大家好,小弟在 Dec -2019 购买了二手condo,打算在 July-Aug 2020 可以入住。
可是因为疫情都问题,感觉很多东西都延迟了,直到现在 2020 快结束了,我还是没拿到房子。
原因是因为Jbt Insolvensi还没有帮我处理 MOT & Consent。
以下是我方律师发给我都信息 (八月份收到的信息)
I have just follow up with Jbt Insolvensi. For those doc that has forwarded on July 2020, they still haven't proceed with the execution of MOT & Consent. They are in the midst to settle for those doc that has forwarded on end of May and Jun 2020