 于 16-3-2019 06:53 PM 编辑
由美国EWG--Environmental Working Group 认证为最安全的宝宝护肤品牌,小儿科医生都推荐,您家宝贝试了吗?
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