【台北旅遊攻略】新店花園新城,荷花池塘、楓香步道、椰林大道、悠閒涼亭、櫻花桐花,隱藏在鬧區的公園,捷運公車資訊│Huayuan Xincheng Community.
我們推出了一系列「長青族這樣玩」的單元, 這一次帶大家到花園新城, 看看鬧區中的小清幽公園, 使用雙北敬老卡坐捷運從台北車站搭到新店站扣12點, 再轉搭綠3公車到花園新城站扣4點, 有任何問題可以在下面留言, 芭樂媽會和你一起交流~
【花園新城】 地址: 新北市新店區花園二路一段1號B1(蘭溪協會) 電話: 02-2666 9984 全天開放, 入園免費 交通資訊: 捷運: 坐捷運從台北車站搭到新店站, 再轉搭綠3公車到花園新城站。
綠3公車路線時刻表: https://bit.ly/2Wxx3h4
Welcome to watch "Let's Go Outing!" unit. We are going to Huayuan Xincheng Community. This is a very quiet and bautiful park. Hold Senior EasyCard take MRT from Taipei Main Staion to Xindian Station will deduct 12 points, and then take Green 3 bus to Huayuan Xincheng Station deduct 4 points. Have any questions, please leave a message below. I will reply you.
Turn on CC subtitles, If you have any questions about the practice, Welcome to leave a message below!