


楼主: Veron87

【W 東方神起★★★★★】MYJYJ ~~大米珉珉加油! T_T

发表于 4-12-2010 06:30 PM | 显示全部楼层

自己rename啊 XDDDD

小俊啊~~~bangun bangun!!!


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发表于 4-12-2010 06:59 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 4-12-2010 07:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 7702# 毛毛虫的妹妹

很久没有上来看看了回主题 感觉是人家画上去的

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 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2010 08:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Veron87 于 4-12-2010 09:08 PM 编辑
毛毛虫的妹妹 发表于 4-12-2010 06:59 PM

   fans edit 的~因为之前俊秀的发色很红~ fans 把俊秀的头edit 成一粒苹果

Mission ~ 刚刚看视频~ 完全吓到了!! 节奏好快!!
金在中 朴大米 一定下了很大的努力才跳得出来!!!!


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发表于 4-12-2010 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
毛毛虫的妹妹 发表于 4-12-2010 06:59 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 5-12-2010 12:31 AM | 显示全部楼层

mjjeje Kim jae joong 전국투어 끝 ^^즐거웠다

mjjeje Kim jae joong 오늘은 집근처에서 혼자 소주한잔하고있는데..참 여러가지 생각이나네..즐겁고생복하고 슬프고 아픈생각들다..
今天在家附近一个人喝烧酒(Soju)了~ 有了很多想法啊~ 开心的,幸福的, 伤心的, 心痛的...

mjjeje Kim jae joong 주책인가봐..어서집에들어가야겠다 11시엔나가야하니까..
看来我傻了(因为有那种想法)~ 要快点回家了~ 因为 11点要出门了~

6002theMicky 6002 우리상호형!!!!아침부터 맛집!!! http://yfrog.com/4257ivj
我们的尚和(译音) 哥!!! 在一间美食店 开始的一天!

【V】6002theMicky 6002 아하~ http://yfrog.com/j74at0j Aha~~~~

0101xiahtic 김준수 @ @6002theMicky 유천아~어디야!!!! 有天啊~你在哪里!!!!!
(朴大米金在中~你们两个又跟建英出去了~~然后又丢下 俊秀不管了? XDDD)

mjjeje Kim jae joong 동네놀이터에서 노는 이웃남동생! http://yfrog.com/ne8h80j 在区(住宅区) 的游乐园玩耍的 弟弟们!

( 照片左边穿人字拖的是 朴大米, 右边的不是在在也不是俊秀~ 是 建英哥~ dancer 之一~~ )

【V】0101xiahtic 김준수 @ @mjjeje 미치겠다.....ㅋ 要疯了~呵呵~

6002theMicky 6002 산타노래!!!http://yfrog.com/gvdzb0j Santa Norae~
(据说 Norae 是狗狗的名字~~ Norae 在韩文是 "歌曲" 的意思)

6002theMicky 6002 항상 자기 자신보다..사람들을 챙겨주시는 우리성필이형....저보다 한참형인데...너무 고마워요http://yfrog.com/jvthf01j 比起自己, 总是先照顾别人的 Sungpil 哥~ 虽然你是我的哥~~ 真的很感谢啊!

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 楼主| 发表于 5-12-2010 03:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
[TRANS] 101201 Min Young Ki "Xiah Junsu Is Outstanding As A Musical Actor"
Musical star Min Young Ki(37), who has transformed into a ballad singer and released his album 'The 1st' on November 11th, has praised JYJ's Xiah Junsu by saying, "He's outstanding as a musical actor."

Min Young Ki recently had an interview with No Cut News and revealed his relationship with Xiah Junsu saying, "I was in the musical 'Mozart!' with Xiah Junsu," and added, "When I said I was releasing my album, Xiah Junsu sent me a congratulatory message."

On the backside of Min Young Ki's new album are congratulatory signatures from his fellow musical cast such as Song Chang Ui, Yoo Joon Sang, Eom Gi Joon and Ahn Jae Wook. Min Young Ki pointed out that, "The signature in the middle with no name is Xiah Junsu's," and "When news of my album came out, Xiah Junsu was in the US and he said that he had to buy the album when he got back to Korea."

As a senior to Xiah Junsu in the musical industry, Min Young Ki didn't hold back on his praise for Xiah Junsu's potential. He spoke highly of Xiah Junsu as he said, "I've seen many idol-turned-musical actors who were unable to immerse themselves into their roles, but Xiah Junsu was completely different from the rest. He would seem shy at times but when he stood on stage, he'd change completely and you could feel the passion coming from him. He's not the best idol star for nothing. His talent and potential is endless."

Source: [No Cut News+DNBN]
Translation credits: [email protected]
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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发表于 5-12-2010 05:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
[maid1226@blog] JYJ DVD Making - Junsu

[maid1226@blog] JYJ DVD Making - Ayyy Girl

[maid1226@blog] JYJ DVD Making - Junsu Shooting

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 楼主| 发表于 5-12-2010 10:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
Soar JYJ, we will become your wings!

We will be playing JYJ full songs for the fans.
Between 2:20 am and 10am, we will officially broadcast JYJ’s music that is now unable to be played on regular broadcasting networks.

Of course, both sides have problems… there are a lot of things they ought to say to each other.
However, for SM which has a representative Mr. Lee Soo Man, who was once a singer himself, to block songs of members that it has raised itself, no matter what the reason is, we see a huge problem with such action.

As once a singer himself, he ought to know music more than anyone, so for him to behave like this, we find it very hard to comprehend. On top of that he also in a position as a senior and a parent.

As such, Radio 21 will present to you unlimited repeat of JYJ songs, that have not been able to be played officially before, until 10 o’clock in the morning.

Also from now on, we promise that as long as there are requests from listeners, we will play JYJ songs in all our programs at anytime.

Participating in this activity itself is giving power.

And we have made a new category for this. Fans please make a title for the category. … for now, we are temporarily calling it “with JYJ”.

Radio 21 has until now did our best to minimize broadcasting J-Pop.
However JYJ’s J-Pop is something to be proud of.
Sure enough we want to always present to you JYJ’s J-Pop.
Though we are inadequate, from here onwards Radio21 wants to be of assistance to help guarding everyone’s JYJ.

credit: Radio 21
trans: Starfield@sharingyoochun

http://www.fmradiostationz.com/k ... ://www.114la.com/?u

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 楼主| 发表于 6-12-2010 09:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
*Telisha 是 黑人姐姐 dancer~

[EXCLUSIVE] DBSKnights Interviews JYJ Dancer Telisha Shaw

Interview by
Rachel (MrCKDexter)
Photos by
Anthony Cabaero

Touring with JYJ in America and performing in the JYJ Worldwide Showcase in Seoul has turned dancer Telisha Shaw into an enthusiastic new Cassie.

Only two days after her return to LA, still slightly jet-lagged, Telisha agreed to a phone interview with DBSKnights. She was excited to share about her experience with Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu (whom she called "JJ, Micky and Jun". In the past, Telisha has also danced with artists such as Janet Jackson, Christina Aguilera, and Green Day. But her experience is not limited to dancing, her "first love". Telisha has also acted in television shows Weeds and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and in the Hollywood film Step Up 2; The Streets as Felicia.
DBSKnights: So how did you get involved with JYJ?

Telisha Shaw: I knew of an acquaintance out here in LA that I had worked with before and he randomly gave me a call and asked if I knew anyone that could choreograph for this new group that they were working with. I immediately thought of Jeri (Slaughter). Based on our friendship and his repertoire, I figured he’d be a perfect fit especially because it involved the artist dancing. ... I suggested him for the job and everything worked out. ... [JYJ's management] fell in love with him. And after Jeri came aboard, he brought me on as a dancer. ... Pretty quick process! (laughs)

As the JYJ trio were busy in Korea, Jeri Slaughter sent them footage of the choreography to learn. At the same time, the dancers started rehearsals in LA.  A few days before the New York concert on November 12th, they finally all met in a studio in New York.

Telisha: That’s when we learned the power of their work ethic. 'Cause usually when you send an artist material, 9 times out of 10 they really don’t go over it or they come in and you can tell they have no idea what’s going on. [JYJ] knew things better than we did. They were correcting us. I remember one day Jun came in and started going like, “No, that part goes here” and we were like “Are you kidding?” (laughs)

From the getgo, Telisha Shaw knew this experience would be extraordinary. "It was just like an establishment of a little family – the JYJ family. We had heard how amazing they are to work for ... but instantaneously when they walked in the room, it all set in." On November 15th, she tweeted "Thank you God/Universe...thus far this is the best gig I've ever had." DBSKnights asked her what made it one of the best gigs:

Telisha: It’s really rare that you get a total package from the artist where a) they act real in front of you, b) they’re not afraid for you to shine around them and just other variables that you really just don’t encounter.
As a whole, from top to bottom, I’ve never worked on a job where there was so much good energy. There was not one negative person or a weak link. Even when people were tired or even, you know, having one of those days where you’re just messing up, there was always this camaraderie, this support.
I’ve danced with Janet (Jackson) in the past, and in all honesty, that was a very high bar. Because of her work ethic and her just being an amazingly nice person. And surprisingly, it got topped. I never thought it would get topped and it did by this experience.

Telisha explained that before October, she didn't know anything about of K-pop and didn't realize how deeply rooted the K-pop fandom is. When the the US tour began, Telisha and the other dancers were shocked by the turnout. 'When we were in New York, we all had friends and family coming to the show and [they] were just like, “Um, the line is a couple of avenues long.” I was like, “No way, you’re exaggerating.”'

Thus followed the whirlwind tour through New York, Vegas and Los Angeles. Directly after the show at the Galen Center in LA, Telisha and the JYJ dancers hopped on a plane for Seoul. (We showered in the USC locker room and then got on the plane. I was like “Whoa, this is so rockstar!” (laughs). Then in Seoul, they began rehearsals for the two day finale on November 27th and 28th.

Telisha: On our first day, JJ lost his voice so everybody was kind of nervous about that. Everybody was getting sick cause you just get so run down. I don’t know if people understood this but the show that Jeri put on in Seoul with his team at Slaughterhouse - usually a show like that takes two months to rehearse. We had nine days to do it together. We knew some of the material just from the US shows but we had brought in additional cast members so that’s teaching them, learning the (new) material and we did all of it in nine days.

In addition to the time crunch, the production was plagued by bad weather. Although the Jamsil Olympic Stadium was covered by a canvas roof for the JYJ concert, the roof was torn and had to be taken down because of snow and hail early in the morning on the 27th. Both the performers and the fans were exposed to the elements.

Telisha: When we rehearsed outside, I had on three pairs of leggings, some tights, three shirts and a down vest. ... To go from that to literally a bustier, leggings, a small skirt and some boots (for the show) and to stand there during the intro - I was like “Oh my God!” There’s ice on the steps, there’s snow on the ground.
When we came off stage, you know, you try to find a portable heater just to warm up a little bit. It came to a point where I couldn't feel my fingers one time. But you just keep going and try to do the best show ever.

Telisha and the JYJ dancers were very impressed by the fans who attended the showcase in Seoul.“This is really fandom right here. Because the fans were like, 'I'm freezing and I'm sitting here watching this entire show.' They were definitely troopers."

DBSKnights: Was there a difference between fans in America and fans in Korea?

Telisha: No, not really. As a whole, their fans are consistent. Whether it’s two thousand or twenty thousand, you’re still going to get that intensity regardless of if it’s in America (or Korea). ... As far as the intensity, and the pride of being a Cassie, there was no difference to me. Across the board, it's a strong support system and I know [the fans] traveled and came from all walks of life. It was amazing to see.

DBSKnights: What was Thanksgiving like in Seoul?

Telisha: It was kind of unexpected. We just walked in. … It was one of those days where we were like, “Is it Thanksgiving here or back home?” We couldn’t figure it out. And finally I was like, “Oh no, it’s Thanksgiving here.” They had taken care of us, getting a turkey – I have no idea where they got this turkey from! We had a pretty nice Thanksgiving dinner.
Jun was teaching us magic tricks backstage. He’s really good with cards and sleight of hand! We were just cracking up, like, “Oh my god!” We couldn’t figure it out. (laughs)

DBSKnights: From your tweets, it sounded like Junsu hung out with the dancers more. Was that the case?

Telisha: JJ and Jun hung out with us the most. ... Micky is amazing at disappearing. (被逮到咯)Like literally, you could be in a full on conversation and see him across the room and you look again and “Where’d Micky go? Did you see Micky? Where’d he go?” (laughs) He’s so good at vanishing! It’s like he evaporates. I remember at the after party, he did it again. We were just like, “Have you seen Micky? Okay. Wow. He’s gone.”
Definitely Jun hung out with us and so did JJ. JJ was super playful, getting on the aerialist ring and goofing off. It was super funny! (laughs) ... They were just amazing people, amazing guys to work with. Really deserving of everything that they get.

One of Telisha's favorite foods is kimchi, and when the JYJ boys discovered this, they teased her. "They thought I was kidding. But no, I really love this stuff! So every time they came out, they were like, “Teli!” – which cracks me up that they call me by my nickname – and they were like “I see you! Stop eating everybody’s food!” (laughs)"(喂~你们很坏 )

Telisha talked briefly about the JYJ boys learning English and I was struck by her great respect from them as artists. "I think it’s an extension of them communicating with their fans and having their music come across more clearly to a wider audience," she told DBSKnights. "I think it has to have been hard. … When it comes to verbalizing and expressing yourself, to not be able to – I know sometimes they were getting, you know, a little frustrated because they couldn’t express themselves. That’s what they are, they’re vocalists. But I can definitely see them learning English even better because it will give them another channel for them to reach people with their music.

*不够放~to be continued~

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 楼主| 发表于 6-12-2010 09:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
DBSKnights: Any final words for the fans of JYJ?

Telisha: For JYJ fans, I want to thank them for welcoming me and being such an amazing support group for the boys. They’re really amazing people and really amazing artists to work with. I can’t wait to do it again. I can’t wait to see everybody’s faces again. … I’m so overwhelmed and so overjoyed by the support that they get. And I think it’s really amazing. I loved it, I really did. And I can’t wait to experience it again.

Telisha says, "I’m super geeked to be a newfound Cassie now and so excited that everybody accepted me so well!"

Please welcome her at @telishashaw. This December, Telisha will be going in to the recording studio to record with Justin Timberlake's artist Free Sol. We look forward to seeing much more from you, Telisha!

从别人口中知道 男人们是多么努力多么棒 那种感觉真的很好~~ 又想哭又想笑
Telisha, 欢迎你!!!!

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发表于 6-12-2010 04:56 PM | 显示全部楼层

[DVD] JYJ - Making of THE BEGINNING YUCHUN Photoshoot

JYJ The Beginning DVD ♥ Album Jacket Photoshoot

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发表于 6-12-2010 06:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
101128 JYJ 콘서트 - I.D.S (재&#51473

[FANCAM] 112810 JYJinSeoul - Don't cry Junsu TT_TT

[FANCAM] 112810 JYJinSeoul - Be My Girl (Junsu Focus)

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发表于 6-12-2010 11:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雷丘儿 于 6-12-2010 11:08 PM 编辑


空闲时陪陪猫咪玩,跟朋友聚会, 喝酒聊天~~~


还在twitter reply我~~~

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发表于 7-12-2010 01:19 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2010 12:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
[TRANS] 101207 First Broadcast Of JYJ's Music In Korea - Explosion Of Popularity Creates Interest
The new album by Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun and Kim Junsu (henceforth known as JYJ), which cannot be heard on any station previously, was aired on the special broadcast by Radio 21 last weekend, and this has caused countless download hits after the broadcast, showing an explosion of popularity.

Due to the lawsuit with SM Entertainment (henceforth known as SM), this album cannot be broadcasted normally on the radio stations so the fans can only listen and spread the word (about the album) through the Internet.

During the interview today, reporter Kim said, "All these songs were not heard on air after the album was released; not on a single station" and "listening to their music through Radio 21 was the first time that their songs were aired in Korea, hence it received a lot of attention."

Having heard about the issue of the broadcast, Jaejoong wrote a message on his Twitter, "Thank you Radio 21", and after hearing the news, many of JYJ's fans flooded the Radio 21 special bulletin board to express their gratitude, leaving messages like "I see hope in Korean broadcasts!" and "Thank you!", as well as many other messages left in Korean, Japanese and Chinese.

Source: [hey!jj]
Translation credits: [email protected]
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2010 12:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
虽然之前就知道 男人们很辛苦~ 但是再看多一次~还是一样心疼~觉得不可思议~~
SM 真的让他们搭飞机好像搭巴士那样~ 如果过海关的时候都是同一个 官员在检查的话应该会觉得很奇怪
如果这场官司JYJ 能够胜利然后SM 被判必须要 更改合约~ 那代表 浩浩和珉珉的合约也能够获得改善~
这就已经足够了~ 东方神起 什么的~ 我放在心里 回忆珍藏就够了

1. 前言
2. 和SM的合约纠纷案例1
3. 和SM的合约纠纷案例2
4. 按sm说的,东方神起是在假借“人权”和“奴隶合约”来混淆视听吗
5. 干得很辛苦,但拿不到工资的职员
6. 一层不变的 SM
7. 谁是可以信赖的?
8. 以卵击石,期待弱者可以胜利的世界到来…







首尔中央地方法院 民事调停32部在2006年10月11号判:刘民浩和SM的专属合约是“过分侵害了原告(刘民浩)的经济活动自由,违反民法103条,属无效”。法院的主要判断如下:


2. 专属合约中规定的损失赔偿金过多,对原告造成过大的经济负担。存在哪怕原告不愿意也必须履行合约的强制目的。而与此相反,对于被告(sm)的违反合约行为没有做任何的损失赔偿规定。也就是说,被告(sm)可以随时解除合约关系。专属合约中,原告(艺人)和被告(sm)的权利和义务严重失衡。

3. 对演艺产业来说,培养一个新人需要很多的经费、时间,而且存在新人中仅一部分才能成功的风险,但是,一旦成功就能带来非常高的收益,况且投资风险由投资者(公司)来承担也是原则。因此判断,上述理由不能使长期的合约期限和过多的损失赔偿变得正当。

4. 有关合约期限和损失赔偿的规定,属于本专属合约的核心内容,因此认为该合约全部无效。

2006年10月11号法院判刘民浩胜诉后,SM提出了抗诉,但2007年6月13号,刘民浩接受了调停申请,和SM达成了如下和解:1. 原告(刘民浩)取消诉讼,被告(SM)对此同意2. 原告(刘民浩)确认与被告签订的2003.1.3的专属合约是有效的3. 官司费用各自承担  1年6个月的法庭对决回到了原点。为什么?下面是首尔高法调停书中所附的刘民浩请求书的部分内容:




这里要说明“双重合约”问题。JYJ通过CJes在做韩国的活动。JYJ方面的说法是,CJes是agency性质,而10月份CJes的白社长亲自说过,他们是JYJ的agency。既然是agency,为什么会产生双重合约的误解呢?因为国内对agency还没有概念。模特儿、演员中存在agency概念,但对歌手来说,还不存在agency。JYJ是首次通过agency活动的歌手。正因为如此,甚至还没有歌手agency相关的法律条款。为让最初引入agency的JYJ和其他艺人更自由地进行演艺活动, “上头”的演艺相关人士需要用很长时间去解这一道题。



这是2009年的案例。5人男生组xing(星)成员3人和禹成贤对XING Entertainment公司(社长是SM前任社长)提出了专属合约无效的诉讼,法院判艺人胜诉。公司提出抗诉,组合xing一案,抗诉被驳回,而禹成贤一案,二审(高等法院)在进行中。


作为歌手的主要收入是专辑销量,原告(禹成贤)在实际销量超过50万张时,正规专辑可以拿5000万,单曲可以拿25000万。如果销量超过100万,正规专辑最多拿1亿,单曲最多拿5000万。被告(公司)可以不经原告(歌手)的同意发行演唱会专辑、精选集等2次编辑的专辑,且全部收入归被告(公司)所有。对于各种途径流通的音源和在海外市场制作发行的专辑,原告(歌手)可以分得净利的10%。根据上述内容认为 分配相关条款反社会的程度明显失去了公正性。判决书上明确地说这种不公正合约是无效的,并站在了艺人这一边。




SM 金英民 社长  在韩国、日本乃至亚洲最富盛名的东方神起,为什么会在那样的位置提出诉讼?自2004年出道至诉讼开始的2009年,东方神起的休息日总共才32天。2004年没有休息日,2005年也没有,2006年5天休息日,2007年1周,2008年和2009年是10天。


2008.12.26 东方神起 歌迷会 一天两场 出演musicbank节目直播
2008.12.27 东方神起出国

2008.12.28 录日本节目
2008.12.28 日本杂志拍摄
2008.12.28 东方神起回国
2008.12.28   SBS歌谣大典 彩排到 ~29号

2008.12.29 东方神起出国
2008.12.29 日本巡演练习
2008.12.29 日本杂志拍摄
2008.12.29 东方神起回国
2008.12.29   SBS歌谣大典

2008.12.30 东方神起出国
2008.12.30 日本杂志拍摄
2008.12.30 日本唱片大奖颁奖礼
2008.12.30 日本红白歌会 彩排
2008.12.30 日本musicjapan节目彩排

2008.12.31 日本musicjapan节目
2008.12.31 日本红白歌会 节目
2008.12.31 日本5小时半直播节目(PM 11:40~AM 5:00)~直到2009.01.01

2009.01.01 凌晨 日本电台节目
2009.01.01   3小时东方神起特辑 日本直播(AM 6:00~AM9:00)
2009.01.01   7小时直播日本节目
2009.01.01 东方神起回国
2009.01.01 韩国演唱会 会议

2009.01.02     东方神起出国


即使这样的工作量,东方神起的收入也没多少。日本活动的收入,先是日本公司avex和SM的日本分公司sm japan分,然后通过韩国SM再分给东方神起。到底给他们分多少?谁也不知道。但看了东方神起的韩国合约书后,他们到底能不能拿到那笔收入也产生了疑问。

东方神起专属合约内容   略。




东方神起最近在日本发行的最后一张best专辑,销量达到56万张,测算的收入在500亿以上。这是用一张专辑获得的收入。包括所有日本歌手,东方神起的年销售额排名第三,2009年的专辑+单曲收入达到900亿。加上演唱会+周边商品,东方神起2009年在日本的收入大概在1300-1500亿。2010年 JYJ在日本的一个月活动期间的收入在300亿以上。东方神起是2008、2009年在韩国歌手中销售额排名第一位的歌手,而他们本人的收入却少到可怜。他们提出诉讼的时候还笑他们是吃饱了撑的,了解之后才知道,东方神起真的“可怜”。

(六) 一层不变的 SM

如果是对青春偶像、歌坛有点关心的人都会知道H.O.T.和神话。两个组合都是在SM当练习生之后出道当了歌手。但目前,他们不是解散就是已经离开了SM。H.O.T.在出道第五年解散,离开SM的3人重组JTL发表了“被耍的孩子们”   <被耍的孩子们> 作词作曲 张佑赫歌词:见下面链接7楼http://tieba.baidu.com/f?ct=335675392&tn=baiduPostBrowser&sc=7649841294&z=727711992&pn=0&rn=30&lm=0&word=micky%D3%D0%CC%EC#7649841294

离开SM不久,神话ERIC唱了Make$。<Make$> 作词作曲ERIC、李珉宇

JYJ在这次首尔演唱会上公开了新歌“PIERROT(小丑)”   < PIERROT> 作词 作曲JYJ歌词:见下面链接3楼http://tieba.baidu.com/f?ct=335675392&tn=baiduPostBrowser&sc=10421214753&z=944313081#10421214753

东方神起3人打官司的消息传出来后,为他们加油的也是曾在SM公司的H.O.T.张佑赫和神话的金烔完。他们在个人网页留言应援东方神起。张佑赫甚至把网页BGM换成了   <被耍的孩子们>。



To Be Continued~

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2010 12:59 PM | 显示全部楼层





使用道具 举报

发表于 7-12-2010 03:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 tvxq85 于 7-12-2010 03:54 PM 编辑


[音频][JYJ 1127首尔CON新歌Mission音频][115] [暂不过期]


JYJ]JYJ101127.101128首尔演唱会 CONCERT MAKING DVD完整版

使用道具 举报

发表于 8-12-2010 12:41 AM | 显示全部楼层

[音频][JYJ 1127首尔CON新歌Mission音频][115] [暂不 ...
tvxq85 发表于 7-12-2010 03:32 PM

而且還一樣是我要的那個視頻的audio timm

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