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英语面试有听没有懂?快学起这50道常见的English Interview Questions!

发表于 19-10-2017 09:00 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

经常出现的情况是,你压根听不懂面试官在问啥,然后尴尬地笑笑或讲些9不搭8的东西......OMG failed!



1. What are your strengths? (你的优点是什么?)
2. What are your weaknesses? (你的缺点是什么?)
3. Why are you interested in working for [insert company name here]? (为什么你想在XXX公司工作?)
4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? (你的5年和10年规划是什么?)
5. Why do you want to leave your current company? (为什么要离开目前就职的公司?)
6. Why was there a gap in your employment between [insert date] and [insert date]? (为什么你的工作 A 和工作 B之间有间隔一段时间?)
7. What can you offer us that someone else can not? (你能为我们贡献什么是别人所不能的?)
8. What are three things your former manager would like you to improve on? (讲出3样你的前经理会要你改进的地方。)
9. Are you willing to relocate? (你能接受被调职吗?)
10. Are you willing to travel? (你愿意出外公干吗?)
11. Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of. (分享最值得你骄傲的成就。)
12. Tell me about a time you made a mistake. (分享你曾经犯下的错误。)
13. What is your dream job? (你的理想工作是?)
14. How did you hear about this position? (你如何得知这个职位?)
15. What would you look to accomplish in the first 30 days/60 days/90 days on the job? (你想在工作的首30天、60天和90天完成些什么?)
16. Discuss your resume. (分享一下你的履历表。)
17. Discuss your educational background. (分享一下你的学术背景)
18. Describe yourself. (形容一下你自己。)
19. Tell me how you handled a difficult situation. (遇到困境时,你如何处理?)
20. Why should we hire you? (为什么我们要雇用你?)
21. Why are you looking for a new job? (你为何寻找新工作?)
22. Would you work holidays/weekends? (假期和周末你会工作吗?)
23. How would you deal with an angry or irate customer? (遇到生气的顾客,你会如何处理?)
24. What are your salary requirements? (你的薪水要求是多少?)
25. Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project. (分享一个你曾经完成并超出要求的工作项目。)
26. Who are our competitors? (你的竞争者是谁?)
27. What was your biggest failure? (你最大的失败是什么?)
28. What motivates you? (什么让你有动力?)
29. What’s your availability? (如果加入我们公司,你几时可以上班?)
30. Who’s your mentor? (谁是你的导师?)
31. Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss. (分享一个你不同意老板决策的案例)
32. How do you handle pressure? (你如何处理压力?)
33. What is the name of our CEO? (我们的行政总裁是谁?)
34. What are your career goals? (你的职业目标是什么?)
35. What gets you up in the morning? (你今早起床的动力是什么?)
36. What would your direct reports say about you? (你的直属上司怎么看你?)
37. What were your bosses’ strengths/weaknesses? (你的前老板的优点和缺点是什么?)
38. If I called your boss right now and asked him what is an area that you could improve on, what would he say? (如果我现在致电你的老板,问他你有什么地方需要改进,你觉得他会说什么?)
39. Are you a leader or a follower? (你是领导者还是跟随者?)
40. What was the last book you’ve read for fun? (你上一次休闲时阅读的书籍是什么?)
41. What are your co-worker pet peeves? (你的同事有什么令人讨厌的地方?)
42. What are your hobbies? (你的爱好是什么?)
43. What is your favorite website? (你最爱的网站是什么?)
44. What makes you uncomfortable?  (什么会让你感到不适?)
45. What are some of your leadership experiences? (分享你的领导经验)
46. How would you fire someone? (你如何解雇一个人?)
47. What do you like the most and least about working in this industry? (在这领域工作,你最喜欢和最讨厌的东西是什么?)
48. Would you work 40+ hours a week? (你会一周工作超过40小时吗?)
49. What questions haven’t I asked you? (我还有什么问题没问你的吗?)
50. What questions do you have for me? (你还有什么问题想问吗?)



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发表于 19-10-2017 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 19-10-2017 10:40 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 9-11-2017 04:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
how to answer properly 如这问题都听不懂

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