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〖经典教学〗~Bowman篇 p/s:请网管不要删楼!谢谢!

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发表于 29-12-2004 01:30 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
分享一下我add point和add skill point的方法:

每 5 level add 5 str,其余的全add DEX。或每升level add 4 DEX,1 STR。INT和LUK只需4-5就行了。


Amazon Bless - 3
Amazon Eyes - 8 [Max]
Critical Shot - 20 [Max]
Arrow Blow - 1
Double Shot - 20 [Max]
Focus - 9


当在level24时,只需add 2 double shot,保存一个point,一直到level27才一次过add到level20 double shot。

Training spots:

Level 1-9 Maple Island (Snails)
Level 9-25 Henesys Hunting Ground (Slimes/Orange Mushrooms/Green Mushrooms)
Level 25 -30 Ant Tunnel 1-4 (Horny Mushrooms/Zombie Mushrooms)

[ 本帖最后由 Wood2004 于 29-11-2005 11:43 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 29-12-2004 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 29-12-2004 07:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
kltoh 于 29-12-2004 07:01 PM  说 :



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发表于 30-12-2004 12:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
如果是要成為hunter, STR=LEVEL+5.
如果是要成為xbowman, STR=LEVEL.

其餘全加 DEX.

如果要有最佳練功效果, 全加 DEX,每次可以換裝備或武器時, 才把STR加至裝備或武器所需的STR.....因為 bowman 的 max attack 由 DEX 而來.

使用道具 举报

发表于 30-12-2004 12:55 AM | 显示全部楼层

Ranger (弓)
Thrust (被動 , LV20 , 增加移動速度 )
Mortal Blow (被動 , LV20 , 不清楚意思 , 可能是一定機率射中靠近的怪必死)
Puppet (被動 , LV20 , 一定時間替你抵擋攻擊的分身 , 不知道有沒有血)
Fire Shot (主動 , LV30 , 火屬性的箭 )
Arrow Rain (主動 , LV30 , 箭雨 , 一次打6名敵人 )
Silver Hawk (主動 , LV30 , 一定時間內攻擊身邊的怪 )
Strafe (主動 , LV30 , 對單體攻擊射4支箭 )

Sniper (弩)
Ice Shot (主動 , LV30 , 冰屬性的箭 )
Arrow Eruption (主動 , LV30 , 從地面冒出來的箭 )
Golden Eagle (主動 , LV30 , 一定時間內攻擊身邊的怪 )

差異技能對應 (弩<-->弓)
Ice Shot <--> Fire Shot
Arrow Eruption <--> Arrow Rain
Golden Eagle <--> Silver Hawk

希望各高手 , 不吝賜教 ..

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发表于 30-12-2004 03:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 30-12-2004 03:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
^Hins86^ 于 30-12-2004 03:01 PM  说 :


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发表于 1-1-2005 01:05 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 1-1-2005 01:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
dave 于 1-1-2005 01:05 PM  说 :

到各地方的potion shop就能买到。

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发表于 6-1-2005 12:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
二转的skill point要起升么才好?hunter 的

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俊利 该用户已被删除
发表于 9-1-2005 11:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
做的吗 ???

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发表于 10-1-2005 12:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
手套可以做的.... 向玩家買會比較好, 因為通常做手套要很多材料,而那些材料都是不便宜的. 通常玩家賣的手套便宜過做一個手套, 但別被騙了, 好好算一下材料要多少錢, 才可知道玩家賣的手套是否便宜..
此外,lv35的手套可以去解任務得到,npc 是 mith harbour 的 john...
條件;lv30以上, 已完成 john lv15 的任務...

lv15手套橙蘑菇會掉, 或以5000 MESO 向玩家買..

使用道具 举报

发表于 10-1-2005 12:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
^Hins86^ 于 6-1-2005 12:34 AM  说 :
二转的skill point要起升么才好?hunter 的

加一arrow bomb, 然後加 19 mastery...
mastery無須加到 20, 因為 19 與 20 同樣是 60%,只是多加一的 accuracy.

使用道具 举报

发表于 15-1-2005 01:21 PM | 显示全部楼层

When u create ur guy...
make it
The important point isnt the dex or str becuase u will add them later on,
But Int and Luk is completely useless so make them as low as possible
Before level10 make ur Str to 15, others add all to Dex
after lv10 each level add 4 dex and 1 Str
Thats how archer works
For skill point

First add 3 points on AMAZON'S BLESS
becuase you need that in order to pick AMAZON'S EYE,
after that Add AMAZON'S EYE to full (lv8)
Then now add CRITICAL SHOT to full (lv20)
Why you dont pick arrow blow or Double shot? Whats the mana for?
Becuase you are new and u dont have money to buy mana potion, those 2 skill are useless at first stage.

Seprate Path
1st (I recommend this)
After CRITICAL SHOT add 1 to Arrow Blow,(That because u need 1 in order to pick double shot)
Then 10 to Double shot,
save 10 point then add on Double shot to make it full in a row.

2nd (Not recommend)
After CRITICAL SHOT add 10 to Arrow Blow
Save 10 then add all to Arrow Blow.

Question:I like Arrow blow why u dont recommend it?
Answer: As I said before archer attack is unstable, if its 1 shot, it make get 14 damage on this and 400 damage next, but if its double shot, even this 1 arrow is 7 damage but another maybe 100 or more, that makes total of 107 (theres a chance that u maybe get 7/7, blame on god then)
It helps archer to have more stable damage.

Question:Why save 10 point for for what? Thats 3 Level skill points!
Answer: lv10 and lv11 difference in damage is 92% and 94%, But MP require is 8 and 16, which is a double, that why u save 10 points to save mana.

After that depends on what u like you can put ur skill points on whatever u want

For Archer
lv1-10 Stay at Maple Island Hunting Blue and Green Snail.
lv10-15 Green Slime in Archer Town Left Exit.
lv15-20 Orange Mushroom in Archer Town Left Exit.
lv20-25 Green Mushroom in Archer Town Left Exit (Since you just stand there and shoot, very easy job)
lv25-30 Horned Mushroom in Dungeon Ant Tunnel

Bow Mastery 19-20,
Arrow Bomb, 15 -> 15
Max Final Attack (Bow) 30
Bow Booster 10->10
Then Put 1-2 point on Soul Arrow : Bow
Rest goes to Power Knock Back

Depends how many u put on bow Mastery, You can decide how many u Put on Soul Arrow, If dont want to waste money on Arrows anymore, You can MAX Soul Arrow instead of Power Knock Back.

Crossbow man

Crossbow Mastery 19-20,
Iron Arrow, 15 -> 15
Max Final Attack (Corssbow ) 30
Bow Booster 10->10
Then Put 1-2 point on Soul Arrow : Bow
Rest goes to Power Knock Back

Depends how many u put on bow Mastery, You can decide how many u Put on Soul Arrow, If dont want to waste money on Arrows anymore, You can MAX Soul Arrow instead of Power Knock Back.

AP for Hunter
lv30 35 STR
lv35 40 STR
lv40 45 STR
lv50 55 STR
lv60 65 STR
lv70 75 STR
AP for Crossbow Man
lv32 32 STR
lv38 38 STR
lv42 42 STR
lv50 50 STR
lv60 60 STR
lv70 70 STR


使用道具 举报

发表于 14-2-2005 06:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

Level 10-15
Go to Henesys, and buy a spear. Good range, and the jump and attack combo is good. Go to the place RIGHT of Henesys. The forrest east of Henesys i think. Put your first skill point into blessing of amazon. Then put 3 more into it, after that, max out eyes of the amazon. Then start to put skill points into critical shot

Level 15-20
Buy ALL your level 15 armour and make the level 15 glove. Buy the Golden Bow and about 5k of arrows. Go to pig beach, stand at the VERY RIGHT against the edge of the screen and shoot. Experience is very easy here, and you wont get hit often. Proceed to put skill points into Critical Shot.

Level 20-24
Buy your new bow- Hunters bow. DONT BUY YOUR NEW ARMOUR. ONLY MAKE THE NEW LEVEL 20 GLOVE. NEW ARMOUR AT LEVEL 20 IS A WASTE OF MESOS. The defence is only increased by 11 or somewhat, and the stats are the SAME as the level 15 armour.For archer at the beginning i dont think Party Quest is a good idea. Its going to take you at LEAST a minute to kill one Ligator. Go to Ellinia, and go 3 screens left at the south portal. Then go to the Dungeon DIRECTLY below of the portal you came through. This dungeon is full of Horny and Green Mushrooms. Go to the bottom and go beside the other portal at the bottom. Proceed to attack, and you wont get hit. Max out Double Shot or Arrow Blow. Its your choice

Level 25-30
Now i recommend you do Party Quest. Buy your new bow, bow is good for the beginning, its quick, and does good damage, bu xbow is slow. For now you want to dish out faster damage as you wont get hit often. When you become level 25 use your new bow and buy your new armour. Max out double shot or arrow blow now. And the remaining skill points go into blessing of the amazon.

Level 31-35
Ant Tunnel is your friend. Go to the bottom, where there is a platform, where you can stand on, wont get hit, and still hit enemies. It should only take 2/3 arrows to kill one horny mushroom.

Level 36-40
Now, go further in the Ant Tunnel and go to Evil Eye Cave. Here, leveling is VERY easy, and you will get at least 0.4 experience per kill, plus you can kill in 2 arrows. Another good place would be The Wild Boar Place. GO to Perion, and then take the top portal, whcih transprts you to Perion Street Corner. At the bottom is a door, press up. This place is good but the downside is that its always full of poeple. And thats why Evil Eye Cave is good.

Level 41-44
Now your more stronger, you should be able to take on Lupins. Only normal ones, but thats ok. Go to Sleepywood, and go to Sleepywood dungeon, Go to the first one, and alterantely fight, Curse Eyes, Lupins, Octopuses, Green Mushrooms, Horny Mushrooms, Jr.Neckis and Dark Axe Stumps. Go in a circle, clockwise, and you should be able to clear out very easily, if you want to, you can go to the second one, but spawn is slower here.

Level 45-50
Fight golems, good experience, good money. You can also take a chance at Dark Golems or Cold Eyes plus Drakes in the Tunnel that Lost Light. Only problem is that spawn is slow. Another very good place is Florina Beach, lorangs are good experience, BUT you will get hit often, and will not find a good chance to fire off a arrow, they swarm you, and there are no ledges to ledge-fight on.



[ Last edited by PiggyPigPig on 20-2-2005 at 05:25 PM ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 20-2-2005 04:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
我现在是bowman....lvl 16...
我之前不知道要怎样add point..
现在只有str=15   dex=70
skill 也是....arrow blow 加了很多...double shot 却没加到...  

使用道具 举报


发表于 21-2-2005 01:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
Dr3aMCuT|3 于 20-2-2005 04:31 PM  说 :
我现在是bowman....lvl 16...
我之前不知道要怎样add point..
现在只有str=15   dex=70
skill 也是....arrow blow 加了很多...double shot 却没加到...  : ...


其实呀。。 active的skill选一样就行了,arrow blow或double shot,不过double shot好象比较好用!原因很简单啊。。passsive的skill在1st job永远是最好的!因为passive的你加了就永远都有哪个skill在运用着!而active的skill嘛。。。不论你是crossbow man或hunter,到时候都有更强的active skill了!那时候你都不用之前的skill了,所以在1st job的时候只须加一个active的skill就可以了!^^

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发表于 22-2-2005 07:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
Dr3aMCuT|3 于 20-2-2005 04:31 PM  说 :
我现在是bowman....lvl 16...
我之前不知道要怎样add point..
现在只有str=15   dex=70
skill 也是....arrow blow 加了很多...double shot 却没加到...  : ...

不需要重玩. 如果你用bow, add str到 (5+lvl)的水平. 如果你用xbow, add str到 lvl的水平. Remain 的 point add to Dex.
Arrow blow不错la. 既然没有加DS, 可以继续使用arrow blow.

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-3-2005 09:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问一下各位使用弓箭手的前辈,在你们加了Amazon's Bless--3,Amazon's Eye--10,Critical Shot--20,Arrow Blow--1,Double Shot--20之后,你们会把剩下来的9点skill point加去Focus/Amazon's Bless呢?请问为什么呢?

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 楼主| 发表于 15-3-2005 05:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
elfin_bow 于 14-3-2005 09:47 PM  说 :
请问一下各位使用弓箭手的前辈,在你们加了Amazon's Bless--3,Amazon's Eye--10,Critical Shot--20,Arrow Blow--1,Double Shot--20之后,你们会把剩下来的9点skill point加去Focus/Amazon's Bless呢?请问为什么呢?


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