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HoN超神英雄 (Heroes of Newerth) Clan Cari专属讨论区(Garena最新消息,3和4楼)

发表于 16-4-2010 11:50 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vincetee06 于 26-5-2010 06:04 PM 编辑


帮名: Cari
帮号: CARI
帮主: vincetee06

Hon账号                            佳礼账号

alexng                               万能的笨蛋
artcreator                           artcreator
BetterTN                            (未知)
blood1229                          blood95
Freakass                            a13c991
Js`MY                                一号
koko`                                (一号的朋友)
zozo`                                (koko`的朋友)
No_Porn                             (保密)
ProVT                                lolroyal
zZzjustinzZz                      HiBiKi1314
vincetee06                         vincetee06
locust123                           江夏
JasonHew                          傲气长存
CuatroEspada                     张君宝
Aaluda                              Aluda
AludaDY                            (Aluda的哥哥)
Kriptonian                         panda~cub
clivil                                 (万能的笨蛋的表哥)
Skinguy                            甲洞四大才子
andystanza                       (未知)
JxSlayerxJ                         JxSonOfGoDxJ
MaXPlus2                          alex5921
piggy_noob                       XiiaO_Yew
sniderkeith                       sniderkeith
Ahmuk                              (张君宝的弟弟)
cmjohncheng                     cmjohncheng
jesse05300                       (未知)
jojofans                            wirefreak
Lawrence22                       Lawrence22
earolmo                            earolmo
horddy                              grandlethal
bamb0o                            (grandlethal的朋友)
T1027                               deniedyong
X3vilHeroX                        X3vilheroX
anthony009                       anthony009
YouAreBibu                       (未知)
tsutsuki                            (未知)
litlit                                 (未知)
PillowKid                           痕夺金
_Yew_                              _Yew_
lcn1998                            LCN1998


1, 在游戏里,不能做leaver,除非有突发事件或特别原因。
2, 不许吵架,和气交流,才能解决问题。
3, 无论游戏输赢,不许挑衅对方或队友。
4, 不许骂队友nxxb,无论老玩家,新玩家,大家互相扶持,培养默契,帮才会健康成长。
5, 不准用看图 (maphack) 或使用第三方软件玩cheat。
6, 遵守以上条规,初犯警告,再犯,逐出门户!

1, 请那些还是“未知”的玩家,告诉我你的佳礼账号,我好更新。
2, 这是属于大家的帮,我希望大家能一起搞好它,以上的帮规只是我暂时能想到的,有意见可以再加或删。
3, 所有想聚集在一起玩的佳礼玩家们,可以到频道: clan cari  ( 在聊天条里输入  /join clan cari) 里找我们,欢迎大家~

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2010 12:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vincetee06 于 13-5-2010 04:31 AM 编辑

Clan Cari Stat Overview ( 从四月十六号至五月十三号午夜四点,公测结束)

Total Games Played      : 5083
Total Wins                   : 2795
Total Losses                : 2288
Total Hero kills             : 28,484
Total Player Death        : 25,791
Total Assists                : 40,002
Total Denied                : 31,330
Total XP                      : 91,845,400
CAI                             : 3677
Total Member               : 46
Avg Psr                        : 1584
Avg Kills                      : 13.46
Avg Deaths                  : 12.19
Avg Assists                  : 18.19
Avg Denies                   : 14.81
Avg K/D/A                    : 1.11/1/1.55

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2010 12:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vincetee06 于 19-5-2010 08:41 AM 编辑

Hon coming to Garena for chosen Asian countries, completely Free to Play

We are very pleased to  announce an official partnership with S2 Games to publish Heroes of Newerth in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and the  Philippines!

Heroes of Newerth is  a multiplayer strategy game where two teams of up to five players each  take a role of a special Hero. Each Hero has their own unique set of  skills to complement other allied heroes along with AI-controlled armies   with the objective to destroy the opponent team’s base. Game progression   entails leveling up of heroes and gaining gold bounty to be able to  equip the Heroes with items to make them more powerful.

Some of the unique  features  of Heroes of Newerth include the following:

  • Dozens of playable Hero characters,    over 100 items as well as regular content updates
  • Client/Server Architecture    eliminates lag, cheats and map hacking
  • Leaver protection system prevents    “leavers” from joining your games
  • Quick reconnect feature allows    you to jump right back into the game should you get disconnected
  • In-game VOIP for fast and    easy communication with teammates
  • Game archives and replay support    for all games played on official servers (players can rewind, slow  down,    fast forward, and otherwise pinpoint the exact part of a match that    they wish to view)
  • Built upon the proprietary    K2 engine to deliver enhanced graphics while maintaining low system    specs

We are happy to reveal  that Heroes of Newerth under Garena will be completely free-to-play  which means that gamers from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and the  Philippines  do not need to purchase paid accounts to enjoy the game.

We will be going Beta  Testing Phase by the end of May. Garena Gold Members will be offered  a chance to redeem a Beta Key immediately, while other beta keys will  be given away through other community efforts.

We will have more updates   regarding Heroes of Newerth for you very soon, so stay turned to the  Garena Blog (http://blog.garena.com)  and don’t forget to visit our  official Heroes of Newerth website at http://hon.garena.com.


  • What is Heroes of Newerth?

    Heroes of Newerth  is a multiplayer strategic battle area game made by S2 Games based on  Defense of the Ancients, commonly known as DotA.

  • Who can play on the Garena    Heroes of Newerth servers?

    Only gamers based  in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines can play on Garena  HoN Servers. Other countries in Asia such as Indonesia, Thailand or  Taiwan will not be able to access Garena servers.

  • When can I start playing HoN    on Garena?

    We are tentatively  targeting to launch the Garena HoN Beta Testing Phase by the end of  May.

  • I used to play on the HoN    US Server during beta, can I still retain my account and stats?

    Garena is setting  up new dedicated servers to offer our gamers an even better gaming  experience,  so you will need to sign up for a brand new account to enjoy the  service.  Unfortunately, due to this, we are unable to port over your accounts  from HoN US servers.

  • Do I have to pay or buy anything    to play HoN on Garena?

    No, nothing at all!  As mentioned above, HoN on Garena will be completely free to play. You would not need to purchase a paid account  to play the game.

  • Is there any difference in    gameplay, heroes or items between HoN Garena and the US Server?

    No, everything about  the game is the same. All heroes and items will be completely available  for Garena users.

  • I am a Garena Gold Member,    what benefits do I get in HoN?

    Garena Gold Members  will be offered a chance to redeem a Beta Key during the Beta Testing  Phase for Heroes of Newerth. Gold Members also enjoy a special Gold  Shield status in game.

  • I am a gamer in one of the    four countries under Garena for HoN and I have already pre-purchased    HoN from S2 Games, what should I do now?

    We are presently  working with S2 Games on the transition plan for gamers who have  pre-purchased  HoN from S2. Please send an email to
    [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
    with your HoN account name if you have  pre-purchased  a paid account and we will email you with further details shortly.


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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2010 12:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vincetee06 于 19-5-2010 08:46 AM 编辑

Q & A

Q: I still have 3 Beta Keys from my US server account... can I still Use it?

A: Beta Keys from US Server account aren't the same as the Garena one, so they can't be used in our servers.

Q: how can i get a beta key for HoN if iam a gold member?

A: Once our beta servers are ready, we will announce how to redeem a beta key in our blog. Gold Members can redeem a beta key for free immediately. Please note that our closed beta test will only run for a couple of weeks, after this, beta keys ARE NOT NEEDED to play the actual game. HoN will be a free to play game after the beta - without the need of Gold Membership.

Q: Do I need to have gold member in order to have a beta key in Garena for playing HON?

A: To be assured of a Beta Key, it's recommended to be a Gold Member as each Gold Member can redeem a key as soon as the closed beta is launched. This is to maintain the number of people in the servers during the initial test. Once the closed beta test is over, anyone can play without the need of any purchase or gold membership.

Q:  how about our accounts in HoN? will it be deleted or is it gonna be migrated by Garena? was worried cause i had an account that has the same username on HoN and Garena.

A: Unfortunately, we are not able to migrate characters into Garena. You can create new usernames in the Garena HoN server. Usernames in HoN are unique from Garena usernames (meaning you can have different HoN username than your Garena username)

Q: i ordy send my pre-purchased Hon AC to  [email protected] This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  why no reply my email?

A: Please be assured that we have received your email. We are still in works with S2 Games to come up with a solution for this situation.

Q:we need beta key to register? Sorry i'm poor not enought money to afford gold member and I want to have 11 beta keys, 10 for my members, and 1 more my own.

A: We know you are all excited to have you and your friends play. But we are unable to give away more keys to people who ask. However, our beta testing phase will be short - just to test the stability of the servers. After this, even people w/o gold member can come in and play!



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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2010 12:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vincetee06 于 17-4-2010 12:17 AM 编辑

感谢江夏大大提醒 ^^ 你几时上线?过来频道,我加你进帮。

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发表于 17-4-2010 12:35 AM | 显示全部楼层

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Follow Us
发表于 17-4-2010 01:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 6# 萬能的笨蛋


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发表于 17-4-2010 01:10 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2010 01:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 8# earolmo


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发表于 17-4-2010 01:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lolroyal 于 17-4-2010 01:46 AM 编辑

回复 8# earolmo


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发表于 17-4-2010 01:54 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2010 01:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
earolmo 发表于 17-4-2010 01:54 AM


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发表于 17-4-2010 08:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
id: beam_yew

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发表于 17-4-2010 08:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
ps: beam_yew cari member 想进党

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发表于 17-4-2010 09:09 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 17-4-2010 10:17 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 17-4-2010 10:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
id: beam_yew
XiiaO_Yew 发表于 17-4-2010 08:08 AM


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发表于 17-4-2010 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
话说,傲气长存,你整晚都没上线,我都没法加你进帮 ...
vincetee06 发表于 17-4-2010 10:28 AM


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发表于 17-4-2010 11:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
等下一场好了~ ><

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发表于 17-4-2010 11:24 AM | 显示全部楼层
piggy_noob 让我进clan可以吗 TT

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